path: root/media-video
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2023-07-23 20:53:51 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2023-07-23 20:53:51 +0100
commit3018b5a4bd4777c51e2793818305d7af2409a7fd (patch)
tree614c2151adcf4d5a47d494f83ec3f57d35f8e0a7 /media-video
parent2508f64d6edae6ffd910973df8285893a791b64a (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 23:07:2023 - 20:53:51
Diffstat (limited to 'media-video')
-rw-r--r--media-video/Manifest.gzbin25358 -> 25363 bytes
-rw-r--r--media-video/pipewire/pipewire-0.3.75-r1.ebuild (renamed from media-video/pipewire/pipewire-0.3.75.ebuild)0
8 files changed, 546 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/media-video/Manifest.gz b/media-video/Manifest.gz
index bde8d9e261cb..d537b6de255a 100644
--- a/media-video/Manifest.gz
+++ b/media-video/Manifest.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/media-video/mpv/Manifest b/media-video/mpv/Manifest
index bce8105025eb..ec8a9265ce86 100644
--- a/media-video/mpv/Manifest
+++ b/media-video/mpv/Manifest
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+AUX mpv-0.35.1-pipewire-0.3.75.patch 3024 BLAKE2B 5cbd566d7f63f660574765a401fba6bb5853e17e2faebab7ff7bd667595feac7b92eaa7f78199aa1dec91c8d894facd3f80815d3ac573ab741d974b5d86bf97a SHA512 b181304528836ce6cd5ee1d660bfb11cabc7e4c541c75970c9b0e8d6554016a5d9af4d8ae228ba4dc1deb01b72ae52b8a810db1d6c17048516a693230c904730
AUX mpv-0.35.1-yt-dlp-edl-fragments.patch 2446 BLAKE2B f43d78be7d9914abf87c3c34f99c8cb84fd463dac7b4f4cfa96268d4351006580454a2c609a655d3d036d4a72c534205d226fd4ecf8334c9a0ff016b7eecc1c0 SHA512 0cd0415dcd06f4732e87ca52f9d43ec1cbef7fab531d4f3ba7398f7a80718dc5e0b373850c5324fe9a151c3edb31a4a624854c2e09b19ab91a3c655e84261866
DIST mpv-0.35.1.tar.gz 3367913 BLAKE2B 706a2031a2ca973eb3a092ec7f62ba40ca4dfd78e3ffe5d6e432486b0018852b034152a21805be594054178ccb17856dafe2b860cddcc22d27df895d163871de SHA512 42f3564a9ed4d972d14b2c697b0163f06a8bb68a0606a86c34935181247c783e3cb62286b445799998def0919fb13fce8b8f6453f82652d5bfaea5929119127a
EBUILD mpv-0.35.1-r1.ebuild 7610 BLAKE2B 0e2a9d6c0817f92995d53055357a4b1757b126bb7d4c105d3542630df9410475560f98772fbc021855a6e3acd029d7bbaf3cb50fc2734dd9122a05be50aab5fb SHA512 b04ea9db0876192883f62cf0ede1b2df633b7c0691d482248b1e765dd779a50679a9e11785943b218e73bfc66bdb2c3eb952765077f8e7b3de0774b2cab31f8c
+EBUILD mpv-0.35.1-r2.ebuild 7652 BLAKE2B 7042109178a580d3d88bf7781cc7d1e8c503ba404eaff4512061a1d6526aa4aedb33537e103dedf5d2beec61fd4978b1762dd6de8950b1a31effadd601e5a905 SHA512 594c7b3a433ff96ec7ea84633e5660580fcf5b79d1c3021714d1b79782065e391895762795ccd796c3ad265b4c087ebc75582b07a8a8d6b5b7a66ff3bd9d93bb
EBUILD mpv-9999.ebuild 7430 BLAKE2B fb11f7bf42d9575635bc531b363aae723118f69f86cdd7a90e951acc6a6dd96fa562fea2b189cb68fcb3de71b82062737a2afe8b891a539bae37f697893fe320 SHA512 cedc5defe0df4a5474ae63fadf7ba16f4615d9c7fc60dac0503f6f5625e0df9be65c100dc90d739cb6d2bb10867b3face51e9bc6ffe29259edb72ff2208c5aff
MISC metadata.xml 2324 BLAKE2B 6fe57270fef9275f47b0d7f282fbf4ff5c4a76c74e43820a8e0a4d56348eb72dc89dfdb06a9ff9a2b6f73d35102f861200d6c8c6f4dc41cfb4e42ff69d70da8a SHA512 0418e3315b4ded29714099d80075f61f6d1b38d9109bbb3bc372abbaceb14f705d5798eac2c14ef0fd0e1c557785291a4acb5e773dffb46f0b7f7962bf38d041
diff --git a/media-video/mpv/files/mpv-0.35.1-pipewire-0.3.75.patch b/media-video/mpv/files/mpv-0.35.1-pipewire-0.3.75.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..41392ab0839c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-video/mpv/files/mpv-0.35.1-pipewire-0.3.75.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+Issue point that pipewire itself may apply a workaround for mpv,
+so this may or may not be necessary for future pipewire versions.
