path: root/dev-python/pypy
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2022-05-12 16:42:50 +0300
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2022-05-12 16:42:50 +0300
commit752d6256e5204b958b0ef7905675a940b5e9172f (patch)
tree330d16e6362a49cbed8875a777fe641a43376cd3 /dev-python/pypy
parent0c100b7dd2b30e75b799d806df4ef899fd98e1ea (diff)
gentoo resync : 12.05.2022
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-python/pypy')
3 files changed, 2 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/dev-python/pypy/Manifest b/dev-python/pypy/Manifest
index 694eb63fd10f..b993f78b0279 100644
--- a/dev-python/pypy/Manifest
+++ b/dev-python/pypy/Manifest
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
-DIST pypy2.7-gentoo-patches-7.3.8.tar.xz 7428 BLAKE2B 5362c34929e2053fc9a806e9894f35cce02ba1ebfad66cc64acc200ade4317934ee50dbc072194d19e201dea2a678abd609001ffe7e39bd6890a3b26c9d6d00e SHA512 6a7bfadac8f638e69419a6a1536af595a63bb2b4e3028da6423bd164d3df5399901b217468b1b374a5162ca8d2e5a61c4a19996f9e63109ed414a1aedcaac5d6
DIST pypy2.7-gentoo-patches-7.3.9.tar.xz 7428 BLAKE2B 0a42e3c04ac0e560d56ce7218db81fa55f74ad45a4a033ccda8c5fba34e3a0b1f06587b5b18e947170cc635bd44e5a7799daeec9319c6a09165a73b32554a4b6 SHA512 3a52d40ccf8d77f3493a763b51e4bf86a808f6478191ed4eeaa4f2c2ce8b75769c3880d07cbc7614d8af5573f3e8edfe694be41626b947f3d06c321cf4f59abd
-DIST pypy2.7-v7.3.8-src.tar.bz2 23279006 BLAKE2B 7b2f5bfaffb99d3444f355039f743a21016dea22cc78cd5feca05eb12ce0e5ed39dafd22a8726994d0aff789e68b506197680e7181087313d2c5cd17b674ae4d SHA512 6ff90fad998c25aec5823e61d65266c169e89cba2ee2e3b6d0864d34d69a6b9fe7ad4d591bc8b38a48c5c22ea3dd468d3188cd34e03746c258752eaa24ac3ae2
DIST pypy2.7-v7.3.9-src.tar.bz2 23328628 BLAKE2B 50d015439b6a6f15dd24eb4524726a2054f0d8e7ef209b54dc4eb9365b41b333f3dad525422316af3ff19e6ffb5866859db4455e05fc1529a81ce3b6e7c621db SHA512 8d7513d4efe924f2456dd65a45a82dd16171f7962c81ba90f2a168c332cdad78ceffa3ed1af379c09e61082b39d5c2a8385cd77c89b698c47cc75e9df1bb4d2a
-EBUILD pypy-7.3.8.ebuild 4970 BLAKE2B 5a02ea5af0d28b944b26cb51ad2be044cc724351e3c9a89237a75520cd0f436eb539f095ea101e221c359bac6802cb12856e5a0445f35864176685d5c1e0206c SHA512 dcbbe30c25a792d9bc85908ce80744f5c6b968188073ff48aa1242b6861945edf2d375b16095b31a00a2aabe8057b4ad6508fc76ddc618c1942edcd164b117a4
-EBUILD pypy-7.3.9.ebuild 5045 BLAKE2B 6cff2ae266e691218b2f0d301b6bbdffe421efaaf129e59911d20b9be9392b7fc1c8b39477621039241a2d42662daf98fdadd053b8d5927e1b713dcf061478ae SHA512 29440549351c8ca4716733aabb32310986d1c1df2c30b627752718d5b5dd20e739c0adf4d987cd2c7f54ffba7d02ca3fcbd859be7f5b64e3e3fab00f8767655d
+EBUILD pypy-7.3.9.ebuild 5043 BLAKE2B 204cae544c1bd272e5171736312c8832568f50d59f18c45b36de474e8652cb03d6c7d80bf87e9c01a81c48237d37ea398e81e67495b768e2564509e737ae1ab8 SHA512 88032274e6ade0b1eb994afbbf09a79329e366f2969db15d2b2f4d50605affc16ba81c4f07066fc7f2b8e72c034f56f9a4643f439860ab90557d2ed941b9d6dc
MISC metadata.xml 241 BLAKE2B 4f18c355c71824c25df283b2d463a5abbf2295446e74b960e868dd78d4910ac066725450478087567a6e66b7a8948d99e053f13a7e58dbf2b89fdaf5c2f3436c SHA512 c46e70ffd66754ad84c64806f2bbff25ba9a688f035176a4565afc95351ce10fffba64bbde89965501460b05978c7e59b3d84db6a8cb6efff4055d4b7a5ab5d8
diff --git a/dev-python/pypy/pypy-7.3.8.ebuild b/dev-python/pypy/pypy-7.3.8.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c46dcd3cbcc..000000000000
--- a/dev-python/pypy/pypy-7.3.8.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit pax-utils python-utils-r1
-DESCRIPTION="A fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python language"
-# pypy -c 'import sysconfig; print sysconfig.get_config_var("SOABI")'
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm64 ~ppc64 x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-IUSE="bzip2 gdbm +jit ncurses sqlite tk"
- || (
- >=dev-python/pypy-exe-${PYPY_PV}:${PYPY_PV}[bzip2?,ncurses?]
