# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ EAPI=4 inherit eutils flag-o-matic linux-info linux-mod multilib nvidia-driver \ portability toolchain-funcs unpacker user versionator udev X86_NV_PACKAGE="NVIDIA-Linux-x86-${PV}" AMD64_NV_PACKAGE="NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-${PV}" X86_FBSD_NV_PACKAGE="NVIDIA-FreeBSD-x86-${PV}" AMD64_FBSD_NV_PACKAGE="NVIDIA-FreeBSD-x86_64-${PV}" DESCRIPTION="NVIDIA X11 userspace libraries and applications" HOMEPAGE="http://www.nvidia.com/" SRC_URI="x86? ( ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/${PV}/${X86_NV_PACKAGE}.run ) amd64? ( ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/${PV}/${AMD64_NV_PACKAGE}.run ) amd64-fbsd? ( ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/FreeBSD-x86_64/${PV}/${AMD64_FBSD_NV_PACKAGE}.tar.gz ) x86-fbsd? ( ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/FreeBSD-x86/${PV}/${X86_FBSD_NV_PACKAGE}.tar.gz )" LICENSE="NVIDIA" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd" IUSE="acpi multilib x-multilib kernel_FreeBSD kernel_linux tools +X" RESTRICT="strip" EMULTILIB_PKG="true" COMMON="app-admin/eselect-opencl kernel_linux? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.6.1 ) x-multilib? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs ) multilib? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs ) X? ( <x11-base/xorg-server-1.14.99 >=app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.0.9 )" DEPEND="${COMMON}" RDEPEND="${COMMON} X? ( x11-libs/libXvMC ) !<x11-drivers/nvidia-userspace-${PV} !>x11-drivers/nvidia-userspace-${PV} acpi? ( sys-power/acpid ) tools? ( media-video/nvidia-settings )" PDEPEND="X? ( >=x11-libs/libvdpau-0.3-r1 )" REQUIRED_USE="tools? ( X )" QA_PREBUILT="opt/* usr/lib*" S="${WORKDIR}/" pkg_pretend() { if use amd64 && has_multilib_profile && \ [ "${DEFAULT_ABI}" != "amd64" ]; then eerror "This ebuild doesn't currently support changing your default ABI" die "Unexpected \${DEFAULT_ABI} = ${DEFAULT_ABI}" fi # Kernel features/options to check for CONFIG_CHECK="~ZONE_DMA ~MTRR ~SYSVIPC ~!LOCKDEP" use x86 && CONFIG_CHECK+=" ~HIGHMEM" # Now do the above checks use kernel_linux && check_extra_config } pkg_setup() { # try to turn off distcc and ccache for people that have a problem with it export DISTCC_DISABLE=1 export CCACHE_DISABLE=1 if use kernel_linux; then linux-mod_pkg_setup MODULE_NAMES="nvidia(video:${S}/kernel)" BUILD_PARAMS="IGNORE_CC_MISMATCH=yes V=1 SYSSRC=${KV_DIR} \ SYSOUT=${KV_OUT_DIR} CC=$(tc-getBUILD_CC)" # linux-mod_src_compile calls set_arch_to_kernel, which # sets the ARCH to x86 but NVIDIA's wrapping Makefile # expects x86_64 or i386 and then converts it to x86 # later on in the build process BUILD_FIXES="ARCH=$(uname -m | sed -e 's/i.86/i386/')" fi # Since Nvidia ships 3 different series of drivers, we need to give the user # some kind of guidance as to what version they should install. This tries # to point the user in the right direction but can't be perfect. check # nvidia-driver.eclass nvidia-driver-check-warning # set variables to where files are in the package structure if use kernel_FreeBSD; then use x86-fbsd && S="${WORKDIR}/${X86_FBSD_NV_PACKAGE}" use amd64-fbsd && S="${WORKDIR}/${AMD64_FBSD_NV_PACKAGE}" NV_DOC="${S}/doc" NV_OBJ="${S}/obj" NV_SRC="${S}/src" NV_MAN="${S}/x11/man" NV_X11="${S}/obj" NV_SOVER=1 elif use kernel_linux; then NV_DOC="${S}" NV_OBJ="${S}" NV_SRC="${S}/kernel" NV_MAN="${S}" NV_X11="${S}" NV_SOVER=${PV} else die "Could not determine proper NVIDIA package" fi } src_unpack() { if ! use kernel_FreeBSD; then