+Albeit the actual issue seems to be in mpv, so let's backport the
+fix which appears to work properly for old 0.35.1 as well.
+Note that (unrelated to this issue), 0.35.1 is still a bit flaky
+with pipewire. If have other issues with ao=pipewire you may want
+to consider mpv-9999 until next release, or use ao=pulse/alsa/jack
+to use through pipewire meanwhile.
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Thomas=20Wei=C3=9Fschuh?= <>
+Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:10:55 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ao_pipewire: for_each_sink: properly check termination
+ condition
+Doing a pw_thread_loop_wait() without checking conditions is invalid.
+The thread loop could be signalled for other reasons and in this case
+the wait needs to continue.
+PipeWire added such additional signaling in
+commit 33be898130f0 ("thread-loop: signal when started").
+This meant that for_each_sink would return before the callbacks have
+fired and session_has_sink() would incorrectly return "false", failing
+the initialization of ao_pipewire.
+Fixes #11995
+--- a/audio/out/ao_pipewire.c
++++ b/audio/out/ao_pipewire.c
+@@ -337,6 +337,11 @@
+ }
++struct for_each_done_ctx {
++ struct pw_thread_loop *loop;
++ bool done;
+ static const struct pw_registry_events for_each_sink_registry_events = {
+ .global = for_each_sink_registry_event_global,
+@@ -344,8 +349,9 @@
+ static void for_each_sink_done(void *data, uint32_t it, int seq)
+ {
+- struct pw_thread_loop *loop = data;
+- pw_thread_loop_signal(loop, false);
++ struct for_each_done_ctx *ctx = data;
++ ctx->done = true;
++ pw_thread_loop_signal(ctx->loop, false);
+ }
+ static const struct pw_core_events for_each_sink_core_events = {
+@@ -359,12 +365,16 @@
+ struct priv *priv = ao->priv;
+ struct pw_registry *registry;
+ struct spa_hook core_listener;
++ struct for_each_done_ctx done_ctx = {
++ .loop = priv->loop,
++ .done = false,
++ };
+ int ret = -1;
+ pw_thread_loop_lock(priv->loop);
+ spa_zero(core_listener);
+- if (pw_core_add_listener(priv->core, &core_listener, &for_each_sink_core_events, priv->loop) < 0)
++ if (pw_core_add_listener(priv->core, &core_listener, &for_each_sink_core_events, &done_ctx) < 0)
+ goto unlock_loop;
+ registry = pw_core_get_registry(priv->core, PW_VERSION_REGISTRY, 0);
+@@ -383,7 +393,8 @@
+ if (pw_registry_add_listener(registry, &registry_listener, &for_each_sink_registry_events, &revents_ctx) < 0)
+ goto destroy_registry;
+- pw_thread_loop_wait(priv->loop);
++ while (!done_ctx.done)
++ pw_thread_loop_wait(priv->loop);
+ spa_hook_remove(&registry_listener);
diff --git a/media-video/mpv/mpv-0.35.1-r2.ebuild b/media-video/mpv/mpv-0.35.1-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f41aea9d7e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-video/mpv/mpv-0.35.1-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+LUA_COMPAT=( lua5-1 luajit )
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..12} )
