path: root/dev-debug/dtrace
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2025-02-06 00:10:59 +0000
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2025-02-06 00:10:59 +0000
commit22eaa60297c2dbc92dd1658fb7d8e46878552755 (patch)
treec3e1147cecf778a6418d736658cedc5d7f2dfa2d /dev-debug/dtrace
parente019d91362a4788fe5cc5788877327b813d0f730 (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 06:02:2025 - 00:10:59
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-debug/dtrace')
2 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-debug/dtrace/Manifest b/dev-debug/dtrace/Manifest
index a0050b368b79..2c99b7e9ccdf 100644
--- a/dev-debug/dtrace/Manifest
+++ b/dev-debug/dtrace/Manifest
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
AUX dtprobed.init 209 BLAKE2B f97bd2c0c681697becc2c6c7f87b8fdf779251d0473dd440bf30f0c3ce95e26e24b2496a2e8de4ff33a9ffc8a05e5bc64d066969dd7e4458ea65d2d10ae61723 SHA512 12a8e07747d8a8c3456675ea88060656dad2b594abc69daa15384abab4d11ea888d88287f921a095cad84f2e254dc858ea50e29f5e17b663f7b6be25dcbfd7b5
DIST dtrace- 1435524 BLAKE2B 761a931b9d871e9316f11ebe960f6bbfd3c16a82cf1cdd9ae5d69b22e0d8cea8d4b3924c960b7915f8843ce1e5c37bd257a52f1ce346957002b0ab00e59306fb SHA512 15809f2bc996bac9bd6cbb2b03eaa9a0c6a2aea9404642280f14d75b7d6feaec31b5d2c16915255cd202006cdff7835f578c042b087605708a9eb935407f1b95
+DIST dtrace-2.0.2.tar.gz 1466888 BLAKE2B 82bcf55f46802b525dd5bfb8d2ee96223d6ee3e76b752632b61cdc652308efa143f8158fbdfff7f2af1e63d5fc57aa44b0ca826e313b3c5c9d3019528101fccb SHA512 7d3fcb6ffcbfc6732b66e217cee6d45a504beb7c8b9f887b2a781eea68ef2f44de9aa373728a91d3a91e59a0be0664e2d7d92d42fd25b88de4c5005e62505c78
EBUILD dtrace- 6365 BLAKE2B 36e1f2ac964825fce09402200a5f92412aa84cb8e6b0ee4945ef6826d4a225ae11a5e2f5daaf6699ef6c99452ac01b302c1419fc14831c96f51d0f2bd48baa83 SHA512 68d337bc7b378e17aa58c01513aeca69fc1e15aaf23556a72da1d15ae5df816e0858b406b2ff7ebcad69e39c2243bb4d57b401d8132bf1c0239bcb2ee641fdd0
+EBUILD dtrace-2.0.2.ebuild 6059 BLAKE2B 6232a89fb7961426316de5103f538e276c26058bebf1a8d00fcacff3074134384e320f702deb566e9a86437b47721a2a8ba29dc044002676e63276a3a6e971d9 SHA512 0ccfc1e9bac4da86d505c90116fbe66cea21e30bae0055f25507facf8f9f13b851a3a5888d2352f0a47f499cfc9659074624db1dfabad47fb63a255ebbd60de4
EBUILD dtrace-9999.ebuild 6054 BLAKE2B 5a77939a92131662f83f9a6c522ab50fc69edd673db8f18eee86e72cbf2dc83eb4508340a201b96280a90e0bd7eda4c41451f427ce48d74f29441a937d77a2e7 SHA512 8828e405f4520ac2c035b9644a8130212452db742c771ddca3b6a47c4ce2ff02e85cbca45208d6a7fe4da015a3a95214f468b561ccc71f399c6a01391b6680df
MISC metadata.xml 632 BLAKE2B 695cab30d4a45e94a1a69ca4c071e2aa2d99cb0457f4b02d0ea6e88db0574976082e96e9c9ebd620bcdacd9f30f97938301a70e67df1b9baebb692184598820a SHA512 b028b76d8d153ee8db9036c78342828543ce2675092f0daf9e1a82af7d7c249b3ea450567e1c3c04009764004c45424e2f9dfebd362d1364ff7cb2da40be3962
diff --git a/dev-debug/dtrace/dtrace-2.0.2.ebuild b/dev-debug/dtrace/dtrace-2.0.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d514c846de59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-debug/dtrace/dtrace-2.0.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# Copyright 2024-2025 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit edo flag-o-matic linux-info systemd toolchain-funcs udev
+DESCRIPTION="Dynamic BPF-based system-wide tracing tool"
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
+ EGIT_BRANCH="devel"
+ inherit git-r3
+ SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
+ S="${WORKDIR}"/dtrace-utils-${PV}
+ KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~arm64"
+IUSE="test-install valgrind"
+# XXX: right now, we auto-adapt to whether multilibs are present:
+# should we force them to be? how?
+# TODO: can we make the wireshark dep conditional?
