path: root/app-containers/docker-registry
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2025-02-25 19:25:33 +0000
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2025-02-25 19:25:33 +0000
commit67dbd3ba144944fbf4b466be1b5fa0569b774e6f (patch)
tree721c7f9085992578da57f71ea0c5becb6827cdb4 /app-containers/docker-registry
parentd4653056cc74d97f24bef0d56b4ebe11c53c8b76 (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 25:02:2025 - 19:25:33
Diffstat (limited to 'app-containers/docker-registry')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 399 deletions
diff --git a/app-containers/docker-registry/Manifest b/app-containers/docker-registry/Manifest
index de7e51817329..8f80dfff1f04 100644
--- a/app-containers/docker-registry/Manifest
+++ b/app-containers/docker-registry/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-AUX docker-registry-2.7.0-notification-metrics.patch 15565 BLAKE2B 31d3bc9d40c07939aca340d0c9bb516eb5afb9191f5d5d7c92b85f9f6dc8e1d86b659df337565eb09a0d08558ee50e1301734fcfa0449a920fcb332c00452c1a SHA512 a2161e5d2638f5682d70d900aba86cba3ca61ae99f7e325a5691c2cc4e5408f4a543c6204a05c19748494f1145e8468cf27e359ffad624fdac1e710974654e2c
AUX registry.confd 85 BLAKE2B 0997c1ad7ee8fc165a87cfebeea75694487c8d8b62130fb19fd4d9c55cc605754537deaea6e114a9fb28e46eb67bb6ab9d01de0971163acf22f223ca8ec84605 SHA512 7cbd19f545b659e2d295938b320710ae20b3c2222fcb6668216985c6e55bf51647041dec1c33ab7271e464f13001d8095fef9240d3390cff7e65028d3432c4f4
AUX registry.initd 606 BLAKE2B ed8af2651d91be13578edb561c067cfd3e72dfe42a6111be8930d61f233248b7364659a8db5a9800eaa167d76a8b2daf9d121970622de235e61fa0f10ad85174 SHA512 af7780264d068adcd0d6a6768b88ab43c26081b71d1ebd591ca6d175e413cdeee935a6f50d9833775690f0b47daadcc33286f86fb5eb98d2e674b225122aabce
AUX registry.logrotated 89 BLAKE2B c16fab4c6a3c4fd9f48370ae30505408a49e07c2a7ea7fc119717efcd840ad489c92855e27a5546219b3cdeb257642eb65abc2d544859295688925ae2e94ecb3 SHA512 f824b33a1fa38802a8aa79599843b0ea065603799823352e9515c50bfc61c43a03e9eb5327f9c687b8c3864fc633ad1a46bff9e91f4c54a46a09e67d2f6f833b
diff --git a/app-containers/docker-registry/files/docker-registry-2.7.0-notification-metrics.patch b/app-containers/docker-registry/files/docker-registry-2.7.0-notification-metrics.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8adf364ce164..000000000000
--- a/app-containers/docker-registry/files/docker-registry-2.7.0-notification-metrics.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-From 7b2292ee20c5d49053cc5262dfbc99ce121b9b74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: tifayuki <>
-Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2018 13:30:56 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Add notification metrics
-It adds notification related prometheus metrics, including:
- - total count for events/success/failure/error
- - total count for notification per each status code
- - gauge of the pending notification queue
-Signed-off-by: tifayuki <>
- metrics/prometheus.go | 3 +++
- notifications/metrics.go | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/metrics/prometheus.go b/metrics/prometheus.go
-index b5a532144..91b32b23d 100644
---- a/metrics/prometheus.go
-+++ b/metrics/prometheus.go
-@@ -10,4 +10,7 @@ const (
- var (
- // StorageNamespace is the prometheus namespace of blob/cache related operations
- StorageNamespace = metrics.NewNamespace(NamespacePrefix, "storage", nil)
-+ // NotificationsNamespace is the prometheus namespace of notification related metrics
-+ NotificationsNamespace = metrics.NewNamespace(NamespacePrefix, "notifications", nil)
- )
-diff --git a/notifications/metrics.go b/notifications/metrics.go
-index a20af1687..69960e9cb 100644
---- a/notifications/metrics.go
-+++ b/notifications/metrics.go