+inherit edo flag-o-matic lua-single meson optfeature pax-utils python-single-r1 xdg
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
+ inherit git-r3
+ SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
+ KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~loong ppc ppc64 ~riscv x86 ~amd64-linux"
+DESCRIPTION="Media player for the command line"
+LICENSE="LGPL-2.1+ GPL-2+ BSD ISC MIT" #506946
+SLOT="0/2" # soname
+ +X +alsa aqua archive bluray cdda +cli coreaudio debug +drm dvb
+ dvd +egl gamepad +iconv jack javascript jpeg lcms libcaca +libmpv
+ +libplacebo +lua mmal nvenc openal opengl pipewire pulseaudio
+ raspberry-pi rubberband sdl selinux sixel sndio test tools +uchardet
+ vaapi vdpau vulkan wayland +xv zimg zlib"
+ || ( cli libmpv )
+ egl? ( || ( X drm wayland ) )
+ libplacebo? ( || ( egl opengl vulkan ) )
+ lua? ( ${LUA_REQUIRED_USE} )
+ nvenc? ( || ( egl opengl vulkan ) )
+ opengl? ( || ( X aqua ) )
+ test? ( cli )
+ tools? ( cli )
+ uchardet? ( iconv )
+ vaapi? (
+ || ( X egl libplacebo wayland )
+ wayland? ( drm )
+ )
+ vdpau? ( X )
+ vulkan? ( || ( X wayland ) libplacebo )
+ xv? ( X )"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+# raspberry-pi: default to -bin given non-bin is known broken (bug #893422)
+ media-libs/libass:=[fontconfig]
+ media-video/ffmpeg:=[encode,threads,vaapi?,vdpau?]
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXScrnSaver
+ x11-libs/libXext
+ x11-libs/libXinerama
+ x11-libs/libXpresent
+ x11-libs/libXrandr
+ xv? ( x11-libs/libXv )
+ )
+ alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib )
+ archive? ( app-arch/libarchive:= )
+ bluray? ( media-libs/libbluray:= )
+ cdda? (
+ dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia:=
+ dev-libs/libcdio:=
+ )
+ drm? (
+ media-libs/mesa[gbm(+)]
+ x11-libs/libdrm
+ )
+ dvd? (
+ media-libs/libdvdnav
+ media-libs/libdvdread:=
+ )
+ egl? ( media-libs/libglvnd )
+ gamepad? ( media-libs/libsdl2[joystick] )
+ iconv? (
+ virtual/libiconv
+ uchardet? ( app-i18n/uchardet )
+ )
+ jack? ( virtual/jack )
+ javascript? ( dev-lang/mujs:= )
+ jpeg? ( media-libs/libjpeg-turbo:= )
+ lcms? ( media-libs/lcms:2 )
+ libcaca? ( media-libs/libcaca )
+ libplacebo? (
+ >=media-libs/libplacebo-4.202:=[opengl?,vulkan?]
+ <media-libs/libplacebo-6
+ egl? ( media-libs/libplacebo[opengl] )
+ )
+ lua? ( ${LUA_DEPS} )
+ openal? ( media-libs/openal )
+ opengl? ( media-libs/libglvnd[X?] )
+ pipewire? ( media-video/pipewire:= )
+ pulseaudio? ( media-libs/libpulse )
+ raspberry-pi? (
+ || (
+ media-libs/raspberrypi-userland-bin
+ media-libs/raspberrypi-userland
+ )
+ )
+ rubberband? ( media-libs/rubberband )
+ sdl? ( media-libs/libsdl2[sound,threads,video] )
+ sixel? ( media-libs/libsixel )
+ sndio? ( media-sound/sndio:= )
+ vaapi? ( media-libs/libva:=[X?,drm(+)?,wayland?] )
+ vdpau? ( x11-libs/libvdpau )
+ vulkan? (
+ media-libs/shaderc
+ media-libs/vulkan-loader[X?,wayland?]
