# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ EAPI=4 inherit eutils flag-o-matic multilib pam toolchain-funcs DESCRIPTION="OpenRC manages the services, startup and shutdown of a host" HOMEPAGE="http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/base/openrc/" if [[ ${PV} == "0.12_pre1" ]]; then EGIT_REPO_URI="git://github.com/OpenRC/openrc.git" EGIT_COMMIT="9f14fd7ae10d8ae724045a57a2eb25c1d4290a3b" inherit git-2 KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~sparc-fbsd ~x86-fbsd" else SRC_URI="http://dev.gentoo.org/~williamh/dist/${P}.tar.bz2" KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~sparc-fbsd ~x86-fbsd" fi LICENSE="BSD-2" SLOT="0" IUSE="debug elibc_glibc ncurses pam newnet prefix selinux static-libs unicode kernel_linux kernel_FreeBSD" RDEPEND="virtual/init kernel_FreeBSD? ( || ( >=sys-freebsd/freebsd-ubin-9.0_rc sys-process/fuser-bsd ) ) elibc_glibc? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.5 ) ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses ) pam? ( sys-auth/pambase ) >=sys-apps/baselayout-2.1-r1 kernel_linux? ( sys-process/psmisc ) !<sys-fs/udev-init-scripts-17 !<sys-fs/udev-133" DEPEND="${RDEPEND} virtual/os-headers" src_prepare() { sed -i 's:0444:0644:' mk/sys.mk || die sed -i "/^DIR/s:/openrc:/${PF}:" doc/Makefile || die #241342 if [[ ${PV} == "0.12_pre1" ]] ; then local ver="git-${EGIT_VERSION:0:6}" sed -i "/^GITVER[[:space:]]*=/s:=.*:=${ver}:" mk/git.mk || die fi # Allow user patches to be applied without modifying the ebuild epatch_user # Argent custom config epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-kogaion-config-2.patch" epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.5.3-disable_warns_until_migrated.patch epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-netmount-fix.patch" epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.6.1-fix-clockskew-error-handling.patch" # Argent bug fixes epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-" } src_compile() { unset LIBDIR #266688 MAKE_ARGS="${MAKE_ARGS} LIBNAME=$(get_libdir) LIBEXECDIR=${EPREFIX}/$(get_libdir)/rc" local brand="Unknown" if use kernel_linux ; then MAKE_ARGS="${MAKE_ARGS} OS=Linux" brand="Linux" elif use kernel_FreeBSD ; then MAKE_ARGS="${MAKE_ARGS} OS=FreeBSD" brand="FreeBSD" fi if use selinux; then MAKE_ARGS="${MAKE_ARGS} MKSELINUX=yes" fi export BRANDING="Argent ${brand}" if ! use static-libs; then MAKE_ARGS="${MAKE_ARGS} MKSTATICLIBS=no" fi use newnet || MAKE_ARGS="${MAKE_ARGS} MKNET=oldnet" use prefix && MAKE_ARGS="${MAKE_ARGS} MKPREFIX=yes PREFIX=${EPREFIX}" export DEBUG=$(usev debug) export MKPAM=$(usev pam) export MKTERMCAP=$(usev ncurses) tc-export CC AR RANLIB emake ${MAKE_ARGS} } # set_config <file> <option name> <yes value> <no value> test # a value of "#" will just comment out the option set_config() { local file="${ED}/$1" var=$2 val com eval "${@:5}" && val=$3 || val=$4 [[ ${val} == "#" ]] && com="#" && val='\2' sed -i -r -e "/^#?${var}=/{s:=([\"'])?([^ ]*)\1?:=\1${val}\1:;s:^#?:${com}:}" "${file}" } set_config_yes_no() { set_config "$1" "$2" YES NO "${@:3}" } src_install() { emake ${MAKE_ARGS} DESTDIR="${D}" install # move the shared libs back to /usr so ldscript can install # more of a minimal set of files # disabled for now due to #270646 #mv "${ED}"/$(get_libdir)/lib{einfo,rc}* "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/ || die #gen_usr_ldscript -a einfo rc gen_usr_ldscript libeinfo.so gen_usr_ldscript librc.so if ! use kernel_linux; then keepdir /$(get_libdir)/rc/init.d fi keepdir /$(get_libdir)/rc/tmp # Backup our default runlevels dodir /usr/share/"${PN}" cp -PR "${ED}"/etc/runlevels "${ED}"/usr/share/${PN} || die rm -rf "${ED}"/etc/runlevels # Install the default net configuration doconfd conf.d/net # Setup unicode defaults for silly unicode users set_config_yes_no /etc/rc.conf unicode use unicode # Cater to the norm set_config_yes_no /etc/conf.d/keymaps windowkeys '(' use x86 '||' use amd64 ')' # On HPPA, do not run consolefont by default (bug #222889) if use hppa; then rm -f "${ED}"/usr/share/openrc/runlevels/boot/consolefont fi # Support for logfile rotation insinto /etc/logrotate.d newins "${FILESDIR}"/openrc.logrotate openrc # Argent customization, do not bug user with annoying updates (for now) mv "${ED}"/etc/conf.d/keymaps "${ED}"/etc/conf.d/keymaps.example || \ die "cannot move keymaps" mv "${ED}"/etc/conf.d/hwclock "${ED}"/etc/conf.d/hwclock.example || \ die "cannot move hwclock" # install the gentoo pam.d file newpamd "${FILESDIR}"/start-stop-daemon.pam start-stop-daemon } add_boot_init() { local initd=$1 local runlevel=${2:-boot} # if the initscript is not going to be installed and is not # currently installed, return [[ -e "${ED}"/etc/init.d/${initd} || -e "${EROOT}"etc/init.d/${initd} ]] \ || return [[ -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/${runlevel}/${initd} ]] && return # if runlevels dont exist just yet, then create it but still flag # to pkg_postinst that it needs real setup #277323 if [[ ! -d "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/${runlevel} ]] ; then mkdir -p "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/${runlevel} touch "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/.add_boot_init.created fi elog "Auto-adding '${initd}' service to your ${runlevel} runlevel" ln -snf "${EROOT}"etc/init.d/${initd} "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/${runlevel}/${initd} } add_boot_init_mit_config() { local config=$1 initd=$2 if [[ -e ${EROOT}${config} ]] ; then if [[ -n $(sed -e 's:#.*::' -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' "${EROOT}"${config}) ]] ; then add_boot_init ${initd} fi fi } pkg_preinst() { local conf_file # Kogaion customization, still protect conf files from being removed # as no longer owned by package for conf_file in "${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/keymaps" "${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/hwclock"; do if [ -e "${conf_file}" ]; then cp -p "${conf_file}" "${conf_file}.ebuild_preserved" # don't die fi done local f LIBDIR=$(get_libdir) # default net script is just comments, so no point in biting people # in the ass by accident. we save in preinst so that the package # manager doesnt go throwing etc-update crap at us -- postinst is # too late to prevent that. this behavior also lets us keep the # file in the CONTENTS for binary packages. # Argent, use cp -d as per Gentoo bug #462674 [[ -e "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/net ]] && \ cp -d "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/net "${ED}"/etc/conf.d/ # avoid default thrashing in conf.d files when possible #295406 if [[ -e "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/hostname ]] ; then ( unset hostname HOSTNAME source "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/hostname : ${hostname:=${HOSTNAME}} [[ -n ${hostname} ]] && set_config /etc/conf.d/hostname hostname "${hostname}" ) fi # upgrade timezone file ... do it before moving clock if [[ -e ${EROOT}etc/conf.d/clock && ! -e ${EROOT}/etc/timezone ]] ; then ( unset TIMEZONE source "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/clock [[ -n ${TIMEZONE} ]] && echo "${TIMEZONE}" > "${EROOT}"etc/timezone ) fi # /etc/conf.d/clock moved to /etc/conf.d/hwclock local clock use kernel_FreeBSD && clock="adjkerntz" || clock="hwclock" if [[ -e "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/clock ]] ; then mv "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/clock "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/${clock} fi if [[ -e "${EROOT}"etc/init.d/clock ]] ; then rm -f "${EROOT}"etc/init.d/clock fi if [[ -L "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/boot/clock ]] ; then rm -f "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/boot/clock ln -snf /etc/init.d/${clock} "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/boot/${clock} fi if [[ -L "${EROOT}"${LIBDIR}/rc/init.d/started/clock ]] ; then rm -f "${EROOT}"${LIBDIR}/rc/init.d/started/clock ln -snf /etc/init.d/${clok} "${EROOT}"${LIBDIR}/rc/init.d/started/${clock} fi # /etc/conf.d/rc is no longer used for configuration if [[ -e "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/rc ]] ; then elog "/etc/conf.d/rc is no longer used for configuration." elog "Please migrate your settings to /etc/rc.conf as applicable" elog "and delete /etc/conf.d/rc" fi # force net init.d scripts into symlinks for f in "${EROOT}"etc/init.d/net.* ; do [[ -e ${f} ]] || continue # catch net.* not matching anything [[ ${f} == */net.lo ]] && continue # real file now [[ ${f} == *.openrc.bak ]] && continue if [[ ! -L ${f} ]] ; then elog "Moved net service '${f##*/}' to '${f##*/}.openrc.bak' to force a symlink." elog "You should delete '${f##*/}.openrc.bak' if you don't need it." mv "${f}" "${f}.openrc.bak" ln -snf net.lo "${f}" fi done # termencoding was added in 0.2.1 and needed in boot has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.2.1" || add_boot_init termencoding # swapfiles was added in 0.9.9 and needed in boot (february 2012) has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.9.9" || add_boot_init swapfiles if ! has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.11"; then add_boot_init sysfs sysinit fi # set default interactive shell to sulogin if it exists set_config /etc/rc.conf rc_shell /sbin/sulogin "#" test -e /sbin/sulogin has_version sys-apps/openrc || migrate_from_baselayout_1 has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.4.0" || migrate_udev_init_script if ! has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.11.3" ; then migrate_udev_mount_script add_boot_init tmpfiles.setup boot fi } # >=openrc-0.4.0 no longer loads the udev addon migrate_udev_init_script() { # make sure udev is in sysinit if it was enabled before local enable_udev=false local rc_devices=$( [[ -f /etc/rc.conf ]] && source /etc/rc.conf [[ -f /etc/conf.d/rc ]] && source /etc/conf.d/rc echo "${rc_devices:-${RC_DEVICES:-auto}}" ) case ${rc_devices} in udev|auto) enable_udev=true ;; esac if $enable_udev; then add_boot_init udev sysinit add_boot_init udev-postmount default fi } # >=OpenRC-0.11.3 requires udev-mount to be in the sysinit runlevel with udev. migrate_udev_mount_script() { if [ -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/sysinit/udev -a \ ! -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/sysinit/udev-mount ]; then add_boot_init udev-mount sysinit fi return 0 } migrate_from_baselayout_1() { # baselayout boot init scripts have been split out for f in $(cd "${ED}"/usr/share/${PN}/runlevels/boot || exit; echo *) ; do # baselayout-1 is always "old" net, so ignore "new" net [[ ${f} == "network" ]] && continue add_boot_init ${f} done # Try to auto-add some addons when possible add_boot_init_mit_config /etc/conf.d/cryptfs dmcrypt add_boot_init_mit_config /etc/conf.d/dmcrypt dmcrypt add_boot_init_mit_config /etc/mdadm.conf mdraid add_boot_init_mit_config /etc/evms.conf evms [[ -e "${EROOT}"sbin/dmsetup ]] && add_boot_init device-mapper [[ -e "${EROOT}"sbin/vgscan ]] && add_boot_init lvm elog "Add on services (such as RAID/dmcrypt/LVM/etc...) are now stand alone" elog "init.d scripts. If you use such a thing, make sure you have the" elog "required init.d scripts added to your boot runlevel." # Upgrade our state for baselayout-1 users if [[ ! -e "${EROOT}"${LIBDIR}/rc/init.d/started ]] ; then ( [[ -e "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/rc ]] && source "${EROOT}"/etc/conf.d/rc svcdir=${svcdir:-/var/lib/init.d} if [[ ! -d "${EROOT}"${svcdir}/started ]] ; then ewarn "No state found, and no state exists" elog "You should reboot this host" else mkdir -p "${EROOT}"${LIBDIR}/rc/init.d einfo "Moving state from ${EROOT}${svcdir} to ${EROOT}${LIBDIR}/rc/init.d" mv "${EROOT}${svcdir}"/* "${EROOT}${LIBDIR}"/rc/init.d rm -rf "${EROOT}${LIBDIR}"/rc/init.d/daemons \ "${EROOT}${LIBDIR}"/rc/init.d/console umount "${EROOT}${svcdir}" 2>/dev/null rm -rf "${EROOT}${svcdir}" fi ) fi # Handle the /etc/modules.autoload.d -> /etc/conf.d/modules transition if [[ -d "${EROOT}"etc/modules.autoload.d ]] ; then elog "Converting your /etc/modules.autoload.d/ files to /etc/conf.d/modules" rm -f "${EROOT}"etc/modules.autoload.d/.keep* rmdir "${EROOT}"etc/modules.autoload.d 2>/dev/null if [[ -d "${EROOT}"etc/modules.autoload.d ]] ; then local f v for f in "${EROOT}"etc/modules.autoload.d/* ; do v=${f##*/} v=${v#kernel-} v=${v//[^[:alnum:]]/_} gawk -v v="${v}" -v f="${f##*/}" ' BEGIN { print "\n### START: Auto-converted from " f "\n" } { if ($0 ~ /^[^#]/) { print "modules_" v "=\"${modules_" v "} " $1 "\"" gsub(/[^[:alnum:]]/, "_", $1) printf "module_" $1 "_args_" v "=\"" for (i = 2; i <= NF; ++i) { if (i > 2) printf " " printf $i } print "\"\n" } else print } END { print "\n### END: Auto-converted from " f "\n" } ' "${f}" >> "${ED}"/etc/conf.d/modules done rm -f "${f}" rmdir "${EROOT}"etc/modules.autoload.d 2>/dev/null fi fi } pkg_postinst() { local conf_file # Argent customization, do not bug user with tedious, useless config file updates for conf_file in "${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/keymaps" "${EROOT}/etc/conf.d/hwclock"; do if [ -e "${conf_file}.ebuild_preserved" ]; then cp -p "${conf_file}.ebuild_preserved" "${conf_file}" # don't die elif [ ! -e "${conf_file}" ]; then cp -p "${conf_file}.example" "${conf_file}" # don't die fi chown root:root "${conf_file}" # don't die done local LIBDIR=$(get_libdir) # Remove old baselayout links rm -f "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/boot/{check{fs,root},rmnologin} rm -f "${EROOT}"etc/init.d/{depscan,runscript}.sh # Make our runlevels if they don't exist if [[ ! -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels ]] || [[ -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/.add_boot_init.created ]] ; then einfo "Copying across default runlevels" cp -RPp "${EROOT}"usr/share/${PN}/runlevels "${EROOT}"etc rm -f "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/.add_boot_init.created else if [[ ! -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/sysinit/devfs ]] ; then mkdir -p "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/sysinit cp -RPp "${EROOT}"usr/share/${PN}/runlevels/sysinit/* \ "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/sysinit fi if [[ ! -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/shutdown/mount-ro ]] ; then mkdir -p "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/shutdown cp -RPp "${EROOT}"usr/share/${PN}/runlevels/shutdown/* \ "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/shutdown fi fi # /etc/conf.d/net.example is no longer valid local NET_EXAMPLE="${EROOT}etc/conf.d/net.example" local NET_MD5='8ebebfa07441d39eb54feae0ee4c8210' if [[ -e "${NET_EXAMPLE}" ]] ; then if [[ $(md5sum "${NET_EXAMPLE}") == ${NET_MD5}* ]]; then rm -f "${NET_EXAMPLE}" elog "${NET_EXAMPLE} has been removed." else sed -i '1i# This file is obsolete.