#!/usr/bin/env bash # Vasile needs root privileges and a proper kernel to run kernelconfig checkroot makeisox64 () { # create live iso layout mkdir -p "$coremntx64" mkdir -p "$isobootx64" mkdir -p "$isoefibootx64" # mount && copy our core stage 4 image mount -t squashfs "$chrootx64" "$coremntx64" rsync -aHAXr --progress "$coremntx64/" "$livedirx64/" # copy our kernel cp -avx ""$livedirx64"/boot/"$kernelnamex64"" ""$isonamex64"/boot/vmlinuz" cp -avx ""$livedirx64"/boot/"$ramfsnamex64"" ""$isonamex64"/boot/initrd" sha256sum ""$isonamex64"/boot/vmlinuz" | tee ""$isonamex64"/boot/vmlinuz.sha256" sha256sum ""$isonamex64"/boot/initrd" | tee ""$isonamex64"/boot/initrd.sha256" # configure portage && give up control for package / desktop environment installation isostartx64 isooverlaysx64 isobuildsystemx64 isochrootx64 isostopx64 # squash live environment mksquashfs "$livedirx64" ""$livedirx64".squashfs" -b 1048576 -comp xz -Xdict-size 100% sha256sum ""$livedirx64".squashfs" | tee ""$livedirx64".squashfs.sha256" # enable live boot touch ""$isonamex64"/livecd" } bootcorex64 () { # configure live bootloader git clone https://gitlab.com/rogentos/boot-core.git "$bootcorepath" cp -avx "$bootcorefiles" "$isonamex64" } cleanupisox64 () { rm -rf "$livedirx64" rm -rf "$bootcorepath" umount "$coremntx64" } main () { chrootchecksumx64 makeisox64 bootcorex64 cleanupisox64 } main