path: root/gnome-base/gvfs
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <>2018-07-14 21:03:06 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <>2018-07-14 21:03:06 +0100
commit8376ef56580626e9c0f796d5b85b53a0a1c7d5f5 (patch)
tree7681bbd4e8b05407772df40a4bf04cbbc8afc3fa /gnome-base/gvfs
parent30a9caf154332f12ca60756e1b75d2f0e3e1822d (diff)
gentoo resync : 14.07.2018
Diffstat (limited to 'gnome-base/gvfs')
5 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnome-base/gvfs/Manifest b/gnome-base/gvfs/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..aae8d7145ab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnome-base/gvfs/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+AUX gvfs-1.30.2-sysmacros.patch 525 BLAKE2B 27337a06b02aea544e98b5726ac5a1ae29c8632150c373ce85f0f601c368e0f1430217ee729de5494e15162a05423c738e0756431a46c87b62ac647615b6273d SHA512 9b06683ed3b8ceea1b330e86308c396581ab4c85aa22199ce92acad915bb28f0fed8997558c08b18cb9c5f1bab45e46a1365831acaf1c194e7134e185849dba2
+DIST gvfs-1.32.1-patches.tar.xz 53288 BLAKE2B 2394f0931927069b4aeab69769df74c823ebffca2e7e73245b3597e085f2fff5c98999e6eccd052fa3564339b75d764f2124592c0977fddd2eb4afeca819b965 SHA512 c3e9de02e013aaf707878f8ffab96c42ac558412020f8462f928d2c7bd8b9756aa980e6b8db50e6f0ff0ad91f250ef1a26358d80b5d1cdaa9234475ec3a3db4f
+DIST gvfs-1.32.1.tar.xz 1813212 BLAKE2B 4b349e968eaab75d75ac9e7b66087298754ad81668e415812c4db74e2e393ac2cddea1b55771656dcd67ffdca23e4cf1642afef101498d309c643519fcefcca3 SHA512 7bd4d137437c1704faf6a9c2712bddcc327284e752c552c2cc18c64beb5e6d291af321e92d02d4f09b619762121129cee82c13ec2a4ca39d045196ebeeb28dd8
+DIST gvfs-1.32.2-patchset.tar.xz 22152 BLAKE2B 46371e4da9f3259ae1be6e7900aa9c3fa83913cf1f5ac80c485abc6a10bd77667e7fad29a09eb160af39212da31c00ccccbc3e47b4ed79780e254ff78d4b7130 SHA512 d7a17a33b737d8ac679e259055b57f63ef18f783dd7887c726502f8c05cb9339addd8728ee180ed15dc7d067ff45cc1888bc42a8ca45f9734717cfcde53f3e45
+DIST gvfs-1.32.2.tar.xz 1820100 BLAKE2B a12209f8d1f1350edfc470bb8181d68172580909764899a20b248e5dca673e5904aef0562f3244336dd8eff66cbae926d4fb2ebcccc30125328e15aeb622b481 SHA512 2fecb7103917f976528a75d317ddb6c9a71c2787cd1bd442c42a40177b74a026e37c9794117f802ebf608091d446ac58eb80d1a618df619180bb3920a98a9457
+EBUILD gvfs-1.32.1-r1.ebuild 3826 BLAKE2B f1bfe2003c7d9e52a28be077b9dffe0cb0b1df892324fef94716f5667ce6fd99092aafac595d429a924c5ef614b74d77b6f42088a762aacbaae2e9954ea3f563 SHA512 fc653f73522939d51129c6443971f2cc1ec2e73cc409db8a8520d5b77d84b242135289bbbbf8a5584dbc8a078000244991fe288faf8849d849c63babbf6f6ff3
+EBUILD gvfs-1.32.2.ebuild 3806 BLAKE2B a7a6fa7f95fe62e4965823c7b1ed7ee9f0631022d0d7f9e72c6520cf9e97e83434f258c39c17e785aa6fa21cf8a040e45f6a6bf9c25b2e527f9d12624bd3c9fa SHA512 76c3fbdf15b2bda15c6715344a7c536b39af84f5ec980ec9ed45ec75a308e6bfc57fe5a735410cdf52c110fa034597889c24546a771cdc96a0bdd3b480bfdeb2
+MISC metadata.xml 1625 BLAKE2B 931da927a3cef58e8d768454cdda485acf3b8b42a87d9d4be0faa495e7b49b16e780815a0a959b91b116b078cb333c69873374e0f95e8aadb074ce836df3149d SHA512 4a3815b41763def19356793e36bafbd8a87359c9501f526465a6d8b62394c1605909b70ba4b8679b2dca89bb2660ea573a0e97611facf2d23c878fcdf51e7bfc
diff --git a/gnome-base/gvfs/files/gvfs-1.30.2-sysmacros.patch b/gnome-base/gvfs/files/gvfs-1.30.2-sysmacros.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b2d2a91f5a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnome-base/gvfs/files/gvfs-1.30.2-sysmacros.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+--- a/metadata/meta-daemon.c
