path: root/net-dns
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <>2018-11-18 09:38:27 +0000
committerV3n3RiX <>2018-11-18 09:38:27 +0000
commit536c3711867ec947c1738f2c4b96f22e4863322d (patch)
tree697733f5cb713908dcf378e13fd15a798a906a91 /net-dns
parentf65628136faa35d0c4d3b5e7332275c7b35fcd96 (diff)
gentoo resync : 18.11.2018
Diffstat (limited to 'net-dns')
-rw-r--r--net-dns/Manifest.gzbin9220 -> 9207 bytes
-rw-r--r--net-dns/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy-2.0.18.ebuild (renamed from net-dns/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy-2.0.16-r1.ebuild)20
-rw-r--r--net-dns/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor-4.1.7.ebuild (renamed from net-dns/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor-4.1.4.ebuild)0
-rw-r--r--net-dns/pdns/pdns-4.1.5.ebuild (renamed from net-dns/pdns/pdns-4.1.4.ebuild)0
16 files changed, 599 insertions, 252 deletions
diff --git a/net-dns/Manifest.gz b/net-dns/Manifest.gz
index c30c4ad264f8..b37dafdd4624 100644
--- a/net-dns/Manifest.gz
+++ b/net-dns/Manifest.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/net-dns/bind-tools/Manifest b/net-dns/bind-tools/Manifest
index db8df4320912..f441484b2e94 100644
--- a/net-dns/bind-tools/Manifest
+++ b/net-dns/bind-tools/Manifest
@@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ EBUILD bind-tools-9.11.2_p1.ebuild 3150 BLAKE2B d27676a209a1c10af67af40fb8e4cca5
EBUILD bind-tools-9.11.4_p2.ebuild 3208 BLAKE2B 2283d2ace001715cb60542f169c5604fa049b2105a848991b4b7b2a2b66d8630c10e1d65cb832209ff74a26184e1dd93762fbd63348fa9bfe1850cfce1634f4d SHA512 7d5e6d989b952e6400e272fa02383c201342c0373f36a8561f22df549ec12fb7d414adf60689bb9801006e552779b13f5efd1b339ca1a161c1b9166bf4e0f92b
EBUILD bind-tools-9.12.1.ebuild 3368 BLAKE2B 800b01b9fb04b2729beb94f422b64dbff471e21490a1f70864f2a535426194960430de58e0547e487a8f95b6898f5557a5776bded565aded00b8d50548432c89 SHA512 d787f6ce937c47a94eb9e1e9654647403746056f2b0fd4d8a57615de03bd490fa50ad7651ab7cea6a9818a85de0d4926e6c07f868755c92e551d8734285c3a8b
EBUILD bind-tools-9.12.2_p1.ebuild 3439 BLAKE2B 3b924df8db1dd9034ea43e9f12da6f180fec964d146820a0b3dc1b4395b4fad579ea98be33f7e38da7ddedf02808274237b5af69231044c55192f1c80c776bba SHA512 65f9e22ba1c9816865abf24b6746b3f519b61ee3a79ccff5b198a0b8399cc96e7aabbc99c3e98f4251fee3f18d96b8ef135699c0411cdd3c0b1c3af519c68a57
+EBUILD bind-tools-9.12.2_p2-r1.ebuild 3572 BLAKE2B 16beb0371cccbabab3467707f04a969c8982bce2a73f28d8c414b0aae5d1d8ac27231e40e06d7d377b2dfc4906e5faff9962a49716c8855ccd746335f7daaa23 SHA512 079c76b455386a3edfb32af07d0763dbbdaa89e1b1eecce1b31f7fb11c2f4be034c9108ef547f4948b92d86d712bb593f830c36f1be0f86640e533b4619a1df8
EBUILD bind-tools-9.12.2_p2.ebuild 3500 BLAKE2B f4cd34890a0427f88efddc39d1c13ac5ad6ddbf556c5341dd755d71d9b573e9664a00a0362bc5b58a3d1a5931e85dd9537b7225a7382bc2e68ec505b980624cd SHA512 902440e7475a939acbfe67a4ce56edcb2ddfda46424d320f160b72dbef3387c183d707035157a5ae918e4b266768da880fc8219594a75f575daec9543988b2ab
MISC metadata.xml 640 BLAKE2B e563c600c07069fbcf6b9c6a650c4ea47004973757ee685ef12d88c012d70dc2d50831f238aa0ce557531dc91fe8dbb606e526a3b3a72d56725024d76329bcf7 SHA512 e87aa31e416bf3051f213c22b744262a6f4700254a42ab684da2a99eb2b9efb848ccbd2ec747f7c9f309556e6ba5426edaaf3a877cc620758cbde0b40d8c6b37
diff --git a/net-dns/bind-tools/bind-tools-9.12.2_p2-r1.ebuild b/net-dns/bind-tools/bind-tools-9.12.2_p2-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1a4d28b1b3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dns/bind-tools/bind-tools-9.12.2_p2-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit eutils autotools flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="bind tools: dig, nslookup, host, nsupdate, dnssec-keygen"
+SRC_URI="${MY_P}/?version=tar-gz -> ${MY_PN}-${PV}.tar.gz"
+LICENSE="Apache-2.0 BSD BSD-2 GPL-2 HPND ISC MPL-2.0"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+IUSE="doc gost gssapi idn ipv6 libedit libidn2 libressl readline seccomp ssl urandom xml"
+# no PKCS11 currently as it requires OpenSSL to be patched, also see bug 409687
+REQUIRED_USE="gost? ( !libressl ssl )
+ idn? ( !libidn2 )
+ libidn2? ( !idn )"
+ ssl? (
+ !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= )
+ libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:= )
+ )
+ gost? (
+ || (
+ =dev-libs/openssl-1.0*[-bindist]
+ (
+ >=dev-libs/openssl-1.1
+ dev-libs/gost-engine
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 )
+ idn? ( <net-dns/idnkit-2:= )
+ libidn2? ( net-dns/libidn2 )
+ gssapi? ( virtual/krb5 )
+ libedit? ( dev-libs/libedit )
+ !libedit? (
+ readline? ( sys-libs/readline:0= )
+ )
+ seccomp? ( sys-libs/libseccomp )"
+ virtual/pkgconfig"
+ !<net-dns/bind-9.10.2"
+# bug 479092, requires networking
