#!/usr/bin/python3 import atexit import colorama import fcntl import io import os import pickle import selectors import signal import subprocess import sys import time import sisyphus.checkenv import sisyphus.depsolve import sisyphus.dlbinpkg import sisyphus.getfs import sisyphus.syncdb import sisyphus.syncall import sisyphus.watchdog from colorama import Fore, Back, Style colorama.init() def set_nonblocking(fd): flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK) def spinner_animation(): spinner = ['-', '\\', '|', '/'] sel = selectors.DefaultSelector() sel.register(sys.stdin, selectors.EVENT_READ) for _ in range(10): for char in spinner: sys.stdout.write('\b' + char) sys.stdout.flush() events = sel.select(timeout=0.1) if events: return sys.stdout.write('\b') def sigint_handler(signal, frame): sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) def start(pkgname, ebuild=False, gfx_ui=False, oneshot=False, nodeps=False): go_args = ['--quiet', '--verbose', '--misspell-suggestion=n', '--fuzzy-search=n'] nogo_args = ['--quiet', '--pretend', '--getbinpkg', '--rebuilt-binaries', '--misspell-suggestion=n', '--fuzzy-search=n'] if not sisyphus.checkenv.root(): print(f"{Fore.RED}{Style.BRIGHT}\nRoot permissions are required for this operation.\n{Style.RESET_ALL}") sys.exit() else: if gfx_ui: sisyphus.depsolve.start.__wrapped__( pkgname, nodeps=False) # undecorate else: sisyphus.syncall.start(gfx_ui=False) if nodeps: sisyphus.depsolve.start(pkgname, nodeps=True) else: sisyphus.depsolve.start(pkgname, nodeps=False) bin_list, src_list, is_vague, need_cfg = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(sisyphus.getfs.p_mtd_dir, "sisyphus_pkgdeps.pickle"), "rb")) if is_vague != 0: # catch ambiguous packages p_exe = subprocess.Popen( ['emerge'] + nogo_args + (['--nodeps'] if nodeps else ['--with-bdeps=y']) + list(pkgname)) try: p_exe.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: p_exe.terminate() try: p_exe.wait(1) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: p_exe.kill() sys.exit() if gfx_ui: pass # GUI always calls /, no ambiguity else: sys.exit() elif need_cfg != 0: # catch aliens p_exe = subprocess.Popen( ['emerge'] + nogo_args + (['--nodeps'] if nodeps else ['--with-bdeps=y']) + list(pkgname)) try: p_exe.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: p_exe.terminate() try: p_exe.wait(1) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: p_exe.kill() sys.exit() if gfx_ui: print("\nCannot proceed!\nPlease apply the above changes to your portage configuration files and try again.") for i in range(9, 0, -1): print(f"Killing application in : {i} seconds!") time.sleep(1) os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM) # kill GUI window else: print(f"{Fore.RED}{Style.BRIGHT}\nCannot proceed!\n{Style.RESET_ALL}{Fore.WHITE}{Style.BRIGHT}Please apply the above changes to your portage configuration files and try again!{Style.RESET_ALL}") sys.exit() else: if len(bin_list) == 0 and len(src_list) == 0: print(f"{Fore.RED}{Style.BRIGHT}\nOne or more of the selected packages cannot be located for installation.\n{Style.RESET_ALL}") if ebuild: # ebuild mode if len(bin_list) == 0 and len(src_list) != 0: # source mode, ignore aliens print( f"\n{Fore.GREEN}These are the source packages that would be merged, in order:{Style.RESET_ALL}\n") print( f"\n{Fore.GREEN}{', '.join(src_list)}{Style.RESET_ALL}\n") print( f"\n{Fore.WHITE}{Style.BRIGHT}Total: {len(src_list)} source package(s){Style.RESET_ALL}\n") while True: user_input = input( f"{Fore.WHITE}{Style.BRIGHT}Would you like to proceed?