+ )
+ wayland? (
+ dev-libs/wayland
+ dev-libs/wayland-protocols
+ x11-libs/libxkbcommon
+ )
+ zimg? ( media-libs/zimg )
+ zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib:= )"
+ selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-mplayer )
+ tools? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )"
+ X? ( x11-base/xorg-proto )
+ dvb? ( virtual/linuxtv-dvb-headers )
+ nvenc? ( media-libs/nv-codec-headers )
+ wayland? ( dev-libs/wayland-protocols )"
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ cli? ( dev-python/docutils )
+ wayland? ( dev-util/wayland-scanner )"
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-yt-dlp-edl-fragments.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-pipewire-0.3.75.patch
+pkg_setup() {
+ use lua && lua-single_pkg_setup
+ python-single-r1_pkg_setup
+src_configure() {
+ if use !debug; then
+ if use test; then
+ einfo "Skipping -DNDEBUG due to USE=test"
+ else
+ append-cppflags -DNDEBUG # treated specially
+ fi
+ fi
+ mpv_feature_multi() {
+ local use set
+ for use in ${1} ${2}; do
+ use ${use} || set=disabled
+ done
+ echo -D${3-${2}}=${set-enabled}
+ }
+ local emesonargs=(
+ $(meson_use cli cplayer)
+ $(meson_use libmpv)
+ $(meson_use test tests)
+ $(meson_feature cli html-build)
+ $(meson_feature cli manpage-build)
+ -Dpdf-build=disabled
+ -Dbuild-date=false
+ # misc options
+ $(meson_feature archive libarchive)
+ $(meson_feature bluray libbluray)
+ $(meson_feature cdda)
+ -Dcplugins=enabled
+ $(meson_feature dvb dvbin)
+ $(meson_feature dvd dvdnav)
+ $(meson_feature gamepad sdl2-gamepad)
+ $(meson_feature iconv)
+ $(meson_feature javascript)
+ -Dlibavdevice=enabled
+ $(meson_feature lcms lcms2)
+ -Dlua=$(usex lua "${ELUA}" disabled)
+ $(meson_feature rubberband)
+ -Dsdl2=$(use gamepad || use sdl && echo enabled || echo disabled) #857156
+ $(meson_feature uchardet)
+ -Dvapoursynth=disabled # only available in overlays
+ $(meson_feature zimg)
+ $(meson_feature zlib)
+ # audio output
+ $(meson_feature alsa)
+ $(meson_feature coreaudio)
+ $(meson_feature jack)
+ $(meson_feature openal)
+ $(meson_feature pipewire)
+ $(meson_feature pulseaudio pulse)
+ $(meson_feature sdl sdl2-audio)
+ $(meson_feature sndio)
+ # video output
+ $(meson_feature X x11)
+ $(meson_feature aqua cocoa)
+ $(meson_feature drm)
+ $(meson_feature drm gbm)
+ $(meson_feature jpeg)
+ $(meson_feature libcaca caca)
+ $(meson_feature libplacebo)
+ $(meson_feature mmal rpi-mmal)
+ $(meson_feature sdl sdl2-video)
+ $(meson_feature sixel)
+ $(meson_feature wayland)
+ $(meson_feature xv)
+ -Dgl=$(use egl || use libmpv || use opengl || use raspberry-pi &&
+ echo enabled || echo disabled)
+ $(meson_feature egl)
+ $(mpv_feature_multi egl X egl-x11)
+ $(mpv_feature_multi egl drm egl-drm)
+ $(mpv_feature_multi egl wayland egl-wayland)
+ $(meson_feature libmpv plain-gl)
+ $(mpv_feature_multi opengl X gl-x11)
+ $(mpv_feature_multi opengl aqua gl-cocoa)