cd "${S}" unpack_makeself else unpack ${A} fi } src_prepare() { # Please add a brief description for every added patch cat <<- EOF > "${S}"/nvidia.icd /usr/$(get_libdir)/libnvidia-opencl.so EOF # Allow user patches so they can support RC kernels and whatever else epatch_user } src_compile() { # This is already the default on Linux, as there's no toplevel Makefile, but # on FreeBSD there's one and triggers the kernel module build, as we install # it by itself, pass this. cd "${NV_SRC}" if use kernel_FreeBSD; then MAKE="$(get_bmake)" CFLAGS="-Wno-sign-compare" emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" \ LD="$(tc-getLD)" LDFLAGS="$(raw-ldflags)" || die fi } # Install nvidia library: # the first parameter is the library to install # the second parameter is the provided soversion # the third parameter is the target directory if its not /usr/lib donvidia() { # Full path to library minus SOVER MY_LIB="$1" # SOVER to use MY_SOVER="$2" # Where to install MY_DEST="$3" if [[ -z "${MY_DEST}" ]]; then MY_DEST="/usr/$(get_libdir)" action="dolib.so" else exeinto ${MY_DEST} action="doexe" fi # Get just the library name libname=$(basename $1) # Install the library with the correct SOVER ${action} ${MY_LIB}.${MY_SOVER} || \ die "failed to install ${libname}" # If SOVER wasn't 1, then we need to create a .1 symlink if [[ "${MY_SOVER}" != "1" ]]; then dosym ${libname}.${MY_SOVER} \ ${MY_DEST}/${libname}.1 || \ die "failed to create ${libname} symlink" fi # Always create the symlink from the raw lib to the .1 dosym ${libname}.1 \ ${MY_DEST}/${libname} || \ die "failed to create ${libname} symlink" } src_install() { if use kernel_linux; then VIDEOGROUP="$(egetent group video | cut -d ':' -f 3)" if [ -z "$VIDEOGROUP" ]; then eerror "Failed to determine the video group gid." die "Failed to determine the video group gid." fi # Add the aliases [ -f "${FILESDIR}/nvidia-169.07" ] || die "nvidia missing in FILESDIR" sed -e 's:PACKAGE:'${PF}':g' \ -e 's:VIDEOGID:'${VIDEOGROUP}':' "${FILESDIR}"/nvidia-169.07 > \ "${WORKDIR}"/nvidia insinto /etc/modprobe.d newins "${WORKDIR}"/nvidia nvidia.conf || die # Ensures that our device nodes are created when not using X exeinto "$(udev_get_udevdir)" doexe "${FILESDIR}"/nvidia-udev.sh udev_newrules "${FILESDIR}"/nvidia.udev-rule 99-nvidia.rules elif use kernel_FreeBSD; then if use x86-fbsd; then insinto /boot/modules doins "${S}/src/nvidia.kld" || die fi exeinto /boot/modules doexe "${S}/src/nvidia.ko" || die fi # NVIDIA kernel <-> userspace driver config lib donvidia ${NV_OBJ}/libnvidia-cfg.so ${NV_SOVER} if use kernel_linux; then # NVIDIA video decode <-> CUDA donvidia ${NV_OBJ}/libnvcuvid.so ${NV_SOVER} fi if use X; then # Xorg DDX driver insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/drivers doins ${NV_X11}/nvidia_drv.so || die "failed to install nvidia_drv.so" # Xorg GLX driver donvidia ${NV_X11}/libglx.so ${NV_SOVER} \ /usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/nvidia/extensions # XvMC driver dolib.a ${NV_X11}/libXvMCNVIDIA.a || \ die "failed to install libXvMCNVIDIA.so" donvidia ${NV_X11}/libXvMCNVIDIA.so ${NV_SOVER} dosym libXvMCNVIDIA.so.