path: root/net-p2p/go-ipfs-bin
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <>2018-02-11 16:09:52 +0000
committerV3n3RiX <>2018-02-11 16:09:52 +0000
commitf78108598211053d41752a83e0345441bb9014ae (patch)
treedd2fc7ae0a1aea7bda4942ab0c453d1e55284b37 /net-p2p/go-ipfs-bin
parentdc45b83b28fb83e9659492066e347b8dc60bc9e3 (diff)
gentoo resync : 11.02.2018
Diffstat (limited to 'net-p2p/go-ipfs-bin')
3 files changed, 989 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-p2p/go-ipfs-bin/Manifest b/net-p2p/go-ipfs-bin/Manifest
index 9f0fc191d9c4..cdb5a5638597 100644
--- a/net-p2p/go-ipfs-bin/Manifest
+++ b/net-p2p/go-ipfs-bin/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+AUX ipfs-completion.bash 20856 BLAKE2B 60370fabf7dee1f157c242fef5709b486428db4dde24388fca1a21655b44e9cbd07a523af05c66f70e8a7ac43a40cb4a439faaae856bfe52c74853e7539b4f3e SHA512 17568f42a0980734e57a6c22bab4bac149719ab4d586a5a477f4b11610c2c982c1b5c395b9244c73aa95c82bd40688b8368960bfc0fd5db2e6139660d38e6c9a
DIST go-ipfs_v0.4.11_linux-386.tar.gz 10036071 BLAKE2B 58c384e2ea849748c8abf8942d48a6a418c3b2f3988f51d0c5036e58cba747f5cfd86fe7c749e29701373d2a928533daa758d91ce2ece69c1abaa0d97a9b8223 SHA512 ffeb43a7baf9f74a8be7d832105ad81e04057026a06ba33425d03804ec33429021ab7ef1f7c427426326d1b87213b867bec5ac3a96f2ada6e1f090f5b36e90a3
DIST go-ipfs_v0.4.11_linux-amd64.tar.gz 12578502 BLAKE2B 35f7021366f458bdf57365e7f59e5e6a8d7906e83d43a369d3463f95d44eee424871e8a2e3c67518501225c8d665e2817c0b0a5aebfd0f71cca942417cf82afe SHA512 b30772902c82b1ef7271e1e498133f2e605763a648674967e27e71d5c098dbcae227852da652018f6beac984371b04b9fa77b90286dbbb3f39b6efa2a181c5f0
DIST go-ipfs_v0.4.12_linux-386.tar.gz 10093462 BLAKE2B 2cb0197f84badab6f21c505acbabd271cf08c8ececc1f50c3608da3d8dd39a4dce27d42279fa56a9646de6ba08a7a2a3235710fa2c32050427775a17cd3266b2 SHA512 7d6b0b07a4536c2697c8185a252967fd239e3c61f1e0429f1893be44b19ed790721ceba0cf165bf88c58dafed37dbc5712292f0c3a04ab734f681b84907fc149
@@ -7,5 +8,6 @@ DIST go-ipfs_v0.4.13_linux-amd64.tar.gz 12635297 BLAKE2B 984dc455668fc9c5cd3b301
DIST go-ipfs_v0.4.13_linux-arm.tar.gz 9925178 BLAKE2B 735534b278838a9ea25a6d379ffa6834c2710c61901870924f60fd6849b6320271dc5af263e58140096f3dff1d0d50a8f1835364889cd4e1b3a16383ec2b5599 SHA512 2152c4d132ab753c50fc8c5f3726066d5f0d490db02f2dc344c2414cd3ea93daa88f75d38e92a33aa036fa49ac97e615320a690d7680f6a3c86604a6cd0f00cb
EBUILD go-ipfs-bin-0.4.11.ebuild 654 BLAKE2B fa493a38a4ee96df8ce107ed0983b364a8f7dd187a88312c43376b280d5f5a77dfcacebc41b4f511f81bc40f1165a42b84bca3dde17b6326051a6de4bf0d115a SHA512 98ab288e3142f445de02e967608468c59979c9e437d52090059f0e08586aae5ab12ba178e999b67e56e71b4fd636f53c784925076f0916bdb04bdfa531cce650
EBUILD go-ipfs-bin-0.4.12.ebuild 654 BLAKE2B fa493a38a4ee96df8ce107ed0983b364a8f7dd187a88312c43376b280d5f5a77dfcacebc41b4f511f81bc40f1165a42b84bca3dde17b6326051a6de4bf0d115a SHA512 98ab288e3142f445de02e967608468c59979c9e437d52090059f0e08586aae5ab12ba178e999b67e56e71b4fd636f53c784925076f0916bdb04bdfa531cce650