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ # Disable tests for now, bug 406399
+ sed -i '/^SUBDIRS/s:tests::' bin/ lib/ || die
+ # bug #220361
+ rm aclocal.m4
+ rm -rf libtool.m4/
+ mv || die # is deprecated
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ local myeconfargs=(
+ --localstatedir="${EPREFIX}"/var
+ --without-python
+ --without-libjson
+ --without-zlib
+ --without-lmdb
+ $(use_enable ipv6)
+ $(use_with idn idnkit)
+ $(usex idn --with-idnlib=-lidnkit '')
+ $(use_with libidn2)
+ $(use_enable seccomp)
+ $(use_with ssl openssl "${EPREFIX}"/usr)
+ $(use_with xml libxml2)
+ $(use_with gssapi)
+ $(use_with readline)
+ $(use_with gost)
+ )
+ if use urandom; then
+ myeconfargs+=( --with-randomdev=/dev/urandom )
+ else
+ myeconfargs+=( --with-randomdev=/dev/random )
+ fi
+ # bug 607400
+ if use libedit ; then
+ myeconfargs+=( --with-readline=-ledit )
+ elif use readline ; then
+ myeconfargs+=( --with-readline=-lreadline )
+ else
+ myeconfargs+=( --without-readline )
+ fi
+ # bug 344029
+ append-cflags "-DDIG_SIGCHASE"
+ # localstatedir for nsupdate -l, bug 395785
+ tc-export BUILD_CC
+ econf "${myeconfargs[@]}"
+ # bug #151839
+ echo '#undef SO_BSDCOMPAT' >> config.h
+src_compile() {
+ local AR=$(tc-getAR)
+ emake AR="${AR}" -C lib/
+ emake AR="${AR}" -C bin/delv/
+ emake AR="${AR}" -C bin/dig/
+ emake AR="${AR}" -C bin/nsupdate/
+ emake AR="${AR}" -C bin/dnssec/
+src_install() {
+ cd "${S}"/bin/delv || die
+ dobin delv
+ doman delv.1
+ cd "${S}"/bin/dig || die
+ dobin dig host nslookup
+ doman {dig,host,nslookup}.1
+ cd "${S}"/bin/nsupdate || die
+ dobin nsupdate
+ doman nsupdate.1
+ if use doc; then
+ docinto html
+ dodoc nsupdate.html
+ fi
+ cd "${S}"/bin/dnssec || die
+ for tool in dsfromkey importkey keyfromlabel keygen \
+ revoke settime signzone verify; do
+ dobin dnssec-"${tool}"
+ doman dnssec-"${tool}".8
+ if use doc; then
+ docinto html
+ dodoc dnssec-"${tool}".html
+ fi
+ done
diff --git a/net-dns/bind/Manifest b/net-dns/bind/Manifest
index 22bdc970b373..6e6bdfb0ef2b 100644
--- a/net-dns/bind/Manifest
+++ b/net-dns/bind/Manifest
@@ -21,5 +21,6 @@ EBUILD bind-9.11.3-r1.ebuild 12181 BLAKE2B 8efe68cae507e1d58df6081419c9db121d7b5
EBUILD bind-9.11.4_p2.ebuild 12227 BLAKE2B f92c267892ca96749ab23e61a958fc2d7d1e0750cdc461d8a7f28967fd3936e9c72bac0875a690237e3e5c104a0495ed6c76bbd74f47cc026c054ddfb1b728e6 SHA512 282fea5fa00fa226a983e6321bebba11c5abf321baa632296a40d66ba9b0c77977cba8e299130883081bfbb6a58e48c9e154ce6635cfd725f9ab72a14a8df169
EBUILD bind-9.12.1_p2-r1.ebuild 12140 BLAKE2B 3c4198382162186541ca90b176b5c3bed82be1e38d48f2e5b2a3d2329e9a9b757b7b69362e5c9276ca158e250a3764d411aad3e55655f21ef92c3bade0dd0890 SHA512 e36ce712b00c80f4518907e7e58e01a1d83b0118544ee3ea5cf15d8906574e09d834831c6af6da23e0cd1884bc1b070720cc85f52a02ff11b13ab3d3b3983236
EBUILD bind-9.12.2_p1.ebuild 12169 BLAKE2B 365eee1da0687002f634366c1cee23c5dc89457a17d55d2bdad09cb4dee212a22d8059048c4b1bebac77454d9420dc02671879ec3256241a412653c012af98b2 SHA512 e7624673a93893b33bb9c4307968d5673d9cf5ce97eb7c5f99d51ad56da80befee7cb10cc0363a014f2a1707e7951da61c662b928860b74cc848ac9fe8e32518
+EBUILD bind-9.12.2_p2-r1.ebuild 12364 BLAKE2B 4e5d2bf2c084816096507685f10445e91dc6b2df20021cfcb85291c8c17048812178258d32ee8ca1e959663732ef2e54b33eb69afd4cc885a8c9994bec59ea42 SHA512 58ff37176886e83e325f7012d8241a2002cdadf120bc88e005b49cc9fc563c22a09660cdf33158ac8c94afadaaaa9ef067e2dde460e26ba6c6225106bb860e9d
EBUILD bind-9.12.2_p2.ebuild 12291 BLAKE2B 4753e676680d30b6335b2345851dcd05a4d29404f2d543f47dbb80007748ef1e474e4e4671b682a4f5af857b7df78fd1ceaf1afc5685897c5232767ee3cdb9e8 SHA512 75c3631b02a630c7e2a7e452ed65b0ef355b9108b4db84aedd44f7cfbb282aa22f8f5392a2c23f7aefa832a23c7a1c9032ea5037be5a6680269c008e038c1cd4
MISC metadata.xml 1352 BLAKE2B 89e5d161d824bd1b9a9e9c6ab49457b12d856a8eeb4dba9fb2f3ea987fb88ef708aca88d0d654aeba4ade9d49dc190f9d3e18f86e2c2c874e017aabe7ea8f079 SHA512 47171fcafd8b7b316166e8ba565cc3126ccf2cca4b447abffb7120c34f9ea22243539857d040bf17c509862a9d42d564ccbe151e533a4961516799c5d73d30ab
diff --git a/net-dns/bind/bind-9.12.2_p2-r1.ebuild b/net-dns/bind/bind-9.12.2_p2-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4cfbecad39a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dns/bind/bind-9.12.2_p2-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Re dlz/mysql and threads, needs to be verified..
+# MySQL uses thread local storage in its C api. Thus MySQL
+# requires that each thread of an application execute a MySQL
+# thread initialization to setup the thread local storage.
+# This is impossible to do safely while staying within the DLZ
+# driver API. This is a limitation caused by MySQL, and not the DLZ API.
+# Because of this BIND MUST only run with a single thread when
+# using the MySQL driver.