+ $(meson_feature raspberry-pi rpi)
+ $(meson_feature vulkan)
+ $(meson_feature vulkan shaderc)
+ # hardware decoding
+ $(meson_feature nvenc cuda-hwaccel)
+ $(meson_feature nvenc cuda-interop)
+ $(meson_feature vaapi)
+ $(mpv_feature_multi vaapi X vaapi-x11)
+ $(mpv_feature_multi 'vaapi X' egl vaapi-x-egl)
+ $(mpv_feature_multi 'vaapi egl' drm vaapi-drm)
+ $(mpv_feature_multi 'vaapi egl' wayland vaapi-wayland)
+ $(meson_feature vdpau)
+ $(mpv_feature_multi vdpau opengl vdpau-gl-x11)
+ $(mpv_feature_multi aqua opengl videotoolbox-gl)
+ )
+ meson_src_configure
+src_test() {
+ #
+ local tests=($("${BUILD_DIR}"/mpv --no-config --unittest=help | tail -n +2; assert))
+ (( ${#tests[@]} )) || die "failed to gather any tests"
+ local skip=(
+ all-simple
+ # fails on non-issue minor inconsistencies (bug #888639)
+ img_format
+ repack_sws
+ )
+ local test
+ for test in "${tests[@]}"; do
+ [[ ${test} == @($(IFS='|'; echo "${skip[*]}")) ]] ||
+ edo "${BUILD_DIR}"/mpv -v --no-config --unittest="${test}"
+ done
+src_install() {
+ meson_src_install
+ if use lua; then
+ insinto /usr/share/${PN}
+ doins -r TOOLS/lua
+ if use cli && use lua_single_target_luajit; then
+ pax-mark -m "${ED}"/usr/bin/${PN}
+ fi
+ fi
+ if use tools; then
+ dobin TOOLS/{,umpv}
+ newbin TOOLS/
+ python_fix_shebang "${ED}"/usr/bin/umpv
+ fi
+ if use cli; then
+ dodir /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html
+ mv "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/{mpv,${PF}/html}/mpv.html || die
+ mv "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/{mpv,${PF}/examples} || die
+ fi
+ local GLOBIGNORE=*/*build*:*/*policy*
+ dodoc RELEASE_NOTES DOCS/*.{md,rst}
+pkg_postinst() {
+ xdg_pkg_postinst
+ optfeature "URL support with USE=lua" net-misc/yt-dlp
diff --git a/media-video/pipewire/Manifest b/media-video/pipewire/Manifest
index 94999d0cadcd..628a2d35290e 100644
--- a/media-video/pipewire/Manifest
+++ b/media-video/pipewire/Manifest
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ AUX 0.3.71/jack-update-bufsize-samplerate.patch 1577 BLAKE2B 1bb11301fa7c04482fc
AUX 0.3.72/001-opus-meson.patch 3622 BLAKE2B 3470eb21de06019dba38747896bcfa0703bc8213658f9e90fc4f4bd687a5a7dcc7c6818c8a4cd14f0ba840981e6e91d88a31def645573b246f9baf02e1d2ca4c SHA512 19d54bbd11bac426882ae69f81d880cc59d950a64fa88914bac00b16d62d29b99e629a92cae2b49b7dfcb5228c088274b6ee30378b8efa8a3f29190d806c377c
AUX 0.3.72/002-context-segfault-no-fallback.patch 991 BLAKE2B 33c3dbac479ba829a9c60161705ee584be1cefb02139d5cd01d56017b982421a2b4607b11bbf9345c13f630f36d9d4eb17a7dbceb31de7787051f1cc2fb08d20 SHA512 ad97cc99faa87842d607ab06cc3308ee2539663270b8901d8bc827e8b85f2b2c1461ef7d070447e824a83680bdeaa632ee05e9f66e263be8c6245fbf8558e55e
AUX 0.3.73/0001-impl-node-remove-node-target-peers.patch 1166 BLAKE2B 06d66961ba1bd186dfbe0a48eba48dd64436c0abab1986e1497e043c9889ee057449712e34575721c31cad9537444aeb23863227d2cc4d2ff3cca53753a8924c SHA512 83c48182de54872067f77b7751fe2affdc460d01983005041157d9a61607e86505c937547d9d9b9c86a30f35a3396a5afaa67d4ed5e88bb5e72a5d8acab6255a