${NV_SOVER} \ /usr/$(get_libdir)/libXvMCNVIDIA_dynamic.so.1 || \ die "failed to create libXvMCNVIDIA_dynamic.so symlink" fi # OpenCL ICD for NVIDIA if use kernel_linux; then insinto /etc/OpenCL/vendors doins nvidia.icd donvidia ${NV_OBJ}/libnvidia-opencl.so ${NV_SOVER} fi # Documentation dohtml ${NV_DOC}/html/* if use kernel_FreeBSD; then dodoc "${NV_DOC}/README" use X && doman "${NV_MAN}/nvidia-xconfig.1" else # Docs newdoc "${NV_DOC}/README.txt" README dodoc "${NV_DOC}/NVIDIA_Changelog" doman "${NV_MAN}/nvidia-smi.1.gz" use X && doman "${NV_MAN}/nvidia-xconfig.1.gz" doman "${NV_MAN}/nvidia-cuda-proxy-control.1.gz" fi # Helper Apps exeinto /opt/bin/ if use X; then doexe ${NV_OBJ}/nvidia-xconfig || die fi if use kernel_linux ; then doexe ${NV_OBJ}/nvidia-debugdump || die doexe ${NV_OBJ}/nvidia-cuda-proxy-control || die doexe ${NV_OBJ}/nvidia-cuda-proxy-server || die doexe ${NV_OBJ}/nvidia-smi || die newinitd "${FILESDIR}/nvidia-smi.init" nvidia-smi fi exeinto /usr/bin/ doexe ${NV_OBJ}/nvidia-bug-report.sh || die if has_multilib_profile && use multilib ; then local OABI=${ABI} for ABI in $(get_install_abis) ; do src_install-libs done ABI=${OABI} unset OABI else src_install-libs fi is_final_abi || die "failed to iterate through all ABIs" # GNOME3 gnome-terminal redraw bug workaround, # see: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=664858 doenvd "${FILESDIR}/90mutter-disable-culling" } src_install-libs() { local inslibdir=$(get_libdir) local GL_ROOT="/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/nvidia/lib" local CL_ROOT="/usr/$(get_libdir)/OpenCL/vendors/nvidia" local libdir=${NV_OBJ} if use kernel_linux && has_multilib_profile && \ [[ ${ABI} == "x86" ]] ; then libdir=${NV_OBJ}/32 fi if use X; then # The GLX libraries donvidia ${libdir}/libGL.so ${NV_SOVER} ${GL_ROOT} donvidia ${libdir}/libnvidia-glcore.so ${NV_SOVER} if use kernel_FreeBSD; then donvidia ${libdir}/libnvidia-tls.so ${NV_SOVER} ${GL_ROOT} else donvidia ${libdir}/tls/libnvidia-tls.so ${NV_SOVER} ${GL_ROOT} fi # VDPAU donvidia ${libdir}/libvdpau_nvidia.so ${NV_SOVER} fi # NVIDIA monitoring library if use kernel_linux ; then donvidia ${libdir}/libnvidia-ml.so ${NV_SOVER} fi # CUDA & OpenCL if use kernel_linux; then donvidia ${libdir}/libcuda.so ${NV_SOVER} donvidia ${libdir}/libnvidia-compiler.so ${NV_SOVER} donvidia ${libdir}/libOpenCL.so 1.0.0 ${CL_ROOT} fi } pkg_preinst() { # Clean the dynamic libGL stuff's home to ensure # we dont have stale libs floating around if [ -d "${ROOT}"/usr/lib/opengl/nvidia ] ; then rm -rf "${ROOT}"/usr/lib/opengl/nvidia/* fi # Make sure we nuke the old nvidia-glx's env.d file if [ -e "${ROOT}"/etc/env.d/09nvidia ] ; then rm -f "${ROOT}"/etc/env.d/09nvidia fi } pkg_postinst() { # Switch to the nvidia implementation use X && "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old nvidia "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opencl set --use-old nvidia elog "You must be in the video group to use the NVIDIA device" elog "For more info, read the docs at" elog "http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/nvidia-guide.xml#doc_chap3_sect6" elog elog "To use the NVIDIA GLX, run \"eselect opengl set nvidia\"" elog elog "To use the NVIDIA CUDA/OpenCL, run \"eselect opencl set nvidia\"" elog elog "NVIDIA has requested that any bug reports submitted have the" elog "output of /opt/bin/nvidia-bug-report.sh included." elog if ! use X; then elog "You have elected to not install the X.org driver. Along with" elog "this the OpenGL libraries, XvMC, and VDPAU libraries were not" elog "installed. Additionally, once the driver is loaded your card" elog "and fan will run at max speed which may not be desirable." elog "Use the 'nvidia-smi' init script to have your card and fan" elog "speed scale appropriately." elog fi } pkg_prerm() { use X && "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old xorg-x11 } pkg_postrm() { use X && "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old xorg-x11 }