path: root/media-sound
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2022-10-28 22:00:05 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2022-10-28 22:00:05 +0100
commit9c602d90d61cea9fe83c596c68a99e383ee15f73 (patch)
treebca80b41af9c142cee7e07f14622dff065e60932 /media-sound
parentcf7630078a53ff74b245b148bd722994068e28f9 (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 28:10:2022 - 22:00:04
Diffstat (limited to 'media-sound')
-rw-r--r--media-sound/Manifest.gzbin57180 -> 57191 bytes
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 415 deletions
diff --git a/media-sound/Manifest.gz b/media-sound/Manifest.gz
index 1c8697cd92d6..f7403ac62b41 100644
--- a/media-sound/Manifest.gz
+++ b/media-sound/Manifest.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon/Manifest b/media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon/Manifest
index 37224609f392..3dbcbe6d0ab1 100644
--- a/media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon/Manifest
+++ b/media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon/Manifest
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ AUX pulseaudio.conf.d 151 BLAKE2B 99b185b9353259f37f3396c6f2bb56b80cac0159c9c5d0
AUX pulseaudio.init.d-5 2224 BLAKE2B d7710b77b209391016e9f84b574cdf70636904d7f54caf9297357ebee97e8ae10c54119521ecad99fbef5f1ad341128b06816f8c733faa29d9c44fa8c435008b SHA512 a11d02fd1c6672a7f022e6ef3e3ad8e3a7f2bf50257c38573db0823415c990021a7bf29b1e194d3d9c8a59464673958604086ef519313a4e3a6bd79071397f29
AUX pulseaudio.service 227 BLAKE2B f58fa701152e84f4d52426f6f76b5a01a1a315d09e5fb8e9e57860b44dc63b78b3f1c1629380b4345c53b003c677f729b3959419e8488e37607c56d6a700626a SHA512 567663b231fe7c2682b08b1059cdad1fcb3c4cb01c1b24aed9afb6fb767b30f250b78bbbed48aadfb06c6d1a4963a6db24877d79a1d36c4be2a128b479c086d6
AUX pulseaudio.tmpfiles 36 BLAKE2B 4fe7c88fb35f561b0eb756146db17e37201126b5d7f906c88cdc778c6191f17c799f1db072f09d5a384485830e4d33266c224955bad22081255544642399b2f6 SHA512 f040850d81030ef04e1aa368d333a1ae1b7238adef5772280fc344c3068262d5ab8c9f3edb92db9c443f9d7d21abb27583ea1efc51ed733bbfa43e2edc68dde1
-DIST pulseaudio-16.0.tar.xz 1551276 BLAKE2B 54ba5d446bc02246bf842280f577851eb66ff9fed1e1b0d2d03e238796d9d04bc1fc27215b02fdded37441da1747be23d1e03d5a00b79ee3b91eb35c0f76a470 SHA512 42d4968c2dc88f5e39a5358d124e399e40a5abdf815eff387087141bc9dddd217012acb35649a8e0e24a44e8a402d90eb193ce2eef186f7d59550f757a6cc26d
DIST pulseaudio-16.1.tar.xz 1545596 BLAKE2B 535706abcea2cae39834b23c8bdc37f71b0e633de2d8e43ea4425da97a850b57c2f980c318681cbc86cf1e746200609dad41f8b96ecf4568f86d94aa6831c9a1 SHA512 33b0b4292f05e0882f3ec822cf5720414bb34c523d80fe287b9740d6be219787c562e8024c9b0d9e2ee010771ca72c7ae4f27df1bbef9c9cb6bb6a23cbcc412f
-EBUILD pulseaudio-daemon-16.0-r1.ebuild 11997 BLAKE2B 7af693e228ee587a7ffa5120bbd788ebf9b779e7fdc9550b04b6706e200a9bf036834fd7eb7ee461b1a62a2f9ca4ac56abdab78dd3b61d78a609629fcac05e8e SHA512 fb36604ef31b93b4077bd809e4edb2697e511eecd62bb029ffb67bf2f2ed8e14fef6f61cc6356a7d5e816586efdf0d4eac121896808610952c92fd43beac9e5f
