path: root/net-analyzer/iplog
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <>2017-10-09 18:53:29 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <>2017-10-09 18:53:29 +0100
commit4f2d7949f03e1c198bc888f2d05f421d35c57e21 (patch)
treeba5f07bf3f9d22d82e54a462313f5d244036c768 /net-analyzer/iplog
reinit the tree, so we can have metadata
Diffstat (limited to 'net-analyzer/iplog')
5 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-analyzer/iplog/Manifest b/net-analyzer/iplog/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5c4fa5a8704d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/iplog/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+AUX 2.2.3-DLT_LINUX_SSL.patch 7265 SHA256 2eb802c0dab53ca2252267cbc1f6ef45bdbd6ee01bb2c971b01a006d513c7267 SHA512 de93d97688e1079e480c138abc1a25572c47f2e045f70c98b7ba2c2098bcfffdb36997aab0a4272cbe908bead503b2531543368ac35624527cb8c0640594ad4b WHIRLPOOL f0b678bdc243d2c10d120edd88ec70c41d5f4afa368f6119e382b3acf4733ff8314bd850c33f850780f87c1c420d74c966329ec5fa01ab20c8de2255c38edc9c
+AUX iplog.rc6 776 SHA256 9663dd9a7b1b8f833dae0937050d3a71043e72565428860a19a8ba068e677d79 SHA512 f0c3965810f7005e1ae183a2f3ed66ba06c054fcfd78da6277eaa364518ebffb9f44a0c99200b0d3042a63d4c57141d5b29823e8bc1d3f030e00d8e913021a34 WHIRLPOOL 8f16dc619a17a59332cb16e3f7e5962ce3caa9fe8016c45b78cc3cc6e714d83239f139f61db5cee4e7c499d666b39c029f81ff1d469a78a12c4d74dbdf55b6c6
+DIST iplog-2.2.3.tar.gz 133639 SHA256 cc3da7b6f360ff25455e5ae7c95d7377de332deb23f6dcb5c1ea11e563702fff SHA512 d7669e39b728af366b5199c58d396c6907496b4895ffb1ba0cba54fae0646f9792170f932de1eae9634b5ac356644a5d6d0ccaf7bc77a62641695992245c9aed WHIRLPOOL c654eb286f494c99d3608ac8fe363d441a242a40b6fad45df9e515ace478a0045c35f3704cc70d3320ea0b280f1d6f82d45ff858a232e4a2020d2a49b72b5a18
+EBUILD iplog-2.2.3-r2.ebuild 712 SHA256 096410a3e83970ca726560687d94f84707b2d718324a4e1357fad212f29a636e SHA512 357a32105c24519e9d433f9f0768fa1977e8fc88ff10b0001a9657c238c81df083b629212bb3d22d02749b22fa5f44a6fedd0da5c9fe9d619e271c6c4c459315 WHIRLPOOL 30c14df589b1b3229264c4c78557fc64d5a7194fba8d024d67acd1f2e2d48337f6693371adb0cdf0e20b66866bee0a0a581b6d0638e816e170b6b339a04ea64b
+MISC ChangeLog 2611 SHA256 ad34901dab4771f801c3a950db4eaea217dc92804c5ec6504a40118b92d29031 SHA512 b5680c5c129100db9d5ef51c41f9d73d724eb535dae2ea6ca943af4d2f4fb0d9885b8e2a3a837bd580aad842de68851008c20c5e3eaa3f296ed96c1a4ea34f7c WHIRLPOOL beae2520e4d471c7fef5e293e270cc819ab8d65ded9310834071ba406f01745b0be9514c4a4240c57ad7db4d2d133e2c1cf565a788a864704210d78a0d60bd27
+MISC ChangeLog-2015 2767 SHA256 a220b081b257abca13a7235aa2859fdea22909d91409bf2e47c9f59779923144 SHA512 f8a3066b8c386c88a186c072245b6ee57a189a674ee1f21f32f0c8b5295b3df71c2be828a6da5033cc63b4a3ff089fae0aa98e385e66aac770a31f02aea937b6 WHIRLPOOL 68071045c89954a2d05b4c55c5f900919e1be2fc05baba2831bf838c61f0d5a3156b38f318f1cbb4254b249f6f3e5f28dcf5ef7669f900822eb9beb01aa30859
+MISC metadata.xml 423 SHA256 9db2a95411786ea1419c0cca3cdb7a1730d5c18ff0d64b2441d70b027da631c2 SHA512 e3bd873037dd3fbbdb8fa401e2da3c8c6bb35305b63c2bb4cbc0213d5089e714b48c67fa625037b9342c5f8d136363e558583acd864e99e0f5bc591a9bec639d WHIRLPOOL 0c5c67bb177039246e3f66db15494863dd9364fcdc6771e8db8aab25e84e6e1917440cfeb57e1bf8d4d942cd554cad9e11379da16216913d4ee53e14fb7133cd
diff --git a/net-analyzer/iplog/files/2.2.3-DLT_LINUX_SSL.patch b/net-analyzer/iplog/files/2.2.3-DLT_LINUX_SSL.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..84a447af4f9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/iplog/files/2.2.3-DLT_LINUX_SSL.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+--- a/src/iplog_options.c
++++ b/src/iplog_options.c
+@@ -440,58 +440,58 @@
+ static void print_help(void) {
+ mysyslog(
+-"Usage: " PACKAGE " [options] (\"*\" Denotes enabled by default)
+---user or -u <user|UID> Run as specified the user or UID.
