# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI="8" MY_PN=${PN^^} DESCRIPTION="Jisyo (dictionary) files for the SKK Japanese-input software" HOMEPAGE="http://openlab.ring.gr.jp/skk/dic.html" SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.xz https://dev.gentoo.org/~hattya/distfiles/${P}.tar.xz" LICENSE="CC-BY-SA-3.0 GPL-2+ public-domain unicode" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~sparc-solaris" IUSE="cdb" DEPEND="virtual/awk cdb? ( || ( dev-db/tinycdb dev-db/cdb ) )" RDEPEND="" DOCS=( ChangeLog{,.{1..3}} committers.md ) HTML_DOCS=( edict_doc.html ) src_prepare() { rm -f ${MY_PN}.{hukugougo,noregist,notes,pubdic+,requested,unannotated,*wrong*} default } cdb_make() { cdbmake "${1}" "${1}.tmp" } tinycdb_make() { cdb -c "${1}" } src_compile() { if use cdb; then local cdbmake=cdb_make f if has_version dev-db/tinycdb; then cdbmake=tinycdb_make fi for f in {,zipcode/}${MY_PN}.*; do LC_ALL=C awk ' /^[^;]/ { s = substr($0, index($0, " ") + 1) print "+" length($1) "," length(s) ":" $1 "->" s } END { print "" } ' ${f} | ${cdbmake} ${f}.cdb || die done fi } src_install() { insinto /usr/share/skk doins {,zipcode/}${MY_PN}.* einstalldocs docinto zipcode dodoc zipcode/README.md }