{Style.RESET_ALL} [{Fore.GREEN}{Style.BRIGHT}Yes{Style.RESET_ALL}/{Fore.RED}{Style.BRIGHT}No{Style.RESET_ALL}] ") if user_input.lower() in ['yes', 'y', '']: p_exe = subprocess.Popen(['emerge'] + go_args + (['--nodeps'] if nodeps else [ '--with-bdeps=y']) + (['--oneshot'] if oneshot else []) + list(pkgname)) try: set_nonblocking(sys.stdout.fileno()) spinner_animation() sel = selectors.DefaultSelector() sel.register(sys.stdin, selectors.EVENT_READ) while True: events = sel.select(timeout=0.1) for key, mask in events: if key.fileobj == sys.stdin: line = sys.stdin.readline().strip() if line.lower() == 'q': sys.exit() if p_exe.poll() is not None: break except KeyboardInterrupt: p_exe.terminate() try: p_exe.wait(1) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: p_exe.kill() sys.exit() finally: p_exe.wait() sisyphus.syncdb.lcl_tbl() break elif user_input.lower() in ['no', 'n']: break else: print( f"\nApologies, the response '{user_input}' was not recognized.\n") continue elif len(bin_list) != 0 and len(src_list) != 0: # hybrid mode, ignore aliens print( f"\n{Fore.GREEN}These are the binary packages that would be merged, in order:{Style.RESET_ALL}\n") print( f"\n{Fore.MAGENTA}{', '.join(bin_list)}{Style.RESET_ALL}\n") print( f"\n{Fore.WHITE}{Style.BRIGHT}Total: {len(bin_list)} binary package(s){Style.RESET_ALL}\n") print( f"\n{Fore.GREEN}These are the source packages that would be merged, in order:{Style.RESET_ALL}\n") print( f"\n{Fore.GREEN}{', '.join(src_list)}{Style.RESET_ALL}\n") print( f"\n{Fore.WHITE}{Style.BRIGHT}Total: {len(src_list)} source package(s){Style.RESET_ALL}\n") while True: user_input = input( f"{Fore.WHITE}{Style.BRIGHT}Would you like to proceed?{Style.RESET_ALL} [{Fore.GREEN}{Style.BRIGHT}Yes{Style.RESET_ALL}/{Fore.RED}{Style.BRIGHT}No{Style.RESET_ALL}] ") if user_input.lower() in ['yes', 'y', '']: sisyphus.dlbinpkg.start(dl_world=False, gfx_ui=False) os.chdir(sisyphus.getfs.p_cch_dir) p_exe = subprocess.Popen(['emerge'] + go_args + ['--usepkg', '--rebuilt-binaries'] + ( ['--nodeps'] if nodeps else ['--with-bdeps=y']) + (['--oneshot'] if oneshot else []) + list(pkgname)) try: set_nonblocking(sys.stdout.fileno()) spinner_animation() sel = selectors.DefaultSelector() sel.register(sys.stdin, selectors.EVENT_READ) while True: events = sel.select(timeout=0.1) for key, mask in events: if key.fileobj == sys.stdin: line = sys.stdin.readline().strip() if line.lower() == 'q': sys.exit() if p_exe.poll() is not None: break except KeyboardInterrupt: p_exe.terminate() try: p_exe.wait(1) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: p_exe.kill() sys.exit() finally: p_exe.wait() sisyphus.syncdb.lcl_tbl() break elif user_input.lower() in ['no', 'n']: break else: print( f"\nApologies, the response '{user_input}' was not recognized.\n") continue elif len(bin_list) != 0 and len(src_list) == 0: # binary mode, fallback print( f"\n{Fore.GREEN}These are the binary packages that would be merged, in order:{Style.RESET_ALL}\n") print( f"\n{Fore.MAGENTA}{', '.join(bin_list)}{Style.RESET_ALL}\n") print( f"\n{Fore.WHITE}{Style.BRIGHT}Total: {len(bin_list)} binary package(s){Style.RESET_ALL}\n") while True: user_input = input( f"{Fore.WHITE}{Style.BRIGHT}Would you like to proceed?{Style.RESET_ALL} [{Fore.GREEN}{Style.BRIGHT}Yes{Style.RESET_ALL}/{Fore.RED}{Style.BRIGHT}No{Style.RESET_ALL}] ") if user_input.lower() in ['yes', 'y', '']: sisyphus.dlbinpkg.start(dl_world=False, gfx_ui=False) os.chdir(sisyphus.getfs.p_cch_dir) p_exe = subprocess.Popen(['emerge'] + go_args + ['--usepkg', '--usepkgonly', '--rebuilt-binaries'] + ( ['--nodeps'] if nodeps else ['--with-bdeps=y']) + (['--oneshot'] if oneshot else []) + list(pkgname)) try: set_nonblocking(sys.stdout.fileno()) spinner_animation() sel = selectors.DefaultSelector() sel.register(sys.stdin, selectors.EVENT_READ) while True: events = sel.select(timeout=0.1) for key, mask in events: if key.fileobj == sys.stdin: line = sys.stdin.readline().strip() if line.lower() == 'q': sys.exit() if p_exe.poll() is not None: break except KeyboardInterrupt: p_exe.terminate() try: p_exe.wait(1) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: p_exe.kill() sys.exit() finally: p_exe.wait() sisyphus.syncdb.lcl_tbl() break elif user_input.lower() in ['no', 'n']: break else: print( f"\nApologies, the response '{user_input}' was not recognized.