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 python3_{4,5,6,7} )
+inherit python-r1 eutils autotools toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic multilib db-use user systemd
+DESCRIPTION="BIND - Berkeley Internet Name Domain - Name Server"
+SRC_URI="${MY_P}/?version=tar-gz -> ${P}.tar.gz
+ doc? ( mirror://gentoo/dyndns-samples.tbz2 )"
+# sdb-ldap? (
+# )"
+LICENSE="Apache-2.0 BSD BSD-2 GPL-2 HPND ISC MPL-2.0"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+# -berkdb by default re bug 602682
+IUSE="-berkdb +caps dlz dnstap doc dnsrps fixed-rrset geoip gost gssapi idn ipv6
+json ldap libidn2 libressl lmdb mysql odbc postgres python rpz seccomp selinux ssl static-libs
++threads urandom xml +zlib"
+# sdb-ldap - patch broken
+# no PKCS11 currently as it requires OpenSSL to be patched, also see bug 409687
+REQUIRED_USE="idn? ( !libidn2 )
+ libidn2? ( !idn )
+ postgres? ( dlz )
+ berkdb? ( dlz )
+ mysql? ( dlz !threads )
+ odbc? ( dlz )
+ ldap? ( dlz )
+ gost? ( !libressl ssl )
+ threads? ( caps )
+ dnstap? ( threads )
+ python? ( ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE} )"
+# sdb-ldap? ( dlz )
+ ssl? (
+ !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0[-bindist] )
+ libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl )
+ )
+ mysql? ( >=virtual/mysql-4.0 )
+ odbc? ( >=dev-db/unixODBC-2.2.6 )
+ ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )
+ idn? ( <net-dns/idnkit-2:= )
+ libidn2? ( net-dns/libidn2 )
+ postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql:= )
+ caps? ( >=sys-libs/libcap-2.1.0 )
+ xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 )
+ geoip? ( >=dev-libs/geoip-1.4.6 )
+ gssapi? ( virtual/krb5 )
+ gost? (
+ || (
+ =dev-libs/openssl-1.0*[-bindist]
+ (
+ >=dev-libs/openssl-1.1
+ dev-libs/gost-engine
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ seccomp? ( sys-libs/libseccomp )
+ json? ( dev-libs/json-c:= )
+ lmdb? ( dev-db/lmdb )
+ zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )
+ dnstap? ( dev-libs/fstrm dev-libs/protobuf-c )
+ python? (
+ dev-python/ply[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ )"
+# sdb-ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )
+ selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-bind )
+ || ( sys-process/psmisc >=sys-freebsd/freebsd-ubin-9.0_rc sys-process/fuser-bsd )"
+# bug 479092, requires networking
+pkg_setup() {
+ ebegin "Creating named group and user"
+ enewgroup named 40
+ enewuser named 40 -1 /etc/bind named
+ eend ${?}
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ # Adjusting PATHs in manpages
+ for i in bin/{named/named.8,check/named-checkconf.8,rndc/rndc.8} ; do
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:/etc/named.conf:/etc/bind/named.conf:g' \
+ -e 's:/etc/rndc.conf:/etc/bind/rndc.conf:g' \
+ -e 's:/etc/rndc.key:/etc/bind/rndc.key:g' \
+ "${i}" || die "sed failed, ${i} doesn't exist"
+ done
+# if use dlz; then
+# # sdb-ldap patch as per bug #160567
+# # Upstream URL:
+# # New patch take from bug 302735
+# if use sdb-ldap; then
+# epatch "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-sdb-ldap-${SDB_LDAP_VER}.patch
+# cp -fp contrib/sdb/ldap/ldapdb.[ch] bin/named/
+# cp -fp contrib/sdb/ldap/{ldap2zone.1,ldap2zone.c} bin/tools/
+# cp -fp contrib/sdb/ldap/{zone2ldap.1,zone2ldap.c} bin/tools/
+# fi
+# fi
+ # should be installed by bind-tools
+ sed -i -r -e "s:(nsupdate|dig|delv) ::g" bin/ || die
+ # Disable tests for now, bug 406399
+ sed -i '/^SUBDIRS/s:tests::' bin/ lib/ || die
+ # bug #220361
+ rm aclocal.m4
+ rm -rf libtool.m4/
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ local myeconfargs=(
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/bind
+ --localstatedir=/var
+ --with-libtool
+ --enable-full-report
+ --without-readline
+ $(use_enable caps linux-caps)
+ $(use_enable dnsrps)
+ $(use_enable fixed-rrset)
+ $(use_enable ipv6)
+ $(use_enable rpz rpz-nsdname)
+ $(use_enable rpz rpz-nsip)
+ $(use_enable seccomp)
+ # $(use_enable static-libs static)
+ $(use_enable threads)
+ $(use_with berkdb dlz-bdb)
+ $(use_with dlz dlopen)
+ $(use_with dlz dlz-filesystem)
+ $(use_with dlz dlz-stub)
+ $(use_with gost)
+ $(use_with gssapi)
+ $(use_with idn idnkit)
+ $(use_with libidn2)
+ $(use_with json libjson)
+ $(use_with ldap dlz-ldap)
+ $(use_with mysql dlz-mysql)
+ $(use_with odbc dlz-odbc)
+ $(use_with postgres dlz-postgres)
+ $(use_with lmdb)
+ $(use_with python)
+ $(use_with ssl ecdsa)
+ $(use_with ssl openssl "${EPREFIX}"/usr)
+ $(use_with xml libxml2)
+ $(use_with zlib)
+ )
+ if use urandom; then
+ myeconfargs+=( --with-randomdev=/dev/urandom )
+ else
+ myeconfargs+=( --with-randomdev=/dev/random )
+ fi
+ use geoip && myeconfargs+=( --with-geoip )
+ # bug #158664
+# gcc-specs-ssp && replace-flags -O[23s] -O
+ # To include db.h from proper path
+ use berkdb && append-flags "-I$(db_includedir)"
+ export BUILD_CC=$(tc-getBUILD_CC)
+ econf "${myeconfargs[@]}"
+ # bug #151839
+ echo '#undef SO_BSDCOMPAT' >> config.h
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
+ if use idn; then
+ dodoc contrib/idn/README.idnkit
+ fi
+ if use doc; then
+ dodoc doc/arm/Bv9ARM.pdf
+ docinto misc
+ dodoc doc/misc/*
+ # might a 'html' useflag make sense?