+EBUILD go-ipfs-bin-0.4.13-r1.ebuild 718 BLAKE2B c4ccd9da7119d378e0655ab87a26a58ccfefc890c4ef42761fecb0dd555afb9afad88db575d61a973d54a37ceecf36cb40da3cf190e19b367a192f4ea22b8590 SHA512 72b4bd9e570e9683ec09c5edc19660848810154a65dbf7e196e0d63f8d44c563dd97f3197240908f7f296e481f7e3c2a84ded591c5005b7aac72db990ad24899
EBUILD go-ipfs-bin-0.4.13.ebuild 633 BLAKE2B 659a70b31522bd778aa31b41dd96226062b1dc9e05c8a5066450b7e2f43a5146255a161c52cbdac7e8d710899995da3b09930a2bf9434689355186f1c27f1010 SHA512 26d66ff0966654eb1259f97da7511725e64799e31a38a4b2c5b9cd984de974c3a2f596ee507d5666cb91f887f859b6ba9d63f09b8e7d8dab663042f139344904
MISC metadata.xml 606 BLAKE2B a6db8a5d8f57434206cbe3a8d69a3734381fdc2f13c2dd17596f2dd69fce52deca63717920ef0ff8f861451465f4702f967dbe1790916898000c7eeb858604a3 SHA512 3c0ae2eeeb423edc50a5961f9e9f040b33c0a343e77b47dafc1699eea65708df2365944338da691a637ea79680976dfc91346e6572c42cae94a429c0902c8065
diff --git a/net-p2p/go-ipfs-bin/files/ipfs-completion.bash b/net-p2p/go-ipfs-bin/files/ipfs-completion.bash
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..27f83fdef68b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-p2p/go-ipfs-bin/files/ipfs-completion.bash
@@ -0,0 +1,959 @@
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$1" -- ${word}) )
+ if [[ ${#COMPREPLY[@]} == 1 && ${COMPREPLY[0]} == "--"*"=" ]] ; then
+ # If there's only one option, with =, then discard space
+ compopt -o nospace
+ fi
+ _ipfs_comp "--help"
+ if [[ "${prev}" == "--chunker" ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "placeholder1 placeholder2 placeholder3" # TODO: a) Give real options, b) Solve autocomplete bug for "="
+ elif [ "${prev}" == "--pin" ] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "true false"
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--recursive --quiet --silent --progress --trickle --only-hash --wrap-with-directory --hidden --chunker= --pin= --raw-leaves --help "
+ else
+ _ipfs_filesystem_complete
+ fi
+ ipfs_comp "ledger stat unwant wantlist --help"
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ ipfs_comp "--peer= --help"
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ _ipfs_comp "get put rm stat --help"
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ if [ "${prev}" == "--format" ] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "v0 placeholder2 placeholder3" # TODO: a) Give real options, b) Solve autocomplete bug for "="
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--format= --help"
+ else
+ _ipfs_filesystem_complete
+ fi
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--force --quiet --help"
+ else
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ fi
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ _ipfs_comp "add list rm --help"
+ _ipfs_comp "default --help"
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ _ipfs_comp "all --help"
+ if [[ ${prev} == */* ]] ; then
+ COMPREPLY=() # Only one argument allowed
+ elif [[ ${word} == */* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ else
+ _ipfs_pinned_complete
+ fi
+ _ipfs_comp "--flags --help"
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--bool --json"
+ elif [[ ${prev} == *.* ]] ; then
+ COMPREPLY=() # Only one subheader of the config can be shown or edited.