-@@ -5,6 +5,18 @@ import (
- "fmt"
- "net/http"
- "sync"
-+ prometheus ""
-+ ""
-+var (
-+ // eventsCounter counts total events of incoming, success, failure, and errors
-+ eventsCounter = prometheus.NotificationsNamespace.NewLabeledCounter("events", "The number of total events", "type")
-+ // pendingGauge measures the pending queue size
-+ pendingGauge = prometheus.NotificationsNamespace.NewGauge("pending", "The gauge of pending events in queue", metrics.Total)
-+ // statusCounter counts the total notification call per each status code
-+ statusCounter = prometheus.NotificationsNamespace.NewLabeledCounter("status", "The number of status code", "code")
- )
- // EndpointMetrics track various actions taken by the endpoint, typically by
-@@ -61,6 +73,9 @@ func (emsl *endpointMetricsHTTPStatusListener) success(status int, events ...Eve
- defer emsl.safeMetrics.Unlock()
- emsl.Statuses[fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", status, http.StatusText(status))] += len(events)
- emsl.Successes += len(events)
-+ statusCounter.WithValues(fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", status, http.StatusText(status))).Inc(1)
-+ eventsCounter.WithValues("Successes").Inc(1)
- }
- func (emsl *endpointMetricsHTTPStatusListener) failure(status int, events ...Event) {
-@@ -68,12 +83,17 @@ func (emsl *endpointMetricsHTTPStatusListener) failure(status int, events ...Eve
- defer emsl.safeMetrics.Unlock()
- emsl.Statuses[fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", status, http.StatusText(status))] += len(events)
- emsl.Failures += len(events)
-+ statusCounter.WithValues(fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", status, http.StatusText(status))).Inc(1)
-+ eventsCounter.WithValues("Failures").Inc(1)
- }
- func (emsl *endpointMetricsHTTPStatusListener) err(err error, events ...Event) {
- emsl.safeMetrics.Lock()
- defer emsl.safeMetrics.Unlock()
- emsl.Errors += len(events)
-+ eventsCounter.WithValues("Errors").Inc(1)
- }
- // endpointMetricsEventQueueListener maintains the incoming events counter and
-@@ -87,12 +107,17 @@ func (eqc *endpointMetricsEventQueueListener) ingress(events ...Event) {
- defer eqc.Unlock()
- eqc.Events += len(events)
- eqc.Pending += len(events)
-+ eventsCounter.WithValues("Events").Inc()
-+ pendingGauge.Inc(1)
- }
- func (eqc *endpointMetricsEventQueueListener) egress(events ...Event) {
- eqc.Lock()
- defer eqc.Unlock()
- eqc.Pending -= len(events)
-+ pendingGauge.Dec(1)
- }
- // endpoints is global registry of endpoints used to report metrics to expvar
-@@ -149,4 +174,7 @@ func init() {
- }))
- registry.(*expvar.Map).Set("notifications", &notifications)
-+ // register prometheus metrics
-+ metrics.Register(prometheus.NotificationsNamespace)
- }
-From 4497e40eda1e0024f055c09ab480b7816a1147b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Honglin Feng <>
-Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2018 21:39:02 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 2/4] add label to the metrics
-Signed-off-by: Honglin Feng <>
- notifications/endpoint.go | 2 +-
- notifications/http_test.go | 2 +-
- notifications/metrics.go | 26 ++++++++++++++------------
- notifications/sinks_test.go | 2 +-
- 4 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/notifications/endpoint.go b/notifications/endpoint.go
-index a8a52d0c9..854f1dd6c 100644
---- a/notifications/endpoint.go
-+++ b/notifications/endpoint.go
-@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ func NewEndpoint(name, url string, config EndpointConfig) *Endpoint {
- endpoint.url = url
- endpoint.EndpointConfig = config
- endpoint.defaults()
-- endpoint.metrics = newSafeMetrics()
-+ endpoint.metrics = newSafeMetrics(name)
- // Configures the inmemory queue, retry, http pipeline.