+ docinto html
+ dodoc -r doc/arm/*
+ docinto contrib
+ dodoc contrib/scripts/{,}
+ # some handy-dandy dynamic dns examples
+ pushd "${ED%/}"/usr/share/doc/${PF} 1>/dev/null || die
+ tar xf "${DISTDIR}"/dyndns-samples.tbz2 || die
+ popd 1>/dev/null || die
+ fi
+ insinto /etc/bind
+ newins "${FILESDIR}"/named.conf-r8 named.conf
+ #
+ insinto /var/bind
+ newins "${FILESDIR}"/named.cache-r3 named.cache
+ insinto /var/bind/pri
+ newins "${FILESDIR}"/
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/named.init-r13 named
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/named.confd-r7 named
+ if use gost; then
+ -i "${ED%/}/etc/init.d/named" || die
+ else
+ -i "${ED%/}/etc/init.d/named" || die
+ fi
+ newenvd "${FILESDIR}"/10bind.env 10bind
+ # Let's get rid of those tools and their manpages since they're provided by bind-tools
+ rm -f "${ED%/}"/usr/share/man/man1/{dig,host,nslookup}.1*
+ rm -f "${ED%/}"/usr/share/man/man8/nsupdate.8*
+ rm -f "${ED%/}"/usr/bin/{dig,host,nslookup,nsupdate}
+ rm -f "${ED%/}"/usr/sbin/{dig,host,nslookup,nsupdate}
+ for tool in dsfromkey importkey keyfromlabel keygen \
+ revoke settime signzone verify; do
+ rm -f "${ED%/}"/usr/{,s}bin/dnssec-"${tool}"
+ rm -f "${ED%/}"/usr/share/man/man8/dnssec-"${tool}".8*
+ done
+ # bug 405251, library archives aren't properly handled by --enable/disable-static
+ if ! use static-libs; then
+ find "${ED}" -type f -name '*.a' -delete || die
+ fi
+ # bug 405251
+ find "${ED}" -type f -name '*.la' -delete || die
+ if use python; then
+ install_python_tools() {
+ dosbin bin/python/dnssec-{checkds,coverage}
+ }
+ python_foreach_impl install_python_tools
+ python_replicate_script "${ED%/}/usr/sbin/dnssec-checkds"
+ python_replicate_script "${ED%/}/usr/sbin/dnssec-coverage"
+ fi
+ # bug 450406
+ dosym named.cache /var/bind/root.cache
+ dosym /var/bind/pri /etc/bind/pri
+ dosym /var/bind/sec /etc/bind/sec
+ dosym /var/bind/dyn /etc/bind/dyn
+ keepdir /var/bind/{pri,sec,dyn}
+ dodir /var/log/named
+ fowners root:named /{etc,var}/bind /var/log/named /var/bind/{sec,pri,dyn}
+ fowners root:named /var/bind/named.cache /var/bind/pri/ /etc/bind/{bind.keys,named.conf}
+ fperms 0640 /var/bind/named.cache /var/bind/pri/ /etc/bind/{bind.keys,named.conf}
+ fperms 0750 /etc/bind /var/bind/pri
+ fperms 0770 /var/log/named /var/bind/{,sec,dyn}
+ systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}/named.service-r1" named.service
+ systemd_dotmpfilesd "${FILESDIR}"/named.conf
+ exeinto /usr/libexec
+ doexe "${FILESDIR}/"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if [ ! -f '/etc/bind/rndc.key' ]; then
+ if use urandom; then
+ einfo "Using /dev/urandom for generating rndc.key"
+ /usr/sbin/rndc-confgen -r /dev/urandom -a
+ echo
+ else
+ einfo "Using /dev/random for generating rndc.key"
+ /usr/sbin/rndc-confgen -a
+ echo
+ fi
+ chown root:named /etc/bind/rndc.key || die
+ chmod 0640 /etc/bind/rndc.key || die
+ fi
+ einfo
+ einfo "You can edit /etc/conf.d/named to customize named settings"
+ einfo
+ use mysql || use postgres || use ldap && {
+ elog "If your named depends on MySQL/PostgreSQL or LDAP,"
+ elog "uncomment the specified rc_named_* lines in your"
+ elog "/etc/conf.d/named config to ensure they'll start before bind"
+ einfo
+ }
+ einfo "If you'd like to run bind in a chroot AND this is a new"
+ einfo "install OR your bind doesn't already run in a chroot:"
+ einfo "1) Uncomment and set the CHROOT variable in /etc/conf.d/named."
+ einfo "2) Run \`emerge --config '=${CATEGORY}/${PF}'\`"
+ einfo
+ CHROOT=$(source /etc/conf.d/named 2>/dev/null; echo ${CHROOT})
+ if [[ -n ${CHROOT} ]]; then
+ elog "NOTE: As of net-dns/bind-9.4.3_p5-r1 the chroot part of the init-script got some major changes!"
+ elog "To enable the old behaviour (without using mount) uncomment the"
+ elog "CHROOT_NOMOUNT option in your /etc/conf.d/named config."
+ elog "If you decide to use the new/default method, ensure to make backup"
+ elog "first and merge your existing configs/zones to /etc/bind and"
+ elog "/var/bind because bind will now mount the needed directories into"
+ elog "the chroot dir."
+ fi
+pkg_config() {
+ CHROOT=$(source /etc/conf.d/named; echo ${CHROOT})
+ CHROOT_NOMOUNT=$(source /etc/conf.d/named; echo ${CHROOT_NOMOUNT})
+ CHROOT_GEOIP=$(source /etc/conf.d/named; echo ${CHROOT_GEOIP})
+ if [[ -z "${CHROOT}" ]]; then
+ eerror "This config script is designed to automate setting up"
+ eerror "a chrooted bind/named. To do so, please first uncomment"
+ eerror "and set the CHROOT variable in '/etc/conf.d/named'."
+ die "Unset CHROOT"
+ fi
+ if [[ -d "${CHROOT}" ]]; then
+ ewarn "NOTE: As of net-dns/bind-9.4.3_p5-r1 the chroot part of the init-script got some major changes!"
+ ewarn "To enable the old behaviour (without using mount) uncomment the"
+ ewarn "CHROOT_NOMOUNT option in your /etc/conf.d/named config."
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "${CHROOT} already exists... some things might become overridden"
+ ewarn "press CTRL+C if you don't want to continue"
+ sleep 10
+ fi
+ echo; einfo "Setting up the chroot directory..."
+ mkdir -m 0750 -p ${CHROOT} || die
+ mkdir -m 0755 -p ${CHROOT}/{dev,etc,var/log,run} || die
+ mkdir -m 0750 -p ${CHROOT}/etc/bind || die
+ mkdir -m 0770 -p ${CHROOT}/var/{bind,log/named} ${CHROOT}/run/named/ || die
+ # As of bind 9.8.0
+ if has_version net-dns/bind[gost]; then
+ mkdir -m 0755 -p ${CHROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/engines || die
+ if [ "$(get_libdir)" = "lib64" ]; then