+ else
+ _ipfs_comp "show edit replace"
+ fi
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--help"
+ else
+ _ipfs_filesystem_complete
+ fi
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ if [[ ${prev} == "--routing" ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "dht dhtclient none" # TODO: Solve autocomplete bug for "="
+ elif [[ ${prev} == "--mount-ipfs" ]] || [[ ${prev} == "--mount-ipns" ]] || [[ ${prev} == "=" ]]; then
+ _ipfs_filesystem_complete
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--init --routing= --mount --writable --mount-ipfs= \
+ --mount-ipns= --unrestricted-api --disable-transport-encryption \
+ -- enable-gc --manage-fdlimit --offline --migrate --help"
+ fi
+ _ipfs_comp "get put --help"
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ if [[ ${prev} == "--format" ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "cbor placeholder1" # TODO: a) Which format more then cbor is valid? b) Solve autocomplete bug for "="
+ elif [[ ${prev} == "--input-enc" ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "json placeholder1" # TODO: a) Which format more then json is valid? b) Solve autocomplete bug for "="
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--format= --input-enc= --help"
+ else
+ _ipfs_filesystem_complete
+ fi
+ _ipfs_comp "findpeer findprovs get provide put query --help"
+ _ipfs_comp "--verbose --help"
+ _ipfs_comp "--verbose --help"
+ _ipfs_comp "--verbose --help"
+ _ipfs_comp "--recursive --verbose --help"
+ _ipfs_comp "--verbose --help"
+ _ipfs_comp "--verbose --help"
+ _ipfs_comp "sys cmds net --help"
+ if [[ ${prev} == "clear" ]] ; then
+ return 0
+ elif [[ ${prev} =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "ns us µs ms s m h" # TODO: Trigger with out space, eg. "ipfs diag set-time 10ns" not "... set-time 10 ns"
+ elif [[ ${prev} == "set-time" ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--verbose --help"
+ else
+ _ipfs_comp "clear set-time"
+ fi
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ if [[ ${prev} == "--vis" ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "d3 dot text" # TODO: Solve autocomplete bug for "="
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--timeout= --vis= --help"
+ fi
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--recursive --help"
+ fi
+ _ipfs_comp "mv rm flush read write cp ls mkdir stat"
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--recursive --flush"
+ elif [[ ${word} == /* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_files_complete
+ else
+ [[ $COMPREPLY = */ ]] && compopt -o nospace
+ fi
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--recursive --flush"
+ elif [[ ${word} == /* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_files_complete
+ else
+ [[ $COMPREPLY = */ ]] && compopt -o nospace
+ fi
+ if [[ ${word} == /* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_files_complete
+ else
+ [[ $COMPREPLY = */ ]] && compopt -o nospace
+ fi
+ if [[ ${prev} == "--count" ]] || [[ ${prev} == "--offset" ]] ; then
+ COMPREPLY=() # Numbers, just keep it empty
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--offset --count --help"
+ elif [[ ${word} == /* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_files_complete
+ else
+ [[ $COMPREPLY = */ ]] && compopt -o nospace
+ fi
+ if [[ ${prev} == "--count" ]] || [[ ${prev} == "--offset" ]] ; then # Dirty check
+ COMPREPLY=() # Numbers, just keep it empty
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--offset --count --create --truncate --help"
+ elif [[ ${prev} == /* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_filesystem_complete
+ elif [[ ${word} == /* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_files_complete
+ else
+ [[ $COMPREPLY = */ ]] && compopt -o nospace
+ fi
+ if [[ ${word} == /* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_files_complete
+ else
+ [[ $COMPREPLY = */ ]] && compopt -o nospace
+ fi
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "-l --help"
+ elif [[ ${prev} == /* ]] ; then
+ COMPREPLY=() # Path exist
+ elif [[ ${word} == /* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_files_complete
+ else
+ [[ $COMPREPLY = */ ]] && compopt -o nospace
+ fi
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--parents --help"
+ elif [[ ${prev} == /* ]] ; then
+ COMPREPLY=() # Path exist
+ elif [[ ${word} == /* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_files_complete
+ else
+ [[ $COMPREPLY = */ ]] && compopt -o nospace
+ fi
+ if [[ ${prev} == /* ]] ; then
+ COMPREPLY=() # Path exist