EBUILD pulseaudio-daemon-16.1.ebuild 12176 BLAKE2B 9191d042a854771890e77a7824365f10c84d4a3fb96d755ec19d4ee63b4074b725712ca4ee48a45453fd59ed931438bf2e88a9b835acbf15bbf5947beade2a51 SHA512 301dad95a0ce492684dddca6d1b4700e1e2dd4a9c607e26fd802cb63f2685748c68848d43aaeaed050897208ad3e83858ffab47a61f90856397fb6d60eabac0e
MISC metadata.xml 3570 BLAKE2B 24d7b24a68f5e832708d9879769f55ec4cf146c47a41b5fa0ff33f63a5a9945736e227c6a6afa106f964fd91eb3b0ee441203c92f312ed835ef2197979b6fda9 SHA512 34aa5503ad5483eeff2f7c4713d96322dedbdd56b7d52a17ba0658aba24aef58239d5ee1943a276555c2508fd3d5e18639ec6417044adad512693fa6c673c5df
diff --git a/media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon/pulseaudio-daemon-16.0-r1.ebuild b/media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon/pulseaudio-daemon-16.0-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dc4c81cf6e6..000000000000
--- a/media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon/pulseaudio-daemon-16.0-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit bash-completion-r1 gnome2-utils meson optfeature systemd tmpfiles udev
-DESCRIPTION="A networked sound server with an advanced plugin system"
-if [[ ${PV} = 9999 ]]; then
- inherit git-r3
- EGIT_BRANCH="master"
- SRC_URI="${MY_P}.tar.xz"
- KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~loong ppc ppc64 ~riscv sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-# libpulse-simple and libpulse link to libpulse-core; this is daemon's
-# library and can link to gdbm and other GPL-only libraries. In this
-# cases, we have a fully GPL-2 package. Leaving the rest of the
-# GPL-forcing USE flags for those who use them.
-LICENSE="!gdbm? ( LGPL-2.1 ) gdbm? ( GPL-2 )"
-# +alsa-plugin as discussed in bug #519530
-# TODO: Find out why webrtc-aec is + prefixed - there's already the always available speexdsp-aec
-# NOTE: The current ebuild sets +X almost certainly just for the pulseaudio.desktop file
-IUSE="+alsa +alsa-plugin aptx +asyncns bluetooth dbus elogind equalizer fftw +gdbm +glib gstreamer gtk ipv6 jack ldac lirc
-ofono-headset +orc oss selinux sox ssl systemd system-wide tcpd test +udev valgrind +webrtc-aec +X zeroconf"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-# See "*** BLUEZ support not found (requires D-Bus)" in
-# Basically all IUSE are either ${MULTILIB_USEDEP} for client libs or they belong under !daemon ()
-# We duplicate alsa-plugin, {native,ofono}-headset under daemon to let users deal with them at once
- ?? ( elogind systemd )
- alsa-plugin? ( alsa )
- aptx? ( bluetooth )
- bluetooth? ( dbus )
- equalizer? ( dbus )
- ldac? ( bluetooth )
- ofono-headset? ( bluetooth )
- udev? ( || ( alsa oss ) )
- zeroconf? ( dbus )
-# NOTE:
-# - libpcre needed in some cases, bug #472228
-# - media-libs/speexdsp is providing echo canceller implementation and used in resampler
-# TODO: libatomic_ops is only needed on some architectures and conditions, and then at runtime too
- media-libs/gst-plugins-base
- >=media-libs/gstreamer-1.14
- ~media-libs/libpulse-${PV}[dbus?,glib?,systemd?,tcpd(+)?,valgrind?,X?]
