path: root/dev-lang/rust
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <>2020-06-21 17:50:24 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <>2020-06-21 17:50:24 +0100
commitfeb0daf81d888e9160f9f94502de09b66f2a63fd (patch)
treeb6e5c40ce2abef3da27ed50a023153f475e0ddef /dev-lang/rust
parent9452a6e87b6c2c70513bc47a2470bf9f1168920e (diff)
gentoo resync : 21.06.2020
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lang/rust')
2 files changed, 504 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/rust/Manifest b/dev-lang/rust/Manifest
index 860af7b5f27c..34957ae73677 100644
--- a/dev-lang/rust/Manifest
+++ b/dev-lang/rust/Manifest
@@ -65,8 +65,10 @@ DIST rustc-1.41.1-src.tar.xz 93754192 BLAKE2B 235ece650d0c75e1c8700ce73d3811997c
DIST rustc-1.42.0-src.tar.xz 94186592 BLAKE2B 82298ef3da44188546bb945bcbfc1af630e6a4466b643667da08a04a33c6417afd68fc86302bdd22ab36c208fdb13cbc479e762d1217c05507bbfeb13bfbef7e SHA512 589bfdc92deedd33b8ea0df7f7c64c2a9a085fbea64936eff92f81e812309c060ed7a7adc96f6010d7adf62a68434a230da0f6c5b3540df4e0a5c6de05a31b16
DIST rustc-1.43.1-src.tar.xz 94405276 BLAKE2B 8679fe937abc4f758f3e35c2542d57cc1ad0bb72111597881873b30779b6e7b6711baa52493cb5ff954bf9cd31367b36db4e4fc8676635026059197a33659048 SHA512 24bb01237b1f3f5412109290bb4406b9742cf8956162f4090a98ed3a59a6e2e8dda399452bec1c93c8afdcf5effd98e4825e7f218238e0e88735c1ff4a5b385f
DIST rustc-1.44.0-src.tar.xz 94754392 BLAKE2B e46da2ceab4ba596ef693c2e7433e5faa3c2f60a10cbb56a446d9c3d66d6c7b08a6296df6fbb4b7c54c0762edcded698a7e2f60c3380990f631934aebb75d42c SHA512 03d6a2ec4c80eb436b278677080f360912c60aacffb98b79c91d5a79967ef988b2e62ccff9ab26993f852cebd62cdad48e149c4498f6dcdeb3699cbed19790e4
+DIST rustc-1.44.1-src.tar.xz 94756856 BLAKE2B 60f536c3ba0fa1fec4b6333ee57809ee5226090ad5041c14a136b4356ff3b898062e06c3fe54effe873e27931ac8fcb902cd48a38615a8de7eebc6ecb3bdc2bd SHA512 1c17002edae844a710db9b144c17171416330dc565343c65af8a6e112fb61555e2025bb4cf33cac1229d7df689e6ff8858b91ae00552400ccacafaf1de11849b
EBUILD rust-1.41.1.ebuild 10136 BLAKE2B aa077fba0ef2427383552eb9166acd6327a64af942756e2ebd745cec97aec030fa30e90e9522001ed2ae83b6965ebdd01635c9f0906d3614ced1337cf4e49507 SHA512 454a6545398497b192b8ee6b42c493f7f93a35121efb3ddf68287992cf40affec1445de538d97771582a8e689d2af58154688cc7439aee1659b95564a8fb2eaf
EBUILD rust-1.42.0.ebuild 10587 BLAKE2B d676f08d08c81b0dd876bece70e66c99979df6a011d09daf1c93d58fc9f6b8bec25a8a5ad8084eaa69f59f07b1b3a22bdd92ff5226bf4af1cc9f872130c051a5 SHA512 06e3e9b74283ae30fbd1ed7747ecb7a77c2f7af6a8f8a56c1ba42499c7d939d0df6e1bd79d6dc25e9b423f4464d899209606fe5d3d4e0fc0e6d4d2308ebec53b
EBUILD rust-1.43.1.ebuild 11453 BLAKE2B 422593c3f78f18fe63b3fded9f04871afb89019fb2e98726f19906fca7a16335d55aa35c7ae967412847fdd776ad88315648f0f132065c6f231ecb4768b51e5a SHA512 3d5902c19cdd7207acad042ded4fa5d7bc5250e07865fd17c5f826fedaa7a2160a8ac3ac483b09604ed5a078d1f1774dba664ba948ab39bfdd41ac6fe7b4a8e2
