# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # Andreas K. Hüttel (2020-09-20) # Binary-only with no x32 support app-office/libreoffice-bin app-office/libreoffice-bin-debug # Ben Kohler (2020-08-12) # Breaks several portage features, see bug 736904 =sys-libs/glibc-2.31-r6 # Marek Szuba (2020-05-08) # Requires sys-cluster/ceph, which is masked in this profile as well # (see below) net-libs/xrootd-ceph # Hasan ÇALIŞIR (2019-10-28) # requires net-libs/nodejs | sys-apps/yarn >=net-analyzer/greenbone-security-assistant-8.0.1 net-analyzer/gvm # Marek Szuba (2019-07-26) # Binary-only package with no x32 support dev-libs/amdgpu-pro-opencl # Thomas Deutschmann (2018-10-23) # requires net-libs/nodejs >=www-client/firefox-63.0 >=mail-client/thunderbird-68.0 # Patrick McLean (2018-07-12) # requires nodejs >=sys-cluster/ceph-13 # Michał Górny (2018-04-15) # Broken multilib dependencies. net-im/mattermost-desktop-bin net-im/skypeforlinux net-im/skype-dbus-mock net-im/slack # Pawel Hajdan jr (2012-10-07) # V8 upstream said they won't support x32, bug #423815 # Masked packages containing V8. # Michał Górny (2018-01-12) # ...and their reverse dependencies. dev-lang/coffee-script dev-ruby/autoprefixer-rails dev-ruby/coffee-rails dev-ruby/coffee-script dev-ruby/execjs dev-ruby/turbolinks dev-ruby/uglifier net-libs/nodejs sys-apps/yarn www-apps/jekyll-coffeescript www-apps/kibana-bin www-client/chromium