+---group or -g <group|GID> Run with specified the group or GID.
+---logfile or -l <file> Log to <file>.
+---pid-file <file> Use <file> as the pid file.
+---ignore or -d Ignore DNS traffic from nameservers listed in
+- /etc/resolv.conf.
+---interface or -i <if0,...,ifN> Listen on the specified interface(s).
+---promisc or -a <network> Log traffic to all hosts on <network>.
+---kill or -k Kill iplog, if it is running.
+---restart or -R Restart iplog, if it is running.
+---no-fork or -o Run in the foreground.
+---stdout or -L Log to stdout.
+---help or -h This help screen.
+---version or -v Print version information and exit.
+---facility <facility> Use the specified syslog facility.
+---priority <priority> Use the specified syslog priority.
+---tcp[=true|false|toggle] %cLog TCP traffic.
+---udp[=true|false|toggle] %cLog UDP traffic.
+---icmp[=true|false|toggle] %cLog ICMP traffic.
+---log-ip[=true|false|toggle] or -w %cLog IP along with hostname.
+---log-dest[=true|false|toggle] or -D %cLog the destination of traffic.
+---dns-cache[=true|false|toggle] or -c %cUse the built-in DNS cache.
+---get-ident[=true|false|toggle] or -e %cGet ident info on connections
+- to listening ports.
+---tcp-resolve[=true|false|toggle] or -T %cResolve IPs of TCP traffic.
+---udp-resolve[=true|false|toggle] or -U %cResolve IPs of UDP traffic.
+---icmp-resolve[=true|false|toggle] or -I %cResolve IPs of ICMP traffic.
+---disable-resolver or -N %cDo not resolve any IPs.
+---verbose[=true|false|toggle] or -V %cBe verbose.
+---fool-nmap[=true|false|toggle] or -z %cFool nmap's OS detection.
+---scans-only[=true|false|toggle] or -m %cOnly log scans.
+---detect-syn-flood[=true|false|toggle] or -s %cStop resolving IPs if a
+- SYN flood is detected.
+---log-frag[=true|false|toggle] or -y %cLog fragment attacks.
+---log-traceroute[=true|false|toggle] or -t %cLog traceroutes.
+---log-ping-flood[=true|false|toggle] or -P %cLog ICMP ping floods.
+---log-smurf[=true|false|toggle] or -S %cLog smurf attacks.
+---log-bogus[=true|false|toggle] or -b %cLog bogus TCP flags.
+---log-portscan[=true|false|toggle] or -p %cLog port scans.
+---log-udp-scan[=true|false|toggle] or -F %cLog UDP scans/floods.
+---log-fin-scan[=true|false|toggle] or -f %cLog FIN scans.
+---log-syn-scan[=true|false|toggle] or -q %cLog SYN scans.
+---log-xmas-scan[=true|false|toggle] or -x %cLog Xmas scans.
