# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=6 inherit flag-o-matic pam toolchain-funcs DESCRIPTION="OpenRC manages the services, startup and shutdown of a host" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/openrc/openrc/" if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]]; then EGIT_REPO_URI="git://github.com/OpenRC/${PN}.git" inherit git-r3 else SRC_URI="https://github.com/${PN}/${PN}/archive/${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz" KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~sparc-fbsd ~x86-fbsd" fi LICENSE="BSD-2" SLOT="0" IUSE="+apparmor audit debug +dkms elogind ncurses pam newnet +plugin prefix +netifrc selinux +settingsd static-libs unicode kernel_linux kernel_FreeBSD" COMMON_DEPEND="kernel_FreeBSD? ( || ( >=sys-freebsd/freebsd-ubin-9.0_rc sys-process/fuser-bsd ) ) ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses:0= ) pam? ( sys-auth/pambase virtual/pam ) apparmor? ( sys-apps/apparmor sys-apps/apparmor-utils sec-policy/apparmor-profiles ) audit? ( sys-process/audit ) dkms? ( sys-kernel/dkms ) elogind? ( sys-auth/elogind ) kernel_linux? ( sys-process/psmisc !<sys-process/procps-3.3.9-r2 ) plugin? ( sys-boot/plymouth-openrc-plugin ) selinux? ( sys-apps/policycoreutils >=sys-libs/libselinux-2.6 ) !<sys-apps/baselayout-2.1-r1 !<sys-fs/udev-init-scripts-27" DEPEND="${COMMON_DEPEND} virtual/os-headers ncurses? ( virtual/pkgconfig ) settingsd? ( app-admin/openrc-settingsd )" RDEPEND="${COMMON_DEPEND} !prefix? ( kernel_linux? ( >=sys-apps/sysvinit-2.86-r6[selinux?] virtual/tmpfiles ) kernel_FreeBSD? ( sys-freebsd/freebsd-sbin ) ) selinux? ( >=sec-policy/selinux-base-policy-2.20170204-r4 >=sec-policy/selinux-openrc-2.20170204-r4 ) " PDEPEND="netifrc? ( net-misc/netifrc )" src_prepare() { default sed -i 's:0444:0644:' mk/sys.mk || die if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then local ver="git-${EGIT_VERSION:0:6}" sed -i "/^GITVER[[:space:]]*=/s:=.*:=${ver}:" mk/gitver.mk || die fi if use dkms ; then epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-dkms.patch fi epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-enable-rclogger.patch epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-disable-cgroupsv2.patch } src_compile() { unset LIBDIR #266688 MAKE_ARGS="${MAKE_ARGS} LIBNAME=$(get_libdir) LIBEXECDIR=${EPREFIX}/$(get_libdir)/rc MKNET=$(usex newnet) MKSELINUX=$(usex selinux) MKAUDIT=$(usex audit) MKPAM=$(usev pam) MKSTATICLIBS=$(usex static-libs)" local brand="Unknown" if use kernel_linux ; then MAKE_ARGS="${MAKE_ARGS} OS=Linux" brand="Linux" elif use kernel_FreeBSD ; then MAKE_ARGS="${MAKE_ARGS} OS=FreeBSD" brand="FreeBSD" fi export BRANDING="Redcore ${brand}" use prefix && MAKE_ARGS="${MAKE_ARGS} MKPREFIX=yes PREFIX=${EPREFIX}" export DEBUG=$(usev debug) export MKTERMCAP=$(usev ncurses) tc-export CC AR RANLIB emake ${MAKE_ARGS} } # set_config <file> <option name> <yes value> <no value> test # a value of "#" will just comment out the option set_config() { local file="${ED}/$1" var=$2 val com eval "${@:5}" && val=$3 || val=$4 [[ ${val} == "#" ]] && com="#" && val='\2' sed -i -r -e "/^#?${var}=/{s:=([\"'])?([^ ]*)\1?:=\1${val}\1:;s:^#?:${com}:}" "${file}" } set_config_yes_no() { set_config "$1" "$2" YES NO "${@:3}" } src_install() { emake ${MAKE_ARGS} DESTDIR="${D}" install # move the shared libs back to /usr so ldscript can install # more of a minimal set of files # disabled for now due to #270646 #mv "${ED}"/$(get_libdir)/lib{einfo,rc}* "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/ || die #gen_usr_ldscript -a einfo rc gen_usr_ldscript libeinfo.so gen_usr_ldscript librc.so if ! use kernel_linux; then keepdir /$(get_libdir)/rc/init.d fi keepdir /$(get_libdir)/rc/tmp # Backup our default runlevels dodir /usr/share/"${PN}" cp -PR "${ED}"/etc/runlevels "${ED}"/usr/share/${PN} || die rm -rf "${ED}"/etc/runlevels # Setup unicode defaults for silly unicode users set_config_yes_no /etc/rc.conf unicode use unicode # Cater to the norm set_config_yes_no /etc/conf.d/keymaps windowkeys '(' use x86 '||' use amd64 ')' # On HPPA, do not run consolefont by default (bug #222889) if use hppa; then