# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit flag-o-matic llvm pax-utils toolchain-funcs optfeature # correct versions for stdlibs are in deps/checksums # for everything else, run with network-sandbox and wait for the crash # 1.8.2 still sits on LLVM 13, bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/876184 MY_LLVM_V="13.0.0" LLVM_MAX_SLOT=13 DESCRIPTION="High-performance programming language for technical computing" HOMEPAGE="https://julialang.org/" SRC_URI="https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/releases/download/v${PV}/${P}-full.tar.gz" PATCHES=( ) # Huge thanks to Arch Linux developers for the patches. # Patches form version 1.8.0 also apply to 1.8.2. archlinux_uri="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/archlinux/svntogit-community/packages/julia/trunk/" archlinux_patches=( 074d761f.patch ed9851b0.patch julia-hardcoded-libs.patch julia-libunwind-1.6.patch julia-llvm-14.patch julia-system-cblas.patch make-install-no-build.patch ) for archlinux_patch in ${archlinux_patches[@]} ; do archlinux_patch_name="${PN}-1.8.0-${archlinux_patch}" SRC_URI+=" ${archlinux_uri}/${archlinux_patch} -> ${archlinux_patch_name} " PATCHES+=( "${DISTDIR}/${archlinux_patch_name}" ) done LICENSE="MIT" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="+system-llvm" RDEPEND=" system-llvm? ( sys-devel/llvm:13=[llvm_targets_NVPTX(-)] ) " RDEPEND+=" app-arch/p7zip dev-libs/gmp:0= dev-libs/libgit2:0 >=dev-libs/libpcre2-10.23:0=[jit,unicode] dev-libs/mpfr:0= >=dev-libs/libutf8proc-2.6.1:0=[-cjk] >=dev-util/patchelf-0.13 >=net-libs/mbedtls-2.2 net-misc/curl[http2,ssh] sci-libs/amd:0= sci-libs/arpack:0= sci-libs/camd:0= sci-libs/ccolamd:0= sci-libs/cholmod:0= sci-libs/colamd:0= sci-libs/fftw:3.0=[threads] sci-libs/openlibm:0= sci-libs/spqr:0= sci-libs/umfpack:0= >=sci-mathematics/dsfmt-2.2.4 >=sys-libs/libunwind-1.1:0= sys-libs/zlib:0= >=virtual/blas-3.6 virtual/lapack " DEPEND=" ${RDEPEND} virtual/pkgconfig !system-llvm? ( dev-util/cmake ) " pkg_setup() { use system-llvm && llvm_pkg_setup } src_unpack() { local tounpack=(${A}) # the main source tree, followed by deps unpack "${tounpack[0]}" mkdir -p "${S}/deps/srccache/" for i in "${tounpack[@]:1}"; do cp "${DISTDIR}/${i}" "${S}/deps/srccache/${i#julia-}" || die done } src_prepare() { default # Sledgehammer: # - prevent fetching of bundled stuff in compile and install phase # - respect CFLAGS # - respect EPREFIX and Gentoo specific paths sed -i \ -e "\|SHIPFLAGS :=|c\\SHIPFLAGS := ${CFLAGS}" \ Make.inc || die sed -i \ -e "s|ar -rcs|$(tc-getAR) -rcs|g" \ src/Makefile || die # disable doc install starting git fetching sed -i -e 's~install: $(build_depsbindir)/stringreplace $(BUILDROOT)/doc/_build/html/en/index.html~install: $(build_depsbindir)/stringreplace~' Makefile || die } src_configure() { # bug #855602 filter-lto use system-llvm && ewarn "You have enabled system-llvm. This is unsupported by upstream and may not work." # julia does not play well with the system versions of libuv # USE_SYSTEM_LIBM=0 implies using external openlibm cat <<-EOF > Make.user LOCALBASE:="${EPREFIX}/usr" override prefix:="${EPREFIX}/usr" override libdir:="\$(prefix)/$(get_libdir)" override CC:=$(tc-getCC) override CXX:=$(tc-getCXX) override AR:=$(tc-getAR) BUNDLE_DEBUG_LIBS:=0 USE_BINARYBUILDER:=0 USE_SYSTEM_CSL:=1 USE_SYSTEM_LLVM:=$(usex system-llvm 1 0) USE_SYSTEM_LIBUNWIND:=1 USE_SYSTEM_PCRE:=1 USE_SYSTEM_LIBM:=0 USE_SYSTEM_OPENLIBM:=1 USE_SYSTEM_DSFMT:=1 USE_SYSTEM_BLAS:=1 USE_SYSTEM_LAPACK:=1 USE_SYSTEM_LIBBLASTRAMPOLINE:=0 USE_SYSTEM_GMP:=1 USE_SYSTEM_MPFR:=1 USE_SYSTEM_LIBSUITESPARSE:=1 USE_SYSTEM_LIBUV:=0 USE_SYSTEM_UTF8PROC:=1 USE_SYSTEM_MBEDTLS:=1 USE_SYSTEM_LIBSSH2:=1 USE_SYSTEM_NGHTTP2:=1 USE_SYSTEM_CURL:=1 USE_SYSTEM_LIBGIT2:=1 USE_SYSTEM_PATCHELF:=1 USE_SYSTEM_ZLIB:=1 USE_SYSTEM_P7ZIP:=1 VERBOSE:=1 EOF } src_compile() { # Julia accesses /proc/self/mem on Linux addpredict /proc/self/mem default pax-mark m "$(file usr/bin/julia-* | awk -F : '/ELF/ {print $1}')" } src_install() { emake install DESTDIR="${D}" dodoc README.md if ! use system-llvm ; then local llvmslot=$(ver_cut 1 ${MY_LLVM_V}) cp "${S}/usr/lib/libLLVM-${llvmslot}jl.so" "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/julia/" || die fi mv "${ED}"/usr/etc/julia "${ED}"/etc || die rmdir "${ED}"/usr/etc || die mv "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/julia/html "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/"${PF}" || die rmdir "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/julia || die # The appdata directory is deprecated. mv "${ED}"/usr/share/{appdata,metainfo}/ || die } pkg_postinst() { optfeature "Julia Plots" sci-visualization/gr }