- >=dev-python/pypy-exe-bin-${PYPY_PV}:${PYPY_PV}
- )
- dev-libs/openssl:0=
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm:0= )
- sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3= )
- tk? (
- dev-lang/tk:0=
- dev-tcltk/tix:0=
- )
- !<dev-python/pypy-bin-7.3.0:0"
-src_prepare() {
- local PATCHES=(
- )
- default
-src_compile() {
- # copy over to make sys.prefix happy
- cp -p "${BROOT}"/usr/lib/pypy2.7/pypy-c-${PYPY_PV} pypy-c || die
- cp -p "${BROOT}"/usr/lib/pypy2.7/include/${PYPY_PV}/* include/ || die
- # (not installed by pypy)
- rm pypy/module/cpyext/include/_numpypy/numpy/README || die
- mv pypy/module/cpyext/include/* include/ || die
- mv pypy/module/cpyext/parse/*.h include/ || die
- pax-mark m pypy-c
- # verify the subslot
- local soabi=$(./pypy-c -c 'import sysconfig; print sysconfig.get_config_var("SOABI")')
- [[ ${soabi#pypy-} == ${SLOT#*/} ]] || die "update subslot to ${soabi}"
- einfo "Generating caches and CFFI modules ..."
- # Generate Grammar and PatternGrammar pickles.
- ./pypy-c -c "import lib2to3.pygram, lib2to3.patcomp; lib2to3.patcomp.PatternCompiler()" \
- || die "Generation of Grammar and PatternGrammar pickles failed"
- # Generate cffi modules
- # Please keep in sync with pypy/tool/!
- cffi_targets=( pypy_util ssl audioop syslog pwdgrp resource )
- use gdbm && cffi_targets+=( gdbm )
- use ncurses && cffi_targets+=( curses )
- use sqlite && cffi_targets+=( sqlite3 )
- use tk && cffi_targets+=( tkinter/tklib )
- local t
- # all modules except tkinter output to .
- # tkinter outputs to the correct dir ...
- cd lib_pypy || die
- for t in "${cffi_targets[@]}"; do
- # tkinter doesn't work via -m
- ../pypy-c "_${t}" || die "Failed to build CFFI bindings for ${t}"
- done
- # Verify that CFFI module list is up-to-date
- local expected_cksum=2d3acf18
- local local_cksum=$(../pypy-c -c '
-from pypy_tools.build_cffi_imports import cffi_build_scripts as x;
-import binascii, json;
-print("%08x" % (binascii.crc32(json.dumps(x)),))')
- if [[ ${local_cksum} != ${expected_cksum} ]]; then
- die "Please verify cffi_targets and update checksum to ${local_cksum}"
- fi
- # Cleanup temporary objects
- find -name "_cffi_*.[co]" -delete || die
- find -type d -empty -delete || die
-src_test() {
- # (unset)
- local -x COLUMNS=80
- local ignored_tests=(
- # network
- --ignore=lib-python/2.7/test/
- --ignore=lib-python/2.7/test/
- # lots of free space
- --ignore=lib-python/2.7/test/
- # broken by expat-2.4.5
- --ignore=lib-python/2.7/test/
- --ignore=lib-python/2.7/test/
- --ignore=lib-python/2.7/test/
- )
- ./pypy-c ./pypy/ --pypy=./pypy-c -vv \
- "${ignored_tests[@]}" lib-python || die
-src_install() {
- local dest=/usr/lib/pypy2.7
- einfo "Installing PyPy ..."
- dosym pypy-c-${PYPY_PV} "${dest}/pypy-c"
- insinto "${dest}"
- # preserve mtimes to avoid obsoleting caches
- insopts -p
- doins -r include lib_pypy lib-python
- # replace copied headers with symlinks
- for x in "${BROOT}"/usr/lib/pypy2.7/include/${PYPY_PV}/*; do
- dosym "${PYPY_PV}/${x##*/}" "${dest}/include/${x##*/}"
- done
- dosym ../lib/pypy2.7/pypy-c /usr/bin/pypy
- dodoc README.rst
- if ! use gdbm; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/lib_pypy/ \
- "${ED}${dest}"/lib-python/*2.7/test/ || die
- fi
- if ! use sqlite; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/lib-python/*2.7/sqlite3 \
- "${ED}${dest}"/lib_pypy/ \
- "${ED}${dest}"/lib-python/*2.7/test/ || die
- fi
- if ! use tk; then
- rm -r "${ED}${dest}"/lib-python/*2.7/{idlelib,lib-tk} \
- "${ED}${dest}"/lib_pypy/_tkinter \
- "${ED}${dest}"/lib-python/*2.7/test/test_{tcl,tk,ttk*}.py || die
- fi
- local -x EPYTHON=pypy
- local -x PYTHON=${ED}${dest}/pypy-c-${PYPY_PV}
- # temporarily copy to build tree to facilitate module builds
- cp -p "${BROOT}${dest}/pypy-c-${PYPY_PV}" "${PYTHON}" || die
- echo "EPYTHON='${EPYTHON}'" > || die
- python_moduleinto /usr/lib/pypy2.7/site-packages
- python_domodule
- einfo "Byte-compiling Python standard library..."
- python_optimize "${ED}${dest}"
- # remove to avoid collisions
- rm "${PYTHON}" || die
diff --git a/dev-python/pypy/pypy-7.3.9.ebuild b/dev-python/pypy/pypy-7.3.9.ebuild
index 0ba6e357497b..5d7b787836fc 100644
--- a/dev-python/pypy/pypy-7.3.9.ebuild
+++ b/dev-python/pypy/pypy-7.3.9.ebuild
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}-src"
# pypy -c 'import sysconfig; print sysconfig.get_config_var("SOABI")'
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm64 ~ppc64 x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
IUSE="bzip2 gdbm +jit ncurses sqlite tk"