\n' "${NET_EXAMPLE}" elog "${NET_EXAMPLE} should be removed." fi elog "The new file is ${EROOT}usr/share/doc/${PF}/net.example" fi # /etc/conf.d/wireless.example is no longer valid local WIRELESS_EXAMPLE="${EROOT}etc/conf.d/wireless.example" local WIRELESS_MD5='d1fad7da940bf263c76af4d2082124a3' if [[ -e "${WIRELESS_EXAMPLE}" ]] ; then if [[ $(md5sum "${WIRELESS_EXAMPLE}") == ${WIRELESS_MD5}* ]]; then rm -f "${WIRELESS_EXAMPLE}" elog "${WIRELESS_EXAMPLE} is deprecated and has been removed." else sed -i '1i# This file is obsolete.\n' "${WIRELESS_EXAMPLE}" elog "${WIRELESS_EXAMPLE} is deprecated and should be removed." fi elog "If you are using the old style network scripts," elog "Configure wireless settings in ${EROOT}etc/conf.d/net" elog "after reviewing ${EROOT}usr/share/doc/${PF}/net.example" fi if [[ -d "${EROOT}"etc/modules.autoload.d ]] ; then ewarn "/etc/modules.autoload.d is no longer used. Please convert" ewarn "your files to /etc/conf.d/modules and delete the directory." fi if use hppa; then elog "Setting the console font does not work on all HPPA consoles." elog "You can still enable it by running:" elog "# rc-update add consolefont boot" fi # Handle the conf.d/local.{start,stop} -> local.d transition if path_exists -o "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/local.{start,stop} ; then elog "Moving your ${EROOT}etc/conf.d/local.{start,stop}" elog "files to ${EROOT}etc/local.d" mv "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/local.start "${EROOT}"etc/local.d/baselayout1.start mv "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/local.stop "${EROOT}"etc/local.d/baselayout1.stop chmod +x "${EROOT}"etc/local.d/*{start,stop} fi if use kernel_linux && [[ "${EROOT}" = "/" ]]; then /$(get_libdir)/rc/sh/migrate-to-run.sh fi # update the dependency tree after touching all files #224171 [[ "${EROOT}" = "/" ]] && "${EROOT}/${LIBDIR}"/rc/bin/rc-depend -u if use newnet; then local netscript=network else local netscript=net.lo fi if [ ! -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/boot/${netscript} ]; then ewarn "Please add the $netscript script to your boot runlevel" ewarn "as soon as possible. Not doing so could leave you with a system" ewarn "without networking." fi ewarn "In this version of OpenRC, the loopback interface no longer" ewarn "satisfies the net virtual." ewarn "If you have services now which do not start because of this," ewarn "They can be fixed by adding rc_need=\"!net\"" ewarn "to the ${EROOT}etc/conf.d/<servicename> file." ewarn "You should also file a bug against the service asking that" ewarn "need net be dropped from the dependencies." ewarn "The bug you file should block the following tracker:" ewarn "https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=439092" ewarn "This version of OpenRC doesn't enable nfs mounts automatically any" ewarn "longer. In order to mount nfs file systems, you must use the" ewarn "nfsmount service from the nfs-utils package." ewarn "See bug https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=427996 for" ewarn "more information on this." elog "You should now update all files in /etc, using etc-update" elog "or equivalent before restarting any services or this host." elog elog "Please read the migration guide available at:" elog "http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/openrc-migration.xml" }