EBUILD rust-1.44.0.ebuild 14712 BLAKE2B 369613de5eea49b105ebc645e34935bc1d00ec9ee3a30e525bb6589b993a8812cc33a8f989700d9705e891d33833f488fd7daca07a1225f5226ef00f1c7394bd SHA512 42be3030a795feb652ad70f0b04fce995f76a3ed6f3582698ca40fa127222a496162f0cc50a783dd6f030292df51f66d59bacfa681f974fb3d0d2a551394e85d
+EBUILD rust-1.44.1.ebuild 14917 BLAKE2B f57f49337dcc1821d06894d6cdd9a9f2265d22afcda796d3ec9c02d27566086ed896f2dba3d720c62df41f6d700f4d9f69feed0cb111a8b52672fc34b084ae65 SHA512 1ae01e81eb06b24855a749c3ab9ae9a0abf102b4fb89c735136fa947e4d487caf94c4fcb032d7f3c758d6478695a52bd8a77242b9d90b4ce58ba914fc2e2cc57
MISC metadata.xml 1083 BLAKE2B 7a7b093c22dcaef58bd67f9c2fd84a000696b234d2bc27315999bf6751cfd2a79441fd22efc284a542ecc84ce1a12ff9ca3495d249eaffa5bc1722b385c6109e SHA512 bfe8c140753e93db67244c92e9a7d193691ceb67de796c30a851966a1262bc5c897ead6e13d728775fa524215b6851609dcbee582022d9d75bb8d1e6fabc4ef4
diff --git a/dev-lang/rust/rust-1.44.1.ebuild b/dev-lang/rust/rust-1.44.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1ba3a231d20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/rust/rust-1.44.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{6,7,8} )
+inherit bash-completion-r1 check-reqs estack flag-o-matic llvm multiprocessing multilib-build python-any-r1 rust-toolchain toolchain-funcs
+if [[ ${PV} = *beta* ]]; then
+ betaver=${PV//*beta}
+ BETA_SNAPSHOT="${betaver:0:4}-${betaver:4:2}-${betaver:6:2}"
+ MY_P="rustc-beta"
+ SLOT="beta/${PV}"
+ SRC="${BETA_SNAPSHOT}/rustc-beta-src.tar.xz"
+ ABI_VER="$(ver_cut 1-2)"
+ SLOT="stable/${ABI_VER}"
+ MY_P="rustc-${PV}"
+ SRC="${MY_P}-src.tar.xz"
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~x86"
+RUST_STAGE0_VERSION="1.$(($(ver_cut 2) - 1)).1"
+DESCRIPTION="Systems programming language from Mozilla"
+${SRC} -> rustc-${PV}-src.tar.xz
+ !system-bootstrap? ( $(rust_all_arch_uris rust-${RUST_STAGE0_VERSION}) )
+ALL_LLVM_TARGETS=( AArch64 AMDGPU ARM BPF Hexagon Lanai Mips MSP430
+ NVPTX PowerPC RISCV Sparc SystemZ WebAssembly X86 XCore )
+ALL_LLVM_TARGETS=( "${ALL_LLVM_TARGETS[@]/#/llvm_targets_}" )
+LICENSE="|| ( MIT Apache-2.0 ) BSD-1 BSD-2 BSD-4 UoI-NCSA"
+IUSE="clippy cpu_flags_x86_sse2 debug doc libressl miri nightly parallel-compiler rls rustfmt system-bootstrap system-llvm wasm ${ALL_LLVM_TARGETS[*]}"
+# Please keep the LLVM dependency block separate. Since LLVM is slotted,
+# we need to *really* make sure we're not pulling more than one slot
+# simultaneously.
+# How to use it:
+# 1. List all the working slots (with min versions) in ||, newest first.
+# 2. Update the := to specify *max* version, e.g. < 11.
+# 3. Specify LLVM_MAX_SLOT, e.g. 10.