+ ln -s lib64 ${CHROOT}/usr/lib || die
+ fi
+ fi
+ chown root:named \
+ ${CHROOT} \
+ ${CHROOT}/var/{bind,log/named} \
+ ${CHROOT}/run/named/ \
+ ${CHROOT}/etc/bind \
+ || die
+ mknod ${CHROOT}/dev/null c 1 3 || die
+ chmod 0666 ${CHROOT}/dev/null || die
+ mknod ${CHROOT}/dev/zero c 1 5 || die
+ chmod 0666 ${CHROOT}/dev/zero || die
+ if use urandom; then
+ mknod ${CHROOT}/dev/urandom c 1 9 || die
+ chmod 0666 ${CHROOT}/dev/urandom || die
+ else
+ mknod ${CHROOT}/dev/random c 1 8 || die
+ chmod 0666 ${CHROOT}/dev/random || die
+ fi
+ if [ "${CHROOT_NOMOUNT:-0}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ cp -a /etc/bind ${CHROOT}/etc/ || die
+ cp -a /var/bind ${CHROOT}/var/ || die
+ fi
+ if [ "${CHROOT_GEOIP:-0}" -eq 1 ]; then
+ mkdir -m 0755 -p ${CHROOT}/usr/share/GeoIP || die
+ fi
+ elog "You may need to add the following line to your syslog-ng.conf:"
+ elog "source jail { unix-stream(\"${CHROOT}/dev/log\"); };"
diff --git a/net-dns/ddclient/Manifest b/net-dns/ddclient/Manifest
index 5bba02580b16..cf5055574a19 100644
--- a/net-dns/ddclient/Manifest
+++ b/net-dns/ddclient/Manifest
@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ AUX iproute2.patch 1394 BLAKE2B c0f9bc4d3086bc70fbc033a3e2c55479fbb29ae0c051ed1c
DIST ddclient-3.8.1.tar.gz 48600 BLAKE2B a945adcb42bd298422c71c0eea6bea36c6b266ce39e97ebfd833b29819a2f30f2651d7f7b17dbfc0720b6209d0c0ed94bf2673624777f07e6de83a7081471995 SHA512 d6722582dffe0c5a806176f24bd3d9117bc1210ea0137aa92138390be16e67d47b746777dc431282a664849c91626969a5e267777126bac03304c7aa34a9dad7
DIST ddclient-3.9.0.tar.gz 59018 BLAKE2B b9b58108d9f124fcd5a72cc57bfb0e6a5bc2e115edc27a1d5950a929670d67d5c703b09f51e7e82e977ccfb544d115da177b0ac8dc06a76a800aa207cde5a42d SHA512 ae314c96a37dd90256d6acf62f4a4523b72f540194131e351a032239b00b4520351f6549d3b20a9209fe49ccc6de7ce158ffa8635d341066ea71b789dc667438
EBUILD ddclient-3.8.1-r5.ebuild 1416 BLAKE2B ea2a67f9e888bbeea5208309ee71c87d35c98fd36a94bcd445224c40915226a81ba70d253bac29f55c0b87649ba15122115c854b40b06d67ff85bd85c6ab7b78 SHA512 a9215c25bd9c90042267eb9c1f0c2258d86c814ac3d343c8c795ecf8eb7eda6cc3ce7fbf1823f917b60724232d118d5904cb55afa1549f875466fcefb7dfb2bb
-EBUILD ddclient-3.9.0-r1.ebuild 1525 BLAKE2B 76254a8b522f6552b5b6729ecfd7a72a8f4f223b44a7fe92147f8307ea31dcbef28b4ed141d00dda23b249fa222a62751d3d2a60ca63eac75dece93700160c06 SHA512 bef4efaf270c338dd2c6de22d027ef8611260e91d39ad119b63b9ccdce659f31b59812390f2143424c3e3337cc0fe9d63e782b7c06c156c7f880eac9f81e4f67
+EBUILD ddclient-3.9.0-r1.ebuild 1530 BLAKE2B c1995e8173488cb0215199a8116ecf37ca101a695404357cd7d3c06a26646483b56fe75006a4dbabd4d96f3735b341c5238396cf638a983355ddcf9d6a9cee94 SHA512 1eda1446c9932640c3dcde63cdb94626ae14cdf8b191cc3aab5ff104e70650a7ebbc8630e49861d322d53f5d49bfbed7ca0925d84138b87b4ba80b1169859a68
MISC metadata.xml 1204 BLAKE2B ac62d1bf7734e1374f7dc93c6ee580695326c8a849e632f0249d282040436e78a09853a8dd1b455c53ef6e4e4411041c72ce95e30c85969d9bcf15b54b3ff2bb SHA512 ac78082e28503857341d5ef0ec7a6c2d29b9d47c502c303878501c3bbc929627add8e6646afb692f786c44d09916f4cdcc1a8e2e6c6b5fd1fe8389a39a950aaa
diff --git a/net-dns/ddclient/ddclient-3.9.0-r1.ebuild b/net-dns/ddclient/ddclient-3.9.0-r1.ebuild
index ae167e4b928f..5a6da8fa1772 100644
--- a/net-dns/ddclient/ddclient-3.9.0-r1.ebuild
+++ b/net-dns/ddclient/ddclient-3.9.0-r1.ebuild
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ DESCRIPTION="Perl client used to update dynamic DNS entries"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc64 ~sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
IUSE="examples iproute2"
diff --git a/net-dns/dnscrypt-proxy/Manifest b/net-dns/dnscrypt-proxy/Manifest
index 27575aec9b2e..f0dba1f8b97b 100644
--- a/net-dns/dnscrypt-proxy/Manifest
+++ b/net-dns/dnscrypt-proxy/Manifest
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ AUX dnscrypt-proxy.confd 162 BLAKE2B 4547fc4a4ec00a809bac7b55bd7a7c8efb54e526179
AUX dnscrypt-proxy.initd 632 BLAKE2B 6f82264977f3ca795d4f92919cf7da606c02a0d10ce601b9634caf9ead02fa96e07d90fea83b90422f2affdbb74ce29c37132384c666fc0553b9d7b45d1e7cf8 SHA512 cd1cd5e4d72d5a19c636abab7cce9f6d61c4053653fc2ace4cf241fa518a916b243e4a8c8c1b6678c0d1b2d017953c367e1e28da6aa7c9c33a60bbdf8768a072
AUX dnscrypt-proxy.service 1198 BLAKE2B 14db1a48f94b07622e0f52d8510e6c1634013e66ab5e5cdd7ddf7c0cde4441fd78b71134e4cfb6f122ba4a191ec032d54e92b1be97e4bd49af61a873431ea002 SHA512 c7dfe482a8ea17cb67681b92ac65a2d2d58d2be364351d131b0b689905d80390c5df794f6c7fb944bd508f69af72af96d36c1b7f7c5c70af7ee636423ab77e11
AUX dnscrypt-proxy.socket 517 BLAKE2B afa07d5a441b55de46059935a0fa9b7f61bcbfced925b24282be27978a507248303a43f32f2785d585e79c6a9f456a9c3118028014cb78cde5df4ea1be150b6c SHA512 9620307006642cd211b8032939b2e4f592f73d041c6a499f1c74160812853b03543ff84619e8060e064b99a3b7c44b794907722fe485233937e3804b49e29a36
-DIST dnscrypt-proxy-2.0.16.tar.gz 3770249 BLAKE2B e6dc40ec503cff11e4deec1a243875fff42ec7ecba8c7c3552b69322d405c762fa152e7e9417baf944e2a476715f00813a305c20db583970520d35acd378f1d4 SHA512 f138df20560dd440a2ed390c1468d630191ae7b0e50521b4dde3fa7ef4377c3ae6409e8c547858bace53216c84aeeea6794305546b9ff87832f704c160c6782f
DIST dnscrypt-proxy-2.0.17.tar.gz 3364933 BLAKE2B 65f2f1c91cc175a3bc92103dd0a2984dfccf5b961d070097035e8bd8058c7eab41c05cd3fabbff729f9521b16ebbfb188008c65efa5c89578b4b54ce43348d05 SHA512 c1cb2cfff4a5f6eba81ac3b520ddb3acb311031588495b9f94a7ee5ab35ed0827a856369ce0ac7ff206445dbf24f7931cf937ccd9f724b4e38c97f10814df129