+ dev-libs/elfutils
+ dev-libs/libbpf
+ dev-libs/libpfm:=
+ net-analyzer/wireshark[dumpcap]
+ net-libs/libpcap
+ >=sys-fs/fuse-3.2.0:3
+ >=sys-libs/binutils-libs-2.42:=
+ sys-libs/zlib
+ !dev-debug/systemtap[dtrace-symlink(+)]
+ net-analyzer/wireshark
+ test-install? (
+ app-alternatives/bc
+ app-editors/vim-core
+ dev-build/make
+ dev-lang/perl
+ dev-util/perf
+ net-fs/nfs-utils
+ sys-apps/coreutils
+ sys-fs/xfsprogs
+ sys-process/time
+ virtual/jdk
+ virtual/perl-IO-Socket-IP
+ )
+ dev-build/make
+ sys-apps/gawk
+ sys-devel/bison
+ >=sys-devel/bpf-toolchain-14.1.0
+ sys-devel/flex
+DEPEND+=" valgrind? ( dev-debug/valgrind )"
+ usr/.*/dtrace/testsuite/test/triggers/.*
+ usr/.*/dtrace/testsuite/test/triggers/.*
+# TODO: report upstream (bug #938221) although it seems like it's
+# not relevant given it's a BPF object.
+ usr/*/dtrace/bpf_dlib.*
+pkg_pretend() {
+ # TODO: optional kernel patches
+ # Basics for debugging information, BPF
+ # Tracing
+ # DTrace can fallback to kprobes for fbt but people often want them off
+ # for security and newer kernels work fine with BPF for that, so
+ # let's omit it. kprobes are slower and scale poorly.
+ #
+ if use test-install ; then
+ # See test/modules
+ fi
+ check_extra_config
+pkg_setup() {
+ eval unset ${!LC_*} LANG
+src_configure() {
+ if tc-is-cross-compiler; then
+ die "DTrace does not yet support cross-compilation."
+ fi
+ tc-export CC
+ # lld does this by default, so fix that, although lld fails anyway...
+ # 'LIBDTRACE_1.0' to symbol 'dtrace_provider_modules' failed: symbol not defined
+ append-ldflags $(test-flags-CCLD -Wl,--undefined-version)
+ # mold and lld can't cope with some relocation types used, e.g.
+ # 'test-triggers--usdt-tst-forker-prov.o:(.SUNW_dof): unknown relocation: R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT'
+ tc-ld-force-bfd
+ # -fno-semantic-interposition seems to lead to a broken dtrace
+ # that can't actually obtain results from probes, even trivial examples
+ # just hang.
+ filter-flags -fno-semantic-interposition
+ #
+ filter-lto
+ local confargs=(
+ # TODO: Maybe we should set the UNPRIV_UID to something? -3 is a bit... kludgy
+ --prefix="${EPREFIX}"/usr
+ --mandir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/man
+ --docdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}
+ --with-systemd
+ HAVE_BPFV3=yes
+ HAVE_VALGRIND=$(usex valgrind)
+ )
+ edo ./configure "${confargs[@]}"
+src_compile() {
+ # -j1:
+ emake verbose=1 -j1 $(usev !test-install TRIGGERS='')
+src_test() {
+ # Needs root and is also very time-consuming
+ :;
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" -j1 install $(usev test-install install-test)
+ # Stripping the BPF libs breaks them
+ dostrip -x "/usr/$(get_libdir)"
+ # It's a binary (TODO: move it?)
+ docompress -x /usr/share/doc/${PF}/showUSDT
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/dtprobed.init dtprobed
+pkg_postinst() {
+ # We need a udev reload to pick up the CUSE device node rules.
+ udev_reload
+ if [[ -n ${REPLACING_VERSIONS} ]]; then
+ # TODO: Make this more intelligent wrt comparison
+ # One option for this is to detect when it's needed (DOF stash layout changes)
+ # and then e.g. sleep and restart for the user.
+ if systemd_is_booted ; then
+ einfo "Restart the DTrace 'dtprobed' service after upgrades once all dtraces are stopped with:"
+ einfo " systemctl try-restart dtprobed"
+ else
+ einfo "Restart the DTrace 'dtprobed' service after upgrades once all dtraces are stopped with:"
+ einfo " /etc/init.d/dtprobed restart"
+ fi
+ else
+ einfo "See for getting started."
+ # We can't do magic for people with ROOT=.
+ if [[ -n ${ROOT} ]] ; then
+ einfo "Enable and start the DTrace 'dtprobed' service for systemd with:"
+ einfo " systemctl enable --now dtprobed"
+ einfo
+ einfo "Enable and start the DTrace 'dtprobed' service for OpenRC with:"
+ einfo " rc-update add dtprobed"
+ einfo " /etc/init.d/dtprobed start"
+ return
+ fi
+ # For first installs, we enable the service and start it.
+ #
+ # This is unusual, but the behaviour without dtprobed running
+ # is untested/unsupported. It's not a network service, it
+ # has no configuration, reads a single device node, and
+ # does all parsing within a seccomp jail. It also leads
+ # to hard-to-diagnose issues because USDT probes won't
+ # be registered and an application might have already
+ # started up which needs to be traced.
+ if systemd_is_booted ; then
+ ebegin "Enabling & starting DTrace 'dtprobed' service"
+ systemctl enable --now dtprobed
+ eend $?
+ else
+ ebegin "Enabling DTrace 'dtprobed' service"
+ rc-update add dtprobed
+ eend $?
+ ebegin "Starting DTrace 'dtprobed' service"
+ rc-service dtprobed start
+ eend $?
+ fi
+ fi
+pkg_postrm() {
+ udev_reload