# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 USE_PHP="php7-4 php8-0 php8-1 php8-2" PHP_EXT_SAPIS="apache2 fpm" inherit php-ext-pecl-r3 DESCRIPTION="An extension to track progress of a file upload" LICENSE="PHP-3.01" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="examples" PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/php-debug-testfix.patch" ) RDEPEND=" php_targets_php7-4? ( || ( dev-lang/php:7.4[apache2(-),fileinfo(-)] dev-lang/php:7.4[fileinfo(-),fpm(-)] ) ) php_targets_php8-0? ( || ( dev-lang/php:8.0[apache2(-),fileinfo(-)] dev-lang/php:8.0[fileinfo(-),fpm(-)] ) ) php_targets_php8-1? ( || ( dev-lang/php:8.1[apache2(-),fileinfo(-)] dev-lang/php:8.1[fileinfo(-),fpm(-)] ) ) php_targets_php8-2? ( || ( dev-lang/php:8.2[apache2(-),fileinfo(-)] dev-lang/php:8.2[fileinfo(-),fpm(-)] ) ) "