- endpoint.Sink = newHTTPSink(
-diff --git a/notifications/http_test.go b/notifications/http_test.go
-index de47f789e..b7845cf95 100644
---- a/notifications/http_test.go
-+++ b/notifications/http_test.go
-@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ func TestHTTPSink(t *testing.T) {
- })
- server := httptest.NewTLSServer(serverHandler)
-- metrics := newSafeMetrics()
-+ metrics := newSafeMetrics("")
- sink := newHTTPSink(server.URL, 0, nil, nil,
- &endpointMetricsHTTPStatusListener{safeMetrics: metrics})
-diff --git a/notifications/metrics.go b/notifications/metrics.go
-index 69960e9cb..4464edd8f 100644
---- a/notifications/metrics.go
-+++ b/notifications/metrics.go
-@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ import (
- var (
- // eventsCounter counts total events of incoming, success, failure, and errors
-- eventsCounter = prometheus.NotificationsNamespace.NewLabeledCounter("events", "The number of total events", "type")
-+ eventsCounter = prometheus.NotificationsNamespace.NewLabeledCounter("events", "The number of total events", "type", "to")
- // pendingGauge measures the pending queue size
-- pendingGauge = prometheus.NotificationsNamespace.NewGauge("pending", "The gauge of pending events in queue", metrics.Total)
-+ pendingGauge = prometheus.NotificationsNamespace.NewLabeledGauge("pending", "The gauge of pending events in queue", metrics.Total, "to")
- // statusCounter counts the total notification call per each status code
-- statusCounter = prometheus.NotificationsNamespace.NewLabeledCounter("status", "The number of status code", "code")
-+ statusCounter = prometheus.NotificationsNamespace.NewLabeledCounter("status", "The number of status code", "code", "to")
- )
- // EndpointMetrics track various actions taken by the endpoint, typically by
-@@ -34,14 +34,16 @@ type EndpointMetrics struct {
- // safeMetrics guards the metrics implementation with a lock and provides a
- // safe update function.
- type safeMetrics struct {
-+ EndpointName string
- EndpointMetrics
- sync.Mutex // protects statuses map
- }
- // newSafeMetrics returns safeMetrics with map allocated.
--func newSafeMetrics() *safeMetrics {
-+func newSafeMetrics(name string) *safeMetrics {
- var sm safeMetrics
- sm.Statuses = make(map[string]int)
-+ sm.EndpointName = name
- return &sm
- }
-@@ -74,8 +76,8 @@ func (emsl *endpointMetricsHTTPStatusListener) success(status int, events ...Eve
- emsl.Statuses[fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", status, http.StatusText(status))] += len(events)
- emsl.Successes += len(events)
-- statusCounter.WithValues(fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", status, http.StatusText(status))).Inc(1)
-- eventsCounter.WithValues("Successes").Inc(1)
-+ statusCounter.WithValues(fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", status, http.StatusText(status)), emsl.EndpointName).Inc(1)
-+ eventsCounter.WithValues("Successes", emsl.EndpointName).Inc(1)
- }
- func (emsl *endpointMetricsHTTPStatusListener) failure(status int, events ...Event) {
-@@ -84,8 +86,8 @@ func (emsl *endpointMetricsHTTPStatusListener) failure(status int, events ...Eve
- emsl.Statuses[fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", status, http.StatusText(status))] += len(events)
- emsl.Failures += len(events)
-- statusCounter.WithValues(fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", status, http.StatusText(status))).Inc(1)
-- eventsCounter.WithValues("Failures").Inc(1)