-EBUILD dnscrypt-proxy-2.0.16-r1.ebuild 2906 BLAKE2B 00c7405d34cbfa51c219ad0e708f9bc93eb3517dbaf6484ad46ad9116a4e489e0c10495c4c10e710a5434bbd26f3bd1f54b61bcafdfec35ebd96ec71f2569aaf SHA512 00e944487ddaafb9b55cf67ebfce3b7d3e13f4a931c21e1770a3beeeb140dc1dc3f65f8308180dfe9fbda1d53aa6a2e04bc3fc87a63fbb1f83c299887e556b35
+DIST dnscrypt-proxy-2.0.18.tar.gz 3334780 BLAKE2B df72449c6aef65d2cd91eca135bc0a2e1480f87cd06a368ffdb2edb4d5ec0901264a02121ec0ff2f2c9a55d8c2253cb2085f0e27b140420ee4f4cb1ddb854c87 SHA512 e37d100a7394cc46e0fbe054c988fca887584cf58c9101a7fb59a6554dc50a864a4f9fc6d403694292bc57aa29f477172011e9c6ba0df8f1bbf96cfbaa5862af
EBUILD dnscrypt-proxy-2.0.17.ebuild 3049 BLAKE2B cecaec499e9351f833e675c48d6f0792b03fdfe90edb9fa7d62c3ed7e0c0a0bf9bc8805380f48df0b80986d3f8866ef7fc98cf829942257aa8a6cdf9da4b6030 SHA512 8842a6f5b6deb814355e17961cd6f107347751c017dab9ea15925079199e83618c866778d4a5e712e1eb02d263ac362970430bff5d3a009b6d6a0b26349fd31a
-EBUILD dnscrypt-proxy-9999.ebuild 3052 BLAKE2B f159a8b16482f32aa5eae337cb425a1800c6bdeb58c503ba0981f5e5cb8184c6d6b749602a113a7fe4b7738ac3dd5b08fe6fb99351d59259e1d91897a8b20d23 SHA512 151ef1a5565e836e2eb0bc4854ef1b89f5c3311ffd49ca760d466692190b819b5dd3742f6905221facd190b2e2d2170c8aa11c5ff7bfdcd8c54b2a0042dbb9bd
+EBUILD dnscrypt-proxy-2.0.18.ebuild 3049 BLAKE2B cecaec499e9351f833e675c48d6f0792b03fdfe90edb9fa7d62c3ed7e0c0a0bf9bc8805380f48df0b80986d3f8866ef7fc98cf829942257aa8a6cdf9da4b6030 SHA512 8842a6f5b6deb814355e17961cd6f107347751c017dab9ea15925079199e83618c866778d4a5e712e1eb02d263ac362970430bff5d3a009b6d6a0b26349fd31a
+EBUILD dnscrypt-proxy-9999.ebuild 3049 BLAKE2B cecaec499e9351f833e675c48d6f0792b03fdfe90edb9fa7d62c3ed7e0c0a0bf9bc8805380f48df0b80986d3f8866ef7fc98cf829942257aa8a6cdf9da4b6030 SHA512 8842a6f5b6deb814355e17961cd6f107347751c017dab9ea15925079199e83618c866778d4a5e712e1eb02d263ac362970430bff5d3a009b6d6a0b26349fd31a
MISC metadata.xml 630 BLAKE2B a20afc1f8db35b9833819322d9845519540f27864a21b743c364a14c70cabb23efca28fe4302a6d995846941ab41a92e3f811898c18281f613f2d44811249d4d SHA512 803fab528ee6776c5c101770a4fb93d021ac8bf4a71e341f99b067df8dceaa413d53604ba616b99cb695fefc25424035a2754fa033a0e62ec5fd7c3e24219d22
diff --git a/net-dns/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy-2.0.16-r1.ebuild b/net-dns/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy-2.0.18.ebuild
index 57dc638fa77f..e2157844bf14 100644
--- a/net-dns/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy-2.0.16-r1.ebuild
+++ b/net-dns/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy-2.0.18.ebuild
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
@@ -7,16 +7,20 @@ EGO_PN="${PN}"
inherit fcaps golang-build systemd user
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
+ inherit git-r3
+ EGIT_REPO_URI="https://${EGO_PN}.git"
+ SRC_URI="https://${EGO_PN}/archive/${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~x86"
DESCRIPTION="A flexible DNS proxy, with support for encrypted DNS protocols"
-SRC_URI="https://${EGO_PN}/archive/${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~x86"
+IUSE="pie test"
FILECAPS=( cap_net_bind_service+ep usr/bin/dnscrypt-proxy )
PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/config-full-paths-r10.patch )
@@ -34,6 +38,10 @@ src_prepare() {
mv "vendor" "src/" || die
+src_configure() {
+ EGO_BUILD_FLAGS="-buildmode=$(usex pie pie default)"
src_install() {
dobin dnscrypt-proxy
diff --git a/net-dns/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy-9999.ebuild b/net-dns/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy-9999.ebuild
index 97e32d347371..e2157844bf14 100644
--- a/net-dns/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy-9999.ebuild
+++ b/net-dns/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy-9999.ebuild
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
diff --git a/net-dns/pdns-recursor/Manifest b/net-dns/pdns-recursor/Manifest
index 0ac44464d92a..94a30bb5a150 100644
--- a/net-dns/pdns-recursor/Manifest
+++ b/net-dns/pdns-recursor/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
AUX pdns-recursor-r1 1135 BLAKE2B 90f28d33c126882e5b5e29209ec12f336797720832f7750262329cc5d47fefdf8bcb5208807e47638037a704abbbebd0ee2b1380a3d1d54feab6d4900c250176 SHA512 9dce3cd454ed6b61af8d70c90a8464c60d16eb8342ffc46558f5dcc5089c77aff4581f208684ddb25c4512ce6f39c54afaf267dcade667d812511ae3fa3a1f48
-DIST pdns-recursor-4.0.8.tar.bz2 1071831 BLAKE2B d9ab0dada8efa4b05c136650b9a2eab3aec4acab28ffb6da5bb4f627dc085b2c2d046d1f0dac5cf6e7054b47d76b8d7b95f56cc096b613891a4422b77e9abe9d SHA512 9886fccd3042904b7133e03a7b45479c8f2f57ecb33e4a043703b5e84816cd04a331503870e16030c86b353c1e14d9283dba767c1247e46ed6e14b7e0e93a5ef
-DIST pdns-recursor-4.1.4.tar.bz2 1224360 BLAKE2B ddfa4f8c6a4534ef41dcb2e5341a9eece84a44a5a77f1f8cdd251a84888d428283a1396de74e9b50239f0663c05fa60fe36b2a4fb44689215518ea390584501e SHA512 1904685dfdcd69d4b85c4c70559d51cc8ef288551ffd8f93a96108c3aca4e46ec3950f93840e4bd39da00c63129033b5a541beb68d1e924d477b5b0abbf1d00c
-EBUILD pdns-recursor-4.0.8.ebuild 1698 BLAKE2B bf67849d5f47c1f0d148596aea3fbc4268ad6696761f76f7fdb3b3b574708b01a464f12ae2a6c1df8979d60ec0cb877542dbf927af91bb2709e4510ce675a691 SHA512 358312b26fad4c6f2c473b7756f9c6d71c77045d6c7d0e92a10555848bc1643d9fc59454f61f8286d0891d181a1f6b20eeae055598dc7b150ba06faa0af44650
-EBUILD pdns-recursor-4.1.4.ebuild 1756 BLAKE2B 1a3c13fc02d5b8a7a42ca513155ba244497ec3f667dcff34a51e9e7cf3b67534d66aacfb6498bb895edf952e96aaf247e8b67f321d0cbfe1d47b193b60e77e74 SHA512 a740b4dee0291128f4e58655975bbf32752906bdc0b75392026a7baef90adc8bd14c500df7b123c56bc883c38687ac64e936a8deb0f9bedccb02a3ee371ebcac
