# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=6 CMAKE_USE_DIR="${S}/src/MEGAShellExtDolphin" CMAKE_IN_SOURCE_BUILD=y inherit gnome2 cmake-utils qmake-utils DESCRIPTION="Easy automated syncing with MEGA Cloud Drive" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/meganz/MEGAsync" SRC_URI="https://github.com/meganz/MEGAsync/archive/v${PV}_Linux.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz" SLOT="0" IUSE="dolphin +mediainfo nautilus +qt5 thunar" REQUIRED_USE="dolphin? ( qt5 )" KEYWORDS="~amd64" RDEPEND=" net-misc/meganz-sdk[libuv,mediainfo?,qt,sodium(+),sqlite] qt5? ( dev-qt/qtsvg:5 dev-qt/qtdbus:5 ) !qt5? ( dev-qt/qtsvg:4 dev-qt/qtdbus:4 ) dolphin? ( kde-apps/dolphin ) nautilus? ( >=gnome-base/nautilus-3 ) thunar? ( xfce-base/thunar ) mediainfo? ( media-libs/libmediainfo )" DEPEND="${RDEPEND} qt5? ( dev-qt/linguist-tools:5 )" S="${WORKDIR}"/MEGAsync-"${PV}"_Linux src_prepare() { local PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-qmake.diff ) cp -r "${EROOT}"usr/share/meganz-sdk/bindings "${S}"/src/MEGASync/mega/ cmake-utils_src_prepare mv -f src/MEGAShellExtDolphin/CMakeLists{_kde5,}.txt rm -f src/MEGAShellExtDolphin/megasync-plugin.moc use mediainfo || sed -e '/CONFIG += USE_MEDIAINFO/d' \ -i src/MEGASync/MEGASync.pro } src_configure() { cd src local eqmakeargs=( CONFIG$(usex nautilus + -)=with_ext CONFIG$(usex thunar + -)=with_thu CONFIG-=with_updater CONFIG-=with_tools ) eqmake$(usex qt5 5 4) "${eqmakeargs[@]}" use dolphin && cmake-utils_src_configure } src_compile() { cd src $(usex qt5 $(qt5_get_bindir) $(qt4_get_bindir))/lrelease \ MEGASync/MEGASync.pro emake use dolphin && cmake-utils_src_compile } src_install() { local DOCS=( CREDITS.md README.md ) einstalldocs emake -C src INSTALL_ROOT="${D}" install use dolphin && cmake-utils_src_install }