--- a/util/grub-install.in
+++ b/util/grub-install.in
@@ -821,12 +821,39 @@ elif [ x"${grub_modinfo_target_cpu}-${gr
     gettext "You will have to set \`SystemPartition' and \`OSLoader' manually." 1>&2
     echo 1>&2
 elif [ x"$grub_modinfo_platform" = xefi ]; then
+    # sign the efi file with the User SecureBoot key
+    _sign_grub_efi() {
+	local _image="${1}"
+	case "$host_os" in
+	    linux*)
+		modprobe -q efivars 2>/dev/null || true ;;
+	esac
+	local _private="/boot/SecureBoot/user-private.key"
+	local _public="/boot/SecureBoot/user-public.crt"
+	if test -f "${_private}" && test -f "${_public}"; then
+            echo "SecureBoot signing ${_image}"
+            sbsign --key "${_private}" --cert "${_public}" \
+                --output "${_image}.signed" \
+                "${_image}" && \
+                mv "${_image}.signed" "${_image}"
+	else
+	    echo "Cannot sign ${_image} for SecureBoot" 1>&2
+	    echo "Kogaion keypair at $(basename ${_private}) not found" 1>&2
+	fi
+    }
     cp "${grubdir}/${grub_modinfo_target_cpu}-$grub_modinfo_platform/core.${imgext}" "${efidir}/${efi_file}"
+    _efi_grub_file="${efidir}/${efi_file}"
     # For old macs. Suggested by Peter Jones.
     if [ x$grub_modinfo_target_cpu = xi386 ]; then
 	cp "${grubdir}/${grub_modinfo_target_cpu}-$grub_modinfo_platform/core.${imgext}" "${efidir}/boot.efi"
+	_efi_grub_file="${efidir}/boot.efi"
+    _sign_grub_efi "${_efi_grub_file}"
     # Try to make this image bootable using the EFI Boot Manager, if available.
     efibootmgr="`which efibootmgr`"
     if test "$removable" = no && test -n "$efi_distributor" && \