-+ statusCounter.WithValues(fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", status, http.StatusText(status)), emsl.EndpointName).Inc(1)
-+ eventsCounter.WithValues("Failures", emsl.EndpointName).Inc(1)
- }
- func (emsl *endpointMetricsHTTPStatusListener) err(err error, events ...Event) {
-@@ -93,7 +95,7 @@ func (emsl *endpointMetricsHTTPStatusListener) err(err error, events ...Event) {
- defer emsl.safeMetrics.Unlock()
- emsl.Errors += len(events)
-- eventsCounter.WithValues("Errors").Inc(1)
-+ eventsCounter.WithValues("Errors", emsl.EndpointName).Inc(1)
- }
- // endpointMetricsEventQueueListener maintains the incoming events counter and
-@@ -108,8 +110,8 @@ func (eqc *endpointMetricsEventQueueListener) ingress(events ...Event) {
- eqc.Events += len(events)
- eqc.Pending += len(events)
-- eventsCounter.WithValues("Events").Inc()
-- pendingGauge.Inc(1)
-+ eventsCounter.WithValues("Events", eqc.EndpointName).Inc()
-+ pendingGauge.WithValues(eqc.EndpointName).Inc(1)
- }
- func (eqc *endpointMetricsEventQueueListener) egress(events ...Event) {
-@@ -117,7 +119,7 @@ func (eqc *endpointMetricsEventQueueListener) egress(events ...Event) {
- defer eqc.Unlock()
- eqc.Pending -= len(events)
-- pendingGauge.Dec(1)
-+ pendingGauge.WithValues(eqc.EndpointName).Dec(1)
- }
- // endpoints is global registry of endpoints used to report metrics to expvar
-diff --git a/notifications/sinks_test.go b/notifications/sinks_test.go
-index 06f88b2c9..4a69486b5 100644
---- a/notifications/sinks_test.go
-+++ b/notifications/sinks_test.go
-@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ func TestBroadcaster(t *testing.T) {
- func TestEventQueue(t *testing.T) {
- const nevents = 1000
- var ts testSink
-- metrics := newSafeMetrics()
-+ metrics := newSafeMetrics("")
- eq := newEventQueue(
- // delayed sync simulates destination slower than channel comms
- &delayedSink{
-From 73e4232b5171c2988b0daeea517aa07386e7945d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Honglin Feng <>
-Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2018 19:50:38 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 3/4] run go fmt
-Signed-off-by: Honglin Feng <>
- registry/storage/driver/s3-aws/s3.go | 10 +++++-----
- registry/storage/linkedblobstore.go | 16 ++++++++--------
- registry/storage/linkedblobstore_test.go | 4 ++--
- 3 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/registry/storage/driver/s3-aws/s3.go b/registry/storage/driver/s3-aws/s3.go
-index 800435d01..9cd87dbab 100644
---- a/registry/storage/driver/s3-aws/s3.go
-+++ b/registry/storage/driver/s3-aws/s3.go
-@@ -476,11 +476,11 @@ func New(params DriverParameters) (*Driver, error) {
- // }
- d := &driver{
-- S3: s3obj,
-- Bucket: params.Bucket,
-- ChunkSize: params.ChunkSize,
-- Encrypt: params.Encrypt,
-- KeyID: params.KeyID,
-+ S3: s3obj,
-+ Bucket: params.Bucket,
-+ ChunkSize: params.ChunkSize,
-+ Encrypt: params.Encrypt,
-+ KeyID: params.KeyID,
- MultipartCopyChunkSize: params.MultipartCopyChunkSize,
- MultipartCopyMaxConcurrency: params.MultipartCopyMaxConcurrency,
- MultipartCopyThresholdSize: params.MultipartCopyThresholdSize,
-diff --git a/registry/storage/linkedblobstore.go b/registry/storage/linkedblobstore.go
-index de591c8a5..3fb1da26f 100644
---- a/registry/storage/linkedblobstore.go
-+++ b/registry/storage/linkedblobstore.go
-@@ -312,14 +312,14 @@ func (lbs *linkedBlobStore) newBlobUpload(ctx context.Context, uuid, path string
- }
- bw := &blobWriter{
-- ctx: ctx,
-- blobStore: lbs,
-- id: uuid,
-- startedAt: startedAt,
-- digester: digest.Canonical.Digester(),