+ elif [[ ${word} == /* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_files_complete
+ else
+ [[ $COMPREPLY = */ ]] && compopt -o nospace
+ fi
+ if [[ ${prev} == "ls" ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ else
+ _ipfs_comp "ls --help"
+ fi
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ if [ "${prev}" == "--output" ] ; then
+ compopt -o default # Re-enable default file read
+ elif [ "${prev}" == "--compression-level" ] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" # TODO: Solve autocomplete bug for "="
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--output= --archive --compress --compression-level= --help"
+ else
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ fi
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--format= --help"
+ fi
+ _ipfs_comp "--bits --force --empty-repo --help"
+ _ipfs_comp "level ls tail --help"
+ # TODO: auto-complete subsystem and level
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--headers --resolve-type=false --help"
+ else
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ fi
+ if [[ ${prev} == "--ipfs-path" ]] || [[ ${prev} == "--ipns-path" ]] || [[ ${prev} == "=" ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_filesystem_complete
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--ipfs-path= --ipns-path= --help"
+ fi
+ _ipfs_comp "publish resolve --help"
+ if [[ ${prev} == "--lifetime" ]] || [[ ${prev} == "--ttl" ]] ; then
+ COMPREPLY=() # Accept only numbers
+ elif [[ ${prev} =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "ns us µs ms s m h" # TODO: Trigger without space, eg. "ipfs diag set-time 10ns" not "... set-time 10 ns"
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--resolve --lifetime --ttl --help"
+ elif [[ ${word} == */ ]]; then
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ else
+ _ipfs_pinned_complete
+ fi
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--recursive --nocache --help"
+ fi
+ _ipfs_comp "data diff get links new patch put stat --help"
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--verbose --help"
+ else
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ fi
+ if [ "${prev}" == "--encoding" ] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "protobuf json xml"
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--encoding --help"
+ else
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ fi
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--headers --help"
+ else
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ fi
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--help"
+ else
+ _ipfs_comp "unixfs-dir"
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "${COMP_WORDS[3]}" ]] ; then # Root merkledag object exist
+ case "${COMP_WORDS[4]}" in
+ append-data)
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ ;;
+ add-link)
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] && [[ ${prev} == "add-link" ]] ; then # Dirty check
+ _ipfs_comp "--create"
+ #else
+ # TODO: Hash path autocomplete. This is tricky, can be hash or a name.
+ fi
+ ;;
+ rm-link)
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ ;;
+ set-data)
+ _ipfs_filesystem_complete
+ ;;
+ *)
+ _ipfs_comp "append-data add-link rm-link set-data"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ else
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ fi
+ if [ "${prev}" == "--inputenc" ] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "protobuf json"
+ elif [ "${prev}" == "--datafieldenc" ] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "text base64"
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--inputenc --datafieldenc --help"
+ else
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ fi
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ _ipfs_comp "rm ls add --help"
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--recursive= --help"
+ elif [[ ${word} == */ ]] && [[ ${word} != "/ipfs/" ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ fi
+ if [[ ${prev} == "--type" ]] || [[ ${prev} == "-t" ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "direct indirect recursive all" # TODO: Solve autocomplete bug for
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--count --quiet --type= --help"
+ elif [[ ${word} == */ ]] && [[ ${word} != "/ipfs/" ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ fi
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--recursive --help"
+ elif [[ ${word} == */ ]] && [[ ${word} != "/ipfs/" ]] ; then
+ COMPREPLY=() # TODO: _ipfs_hash_complete() + List local pinned hashes as default?