\n") continue else: # non-ebuild mode if len(bin_list) == 0 and len(src_list) != 0: # source mode (noop), catch aliens if gfx_ui: print("\nSource package(s) found in the mix!\n") print( f"Use the Sisyphus CLI command: 'sisyphus install {' '.join(pkgname)} --ebuild' to perform the install; Aborting.") for i in range(9, 0, -1): print(f"Killing application in : {i} seconds!") time.sleep(1) os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM) # kill GUI window else: print( f"{Fore.RED}{Style.BRIGHT}\nSource package(s) found in the mix!\n{Style.RESET_ALL}") print( f"{Fore.WHITE}{Style.BRIGHT}Use 'sisyphus install {' '.join(pkgname)} --ebuild' to perform the install; Aborting.{Style.RESET_ALL}") sys.exit() elif len(bin_list) != 0 and len(src_list) != 0: # hybrid mode (noop), catch aliens if gfx_ui: print("\nSource package(s) found in the mix!\n") print( f"Use the Sisyphus CLI command:: 'sisyphus install {' '.join(pkgname)} --ebuild' to perform the install; Aborting.") for i in range(9, 0, -1): print(f"Killing application in : {i} seconds!") time.sleep(1) os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM) # kill GUI window else: print( f"{Fore.RED}{Style.BRIGHT}\nSource package(s) found in the mix!\n{Style.RESET_ALL}") print( f"{Fore.WHITE}{Style.BRIGHT}Use 'sisyphus install {' '.join(pkgname)} --ebuild' to perform the install; Aborting.{Style.RESET_ALL}") sys.exit() elif len(bin_list) != 0 and len(src_list) == 0: # binary mode if gfx_ui: print( "\nThese are the binary packages that will be merged, in order:\n") print(", ".join(bin_list) + "\n\nTotal: " + str(len(bin_list)) + " binary package(s)\n\n") sisyphus.dlbinpkg.start(dl_world=False, gfx_ui=True) os.chdir(sisyphus.getfs.p_cch_dir) p_exe = subprocess.Popen(['emerge'] + go_args + ['--usepkg', '--usepkgonly', '--rebuilt-binaries'] + ( # --nodeps && --oneshot are set to False in the graphical client ['--nodeps'] if nodeps else ['--with-bdeps=y']) + (['--oneshot'] if oneshot else []) + pkgname, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # kill portage if the program dies or it's terminated by the user atexit.register(sisyphus.watchdog.start, p_exe) for p_out in io.TextIOWrapper(p_exe.stdout, encoding="utf-8"): print(p_out.rstrip()) p_exe.wait() sisyphus.syncdb.lcl_tbl() else: print( f"\n{Fore.GREEN}These are the binary packages that would be merged, in order:{Style.RESET_ALL}\n") print( f"\n{Fore.MAGENTA}{', '.join(bin_list)}{Style.RESET_ALL}\n") print( f"\n{Fore.WHITE}{Style.BRIGHT}Total: {len(bin_list)} binary package(s){Style.RESET_ALL}\n") while True: user_input = input( f"{Fore.WHITE}{Style.BRIGHT}Would you like to proceed?{Style.RESET_ALL} [{Fore.GREEN}{Style.BRIGHT}Yes{Style.RESET_ALL}/{Fore.RED}{Style.BRIGHT}No{Style.RESET_ALL}] ") if user_input.lower() in ['yes', 'y', '']: sisyphus.dlbinpkg.start( dl_world=False, gfx_ui=False) os.chdir(sisyphus.getfs.p_cch_dir) p_exe = subprocess.Popen(['emerge'] + go_args + ['--usepkg', '--usepkgonly', '--rebuilt-binaries'] + ( ['--nodeps'] if nodeps else ['--with-bdeps=y']) + (['--oneshot'] if oneshot else []) + list(pkgname)) try: set_nonblocking(sys.stdout.fileno()) spinner_animation() sel = selectors.DefaultSelector() sel.register(sys.stdin, selectors.EVENT_READ) while True: events = sel.select(timeout=0.1) for key, mask in events: if key.fileobj == sys.stdin: line = sys.stdin.readline().strip() if line.lower() == 'q': sys.exit() if p_exe.poll() is not None: break except KeyboardInterrupt: p_exe.terminate() try: p_exe.wait(1) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: p_exe.kill() sys.exit() finally: p_exe.wait() sisyphus.syncdb.lcl_tbl() break elif user_input.lower() in ['no', 'n']: break else: print( f"\nApologies, the response '{user_input}' was not recognized.\n") continue