# Copyright 1999-2014 Sabayon # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ # @ECLASS: transmission-2.xx.eclass # @MAINTAINER: # slawomir.nizio@sabayon.org # @AUTHOR: # Sławomir Nizio # @BLURB: eclass to ease managing of Sabayon split net-p2p/transmission # @DESCRIPTION: # This eclass is to ease managing of split net-p2p/transmission for Sabayon. # Its name contains a version that corresponds to net-p2p/transmission one, # because the eclass will change often when needed to follow changes # in Gentoo ebuild. # Always call phase functions using their public names, such like: # transmission-2.83_src_configure, and never _transmission_src_configure. # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: TRANSMISSION_PATCHES # @DEFAULT_UNSET # @DESCRIPTION: # Array that contains patches to apply just before eautoreconf. # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: TRANSMISSION_ECLASS_VERSION_OK # @DESCRIPTION: # Set this to x.y if you want to use transmission-x.y.eclass from ebuild # with ${PV} different than x.y. This is to catch bugs. : ${TRANSMISSION_ECLASS_VERSION_OK:=${PV}} # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: E_TRANSM_TAIL # @INTERNAL # @DESCRIPTION: # "Tail" of package name. Can take value gtk, qt4, etc. or can be empty. E_TRANSM_TAIL=${PN#transmission} E_TRANSM_TAIL=${E_TRANSM_TAIL#-} # @FUNCTION: _transmission_is # @INTERNAL # @DESCRIPTION: # Function used to check which variant of Transmission are we working on. # Argument should be one of these: (none), gtk, qt4, daemon, cli, base. # If argument is empty or omitted, true value means that it is # net-p2p/transmission (metapackage). _transmission_is() { local what=$1 [[ ${what} = "${E_TRANSM_TAIL}" ]] } # @FUNCTION: _transmission_eclass_setup_functions # @INTERNAL # @DESCRIPTION: # Function to setup functions. The eval uses strictly controlled variables, # so it's OK. _transmission_eclass_setup_functions() { local v=2.84 local func for func in pkg_setup src_prepare src_configure src_compile \ pkg_preinst pkg_postinst pkg_postrm; do eval "transmission-${v}_${func}() { _transmission_${func}; }" done } _transmission_eclass_setup_functions MY_ECLASSES="" _transmission_is gtk && MY_ECLASSES+="fdo-mime gnome2-utils" _transmission_is qt4 && MY_ECLASSES+="fdo-mime qt4-r2" _transmission_is "" || MY_ECLASSES+=" autotools" _transmission_is base && MY_ECLASSES+=" user" inherit eutils multilib ${MY_ECLASSES} unset MY_ECLASSES case ${EAPI:-0} in 4|5) EXPORT_FUNCTIONS pkg_setup src_prepare src_configure src_compile \ pkg_preinst pkg_postinst pkg_postrm ;; *) die "EAPI=${EAPI} is not supported" ;; esac [[ ${PN} = transmission* ]] || \ die "This eclass can only be used with net-p2p/transmission* ebuilds!" # Bug catcher! if ! [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]] && [[ ${TRANSMISSION_ECLASS_VERSION_OK} != ${ECLASS#*-} ]]; then eerror "used eclass ${ECLASS}" eerror "TRANSMISSION_ECLASS_VERSION_OK=${TRANSMISSION_ECLASS_VERSION_OK}" die "ebuild version ${PV} doesn't match with the eclass" fi MY_PN="transmission" MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV}" DESCRIPTION="A Fast, Easy and Free BitTorrent client" HOMEPAGE="http://www.transmissionbt.com/" SRC_URI="http://download.transmissionbt.com/${MY_PN}/files/${MY_P}.tar.xz" # web/LICENSE is always GPL-2 whereas COPYING allows either GPL-2 or GPL-3 for the rest # transmission in licenses/ is for mentioning OpenSSL linking exception # MIT is in several libtransmission/ headers LICENSE="|| ( GPL-2 GPL-3 Transmission-OpenSSL-exception ) GPL-2 MIT" SLOT="0" IUSE="" # only common dependencies plus blockers RDEPEND="" _transmission_is base || RDEPEND+="~net-p2p/transmission-base-${PV}" if ! _transmission_is ""; then RDEPEND+=" >=dev-libs/libevent-2.0.10:= dev-libs/openssl:0= net-libs/libnatpmp:= >=net-libs/miniupnpc-1.7:= >=net-misc/curl-7.16.3:=[ssl] sys-libs/zlib:=" fi DEPEND="${RDEPEND}" if _transmission_is base; then RDEPEND+=" !/dev/null eqmake4 qtr.pro popd >/dev/null fi } _transmission_src_compile() { _transmission_is "" && return emake if _transmission_is qt4; then pushd qt >/dev/null emake lrelease translations/*.ts popd >/dev/null fi } # Note: not providing src_install. Too many differences and too much code # which would only clutter this pretty eclass. _transmission_pkg_preinst() { _transmission_is gtk && gnome2_icon_savelist } _transmission_pkg_postinst() { if _transmission_is gtk || _transmission_is qt4; then fdo-mime_desktop_database_update fi _transmission_is gtk && gnome2_icon_cache_update if _transmission_is daemon; then elog "If you use ${MY_PN}-daemon, please, set 'rpc-username' and" elog "'rpc-password' (in plain text, ${MY_PN}-daemon will hash it on" elog "start) in settings.json file located at /var/${MY_PN}/config or" elog "any other appropriate config directory." fi if _transmission_is gtk; then # in -gtk only? elog elog "To enable sound emerge media-libs/libcanberra and check that at least" elog "some sound them is selected. For this go:" elog "Gnome/system/preferences/sound themes tab and 'sound theme: default'" elog fi if _transmission_is base; then elog "Since µTP is enabled by default, ${MY_PN} needs large kernel buffers for" elog "the UDP socket. You can append following lines into /etc/sysctl.conf:" elog " net.core.rmem_max = 4194304" elog " net.core.wmem_max = 1048576" elog "and run sysctl -p" fi } _transmission_pkg_postrm() { if _transmission_is gtk || _transmission_is qt4; then fdo-mime_desktop_database_update fi _transmission_is gtk && gnome2_icon_cache_update }