-- fileWriter: fw,
-- driver: lbs.driver,
-- path: path,
-+ ctx: ctx,
-+ blobStore: lbs,
-+ id: uuid,
-+ startedAt: startedAt,
-+ digester: digest.Canonical.Digester(),
-+ fileWriter: fw,
-+ driver: lbs.driver,
-+ path: path,
- resumableDigestEnabled: lbs.resumableDigestEnabled,
- }
-diff --git a/registry/storage/linkedblobstore_test.go b/registry/storage/linkedblobstore_test.go
-index e0ffd2796..85376f715 100644
---- a/registry/storage/linkedblobstore_test.go
-+++ b/registry/storage/linkedblobstore_test.go
-@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ type mockBlobDescriptorServiceFactory struct {
- func (f *mockBlobDescriptorServiceFactory) BlobAccessController(svc distribution.BlobDescriptorService) distribution.BlobDescriptorService {
- return &mockBlobDescriptorService{
- BlobDescriptorService: svc,
-- t: f.t,
-- stats: f.stats,
-+ t: f.t,
-+ stats: f.stats,
- }
- }
-From 5c66b577b027e3b314680f245be4213a002fcee0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Honglin Feng <>
-Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2018 20:18:36 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH 4/4] run go fmt and goimports
-Signed-off-by: Honglin Feng <>
- registry/storage/driver/s3-aws/s3.go | 10 +++++-----
- registry/storage/linkedblobstore.go | 16 ++++++++--------
- registry/storage/linkedblobstore_test.go | 4 ++--
- 3 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/registry/storage/driver/s3-aws/s3.go b/registry/storage/driver/s3-aws/s3.go
-index 9cd87dbab..800435d01 100644
---- a/registry/storage/driver/s3-aws/s3.go
-+++ b/registry/storage/driver/s3-aws/s3.go
-@@ -476,11 +476,11 @@ func New(params DriverParameters) (*Driver, error) {
- // }
- d := &driver{
-- S3: s3obj,
-- Bucket: params.Bucket,
-- ChunkSize: params.ChunkSize,
-- Encrypt: params.Encrypt,
-- KeyID: params.KeyID,
-+ S3: s3obj,
-+ Bucket: params.Bucket,
-+ ChunkSize: params.ChunkSize,
-+ Encrypt: params.Encrypt,
-+ KeyID: params.KeyID,
- MultipartCopyChunkSize: params.MultipartCopyChunkSize,
- MultipartCopyMaxConcurrency: params.MultipartCopyMaxConcurrency,
- MultipartCopyThresholdSize: params.MultipartCopyThresholdSize,
-diff --git a/registry/storage/linkedblobstore.go b/registry/storage/linkedblobstore.go
-index 3fb1da26f..de591c8a5 100644
---- a/registry/storage/linkedblobstore.go
-+++ b/registry/storage/linkedblobstore.go
-@@ -312,14 +312,14 @@ func (lbs *linkedBlobStore) newBlobUpload(ctx context.Context, uuid, path string
- }
- bw := &blobWriter{
-- ctx: ctx,
-- blobStore: lbs,
-- id: uuid,
-- startedAt: startedAt,
-- digester: digest.Canonical.Digester(),
-- fileWriter: fw,
-- driver: lbs.driver,
-- path: path,
-+ ctx: ctx,
-+ blobStore: lbs,
-+ id: uuid,
-+ startedAt: startedAt,
-+ digester: digest.Canonical.Digester(),
-+ fileWriter: fw,
-+ driver: lbs.driver,
-+ path: path,
- resumableDigestEnabled: lbs.resumableDigestEnabled,
- }
-diff --git a/registry/storage/linkedblobstore_test.go b/registry/storage/linkedblobstore_test.go
-index 85376f715..e0ffd2796 100644
---- a/registry/storage/linkedblobstore_test.go
-+++ b/registry/storage/linkedblobstore_test.go
-@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ type mockBlobDescriptorServiceFactory struct {
- func (f *mockBlobDescriptorServiceFactory) BlobAccessController(svc distribution.BlobDescriptorService) distribution.BlobDescriptorService {
- return &mockBlobDescriptorService{
- BlobDescriptorService: svc,
-- t: f.t,
-- stats: f.stats,
-+ t: f.t,
-+ stats: f.stats,
- }
- }