- dev-libs/libatomic_ops
- >=media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.20
- >=media-libs/speexdsp-1.2
- || (
- elibc_glibc? ( virtual/libc )
- dev-libs/libpcre:3
- )
- alsa? ( >=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.24 )
- aptx? ( ${gstreamer_deps} )
- asyncns? ( >=net-libs/libasyncns-0.1 )
- bluetooth? (
- >=net-wireless/bluez-5
- media-libs/sbc
- )
- dev-libs/libltdl
- sys-kernel/linux-headers
- >=sys-libs/libcap-2.22-r2
- dbus? ( >=sys-apps/dbus-1.4.12 )
- elogind? ( sys-auth/elogind )
- equalizer? (
- sci-libs/fftw:3.0=
- )
- fftw? (
- sci-libs/fftw:3.0=
- )
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm:= )
- glib? ( >=dev-libs/glib-2.28.0:2 )
- gstreamer? ( ${gstreamer_deps} )
- gtk? ( x11-libs/gtk+:3 )
- jack? ( virtual/jack )
- ldac? ( ${gstreamer_deps} )
- lirc? ( app-misc/lirc )
- ofono-headset? ( >=net-misc/ofono-1.13 )
- orc? ( >=dev-lang/orc-0.4.15 )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-pulseaudio )
- sox? ( >=media-libs/soxr-0.1.1 )
- ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:= )
- systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd:= )
- tcpd? ( sys-apps/tcp-wrappers )
- udev? ( >=virtual/udev-143[hwdb(+)] )
- valgrind? ( dev-util/valgrind )
- webrtc-aec? ( >=media-libs/webrtc-audio-processing-0.2:0 )
- X? (
- >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.6
- x11-libs/libICE
- x11-libs/libSM
- >=x11-libs/libX11-1.4.0
- >=x11-libs/libXtst-
- )
- zeroconf? ( >=net-dns/avahi-0.6.12[dbus] )
- !<media-sound/pulseaudio-15.0-r100
-# pulseaudio ships a bundle xmltoman, which uses XML::Parser
- test? ( >=dev-libs/check-0.9.10 )
- X? ( x11-base/xorg-proto )
-# alsa-utils dep is for the alsasound init.d script (see bug 155707); TODO: read it
-# NOTE: Only system-wide needs acct-group/audio unless elogind/systemd is not used
- system-wide? (
- alsa? ( media-sound/alsa-utils )
- acct-user/pulse
- acct-group/audio
- acct-group/pulse-access
- )
- bluetooth? (
- ldac? ( media-plugins/gst-plugins-ldac )
- aptx? ( media-plugins/gst-plugins-openaptx )
- )
-unset gstreamer_deps
-# This is a PDEPEND to avoid a circular dep
- alsa? ( alsa-plugin? ( >=media-plugins/alsa-plugins-1.0.27-r1[pulseaudio] ) )
- dev-lang/perl
- dev-perl/XML-Parser
- sys-devel/gettext
- virtual/libiconv
- virtual/libintl
- virtual/pkgconfig
- orc? ( >=dev-lang/orc-0.4.15 )
- system-wide? ( dev-util/unifdef )
-# patches merged upstream, to be removed with 16.0 bump
-src_prepare() {
- default
- gnome2_environment_reset
-src_configure() {
- local enable_bluez5_gstreamer="disabled"
- if use aptx || use ldac ; then
- enable_bluez5_gstreamer="enabled"
- fi
- local enable_fftw="disabled"
- if use equalizer || use fftw ; then
- enable_fftw="enabled"
- fi
- local emesonargs=(
- --localstatedir="${EPREFIX}"/var
- -Ddaemon=true
- -Dclient=false
- -Ddoxygen=false
- -Dgcov=false
- -Dman=true
- # tests involve random modules, so just do them for the native # TODO: tests should run always
- $(meson_use test tests)
- -Ddatabase=$(usex gdbm gdbm simple) # tdb is also an option but no one cares about it
- -Dstream-restore-clear-old-devices=true
- -Drunning-from-build-tree=false
- # Paths
- -Dmodlibexecdir="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/pulseaudio/modules" # Was $(get_libdir)/${P}
- -Dsystemduserunitdir=$(systemd_get_userunitdir)
- -Dudevrulesdir="${EPREFIX}$(get_udevdir)/rules.d"
- -Dbashcompletiondir="$(get_bashcompdir)" # Alternatively DEPEND on app-shells/bash-completion for pkg-config to provide the value
- # Optional features
- $(meson_feature alsa)
- $(meson_feature asyncns)
- $(meson_feature zeroconf avahi)
- $(meson_feature bluetooth bluez5)
- -Dbluez5-gstreamer=${enable_bluez5_gstreamer}
- $(meson_use bluetooth bluez5-native-headset)
- $(meson_use ofono-headset bluez5-ofono-headset)
- $(meson_feature dbus)
- $(meson_feature elogind)
- -Dfftw=${enable_fftw}
- $(meson_feature glib) # WARNING: toggling this likely changes ABI
- $(meson_feature glib gsettings) # Supposedly correct?