+ || (
+ sys-devel/llvm:10[${LLVM_TARGET_USEDEPS// /,}]
+ sys-devel/llvm:9[${LLVM_TARGET_USEDEPS// /,}]
+ )
+ <sys-devel/llvm-11:=
+ wasm? ( sys-devel/lld )
+BOOTSTRAP_DEPEND="|| ( >=dev-lang/rust-1.$(($(ver_cut 2) - 1)) >=dev-lang/rust-bin-1.$(($(ver_cut 2) - 1)) )"
+# libgit2 should be at least same as bungled into libgit-sys #707746
+ >=dev-libs/libgit2-0.99:=
+ net-libs/libssh2:=
+ net-libs/http-parser:=
+ net-misc/curl:=[ssl]
+ sys-libs/zlib:=
+ !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= )
+ libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:0= )
+ elibc_musl? ( sys-libs/libunwind )
+ system-llvm? (
+ )
+ || (
+ >=sys-devel/gcc-4.7
+ >=sys-devel/clang-3.5
+ )
+ system-bootstrap? ( ${BOOTSTRAP_DEPEND} )
+ !system-llvm? (
+ dev-util/cmake
+ dev-util/ninja
+ )
+ >=app-eselect/eselect-rust-20190311
+ miri? ( nightly )
+ parallel-compiler? ( nightly )
+ wasm? ( llvm_targets_WebAssembly )
+ x86? ( cpu_flags_x86_sse2 )
+ usr/bin/.*-${PV}
+ usr/lib.*/lib.*.so
+ usr/lib/rustlib/.*/codegen-backends/
+ usr/lib/rustlib/.*/lib/lib.*.so
+ usr/lib.*/lib.*.so
+ usr/lib.*/librustc_macros.*.s
+# tests need a bit more work, currently they are causing multiple
+# re-compilations and somewhat fragile.
+ "${FILESDIR}"/0012-Ignore-broken-and-non-applicable-tests.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/1.44.0-libressl.patch
+toml_usex() {
+ usex "$1" true false
+pre_build_checks() {
+ eshopts_push -s extglob
+ if is-flagq '-g?(gdb)?([1-9])'; then
+ fi
+ eshopts_pop
+ check-reqs_pkg_setup
+pkg_pretend() {
+ pre_build_checks
+pkg_setup() {
+ pre_build_checks
+ python-any-r1_pkg_setup
+ # required to link agains system libs, otherwise
+ # crates use bundled sources and compile own static version
+ if use system-llvm; then
+ llvm_pkg_setup
+ local llvm_config="$(get_llvm_prefix "$LLVM_MAX_SLOT")/bin/llvm-config"
+ export RUSTFLAGS="${RUSTFLAGS} -Lnative=$("${llvm_config}" --libdir)"
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ if ! use system-bootstrap; then
+ local rust_stage0_root="${WORKDIR}"/rust-stage0
+ local rust_stage0="rust-${RUST_STAGE0_VERSION}-$(rust_abi)"
+ "${WORKDIR}/${rust_stage0}"/ --disable-ldconfig \
+ --destdir="${rust_stage0_root}" --prefix=/ || die
+ fi
+ default
+src_configure() {
+ local rust_target="" rust_targets="" arch_cflags
+ # Collect rust target names to compile standard libs for all ABIs.
