path: root/games-misc/opensfx
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2022-06-29 12:04:12 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2022-06-29 12:04:12 +0100
commit0f558761aa2dee1017b4751e4017205e015a9560 (patch)
tree037df795519468a25d9362b4e95cdaeb84eb1cf9 /games-misc/opensfx
parent752d6256e5204b958b0ef7905675a940b5e9172f (diff)
gentoo resync : 29.12.2022
Diffstat (limited to 'games-misc/opensfx')
3 files changed, 153 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/games-misc/opensfx/Manifest b/games-misc/opensfx/Manifest
index 05100259722b..235f8d9c76b5 100644
--- a/games-misc/opensfx/Manifest
+++ b/games-misc/opensfx/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+AUX opensfx-1.0.3-no-which.patch 5890 BLAKE2B f23d3fb9ba5d7ae30107b2f872fb59fa8bb5a1509680e601110f13ce0d227316fcd0f9be5d86eaf8b9e575b47929b81b692c3416d361649acaf673c12d59d671 SHA512 45a9768ce97934486f282f4f2ab3bcfaa9fc916f8978417042451b3f2847128ab4a30b8c5710cb709510168b9893cfcc0f3227e8e41ffd4d7e0ffe4cd73f6655
DIST opensfx-1.0.3-source.tar.xz 9943616 BLAKE2B c266ec015c23d79b28e313ad3cb5a1613fe7c9674fd0192bf4a141adcd2a27594052f311710b63e6a173579ba5bebeed50799d2cb19eb3fd5b5ca28411b4b509 SHA512 a077fcb1676ba17aa5e9e2df32c2d69452fe54895e3ac64a80c2a6247aa3ea2ef37443e2391f88117768eeb3f808793c78c11727c69bb3df2fde57f67964dbff
-EBUILD opensfx-1.0.3.ebuild 594 BLAKE2B 35e08bdc510fbf67c86603987123a55b8984b6237f98398fabb7dfe42ef49344acec368267cb69a2b794d239e8c4d3184a0f0803bef47dda7994e55706064c0e SHA512 28d37d4ab90b5d865d98f72793bacf4d840e32e0585e5dea0f0ebe7be4971e3e3c962f6989dd568c40a1ea5cc22423e9ce62f0fcd9cd2463b0448798179c350f
+EBUILD opensfx-1.0.3.ebuild 649 BLAKE2B c60a6acb891315f32d89161c09042cf2b260143d3aad4d744c2e8f8fb421a0c57909291d31c54e295cbf9819bcf76e6eea41876dc95d83ea46445b2ee817cef2 SHA512 c3ab74a0064853fe309c85c8608f2ef0f9ec341ce50dce5fc7fd0d3bfa6cbcc60594de22c4798eefbe3a69146cd331aff2c3d605ccaa383437adbc64737803d4
MISC metadata.xml 327 BLAKE2B 15e9be4cd0ae3a5594274fb0e018d4d3bca0ef5ffa2a83dfe29b9cf615a0070d3cf47fbfbfebf32866e1f7c3fead83622c7f49ab30649d1383f3236f6a94fbe7 SHA512 b8e8dec4960aa1913b4d8ee801916755ad20e408a62aae6291a650d0abca928123add122d95646e911c54665acf5d8c6fd928a9a1800f5520ebc36a8e0a9db18
diff --git a/games-misc/opensfx/files/opensfx-1.0.3-no-which.patch b/games-misc/opensfx/files/opensfx-1.0.3-no-which.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c0b5dee198e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-misc/opensfx/files/opensfx-1.0.3-no-which.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ all: $(GENERATE_GRF) $(GENERATE_DOC) bundle_tar
+ MAKE ?= make
+ MAKE_FLAGS ?= -r
+-NML ?= $(shell which nmlc 2>/dev/null)
++NML ?= $(shell command -v nmlc 2>/dev/null)
+ NML_FLAGS ?= -c
+ NML_BRANCH = $(shell nmlc --version | head -n1 | cut -d. -f1-2)
+@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ ifdef MIN_NML_REVISION
+ endif
+- CC ?= $(shell which gcc 2>/dev/null)
++ CC ?= $(shell command -v gcc 2>/dev/null)
+ CC_FLAGS ?= -C -E -nostdinc -x c-header
+ endif
+@@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ AWK ?= awk
+ GREP ?= grep
+-GIT ?= $(shell git status >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && which git 2>/dev/null)
++GIT ?= $(shell git status >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && command -v git 2>/dev/null)
+ PYTHON ?= python
+-UNIX2DOS ?= $(shell which unix2dos 2>/dev/null)
++UNIX2DOS ?= $(shell command -v unix2dos 2>/dev/null)
+ UNIX2DOS_FLAGS ?= $(shell [ -n $(UNIX2DOS) ] && $(UNIX2DOS) -q --version 1>&2 2>/dev/null && echo "-q" || echo "")
+ ################################################################
+@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ ifdef GFX_SCRIPT_LIST_FILES
+ # include dependency file, if we generate graphics
+ -include Makefile_gfx.dep
+-GIMP ?= $(shell [ `which gimp 2>/dev/null` ] && echo "gimp" || echo "")
++GIMP ?= $(shell [ `command -v gimp 2>/dev/null` ] && echo "gimp" || echo "")
+ GIMP_FLAGS ?= -n -i -b - <
+ %.scm: $(SCRIPT_DIR)/gimpscript $(SCRIPT_DIR)/gimp.sed
+@@ -309,26 +309,26 @@ clean::
+ # and the distribution bundles like bundle_tar, bundle_zip, ...