- $(meson_feature gstreamer)
- $(meson_feature gtk)
- -Dhal-compat=true # Consider disabling on next revbump
- $(meson_use ipv6)
- $(meson_feature jack)
- $(meson_feature lirc)
- $(meson_feature ssl openssl)
- $(meson_feature orc)
- $(meson_feature oss oss-output)
- -Dsamplerate=disabled # Matches upstream
- $(meson_feature sox soxr)
- -Dspeex=enabled
- $(meson_feature systemd)
- $(meson_feature tcpd tcpwrap) # TODO: This should technically be enabled for 32bit too, but at runtime it probably is never used without daemon?
- $(meson_feature udev)
- $(meson_feature valgrind)
- $(meson_feature X x11)
- # Echo cancellation
- -Dadrian-aec=false # Not packaged?
- $(meson_feature webrtc-aec)
- )
- meson_src_configure
-src_install() {
- meson_src_install
- # Upstream installs 'pactl' if client is built, with all symlinks except for
- # 'pulseaudio', 'pacmd' and 'pasuspender' which are installed if server is built.
- # This trips QA warning, workaround:
- # - install missing aliases in media-libs/libpulse (client build)
- # - remove corresponding symlinks in media-sound/pulseaudio-daemonclient (server build)
- rm "${D}/$(get_bashcompdir)"/pulseaudio || die
- rm "${D}/$(get_bashcompdir)"/pacmd || die
- rm "${D}/$(get_bashcompdir)"/pasuspender || die
- if use system-wide; then
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/pulseaudio.conf.d pulseaudio
- use_define() {
- local define=${2:-$(echo ${1} | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')}
- use "${1}" && echo "-D${define}" || echo "-U${define}"
- }
- unifdef -x 1 \
- $(use_define zeroconf AVAHI) \
- $(use_define alsa) \
- $(use_define bluetooth) \
- $(use_define udev) \
- "${FILESDIR}"/pulseaudio.init.d-5 \
- > "${T}"/pulseaudio \
- || die
- doinitd "${T}"/pulseaudio
- systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/pulseaudio.service
- # We need /var/run/pulse, bug 442852
- newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}"/pulseaudio.tmpfiles pulseaudio.conf
- else
- # Prevent warnings when system-wide is not used, bug 447694
- if use dbus; then
- rm "${ED}"/etc/dbus-1/system.d/pulseaudio-system.conf || die
- fi
- fi
- if use zeroconf; then
- sed -i \
- -e '/module-zeroconf-publish/s:^#::' \
- "${ED}/etc/pulse/" \
- || die
- fi
- # Only enable autospawning pulseaudio daemon on systems without systemd
- if ! use systemd; then
- insinto /etc/pulse/client.conf.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}/enable-autospawn.conf" "enable-autospawn.conf"
- fi
- find "${ED}" \( -name '*.a' -o -name '*.la' \) -delete || die
-pkg_postinst() {
- gnome2_schemas_update
- use udev && udev_reload
- if use system-wide; then
- tmpfiles_process "pulseaudio.conf"
- elog "You have enabled the 'system-wide' USE flag for pulseaudio."
- elog "This mode should only be used on headless servers, embedded systems,"
- elog "or thin clients. It will usually require manual configuration, and is"
- elog "incompatible with many expected pulseaudio features."
- elog "On normal desktop systems, system-wide mode is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED."
- elog ""
- elog "For more information, see"
- elog ""
- elog ""
- elog ""
- elog ""
- fi
- if use equalizer; then
- elog "You will need to load some extra modules to make qpaeq work."
- elog "You can do that by adding the following two lines in"
- elog "/etc/pulse/ and restarting pulseaudio:"
- elog "load-module module-equalizer-sink"
- elog "load-module module-dbus-protocol"
- elog ""
- fi
- if use bluetooth; then
- elog "You have enabled bluetooth USE flag for pulseaudio. Daemon will now handle"
- elog "bluetooth Headset (HSP HS and HSP AG) and Handsfree (HFP HF) profiles using"
- elog "native headset backend by default. This can be selectively disabled"
- elog "via runtime configuration arguments to module-bluetooth-discover"
- elog "in /etc/pulse/"
- elog "To disable HFP HF append enable_native_hfp_hf=false"
- elog "To disable HSP HS append enable_native_hsp_hs=false"
- elog "To disable HSP AG append headset=auto or headset=ofono"
- elog "(note this does NOT require enabling USE ofono)"
- elog ""
- fi
- if use ofono-headset; then
- elog "You have enabled both native and ofono headset profiles. The runtime decision"
- elog "which to use is done via the 'headset' argument of module-bluetooth-discover."
