# Copyright 2023 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2

# @ECLASS: pypi.eclass
# Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org>
# Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org>
# @BLURB: A helper eclass to generate PyPI source URIs
# The pypi.eclass can be used to easily obtain URLs for artifacts
# uploaded to PyPI.org.  When inherited, the eclass defaults SRC_URI
# and S to fetch .tar.gz sdist.  The project filename is normalized
# by default (unless PYPI_NO_NORMALIZE is set prior to inheriting
# the eclass), and the version is translated using
# pypi_translate_version.
# If necessary, SRC_URI and S can be overriden by the ebuild.  Two
# helper functions, pypi_sdist_url and pypi_wheel_url are provided
# to generate URLs to artifacts of specified type, with customizable
# URL components.  Additionally, pypi_wheel_name can be used to generate
# wheel filename.
# pypi_normalize_name can be used to normalize an arbitrary project name
# according to sdist/wheel normalization rules.  pypi_translate_version
# can be used to translate a Gentoo version string into its PEP 440
# equivalent.
# inherit pypi
# SRC_URI="$(pypi_sdist_url "${PN^}" "${PV}")"
# S=${WORKDIR}/${P^}

case ${EAPI} in
	7|8) ;;
	*) die "${ECLASS}: EAPI ${EAPI:-0} not supported" ;;

if [[ ! ${_PYPI_ECLASS} ]]; then

# When set to a non-empty value, disables project name normalization
# for the default SRC_URI and S values.

# @FUNCTION: pypi_normalize_name
# @USAGE: <name>
# Normalize the project name according to sdist/wheel normalization
# rules.  That is, convert to lowercase and replace runs of [._-]
# with a single underscore.
# Based on the spec, as of 2023-02-10:
# https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/#package-distribution-file-formats
pypi_normalize_name() {
	[[ ${#} -ne 1 ]] && die "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} <name>"

	local name=${1}
	local shopt_save=$(shopt -p extglob)
	shopt -s extglob
	echo "${name,,}"

# @FUNCTION: pypi_translate_version
# @USAGE: <version>
# Translate the specified Gentoo version into the usual Python
# counterpart.  Assumes PEP 440 versions.
# Note that we do not have clear counterparts for the epoch segment,
# nor for development release segment.
pypi_translate_version() {
	[[ ${#} -ne 1 ]] && die "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} <version>"

	local version=${1}
	echo "${version}"

# @FUNCTION: pypi_sdist_url
# @USAGE: [--no-normalize] [<project> [<version> [<suffix>]]]
# Output the URL to PyPI sdist for specified project/version tuple.
# The `--no-normalize` option disables project name normalization
# for sdist filename.  This may be necessary when dealing with distfiles
# generated using build systems that did not follow PEP 625
# (i.e. the sdist name contains uppercase letters, hyphens or dots).
# If <package> is unspecified, it defaults to ${PN}.  The package name
# is normalized according to the specification unless `--no-normalize`
# is passed.
# If <version> is unspecified, it defaults to ${PV} translated
# via pypi_translate_version.  If it is specified, then it is used
# verbatim (the function can be called explicitly to translate custom
# version number).
# If <format> is unspecified, it defaults to ".tar.gz".  Another valid
# value is ".zip" (please remember to add a BDEPEND on app-arch/unzip).
pypi_sdist_url() {
	local normalize=1
	if [[ ${1} == --no-normalize ]]; then

	if [[ ${#} -gt 3 ]]; then
		die "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} [--no-normalize] <project> [<version> [<suffix>]]"

	local project=${1-"${PN}"}
	local version=${2-"$(pypi_translate_version "${PV}")"}
	local suffix=${3-.tar.gz}
	local fn_project=${project}
	[[ ${normalize} ]] && fn_project=$(pypi_normalize_name "${project}")
	printf "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/%s" \

# @FUNCTION: pypi_wheel_name
# @USAGE: [<project> [<version> [<python-tag> [<abi-platform-tag>]]]]
# Output the wheel filename for the specified project/version tuple.
# If <package> is unspecified, it defaults to ${PN}.  The package name
# is normalized according to the wheel specification.
# If <version> is unspecified, it defaults to ${PV} translated
# via pypi_translate_version.  If it is specified, then it is used
# verbatim (the function can be called explicitly to translate custom
# version number).
# If <python-tag> is unspecified, it defaults to "py3".  It can also be
# "py2.py3", or a specific version in case of non-pure wheels.
# If <abi-platform-tag> is unspecified, it defaults to "none-any".
# You need to specify the correct value for non-pure wheels,
# e.g. "abi3-linux_x86_64".
pypi_wheel_name() {
	if [[ ${#} -gt 4 ]]; then
		die "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} <project> [<version> [<python-tag> [<abi-platform-tag>]]]"

	local project=$(pypi_normalize_name "${1-"${PN}"}")
	local version=${2-"$(pypi_translate_version "${PV}")"}
	local pytag=${3-py3}
	local abitag=${4-none-any}
	echo "${project}-${version}-${pytag}-${abitag}.whl"

# @FUNCTION: pypi_wheel_url
# @USAGE: [--unpack] [<project> [<version> [<python-tag> [<abi-platform-tag>]]]]
# Output the URL to PyPI wheel for specified project/version tuple.
# The `--unpack` option causes a SRC_URI with an arrow operator to
# be generated, that adds a .zip suffix to the fetched distfile,
# so that it is unpacked in default src_unpack().  Note that
# the wheel contents will be unpacked straight into ${WORKDIR}.
# You need to add a BDEPEND on app-arch/unzip.
# If <package> is unspecified, it defaults to ${PN}.
# If <version> is unspecified, it defaults to ${PV} translated
# via pypi_translate_version.  If it is specified, then it is used
# verbatim (the function can be called explicitly to translate custom
# version number).
# If <python-tag> is unspecified, it defaults to "py3".  It can also be
# "py2.py3", or a specific version in case of non-pure wheels.
# If <abi-platform-tag> is unspecified, it defaults to "none-any".
# You need to specify the correct value for non-pure wheels,
# e.g. "abi3-linux_x86_64".
pypi_wheel_url() {
	local unpack=
	if [[ ${1} == --unpack ]]; then

	if [[ ${#} -gt 4 ]]; then
		die "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} [--unpack] <project> [<version> [<python-tag> [<abi-platform-tag>]]]"

	local filename=$(pypi_wheel_name "${@}")
	local project=${1-"${PN}"}
	local version=${2-"$(pypi_translate_version "${PV}")"}
	local pytag=${3-py3}
	printf "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/%s" \

	if [[ ${unpack} ]]; then
		echo " -> ${filename}.zip"

if [[ ${PYPI_NO_NORMALIZE} ]]; then
	SRC_URI="$(pypi_sdist_url --no-normalize)"
	S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-$(pypi_translate_version "${PV}")"
	S="${WORKDIR}/$(pypi_normalize_name "${PN}")-$(pypi_translate_version "${PV}")"