rm -f "${ED}"/usr/share/openrc/runlevels/boot/consolefont fi # Support for logfile rotation insinto /etc/logrotate.d newins "${FILESDIR}"/openrc.logrotate openrc # install gentoo pam.d files newpamd "${FILESDIR}"/start-stop-daemon.pam start-stop-daemon newpamd "${FILESDIR}"/start-stop-daemon.pam supervise-daemon # install documentation dodoc ChangeLog *.md if use newnet; then dodoc README.newnet fi } add_boot_init() { local initd=$1 local runlevel=${2:-boot} # if the initscript is not going to be installed and is not # currently installed, return [[ -e "${ED}"/etc/init.d/${initd} || -e "${EROOT}"etc/init.d/${initd} ]] \ || return [[ -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/${runlevel}/${initd} ]] && return # if runlevels dont exist just yet, then create it but still flag # to pkg_postinst that it needs real setup #277323 if [[ ! -d "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/${runlevel} ]] ; then mkdir -p "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/${runlevel} touch "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/.add_boot_init.created fi elog "Auto-adding '${initd}' service to your ${runlevel} runlevel" ln -snf /etc/init.d/${initd} "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/${runlevel}/${initd} } add_boot_init_mit_config() { local config=$1 initd=$2 if [[ -e ${EROOT}${config} ]] ; then if [[ -n $(sed -e 's:#.*::' -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' "${EROOT}"${config}) ]] ; then add_boot_init ${initd} fi fi } pkg_preinst() { local f LIBDIR=$(get_libdir) # avoid default thrashing in conf.d files when possible #295406 if [[ -e "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/hostname ]] ; then ( unset hostname HOSTNAME source "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/hostname : ${hostname:=${HOSTNAME}} [[ -n ${hostname} ]] && set_config /etc/conf.d/hostname hostname "${hostname}" ) fi # set default interactive shell to sulogin if it exists set_config /etc/rc.conf rc_shell /sbin/sulogin "#" test -e /sbin/sulogin # termencoding was added in 0.2.1 and needed in boot has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.2.1" || add_boot_init termencoding # swapfiles was added in 0.9.9 and needed in boot (february 2012) has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.9.9" || add_boot_init swapfiles if ! has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.11"; then add_boot_init sysfs sysinit fi if ! has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.11.3" ; then migrate_udev_mount_script add_boot_init tmpfiles.setup boot fi # these were added in 0.12. if ! has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.12"; then add_boot_init loopback add_boot_init tmpfiles.dev sysinit # ensure existing /etc/conf.d/net is not removed # undoes the hack to get around CONFIG_PROTECT in openrc-0.11.8 and earlier # this needs to stay in openrc ebuilds for a long time. :( # Added in 0.12. if [[ -f "${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/net ]]; then einfo "Modifying conf.d/net to keep it from being removed" cat <<-EOF >>"${EROOT}"etc/conf.d/net # The network scripts are now part of net-misc/netifrc # In order to avoid sys-apps/${P} from removing this file, this comment was # added; you can safely remove this comment. Please see # /usr/share/doc/netifrc*/README* for more information. EOF fi fi has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.14" || add_boot_init binfmt if ! has_version ">=sys-apps/openrc-0.18.3"; then add_boot_init mtab if [[ -f "${EROOT}"etc/mtab ]] && [[ ! -L "${EROOT}"etc/mtab ]]; then ewarn "${EROOT}etc/mtab will be replaced with a" ewarn "symbolic link to /proc/self/mounts on the next" ewarn "reboot." ewarn "Change the setting in ${EROOT}etc/conf.d/mtab" ewarn "if you do not want this to happen." fi fi } # >=OpenRC-0.11.3 requires udev-mount to be in the sysinit runlevel with udev. migrate_udev_mount_script() { if [ -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/sysinit/udev -a \ ! -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/sysinit/udev-mount ]; then add_boot_init udev-mount sysinit fi return 0 } pkg_postinst() { local