+ for v in $(multilib_get_enabled_abi_pairs); do
+ rust_targets="${rust_targets},\"$(rust_abi $(get_abi_CHOST ${v##*.}))\""
+ done
+ if use wasm; then
+ rust_targets="${rust_targets},\"wasm32-unknown-unknown\""
+ if use system-llvm; then
+ # un-hardcode rust-lld linker for this target
+ #
+ sed -i '/linker:/ s/rust-lld/wasm-ld/' src/librustc_target/spec/ || die
+ fi
+ fi
+ rust_targets="${rust_targets#,}"
+ local tools="\"cargo\","
+ if use clippy; then
+ tools="\"clippy\",$tools"
+ fi
+ if use miri; then
+ tools="\"miri\",$tools"
+ fi
+ if use rls; then
+ tools="\"rls\",\"analysis\",\"src\",$tools"
+ fi
+ if use rustfmt; then
+ tools="\"rustfmt\",$tools"
+ fi
+ local rust_stage0_root
+ if use system-bootstrap; then
+ rust_stage0_root="$(rustc --print sysroot)"
+ else
+ rust_stage0_root="${WORKDIR}"/rust-stage0
+ fi
+ rust_target="$(rust_abi)"
+ cat <<- EOF > "${S}"/config.toml
+ [llvm]
+ optimize = $(toml_usex !debug)
+ release-debuginfo = $(toml_usex debug)
+ assertions = $(toml_usex debug)
+ ninja = true
+ targets = "${LLVM_TARGETS// /;}"
+ experimental-targets = ""
+ link-shared = $(toml_usex system-llvm)
+ [build]
+ build = "${rust_target}"
+ host = ["${rust_target}"]
+ target = [${rust_targets}]
+ cargo = "${rust_stage0_root}/bin/cargo"
+ rustc = "${rust_stage0_root}/bin/rustc"
+ docs = $(toml_usex doc)
+ compiler-docs = $(toml_usex doc)
+ submodules = false
+ python = "${EPYTHON}"
+ locked-deps = true
+ vendor = true
+ extended = true
+ tools = [${tools}]
+ verbose = 2
+ sanitizers = false
+ profiler = false
+ cargo-native-static = false
+ [install]
+ prefix = "${EPREFIX}/usr"
+ libdir = "lib"
+ docdir = "share/doc/${PF}"
+ mandir = "share/man"
+ [rust]
+ optimize = true
+ debug = $(toml_usex debug)
+ debug-assertions = $(toml_usex debug)
+ debuginfo-level-rustc = 0
+ backtrace = true
+ incremental = false
+ default-linker = "$(tc-getCC)"
+ parallel-compiler = $(toml_usex parallel-compiler)
+ channel = "$(usex nightly nightly stable)"
+ rpath = false
+ verbose-tests = true
+ optimize-tests = $(toml_usex !debug)
+ codegen-tests = true
+ dist-src = false
+ lld = $(usex system-llvm false $(toml_usex wasm))
+ backtrace-on-ice = true
+ jemalloc = false
+ [dist]
+ src-tarball = false
+ for v in $(multilib_get_enabled_abi_pairs); do
+ rust_target=$(rust_abi $(get_abi_CHOST ${v##*.}))
+ arch_cflags="$(get_abi_CFLAGS ${v##*.})"
+ cat <<- EOF >> "${S}"/config.env
+ CFLAGS_${rust_target}=${arch_cflags}
+ cat <<- EOF >> "${S}"/config.toml
+ [target.${rust_target}]
+ cc = "$(tc-getBUILD_CC)"
+ cxx = "$(tc-getBUILD_CXX)"
+ linker = "$(tc-getCC)"
+ ar = "$(tc-getAR)"
+ # librustc_target/spec/ sets base.crt_static_default = true;
+ if use elibc_musl; then
+ cat <<- EOF >> "${S}"/config.toml
+ crt-static = false
+ fi
+ if use system-llvm; then
+ cat <<- EOF >> "${S}"/config.toml
+ llvm-config = "$(get_llvm_prefix "${LLVM_MAX_SLOT}")/bin/llvm-config"
+ fi
+ done
+ if use wasm; then
+ cat <<- EOF >> "${S}"/config.toml
+ [target.wasm32-unknown-unknown]
+ linker = "$(usex system-llvm lld rust-lld)"
+ fi
+ if [[ -n ${I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING_CROSS} ]]; then #whitespace intentionally shifted below
+ # experimental cross support
+ # discussion:
+ # TODO: c*flags, clang, system-llvm, cargo.eclass target support
+ # it would be much better if we could split out stdlib
+ # complilation to separate ebuild and abuse CATEGORY to
+ # just install to /usr/lib/rustlib/<target>
+ # extra targets defined as a bash array
+ # spec format: <LLVM target>:<rust-target>:<CTARGET>
+ # best place would be /etc/portage/env/dev-lang/rust
+ # Example:
+ # "AArch64:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu"
+ # )
+ # no extra hand holding is done, no target transformations, all
+ # values are passed as-is with just basic checks, so it's up to user to supply correct values
+ # valid rust targets can be obtained with
+ # rustc --print target-list
+ # matching cross toolchain has to be installed
+ # matching LLVM_TARGET has to be enabled for both rust and llvm (if using system one)
+ # only gcc toolchains installed with crossdev are checked for now.