- elog ""
- fi
- if use gstreamer; then
- elog "GStreamer-based RTP implementation modile enabled."
- elog "To use OPUS payload install media-plugins/gst-plugins-opus"
- elog "and add enable_opus=1 argument to module-rtp-send"
- elog ""
- fi
- if use systemd; then
- elog "Pulseaudio autospawn by client library is no longer enabled when systemd is available."
- elog "It's recommended to start pulseaudio via its systemd user units:"
- elog ""
- elog " systemctl --user enable pulseaudio.service pulseaudio.socket"
- elog ""
- elog "Root user can change system default configuration for all users:"
- elog ""
- elog " systemctl --global enable pulseaudio.service pulseaudio.socket"
- elog ""
- elog "If you would like to enable autospawn by client library, edit autospawn flag in /etc/pulse/client.conf like this:"
- elog ""
- elog " autospawn = yes"
- elog ""
- elog "The change from autospawn to user units will take effect after restarting."
- elog ""
- fi
- optfeature_header "PulseAudio can be enhanced by installing the following:"
- use equalizer && optfeature "using the qpaeq script" dev-python/PyQt5[dbus,widgets]
- use dbus && optfeature "restricted realtime capabilities via D-Bus" sys-auth/rtkit
-pkg_postrm() {
- gnome2_schemas_update
- use udev && udev_reload
diff --git a/media-sound/pulseaudio/Manifest b/media-sound/pulseaudio/Manifest
index 6307172476a2..9042ea0ed205 100644
--- a/media-sound/pulseaudio/Manifest
+++ b/media-sound/pulseaudio/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-EBUILD pulseaudio-16.0.ebuild 879 BLAKE2B bf99843aea835578905b86529c2bc11d93b28b6457d5ed6b52157e90a98ad5d9be17208c52f9e9d7dfa290e4676fcc79279aa38afa59c51d694579d4f15ec8ee SHA512 644aa3f63973836971e5793451f2e1ea4d81ce46b82c36ec61fcbe3807c5920a3c6ee8684c87f9164a9806bfc1d719b091bf1674b6955c2b3d3d2ca7367203d6
EBUILD pulseaudio-16.1.ebuild 878 BLAKE2B 0addc95dfcd08dfb038c3cfdd2177f75b293b7c5de5ff826c872f3c9667f70bba90d0aacb9109a82b2d16796edb6042ec16373341784d8afd3728e18eaf895cc SHA512 9f4adb9f425e55a26e85a62b5edd13fd5e9c3c48c689bdca1af3db71f6819db7800677224f7587763732158e857e790c846120adda828f300f13147eceebff45
MISC metadata.xml 953 BLAKE2B a3a358855135a25b03c43f563fe9717da9eb56fb0bb18fba3c1a24f4e12e3eb97cb92e7582c1a7b4abf2e2496c712b5f514c1a74de85600e35d5196bc4c12574 SHA512 222d58e1ce890721bfab43768a62940e818a85bd100505bc782771d05614570038a8be515bddea0ace47baabcf3fba3529f783c94dbdaea969b84982a8625453
diff --git a/media-sound/pulseaudio/pulseaudio-16.0.ebuild b/media-sound/pulseaudio/pulseaudio-16.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e728819bd6b..000000000000
--- a/media-sound/pulseaudio/pulseaudio-16.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit multilib-minimal
-DESCRIPTION="A meta package for PulseAudio (networked sound server)"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~loong ppc ppc64 ~riscv sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
-# NOTE: bluetooth and ofono-headset are passed through to
-# pulseaudio-daemon dependency to make sure users who have bluetooth enabled
-# just for pulseaudio package will also get these enabled via metapackage.
-IUSE="bluetooth +daemon +glib jack ofono-headset"
- >=media-libs/libpulse-${PV}[glib?,${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
- daemon? ( >=media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon-${PV}[bluetooth?,glib?,jack?,ofono-headset?] )