+AUX 0.3.75/0001-module-rt-error-out-on-load-no-bus.patch 2928 BLAKE2B b39ccee82d17428f6a73b5f4b5f365a56e094fee2563cffca85393419e025557824a544c640f93e1656833b1f32acfed729b05595d0aa62c0b30de5043c01fee SHA512 3ffd389f97cc09938d28d0884c4e62dc79a0f9ce7a7103239b159cd70e7fd63b100f0d8f7abf266f09f4d94ff515217dab097d2cbc2517c7bc3739c6fb95b026
+AUX 0.3.75/0002-thread-loop-only-signal-when-option-set.patch 2180 BLAKE2B f4239fd8175dfdbee6b66631fd324f538e755be4c2c617959f5b9449eb06a30839c73a11b9a53dc09cb88c3c24a13038a339cfe86aed50d8510d16b8d663c39b SHA512 8f0b9f35f668cea7545fc255ae93035dee28714d65009a341201c6b2a79633ec59beb4e9d94760d8d4ad01353caff4daf95934e2d80dd909c76596aa8f2ef6ae
AUX 99-pipewire-default-hook.conf 540 BLAKE2B cec76e78db9db290054bf766774c284d7a7a1374c453802eb1bdc19db9289856ec7b8643acbab916a39ca859d543deca111e3b0f110d1904343221c1573ffc17 SHA512 ef891e38c6f40fce2904e240307147a58c48d780e8470dac8e28044cfb86ddeb163885a2362687791779379ad814f58ad5649b75ac4e82931c5bdd3f37a6ed01
AUX gentoo-pipewire-launcher.1 1400 BLAKE2B a469d6eb75e5362d44c2cad66169f89fdb93cdf511e3019f669531812b9fce007032388ef2b3927dce8977ab69bfdb51af357b0648c661c079175d5f62cc2ea9 SHA512 de1b4621b59f6505950324746090de21d5fdaced7cb45cae5b9bd6f312aba031590fd71e1c54ca4b8558649556fbab304c9b88ee1e3831ce29530ddb040d3abe
AUX 1227 BLAKE2B 4316a991978fac653a00d076e9236d0ab6c01a6e4b800c82851e2bd6f9476369605c741aa7ffd47b10853653ef1d4222c449f0b912a0f7694fffd2b1611d7a47 SHA512 edbc03cec765d2307bcf33a14521c6f8beeae52d9fd6a4e181ba66b9f5dd0d64995fdef847453d1a4c682d701814b3afbe70931f55a0e4198fc5c9d87d7a95c5
@@ -22,6 +24,6 @@ EBUILD pipewire-0.3.71-r2.ebuild 17641 BLAKE2B f25bbbac377b63de4b9d73e2431a939a2
EBUILD pipewire-0.3.71-r3.ebuild 17696 BLAKE2B 6123a1a6d7664aaf5c6488b74267c92ba76f9a8cf96375f3f81d00fef0cd5005415bf7a8addb80200fd2ba8138d1c9c06bfc3daea11730a6baa9f6455e20a367 SHA512 1b812f71c1bc78b1364013996c9191429aac8811024bef1b12cbb0a24935f05f5d8177c796a9b83f102f25d22f4520456e03fdeafb2d2cfe74b2ac57752419d8
EBUILD pipewire-0.3.72.ebuild 17805 BLAKE2B 3c49f6649833e1b776ec5021d5e61f3190256047c86d4b60308f7cbea82bebce0155cc5d5a22aa2a08a43c45219a126e905c36a2358feb9883f19cc00dad2a94 SHA512 4cfbff2e244ceb0e580d2f471766030306ddd60a5471be50c14e5de9706cdb537b5d1cdd435d498ee324047ba5d62fae69a0835d5b0f494ec91279fb7e009348
EBUILD pipewire-0.3.74.ebuild 18124 BLAKE2B 9946939a41642cbf3e4e1bb31d756294983197a4d851fd11a57882a710794db2bfccaa8209d8be0e792e9cf6c694d8d4ec5134e4e0355b411efe0d9877b92dd0 SHA512 f2de41fd4264db087902f2d9abb0e9c7869021e3d1eb32e872ff625e7fcc1d64c548954aee29c502c37976159c0f34e56768da9d30fc4bf66b744a062b2ced73