+---log-null-scan[=true|false|toggle] or -n %cLog null scans.",
++"Usage: %s [options] (\"*\" Denotes enabled by default)\n"
++"--user or -u <user|UID> Run as specified the user or UID.\n"
++"--group or -g <group|GID> Run with specified the group or GID.\n"
++"--logfile or -l <file> Log to <file>.\n"
++"--pid-file <file> Use <file> as the pid file.\n"
++"--ignore or -d Ignore DNS traffic from nameservers listed in\n"
++" /etc/resolv.conf.\n"
++"--interface or -i <if0,...,ifN> Listen on the specified interface(s).\n"
++"--promisc or -a <network> Log traffic to all hosts on <network>.\n"
++"--kill or -k Kill iplog, if it is running.\n"
++"--restart or -R Restart iplog, if it is running.\n"
++"--no-fork or -o Run in the foreground.\n"
++"--stdout or -L Log to stdout.\n"
++"--help or -h This help screen.\n"
++"--version or -v Print version information and exit.\n"
++"--facility <facility> Use the specified syslog facility.\n"
++"--priority <priority> Use the specified syslog priority.\n"
++"--tcp[=true|false|toggle] %cLog TCP traffic.\n"
++"--udp[=true|false|toggle] %cLog UDP traffic.\n"
++"--icmp[=true|false|toggle] %cLog ICMP traffic.\n"
++"--log-ip[=true|false|toggle] or -w %cLog IP along with hostname.\n"
++"--log-dest[=true|false|toggle] or -D %cLog the destination of traffic.\n"
++"--dns-cache[=true|false|toggle] or -c %cUse the built-in DNS cache.\n"
++"--get-ident[=true|false|toggle] or -e %cGet ident info on connections\n"
++" to listening ports.\n"
++"--tcp-resolve[=true|false|toggle] or -T %cResolve IPs of TCP traffic.\n"
++"--udp-resolve[=true|false|toggle] or -U %cResolve IPs of UDP traffic.\n"
++"--icmp-resolve[=true|false|toggle] or -I %cResolve IPs of ICMP traffic.\n"
++"--disable-resolver or -N %cDo not resolve any IPs.\n"
++"--verbose[=true|false|toggle] or -V %cBe verbose.\n"
++"--fool-nmap[=true|false|toggle] or -z %cFool nmap's OS detection.\n"
++"--scans-only[=true|false|toggle] or -m %cOnly log scans.\n"
++"--detect-syn-flood[=true|false|toggle] or -s %cStop resolving IPs if a\n"
++" SYN flood is detected.\n"
++"--log-frag[=true|false|toggle] or -y %cLog fragment attacks.\n"
++"--log-traceroute[=true|false|toggle] or -t %cLog traceroutes.\n"
++"--log-ping-flood[=true|false|toggle] or -P %cLog ICMP ping floods.\n"
++"--log-smurf[=true|false|toggle] or -S %cLog smurf attacks.\n"
++"--log-bogus[=true|false|toggle] or -b %cLog bogus TCP flags.\n"
++"--log-portscan[=true|false|toggle] or -p %cLog port scans.\n"
++"--log-udp-scan[=true|false|toggle] or -F %cLog UDP scans/floods.\n"
++"--log-fin-scan[=true|false|toggle] or -f %cLog FIN scans.\n"
++"--log-syn-scan[=true|false|toggle] or -q %cLog SYN scans.\n"
++"--log-xmas-scan[=true|false|toggle] or -x %cLog Xmas scans.\n"
++"--log-null-scan[=true|false|toggle] or -n %cLog null scans.",
+--- a/src/iplog_pcap.c
++++ b/src/iplog_pcap.c
+@@ -189,8 +189,16 @@
+ dlt = 24;
+ break;
+- case DLT_SLIP:
+- dlt = 16;
++#ifdef DLT_FDDI
++ case DLT_FDDI:
++ dlt = 21;
++ break;
++ case DLT_SLIP:
++#ifdef DLT_LINUX_SLL
++ case DLT_LINUX_SLL:
++ dlt = 16;
+ break;
+ case DLT_PPP:
+ case DLT_NULL:
diff --git a/net-analyzer/iplog/files/iplog.rc6 b/net-analyzer/iplog/files/iplog.rc6
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..031f0ce3af7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/iplog/files/iplog.rc6
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+depend() {
+ need net
+start() {
+ ebegin "Starting iplog"
+ checkconfig
+ rc=$?
+ if [ $rc -eq 0 ]; then
+ start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --startas /usr/sbin/iplog \
+ --pidfile=${pidfile} --name=iplog
+ rc=$?
+ eend $rc "Failed to start iplog $rc"
+ else
+ eend $rc "/etc/iplog.conf does not exist!"
+ fi
+stop() {
+ ebegin "Stopping iplog"
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --retry=5 --quiet --pidfile=${pidfile} --name=iplog
+ # due to a bug in the program, it doesn't properly remove it's pidfile sometimes
+ rm -f ${pidfile}
+ eend $? "Failed to stop iplog!"
+checkconfig() {
+ [ -f /etc/iplog.conf ] || return 1
+ return 0
diff --git a/net-analyzer/iplog/iplog-2.2.3-r2.ebuild b/net-analyzer/iplog/iplog-2.2.3-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3aa9eb1e45fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/iplog/iplog-2.2.3-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit eutils
+DESCRIPTION="iplog is a TCP/IP traffic logger"
+LICENSE="|| ( GPL-2 FDL-1.1 )"
+KEYWORDS="alpha ~mips ppc sparc x86 ~amd64"
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PV}-DLT_LINUX_SSL.patch
+src_compile() {
+src_install() {
+ emake \
+ prefix="${D}"/usr \
+ mandir="${D}"/usr/share/man \
+ install
+ dodoc AUTHORS NEWS README TODO example-iplog.conf
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/iplog.rc6 iplog
diff --git a/net-analyzer/iplog/metadata.xml b/net-analyzer/iplog/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8d4f6dcb5209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/iplog/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <maintainer type="project">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Gentoo network monitoring and analysis project</name>
+ </maintainer>
+ <longdescription>iplog is a TCP/IP traffic logger</longdescription>
+ <upstream>
+ <remote-id type="sourceforge">ojnk</remote-id>
+ </upstream>