LIBDIR=$(get_libdir) # Make our runlevels if they don't exist if [[ ! -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels ]] || [[ -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/.add_boot_init.created ]] ; then einfo "Copying across default runlevels" cp -RPp "${EROOT}"usr/share/${PN}/runlevels "${EROOT}"etc rm -f "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/.add_boot_init.created else if [[ ! -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/sysinit/devfs ]] ; then mkdir -p "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/sysinit cp -RPp "${EROOT}"usr/share/${PN}/runlevels/sysinit/* \ "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/sysinit fi if [[ ! -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/shutdown/mount-ro ]] ; then mkdir -p "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/shutdown cp -RPp "${EROOT}"usr/share/${PN}/runlevels/shutdown/* \ "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/shutdown fi if [[ ! -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/nonetwork/local ]]; then cp -RPp "${EROOT}"usr/share/${PN}/runlevels/nonetwork \ "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels fi fi if use kernel_linux && [[ "${EROOT}" = "/" ]]; then if ! /$(get_libdir)/rc/sh/migrate-to-run.sh; then ewarn "The dependency data could not be migrated to /run/openrc." ewarn "This means you need to reboot your system." fi fi # update the dependency tree after touching all files #224171 [[ "${EROOT}" = "/" ]] && "${EROOT}/${LIBDIR}"/rc/bin/rc-depend -u if use newnet && [ ! -e "${EROOT}"etc/runlevels/boot/network ]; then ewarn "Please add the network service to your boot runlevel" ewarn "as soon as possible. Not doing so could leave you with a system" ewarn "without networking." ewarn fi # Redcore Linux tweaks: #1 : add dkms service to boot runlevel if [ -e "${ROOT}"etc/init.d/dkms ] && use dkms; then if [ "$(rc-config list boot | grep dkms)" != "" ]; then ewarn "found dkms service in boot runlevel, skiping" else ewarn "not found dkms service in boot runlevel, enabling" "${ROOT}"sbin/rc-update add dkms boot fi fi # Tweaks #2 and #3 are part of consolekit -> elogind migration plan # In order to properly integrate elogind into Redcore Linux's boot process # We must follow a few steps : # step 1 : move dbus service to boot runlevel (elogind needs it) # step 2 : enable elogind service in boot runlevel (uses dbus from step 1) # step 3 : disable consolekit && cgmanager services # We also must be sure we don't break existing setups # So we make everything elogind USE conditional #2 : move dbus service to boot runlevel if [ -e "${ROOT}"etc/init.d/dbus ] && use elogind; then if [ "$(rc-config list boot | grep dbus)" != "" ]; then ewarn ewarn "found dbus service in boot runlevel, skiping" elif [ "$(rc-config list default | grep dbus)" != "" ]; then ewarn "found dbus service in default runlevel, moving" "${ROOT}"sbin/rc-update del dbus default "${ROOT}"sbin/rc-update add dbus boot else ewarn "not found dbus service in boot runlevel, enabling" "${ROOT}"sbin/rc-update add dbus boot fi fi #3 : enable elogind service && disable consolekit && cgmanager services if [ -e "${ROOT}"etc/init.d/elogind ] && use elogind; then if [ "$(rc-config list boot | grep elogind)" != "" ]; then ewarn "found elogind service in boot runlevel, skiping" else ewarn "not found elogind service in boot runlevel, enabling" "${ROOT}"sbin/rc-update add elogind boot fi if [ "$(rc-config list default | grep consolekit)" != "" ]; then ewarn "found consolekit service in default runlevel, disabling" "${ROOT}"sbin/rc-update del consolekit default fi if [ "$(rc-config list default | grep cgmanager)" != "" ]; then ewarn "found cgmanager service in default runlevel, disabling" "${ROOT}"sbin/rc-update del cgmanager default fi fi #4 : add apparmor service to boot runlevel if [ -e "${ROOT}"/etc/init.d/apparmor ] && use apparmor; then if [ "$(rc-config list boot | grep apparmor)" != "" ]; then ewarn "found apparmor service in boot runlevel, skipping" else ewarn "not found apparmor service in boot runlevel, enabling" "${ROOT}"sbin/rc-update add apparmor boot fi fi }