-EBUILD pipewire-0.3.75.ebuild 18124 BLAKE2B 9946939a41642cbf3e4e1bb31d756294983197a4d851fd11a57882a710794db2bfccaa8209d8be0e792e9cf6c694d8d4ec5134e4e0355b411efe0d9877b92dd0 SHA512 f2de41fd4264db087902f2d9abb0e9c7869021e3d1eb32e872ff625e7fcc1d64c548954aee29c502c37976159c0f34e56768da9d30fc4bf66b744a062b2ced73
+EBUILD pipewire-0.3.75-r1.ebuild 18124 BLAKE2B 9946939a41642cbf3e4e1bb31d756294983197a4d851fd11a57882a710794db2bfccaa8209d8be0e792e9cf6c694d8d4ec5134e4e0355b411efe0d9877b92dd0 SHA512 f2de41fd4264db087902f2d9abb0e9c7869021e3d1eb32e872ff625e7fcc1d64c548954aee29c502c37976159c0f34e56768da9d30fc4bf66b744a062b2ced73
EBUILD pipewire-9999.ebuild 18124 BLAKE2B 9946939a41642cbf3e4e1bb31d756294983197a4d851fd11a57882a710794db2bfccaa8209d8be0e792e9cf6c694d8d4ec5134e4e0355b411efe0d9877b92dd0 SHA512 f2de41fd4264db087902f2d9abb0e9c7869021e3d1eb32e872ff625e7fcc1d64c548954aee29c502c37976159c0f34e56768da9d30fc4bf66b744a062b2ced73
MISC metadata.xml 1949 BLAKE2B 8163c9569efec70ed5792f7c82773492da7d888a781b599a48ef851e73c31944a5b437f1a03892300ccd88a386b4f405f847b2708818621b0c2d257940979508 SHA512 3f8037b2f0f06a39186f15bccc1972ec1f65df93ec0484fba2dd186ae529ac63c50047afcf26abbc208e30641181a87e2d98927696c59e624b6465718d083e59
diff --git a/media-video/pipewire/files/0.3.75/0001-module-rt-error-out-on-load-no-bus.patch b/media-video/pipewire/files/0.3.75/0001-module-rt-error-out-on-load-no-bus.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8885eb8a564f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-video/pipewire/files/0.3.75/0001-module-rt-error-out-on-load-no-bus.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+From 55812195ce3b77317e7a2dc642b78271f3a45c8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Joan=20Bruguera=20Mic=C3=B3?= <>
+Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2023 01:20:58 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] module-rt: error out on load if no bus is available
+Since the recent changes to the RT module in Pipewire 0.3.75, some
+applications such as those using OpenAL-Soft crash on startup if
+neither the session nor the system bus is available. For example:
+ bwrap --dev-bind / / \
+ --bind /dev/null /run/dbus/system_bus_socket \
+ --bind /dev/null $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/bus \
+ openal-info
+Will result in a crash with the following error message:
+ dbus[1626147]: arguments to dbus_message_new_method_call() were
+ incorrect, assertion "path != NULL" failed in file dbus-message.c
+ line 1373.
+ This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.
+The RT module previously failed to load if no bus was available, but
+after the recent changes, the init. logic runs in a thread, and failing
+to obtain the bus no longer causes the module to fail to load.
+Then, functions called later such as `pw_rtkit_make_realtime` assume
+the bus is available and try to use it, causing the error above.
+Put the logic for obtaining and checking the bus back to `module_init`,
+so the module fails to load again if no bus is available.