+DIST pdns-recursor-4.1.7.tar.bz2 1237866 BLAKE2B f87263c0b4c40c8d5822edd75b338fc23609fb648c71b0665fc3cfd6b1d54679884dcdcc196580ab663f4fdeafaa72bee41308e3720b50374f2dfeb425259b6f SHA512 eb119b0da034624a95aadd4800e376b80f69b7151e773437c0f644bdc5a38a377c5547bcd57606367e148eaddf0b7de8f5f5ff3ab582b50ceb190f2fada5980a
+EBUILD pdns-recursor-4.1.7.ebuild 1756 BLAKE2B 1a3c13fc02d5b8a7a42ca513155ba244497ec3f667dcff34a51e9e7cf3b67534d66aacfb6498bb895edf952e96aaf247e8b67f321d0cbfe1d47b193b60e77e74 SHA512 a740b4dee0291128f4e58655975bbf32752906bdc0b75392026a7baef90adc8bd14c500df7b123c56bc883c38687ac64e936a8deb0f9bedccb02a3ee371ebcac
MISC metadata.xml 954 BLAKE2B 91824dd5b63f8533d2f0a9df87df133ba87f54d6ede9dfd1b1e920251081372fa659dbeb75e2252d91804a2fe269508693ef507c7e070a3cca5ba18711ea8d70 SHA512 1ade9c243b0bdaf70146c344bc318f8c042f846bd91c8e42706d803638c2132bc9ecc9f83db5b862e6e6aff65be9c7437250ac831264a640367d1308c8e3fcfe
diff --git a/net-dns/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor-4.0.8.ebuild b/net-dns/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor-4.0.8.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ad027121b3c..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor-4.0.8.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic eutils versionator
-DESCRIPTION="The PowerDNS Recursor"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm x86"
-IUSE="libressl lua luajit protobuf systemd"
-REQUIRED_USE="?? ( lua luajit )"
-DEPEND="lua? ( >=dev-lang/lua-5.1:= )
- luajit? ( dev-lang/luajit:= )
- protobuf? (
- dev-libs/protobuf
- >=dev-libs/boost-1.42:=
- )
- systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd:0= )
- libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:= )
- !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:= )
- >=dev-libs/boost-1.35:="
- !<net-dns/pdns-2.9.20-r1"
- virtual/pkgconfig"
-pkg_setup() {
- filter-flags -ftree-vectorize
-src_configure() {
- econf \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/powerdns \
- $(use_enable systemd) \
- $(use_with lua) \
- $(use_with luajit) \
- $(use_with protobuf)
-src_install() {
- default
- mv "${D}"/etc/powerdns/recursor.conf{-dist,}
- # set defaults: setuid=nobody, setgid=nobody
- sed -i \
- -e 's/^# set\([ug]\)id=$/set\1id=nobody/' \
- -e 's/^# quiet=$/quiet=on/' \
- -e 's/^# chroot=$/chroot=\/var\/lib\/powerdns/' \
- "${D}"/etc/powerdns/recursor.conf
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/pdns-recursor-r1 pdns-recursor
- keepdir /var/lib/powerdns
-pkg_postinst() {
- local old
- for old in ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}; do
- version_compare ${old} 4.0.0-r1
- [[ $? -eq 1 ]] || continue
- ewarn "Starting with 4.0.0-r1 the init script has been renamed from precursor"
- ewarn "to pdns-recursor, please update your runlevels accordingly."
- break
- done
diff --git a/net-dns/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor-4.1.4.ebuild b/net-dns/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor-4.1.7.ebuild
index 2e627d8108a4..2e627d8108a4 100644
--- a/net-dns/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor-4.1.4.ebuild
+++ b/net-dns/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor-4.1.7.ebuild
diff --git a/net-dns/pdns/Manifest b/net-dns/pdns/Manifest
index f44ae7181f71..7f5f439f8648 100644
--- a/net-dns/pdns/Manifest
+++ b/net-dns/pdns/Manifest
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
AUX dnsdomain2.schema 6640 BLAKE2B d3efc6bc16390f35979f1184632e7184cf403453422888e2cb44fa4fed7891241919a39c8c6f539a61de032654650a45ea548a6983777ea1bfe029e817f2c315 SHA512 ac16f8d528d6138d3c2cbf997fd8fbb467d388aa63eb6ed4e7780a3dad11ea885b91252ff0809b1d2cf7d5200814b8963aab890af84741ea86d35b2f5955a7ea
AUX pdns-r1 2533 BLAKE2B 0d4af8f9cd4568cde40b44c72cb10a29662daa514df1a1d8174dd02f2ad4324cb7c99a05736bac7cbe80e1b9081832cac95d8c482eb4d1a8c344a6b55da623e3 SHA512 6392f59f82b82621b6cab6823f7761cd875bc6818c48db846df289057c02d8119a1024c5ecdf70a5ca8a55c00a2c3c56240d36b42cc038a25e8616ab9b966dd6
-DIST pdns-4.0.5.tar.bz2 1323468 BLAKE2B 7e10cc98177bfa4f81888e2598ab4f0ce83ee45e6349372c065940424a74015302da879536dea8346fe7b86f35c0524a5449489bdf71d1a091b7c6a82fac4b6f SHA512 4b0fa932c1d9caf35b988916447aa21c64ebe2a58bdd84417cf09321a21b264cf1057206dc6993a45a3b591eb1dfa49463710c06b6bdfaf6fb17ae6dec6086d9
-DIST pdns-4.1.4.tar.bz2 1089376 BLAKE2B bdf1736c547927579af7557f695bfd63c4f0ea270ce8d90ddbad186d24bc8c7851254b99ee44d418d0b8c92be0b9d61f10f11f7a491baa8e00e0197b511b1a1e SHA512 ae5cd89d039635beddcb9709d0f6b06321a923343900f88e536aac2feb1e08d41b466b6addb2399f50b20d7ac19fcf4c48d47d0d9219367b37b260c40863ad93
-EBUILD pdns-4.0.5.ebuild 4189 BLAKE2B e54c01a4a1882bb4e27b500ce18d7ff65694c8c22f575163878c183553dcd25f24a2cb9ed6e364efa68c26ba484b6119e55b78bf282def187559bad81ea297a9 SHA512 af0831d53921f643a124bcab3e4bcf7143345c4aa88e49ecd52fb2e3aece4414c0ec0c8e523f382c1ae30029de453f12e90dc8eb39ca27d9ed230d955b80c7d0
-EBUILD pdns-4.1.4.ebuild 4196 BLAKE2B 8db15298f19a709b4b2cbdc770dff132e1db2d3a77a9fade3cbe608fe377be82a89ffc578c23591eac78c6e364ec7bc87f81642e02c8945a3430929563cdf47b SHA512 464975e69174c198d75e92aa040d2fd8c720d78addf7c8f2bc3f187635f12246aea547b7b86f368eb430b102b2ca9160a1e8ed69754222286e5f03f84d606b0e