+ # BUG: we can't pass host flags to cross compiler, so just filter for now
+ # BUG: this should be more fine-grained.
+ filter-flags '-mcpu=*' '-march=*' '-mtune=*'
+ local cross_target_spec
+ for cross_target_spec in "${RUST_CROSS_TARGETS[@]}";do
+ # extracts first element form <LLVM target>:<rust-target>:<CTARGET>
+ local cross_llvm_target="${cross_target_spec%%:*}"
+ # extracts toolchain triples, <rust-target>:<CTARGET>
+ local cross_triples="${cross_target_spec#*:}"
+ # extracts first element after before : separator
+ local cross_rust_target="${cross_triples%%:*}"
+ # extracts last element after : separator
+ local cross_toolchain="${cross_triples##*:}"
+ use llvm_targets_${cross_llvm_target} || die "need llvm_targets_${cross_llvm_target} target enabled"
+ command -v ${cross_toolchain}-gcc > /dev/null 2>&1 || die "need ${cross_toolchain} cross toolchain"
+ cat <<- EOF >> "${S}"/config.toml
+ [target.${cross_rust_target}]
+ cc = "${cross_toolchain}-gcc"
+ cxx = "${cross_toolchain}-g++"
+ linker = "${cross_toolchain}-gcc"
+ ar = "${cross_toolchain}-ar"
+ if use system-llvm; then
+ cat <<- EOF >> "${S}"/config.toml
+ llvm-config = "$(get_llvm_prefix "${LLVM_MAX_SLOT}")/bin/llvm-config"
+ fi
+ # append cross target to "normal" target list
+ # example 'target = ["powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu"]'
+ # becomes 'target = ["powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu","aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu"]'
+ rust_targets="${rust_targets},\"${cross_rust_target}\""
+ sed -i "/^target = \[/ s#\[.*\]#\[${rust_targets}\]#" config.toml || die
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "Enabled ${rust_target} rust target"
+ ewarn "Using ${cross_toolchain} cross toolchain"
+ ewarn
+ if ! has_version -b 'sys-devel/binutils[multitarget]' ; then
+ ewarn "'sys-devel/binutils[multitarget]' is not installed"
+ ewarn "'strip' will be unable to strip cross libraries"
+ ewarn "cross targets will be installed with full debug information"
+ ewarn "enable 'multitarget' USE flag for binutils to be able to strip object files"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "Alternatively llvm-strip can be used, it supports stripping any target"
+ ewarn "define STRIP=\"llvm-strip\" to use it (experimental)"
+ ewarn
+ fi
+ done
+ einfo "Rust configured with the following settings:"
+ cat "${S}"/config.toml || die
+src_compile() {
+ env $(cat "${S}"/config.env) RUST_BACKTRACE=1\
+ "${EPYTHON}" ./ build -vv --config="${S}"/config.toml -j$(makeopts_jobs) || die
+src_test() {
+ env $(cat "${S}"/config.env) RUST_BACKTRACE=1\
+ "${EPYTHON}" ./ test -vv --config="${S}"/config.toml -j$(makeopts_jobs) --no-doc --no-fail-fast \
+ src/test/codegen \
+ src/test/codegen-units \
+ src/test/compile-fail \
+ src/test/incremental \
+ src/test/mir-opt \
+ src/test/pretty \
+ src/test/run-fail \
+ src/test/run-make \
+ src/test/run-make-fulldeps \
+ src/test/ui \
+ src/test/ui-fulldeps || die
+src_install() {
+ env $(cat "${S}"/config.env) DESTDIR="${D}" \
+ "${EPYTHON}" ./ install -vv --config="${S}"/config.toml || die
+ # bug #689562, #689160
+ rm "${D}/etc/bash_completion.d/cargo" || die
+ rmdir "${D}"/etc{/bash_completion.d,} || die