++++ b/metadata/meta-daemon.c
+@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+ #include <glib/gstdio.h>
+ #include <locale.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
++#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
+ #include "metatree.h"
+ #include "gvfsdaemonprotocol.h"
+ #include "metadata-dbus.h"
+--- a/metadata/metatree.c
++++ b/metadata/metatree.c
+@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ #include "config.h"
++#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include <sys/mman.h>
diff --git a/gnome-base/gvfs/gvfs-1.32.1-r1.ebuild b/gnome-base/gvfs/gvfs-1.32.1-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a4dbfa656798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnome-base/gvfs/gvfs-1.32.1-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit gnome2 systemd
+DESCRIPTION="Virtual filesystem implementation for gio"
+IUSE="afp archive bluray cdda elogind fuse google gnome-keyring gnome-online-accounts gphoto2 gtk +http ios mtp nfs policykit samba systemd test +udev udisks zeroconf"
+ cdda? ( udev )
+ elogind? ( !systemd udisks )
+ google? ( gnome-online-accounts )
+ mtp? ( udev )
+ udisks? ( udev )
+ systemd? ( !elogind udisks )
+KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm ~arm64 ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 ~sh sparc x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~arm-linux ~x86-linux ~sparc-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+ app-crypt/gcr:=
+ >=dev-libs/glib-2.51:2
+ dev-libs/libxml2:2
+ net-misc/openssh
+ afp? ( >=dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.2.2:0= )
+ archive? ( app-arch/libarchive:= )
+ bluray? ( media-libs/libbluray:= )
+ elogind? ( >=sys-auth/elogind-229:0= )
+ fuse? ( >=sys-fs/fuse-2.8.0:0 )
+ gnome-keyring? ( app-crypt/libsecret )
+ gnome-online-accounts? ( >=net-libs/gnome-online-accounts-3.7.1:= )
+ google? (
+ >=dev-libs/libgdata-0.17.7:=[crypt,gnome-online-accounts]
+ >=net-libs/gnome-online-accounts-3.17.1:= )
+ gphoto2? ( >=media-libs/libgphoto2-2.5.0:= )
+ gtk? ( >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.0:3 )
+ http? ( >=net-libs/libsoup-2.42:2.4 )
+ ios? (
+ >=app-pda/libimobiledevice-1.2:=
+ >=app-pda/libplist-1:= )
+ mtp? (
+ >=dev-libs/libusb-1.0.21
+ >=media-libs/libmtp-1.1.12 )
+ nfs? ( >=net-fs/libnfs-1.9.8 )
+ policykit? (
+ sys-auth/polkit
+ sys-libs/libcap )
+ samba? ( >=net-fs/samba-4[client] )
+ systemd? ( >=sys-apps/systemd-206:0= )
+ udev? (
+ cdda? ( dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia )
+ >=virtual/libgudev-147:=
+ virtual/libudev:= )
+ udisks? ( >=sys-fs/udisks-1.97:2 )
+ zeroconf? ( >=net-dns/avahi-0.6 )
+ app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets
+ dev-libs/libxslt
+ >=sys-devel/gettext-0.19.4
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ dev-util/gdbus-codegen
+ dev-util/gtk-doc-am
+ test? (
+ >=dev-python/twisted-core-12.3.0
+ || (
+ net-analyzer/netcat
+ net-analyzer/netcat6 ) )
+ !udev? ( >=dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.2.2:0 )
+# libgcrypt.m4, provided by libgcrypt, needed for eautoreconf, bug #399043
+# test dependencies needed per
+# Tests with multiple failures, this is being handled upstream at:
+ "${WORKDIR}"/${P}-patches/ #599482, 641522, gnome-3-24 backports
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.30.2-sysmacros.patch #580234