+--- a/src/modules/module-rt.c
++++ b/src/modules/module-rt.c
+@@ -923,14 +923,11 @@ static int check_rtkit(struct impl *impl, struct pw_context *context, bool *can_
+ return 0;
+ }
+-static int do_rtkit_setup(struct spa_loop *loop, bool async, uint32_t seq,
+- const void *data, size_t size, void *user_data)
++static int rtkit_get_bus(struct impl *impl)
+ {
+- struct impl *impl = user_data;
+ int res;
+- long long retval;
+- pw_log_debug("enter rtkit setup");
++ pw_log_debug("enter rtkit get bus");
+ /* Checking xdg-desktop-portal. It works fine in all situations. */
+ if (impl->rtportal_enabled)
+@@ -967,6 +964,18 @@ static int do_rtkit_setup(struct spa_loop *loop, bool async, uint32_t seq,
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
++ return 0;
++static int do_rtkit_setup(struct spa_loop *loop, bool async, uint32_t seq,
++ const void *data, size_t size, void *user_data)
++ struct impl *impl = user_data;
++ long long retval;
++ pw_log_debug("enter rtkit setup");
+ /* get some properties */
+ if (rtkit_get_int_property(impl, "MaxRealtimePriority", &retval) < 0) {
+ retval = 1;
+@@ -1076,6 +1085,9 @@ int pipewire__module_init(struct pw_impl_module *module, const char *args)
+ #ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+ impl->use_rtkit = use_rtkit;
+ if (impl->use_rtkit) {
++ if ((res = rtkit_get_bus(impl)) < 0)
++ goto error;
+ impl->thread_loop = pw_thread_loop_new("module-rt", NULL);
+ if (impl->thread_loop == NULL) {
+ res = -errno;
diff --git a/media-video/pipewire/files/0.3.75/0002-thread-loop-only-signal-when-option-set.patch b/media-video/pipewire/files/0.3.75/0002-thread-loop-only-signal-when-option-set.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..670847b2f86a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-video/pipewire/files/0.3.75/0002-thread-loop-only-signal-when-option-set.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+From 920bb7160e0be0ce5729d9538f6dea966f297603 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Wim Taymans <>
+Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2023 18:16:00 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] thread-loop: only signal when option is set
+Add a thead-loop.start-signal option that will do a signal before
+entering the thread loop. Doing the signal in all cases can confuse
+apps that don't expect the signal.
+Make module-rt use the thread-loop.start-signal.
+Fixes #3374
+--- a/src/modules/module-rt.c
++++ b/src/modules/module-rt.c
+@@ -1085,10 +1085,14 @@ int pipewire__module_init(struct pw_impl_module *module, const char *args)
+ #ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+ impl->use_rtkit = use_rtkit;
+ if (impl->use_rtkit) {
++ struct spa_dict_item items[] = {
++ { "thread-loop.start-signal", "true" }
++ };
+ if ((res = rtkit_get_bus(impl)) < 0)
+ goto error;
+- impl->thread_loop = pw_thread_loop_new("module-rt", NULL);
++ impl->thread_loop = pw_thread_loop_new("module-rt",
++ &SPA_DICT_INIT_ARRAY(items));
+ if (impl->thread_loop == NULL) {
+ res = -errno;
+ goto error;
+--- a/src/pipewire/thread-loop.c
++++ b/src/pipewire/thread-loop.c
+@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ struct pw_thread_loop {
+ int n_waiting_for_accept;
+ unsigned int created:1;
+ unsigned int running:1;
++ unsigned int start_signal:1;
+ };
+ /** \endcond */
+@@ -143,6 +144,11 @@ static struct pw_thread_loop *loop_new(struct pw_loop *loop,
+ return NULL;
+ pw_log_debug("%p: new name:%s", this, name);
++ if (props != NULL) {
++ const char *str = spa_dict_lookup(props, "thread-loop.start-signal");
++ if (str != NULL)
++ this->start_signal = spa_atob(str);
++ }
+ if (loop == NULL) {
+ loop = pw_loop_new(props);
+@@ -282,7 +288,8 @@ static void *do_loop(void *user_data)
+ pw_log_debug("%p: enter thread", this);
+ pw_loop_enter(this->loop);
+- pw_thread_loop_signal(this, false);
++ if (this->start_signal)
++ pw_thread_loop_signal(this, false);
+ while (this->running) {
+ if ((res = pw_loop_iterate(this->loop, -1)) < 0) {
diff --git a/media-video/pipewire/pipewire-0.3.75.ebuild b/media-video/pipewire/pipewire-0.3.75-r1.ebuild
index dfb5716fd7bf..dfb5716fd7bf 100644
--- a/media-video/pipewire/pipewire-0.3.75.ebuild
+++ b/media-video/pipewire/pipewire-0.3.75-r1.ebuild