+ # Programme definitions
+-TAR ?= $(shell which tar 2>/dev/null)
++TAR ?= $(shell command -v tar 2>/dev/null)
+ TAR_FLAGS ?= -cf
+-ZIP ?= $(shell which zip 2>/dev/null)
++ZIP ?= $(shell command -v zip 2>/dev/null)
+ ZIP_FLAGS ?= -9rq
+-GZIP ?= $(shell which gzip 2>/dev/null)
++GZIP ?= $(shell command -v gzip 2>/dev/null)
+ GZIP_FLAGS ?= -9f
+-BZIP ?= $(shell which bzip2 2>/dev/null)
++BZIP ?= $(shell command -v bzip2 2>/dev/null)
+ BZIP_FLAGS ?= -9fk
+-XZ ?= $(shell which xz 2>/dev/null)
++XZ ?= $(shell command -v xz 2>/dev/null)
+ XZ_FLAGS ?= -efk
+ # OSX has nice extended file attributes which create their own file within tars. We don't want those, thus don't copy them
+ CP_FLAGS ?= $(shell [ "$(OSTYPE)" = "Darwin" ] && echo "-rfX" || echo "-rf")
+ # Use the grfID programme to find the checksum which OpenTTD checks
+-GRFID ?= $(shell which grfid 2>/dev/null)
++GRFID ?= $(shell command -v grfid 2>/dev/null)
+ # Rules on how to generate filenames. Usually no need to change
+@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ endif
+ ifeq ($(shell echo "$(OSTYPE)" | cut -d_ -f1),MINGW32)
+ # If CC has been set to the default implicit value (cc), check if it can be used. Otherwise use a saner default.
+ ifeq "$(origin CC)" "default"
+- CC=$(shell which cc 2>/dev/null && echo "cc" || echo "gcc")
++ CC=$(shell command -v cc 2>/dev/null && echo "cc" || echo "gcc")
+ endif
+ WIN_VER = $(shell echo "$(OSTYPE)" | cut -d- -f2 | cut -d. -f1)
+ ifeq ($(WIN_VER),5)
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
+ > $@
+ $(_V) [ -z "$(UNIX2DOS)" ] || $(UNIX2DOS) $(UNIX2DOS_FLAGS) $@
+-MD5SUM ?= $(shell which md5sum 2>/dev/null)
++MD5SUM ?= $(shell command -v md5sum 2>/dev/null)
+ $(SOUND_FILE): $(SRC_DIR)/$(BASE_FILENAME).sfo $(SOUND_FILES) Makefile Makefile.config
+ # replace the place holders for version and name by the respective variables:
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ $(SOUND_FILE): $(SRC_DIR)/$(BASE_FILENAME).sfo $(SOUND_FILES) Makefile Makefile.
+ $(_V) cp $(SRC_DIR)/$@ .
+-ifneq ("$(shell which $(MD5SUM) 2>/dev/null)","")
++ifneq ("$(shell command -v $(MD5SUM) 2>/dev/null)","")
+ $(OBS_FILE): $(SOUND_FILE) $(LANG_FILES) Makefile Makefile.config
+ $(_E) "[Generating:] $@"
+ @echo "[metadata]" > $@
+--- a/Makefile.local.sample
++++ b/Makefile.local.sample
+@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
+-# NFORENUM = $(shell [ `which nforenum 2>/dev/null` ] && echo "nforenum" || echo "renum")
++# NFORENUM = $(shell [ `command -v nforenum 2>/dev/null` ] && echo "nforenum" || echo "renum")
+ # GRFCODEC = grfcodec
+ # TAR = tar
+ # ZIP = zip
+@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
+ # AWK = awk
+ # GIT = git
+ # MAKE = make
+-# UNIX2DOS = $(shell [ `which unix2dos 2>/dev/null` ] && echo "unix2dos" || echo "")
++# UNIX2DOS = $(shell [ `command -v unix2dos 2>/dev/null` ] && echo "unix2dos" || echo "")
+ # MD5SUM = $(shell [ "$(OSTYPE)" = "Darwin" ] && echo "md5 -r" || echo "md5sum")
+ # NML =
+--- a/scripts/Makefile.def
++++ b/scripts/Makefile.def
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ NML_FLAGS ?=
+ CP_FLAGS ?= $(shell [ "$(OSTYPE)" = "Darwin" ] && echo "-rfX" || echo "-rf")
+-NFORENUM ?= $(shell [ `which nforenum 2>/dev/null` ] && echo "nforenum" || echo "renum")
++NFORENUM ?= $(shell [ `command -v nforenum 2>/dev/null` ] && echo "nforenum" || echo "renum")
+ GRFCODEC ?= grfcodec
+ CATCODEC ?= catcodec
+ TAR ?= tar
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ CC ?= gcc
+ AWK ?= awk
+ GIT ?= git
+ MAKE ?= make
+-UNIX2DOS ?= $(shell [ `which unix2dos 2>/dev/null` ] && echo "unix2dos" || echo "")
++UNIX2DOS ?= $(shell [ `command -v unix2dos 2>/dev/null` ] && echo "unix2dos" || echo "")
+ # Macs have a different md5 command than linux or mingw envirnoment:
+ MD5SUM ?= $(shell [ "$(OSTYPE)" = "Darwin" ] && echo "md5 -r" || echo "md5sum")
+ NML ?= nml2nfo
diff --git a/games-misc/opensfx/opensfx-1.0.3.ebuild b/games-misc/opensfx/opensfx-1.0.3.ebuild
index 04d1840a5c05..e36280e714b0 100644
--- a/games-misc/opensfx/opensfx-1.0.3.ebuild
+++ b/games-misc/opensfx/opensfx-1.0.3.ebuild
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
+# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~x86"
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.0.3-no-which.patch
src_install() {
emake INSTALL_DIR="${ED}/usr/share/openttd/baseset/" install
dodoc docs/{changelog.txt,readme.ptxt}