+src_prepare() {
+ if ! use udev; then
+ sed -e 's/gvfsd-burn/ /' \
+ -e 's/ /' \
+ -e 's/burn.mount/ /' \
+ -i daemon/ || die
+ fi
+ gnome2_src_prepare
+src_configure() {
+ # --enable-documentation installs man pages
+ # --disable-obexftp, upstream bug #729945
+ gnome2_src_configure \
+ --disable-gdu \
+ --enable-documentation \
+ --enable-gcr \
+ --with-dbus-service-dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/dbus-1/services \
+ --with-systemduserunitdir="$(systemd_get_userunitdir)" \
+ $(use_enable afp) \
+ $(use_enable archive) \
+ $(use_enable bluray) \
+ $(use_enable cdda) \
+ $(use_enable elogind libelogind) \
+ $(use_enable fuse) \
+ $(use_enable gnome-keyring keyring) \
+ $(use_enable gnome-online-accounts goa) \
+ $(use_enable google) \
+ $(use_enable gphoto2) \
+ $(use_enable gtk) \
+ $(use_enable http) \
+ $(use_enable ios afc) \
+ $(use_enable mtp libmtp) \
+ $(use_enable mtp libusb) \
+ $(use_enable nfs) \
+ $(use_enable policykit admin) \
+ $(use_enable samba) \
+ $(use_enable systemd libsystemd-login) \
+ $(use_enable udev gudev) \
+ $(use_enable udev) \
+ $(use_enable udisks udisks2) \
+ $(use_enable zeroconf avahi)
diff --git a/gnome-base/gvfs/gvfs-1.32.2.ebuild b/gnome-base/gvfs/gvfs-1.32.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..356344824fce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnome-base/gvfs/gvfs-1.32.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit gnome2 systemd
+DESCRIPTION="Virtual filesystem implementation for gio"
+IUSE="afp archive bluray cdda elogind fuse google gnome-keyring gnome-online-accounts gphoto2 gtk +http ios mtp nfs policykit samba systemd test +udev udisks zeroconf"
+ cdda? ( udev )
+ elogind? ( !systemd udisks )
+ google? ( gnome-online-accounts )
+ mtp? ( udev )
+ udisks? ( udev )
+ systemd? ( !elogind udisks )
+KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm ~arm64 ia64 ~mips ~ppc ppc64 ~sh ~sparc x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~arm-linux ~x86-linux ~sparc-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+ app-crypt/gcr:=
+ >=dev-libs/glib-2.51:2
+ dev-libs/libxml2:2
+ net-misc/openssh
+ afp? ( >=dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.2.2:0= )
+ archive? ( app-arch/libarchive:= )
+ bluray? ( media-libs/libbluray:= )
+ elogind? ( >=sys-auth/elogind-229:0= )
+ fuse? ( >=sys-fs/fuse-2.8.0:0 )
+ gnome-keyring? ( app-crypt/libsecret )
+ gnome-online-accounts? ( >=net-libs/gnome-online-accounts-3.7.1:= )
+ google? (
+ >=dev-libs/libgdata-0.17.7:=[crypt,gnome-online-accounts]
+ >=net-libs/gnome-online-accounts-3.17.1:= )
+ gphoto2? ( >=media-libs/libgphoto2-2.5.0:= )
+ gtk? ( >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.0:3 )
+ http? ( >=net-libs/libsoup-2.42:2.4 )
+ ios? (
+ >=app-pda/libimobiledevice-1.2:=
+ >=app-pda/libplist-1:= )
+ mtp? (
+ >=dev-libs/libusb-1.0.21
+ >=media-libs/libmtp-1.1.12 )
+ nfs? ( >=net-fs/libnfs-1.9.8 )
+ policykit? (
+ sys-auth/polkit
+ sys-libs/libcap )
+ samba? ( >=net-fs/samba-4[client] )
+ systemd? ( >=sys-apps/systemd-206:0= )
+ udev? (
+ cdda? ( dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia )
+ >=virtual/libgudev-147:=
+ virtual/libudev:= )
+ udisks? ( >=sys-fs/udisks-1.97:2 )
+ zeroconf? ( >=net-dns/avahi-0.6 )
+ app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets
+ dev-libs/libxslt
+ >=sys-devel/gettext-0.19.4