+ dobashcomp build/tmp/dist/cargo-image/etc/bash_completion.d/cargo
+ mv "${ED}/usr/bin/rustc" "${ED}/usr/bin/rustc-${PV}" || die
+ mv "${ED}/usr/bin/rustdoc" "${ED}/usr/bin/rustdoc-${PV}" || die
+ mv "${ED}/usr/bin/rust-gdb" "${ED}/usr/bin/rust-gdb-${PV}" || die
+ mv "${ED}/usr/bin/rust-gdbgui" "${ED}/usr/bin/rust-gdbgui-${PV}" || die
+ mv "${ED}/usr/bin/rust-lldb" "${ED}/usr/bin/rust-lldb-${PV}" || die
+ mv "${ED}/usr/bin/cargo" "${ED}/usr/bin/cargo-${PV}" || die
+ if use clippy; then
+ mv "${ED}/usr/bin/clippy-driver" "${ED}/usr/bin/clippy-driver-${PV}" || die
+ mv "${ED}/usr/bin/cargo-clippy" "${ED}/usr/bin/cargo-clippy-${PV}" || die
+ fi
+ if use miri; then
+ mv "${ED}/usr/bin/miri" "${ED}/usr/bin/miri-${PV}" || die
+ mv "${ED}/usr/bin/cargo-miri" "${ED}/usr/bin/cargo-miri-${PV}" || die
+ fi
+ if use rls; then
+ mv "${ED}/usr/bin/rls" "${ED}/usr/bin/rls-${PV}" || die
+ fi
+ if use rustfmt; then
+ mv "${ED}/usr/bin/rustfmt" "${ED}/usr/bin/rustfmt-${PV}" || die
+ mv "${ED}/usr/bin/cargo-fmt" "${ED}/usr/bin/cargo-fmt-${PV}" || die
+ fi
+ # Move public shared libs to abi specific libdir
+ # Private and target specific libs MUST stay in /usr/lib/rustlib/${rust_target}/lib
+ if [[ $(get_libdir) != lib ]]; then
+ dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ mv "${ED}/usr/lib"/*.so "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/" || die
+ fi
+ rm "${ED}/usr/share/doc/${P}"/*.old || die
+ rm "${ED}/usr/share/doc/${P}/LICENSE-APACHE" || die
+ rm "${ED}/usr/share/doc/${P}/LICENSE-MIT" || die
+ # note: eselect-rust adds EROOT to all paths below
+ cat <<-EOF > "${T}/provider-${P}"
+ /usr/bin/cargo
+ /usr/bin/rustdoc
+ /usr/bin/rust-gdb
+ /usr/bin/rust-gdbgui
+ /usr/bin/rust-lldb
+ if use clippy; then
+ echo /usr/bin/clippy-driver >> "${T}/provider-${P}"
+ echo /usr/bin/cargo-clippy >> "${T}/provider-${P}"
+ fi
+ if use miri; then
+ echo /usr/bin/miri >> "${T}/provider-${P}"
+ echo /usr/bin/cargo-miri >> "${T}/provider-${P}"
+ fi
+ if use rls; then
+ echo /usr/bin/rls >> "${T}/provider-${P}"
+ fi
+ if use rustfmt; then
+ echo /usr/bin/rustfmt >> "${T}/provider-${P}"
+ echo /usr/bin/cargo-fmt >> "${T}/provider-${P}"
+ fi
+ insinto /etc/env.d/rust
+ doins "${T}/provider-${P}"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ eselect rust update --if-unset
+ elog "Rust installs a helper script for calling GDB and LLDB,"
+ elog "for your convenience it is installed under /usr/bin/rust-{gdb,lldb}-${PV}."
+ if has_version app-editors/emacs; then
+ elog "install app-emacs/rust-mode to get emacs support for rust."
+ fi
+ if has_version app-editors/gvim || has_version app-editors/vim; then
+ elog "install app-vim/rust-vim to get vim support for rust."
+ fi
+ if use elibc_musl; then
+ ewarn "${PN} on *-musl targets is configured with crt-static"
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "you will need to set RUSTFLAGS=\"-C target-feature=-crt-static\" in make.conf"
+ ewarn "to use it with portage, otherwise you may see failures like"
+ ewarn "error: cannot produce proc-macro for serde_derive v1.0.98 as the target "
+ ewarn "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl does not support these crate types"
+ fi
+pkg_postrm() {
+ eselect rust cleanup