+DIST pdns-4.1.5.tar.bz2 1116238 BLAKE2B f67b94881cce988a7ac9f579b3107422aff68d1b4c6d4dc8b3b066ce76abb5a280f8ded0b4640f4ce3f3aec0652bdf544ab4bfc83a2a2e7d2d363ceae0efb7c8 SHA512 c5c42975e6402f17b3cdf947a26c944a462d39c23bef44b6f6e823b8c9459be9e8bd750aa0481f9f707eec8b124c4edc4769a6241c75836583ee0bbe111e33e5
+EBUILD pdns-4.1.5.ebuild 4196 BLAKE2B 8db15298f19a709b4b2cbdc770dff132e1db2d3a77a9fade3cbe608fe377be82a89ffc578c23591eac78c6e364ec7bc87f81642e02c8945a3430929563cdf47b SHA512 464975e69174c198d75e92aa040d2fd8c720d78addf7c8f2bc3f187635f12246aea547b7b86f368eb430b102b2ca9160a1e8ed69754222286e5f03f84d606b0e
MISC metadata.xml 1330 BLAKE2B 17be53a41fc13a3739905f8409b49996b1958cfd04baf1d2982c923ee7b39ef5b8be627017a6efb1261f158f45660337eb22157ceaadc7b07ed5b5b3da7c7cdf SHA512 fb13690059baceefc1366423c524427655d54313f5690e12709c9e1dd4b9567d111d7d748c530286dcd24dc78acfa38baac88a5cfc9a2b01996baae6b47f39dc
diff --git a/net-dns/pdns/pdns-4.0.5.ebuild b/net-dns/pdns/pdns-4.0.5.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index d445fec63864..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/pdns/pdns-4.0.5.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils multilib user toolchain-funcs versionator
-DESCRIPTION="The PowerDNS Daemon"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
-# other possible flags:
-# db2: we lack the dep
-# oracle: dito (need Oracle Client Libraries)
-# xdb: (almost) dead, surely not supported
-IUSE="botan debug doc geoip ldap libressl lua luajit mydns mysql opendbx postgres protobuf remote sqlite systemd tools tinydns test"
-REQUIRED_USE="mydns? ( mysql )"
- libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:= )
- !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:= )
- >=dev-libs/boost-1.35:=
- botan? ( dev-libs/botan:2= )
- lua? (
- !luajit? ( dev-lang/lua:= )
- luajit? ( dev-lang/luajit:= )
- )
- mysql? ( dev-db/mysql-connector-c )
- postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql:= )
- ldap? ( >=net-nds/openldap-2.0.27-r4 )
- sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )
- opendbx? ( dev-db/opendbx )
- geoip? ( >=dev-cpp/yaml-cpp-0.5.1:= dev-libs/geoip )
- tinydns? ( >=dev-db/tinycdb-0.77 )
- protobuf? ( dev-libs/protobuf )"
- virtual/pkgconfig
- doc? ( app-doc/doxygen )"
-src_configure() {
- local dynmodules="pipe bind" # the default backends, always enabled
- #use db2 && dynmodules+=" db2"
- use ldap && dynmodules+=" ldap"
- use lua && dynmodules+=" lua"
- use mydns && dynmodules+=" mydns"
- use mysql && dynmodules+=" gmysql"
- use opendbx && dynmodules+=" opendbx"
- #use oracle && dynmodules+=" goracle oracle"
- use postgres && dynmodules+=" gpgsql"
- use remote && dynmodules+=" remote"
- use sqlite && dynmodules+=" gsqlite3"
- use tinydns && dynmodules+=" tinydns"
- use geoip && dynmodules+=" geoip"
- #use xdb && dynmodules+=" xdb"
- econf \
- --disable-static \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/powerdns \
- --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir)/powerdns \
- --with-modules= \
- --with-dynmodules="${dynmodules}" \
- --with-pgsql-includes=/usr/include \
- --with-pgsql-lib=/usr/$(get_libdir) \
- --with-mysql-lib=/usr/$(get_libdir) \
- $(use_enable botan) \
- $(use_enable debug verbose-logging) \
- $(use_enable test unit-tests) \
- $(use_enable tools) \
- $(use_enable systemd) \
- $(usex lua "$(use_with !luajit lua) $(use_with luajit)" \
- '--without-lua --without-luajit') \
- $(use_with protobuf) \
- ${myconf}
-src_compile() {
- default
- use doc && emake -C codedocs codedocs
-src_install() {
- default
- mv "${D}"/etc/powerdns/pdns.conf{-dist,}
- fperms 0700 /etc/powerdns
- fperms 0600 /etc/powerdns/pdns.conf
- # set defaults: setuid=pdns, setgid=pdns
- sed -i \
- -e 's/^# set\([ug]\)id=$/set\1id=pdns/g' \
- "${D}"/etc/powerdns/pdns.conf
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/pdns-r1 pdns
- keepdir /var/empty
- use doc && dohtml -r codedocs/html/.
- # Install development headers
- insinto /usr/include/pdns
- doins pdns/*.hh
- insinto /usr/include/pdns/backends/gsql
- doins pdns/backends/gsql/*.hh
- if use ldap ; then
- insinto /etc/openldap/schema
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/dnsdomain2.schema
- fi
- prune_libtool_files --all
-pkg_preinst() {
- enewgroup pdns
- enewuser pdns -1 -1 /var/empty pdns
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "PowerDNS provides multiple instances support. You can create more instances"
- elog "by symlinking the pdns init script to another name."
- elog
- elog "The name must be in the format pdns.<suffix> and PowerDNS will use the"
- elog "/etc/powerdns/pdns-<suffix>.conf configuration file instead of the default."
- if use ldap ; then
- ewarn "The official LDAP backend module is only compile-tested by upstream."
- ewarn "Try net-dns/pdns-ldap-backend if you have problems with it."
- fi
- local old
- for old in ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}; do
- version_compare ${old} 3.2
- [[ $? -eq 1 ]] || continue
- ewarn "To fix a security bug (bug #458018) had the following"
- ewarn "files/directories the world-readable bit removed (if set):"
- ewarn " ${EPREFIX}/etc/powerdns"
- ewarn " ${EPREFIX}/etc/powerdns/pdns.conf"
- ewarn "Check if this is correct for your setup"
- ewarn "This is a one-time change and will not happen on subsequent updates."
- chmod o-rwx "${EPREFIX}"/etc/powerdns/{,pdns.conf}
- break
- done
diff --git a/net-dns/pdns/pdns-4.1.4.ebuild b/net-dns/pdns/pdns-4.1.5.ebuild
index d37fb5d3a775..d37fb5d3a775 100644
--- a/net-dns/pdns/pdns-4.1.4.ebuild
+++ b/net-dns/pdns/pdns-4.1.5.ebuild