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ dev-util/gdbus-codegen
+ dev-util/gtk-doc-am
+ test? (
+ >=dev-python/twisted-16
+ || (
+ net-analyzer/netcat
+ net-analyzer/netcat6 ) )
+ !udev? ( >=dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.2.2:0 )
+# libgcrypt.m4, provided by libgcrypt, needed for eautoreconf, bug #399043
+# test dependencies needed per
+# Tests with multiple failures, this is being handled upstream at:
+ "${WORKDIR}"/patches/ #599482, 641522, gnome-3-24 backports
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.30.2-sysmacros.patch #580234
+src_prepare() {
+ if ! use udev; then
+ sed -e 's/gvfsd-burn/ /' \
+ -e 's/ /' \
+ -e 's/burn.mount/ /' \
+ -i daemon/ || die
+ fi
+ gnome2_src_prepare
+src_configure() {
+ # --enable-documentation installs man pages
+ # --disable-obexftp, upstream bug #729945
+ gnome2_src_configure \
+ --disable-gdu \
+ --enable-documentation \
+ --enable-gcr \
+ --with-dbus-service-dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/dbus-1/services \
+ --with-systemduserunitdir="$(systemd_get_userunitdir)" \
+ $(use_enable afp) \
+ $(use_enable archive) \
+ $(use_enable bluray) \
+ $(use_enable cdda) \
+ $(use_enable elogind libelogind) \
+ $(use_enable fuse) \
+ $(use_enable gnome-keyring keyring) \
+ $(use_enable gnome-online-accounts goa) \
+ $(use_enable google) \
+ $(use_enable gphoto2) \
+ $(use_enable gtk) \
+ $(use_enable http) \
+ $(use_enable ios afc) \
+ $(use_enable mtp libmtp) \
+ $(use_enable mtp libusb) \
+ $(use_enable nfs) \
+ $(use_enable policykit admin) \
+ $(use_enable samba) \
+ $(use_enable systemd libsystemd-login) \
+ $(use_enable udev gudev) \
+ $(use_enable udev) \
+ $(use_enable udisks udisks2) \
+ $(use_enable zeroconf avahi)
diff --git a/gnome-base/gvfs/metadata.xml b/gnome-base/gvfs/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d26195bc7e44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnome-base/gvfs/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+<maintainer type="project">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Gentoo GNOME Desktop</name>
+<longdescription lang="en">
+gvfs is a userspace virtual filesystem designed to work with the i/o
+abstractions of gio (a library availible in glib &gt;= 2.15.1). It
+installs several modules that are automatically used by applications
+using the APIs of libgio. There is also fuse support that allows
+applications not using gio to access the gvfs filesystems.
+ <flag name="afp">Enables support for accessing AFP (Apple Filing Protocol) network shares</flag>
+ <flag name="archive">Enables support for accessing files in archives transparently via <pkg>app-arch/libarchive</pkg></flag>
+ <flag name="bluray">Enable playback of Blu-ray filesystems using <pkg>media-libs/libbluray</pkg></flag>
+ <flag name="elogind">Use <pkg>sys-auth/elogind</pkg> for session tracking.</flag>
+ <flag name="fuse">Enables fuse mount points in $HOME/.gvfs for legacy application access</flag>
+ <flag name="gnome-online-accounts">Enable configuration panel for <pkg>net-libs/gnome-online-accounts</pkg> accounts</flag>
+ <flag name="google">Enables support for accessing Google accounts via <pkg>dev-libs/libgdata</pkg></flag>
+ <flag name="http">Enable the HTTP/DAV backend using <pkg>net-libs/libsoup</pkg></flag>
+ <flag name="nfs">Enable NFS client support via <pkg>net-fs/libnfs</pkg>.</flag>
+ <flag name="udev">Enable udev base replacement code for cdda feature</flag>