+ fi
+ _ipfs_comp "--count= --help"
+ _ipfs_comp "ls peers pub sub --help"
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ _ipfs_comp "--discover --help"
+ if [ "${prev}" == "--format" ] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "src dst linkname"
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "local --format= --edges --unique --recursive --help"
+ #else
+ # TODO: Use "ipfs ref" and combine it with autocomplete, see _ipfs_hash_complete
+ fi
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ _ipfs_comp "fsck gc stat verify version --help"
+ _ipfs_comp "--quiet --help"
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ _ipfs_comp "--quiet --help"
+ _ipfs_comp "--human --help"
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ if [[ ${word} == /ipfs/* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_hash_complete
+ elif [[ ${word} == /ipns/* ]] ; then
+ COMPREPLY=() # Can't autocomplete ipns
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--recursive --help"
+ else
+ opts="/ipns/ /ipfs/"
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${word}) )
+ [[ $COMPREPLY = */ ]] && compopt -o nospace
+ fi
+ _ipfs_comp "bitswap bw repo --help"
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ # TODO: Which protocol is valid?
+ _ipfs_comp "--peer= --proto= --poll --interval= --help"
+ _ipfs_comp "--human= --help"
+ _ipfs_comp "addrs connect disconnect filters peers --help"
+ _ipfs_comp "local --help"
+ _ipfs_comp "--id --help"
+ _ipfs_multiaddr_complete
+ local OLDIFS="$IFS" ; local IFS=$'\n' # Change divider for iterator one line below
+ opts=$(for x in `ipfs swarm peers`; do echo ${x} ; done)
+ IFS="$OLDIFS" # Reset divider to space, ' '
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${word}) )
+ [[ $COMPREPLY = */ ]] && compopt -o nospace -o filenames
+ if [[ ${prev} == "add" ]] || [[ ${prev} == "rm" ]]; then
+ _ipfs_multiaddr_complete
+ else
+ _ipfs_comp "add rm --help"
+ fi
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ _ipfs_help_only
+ _ipfs_comp "add cat --help"
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--help"
+ else
+ _ipfs_filesystem_complete
+ fi
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--help"
+ else
+ _ipfs_filesystem_complete
+ fi
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--version" # TODO: How does "--verbose" option work?
+ else
+ _ipfs_comp "versions version install stash revert fetch"
+ fi
+ if [[ ${prev} == v*.*.* ]] ; then
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--version"
+ else
+ local OLDIFS="$IFS" ; local IFS=$'\n' # Change divider for iterator one line below
+ opts=$(for x in `ipfs update versions`; do echo ${x} ; done)
+ IFS="$OLDIFS" # Reset divider to space, ' '
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${word}) )
+ fi
+ if [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--tag --help"
+ fi
+ if [[ ${prev} == "--output" ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_filesystem_complete
+ elif [[ ${word} == -* ]] ; then
+ _ipfs_comp "--output --help"
+ fi
+ _ipfs_comp "--number --commit --repo"
+ local lastDir=${word%/*}/
+ echo "LastDir: ${lastDir}" >> ~/Downloads/debug-ipfs.txt
+ local OLDIFS="$IFS" ; local IFS=$'\n' # Change divider for iterator one line below
+ opts=$(for x in `ipfs file ls ${lastDir}`; do echo ${lastDir}${x}/ ; done) # TODO: Implement "ipfs file ls -F" to get rid of frontslash after files. This take long time to run first time on a new shell.
+ echo "Options: ${opts}" >> ~/Downloads/debug-ipfs.txt
+ IFS="$OLDIFS" # Reset divider to space, ' '
+ echo "Current: ${word}" >> ~/Downloads/debug-ipfs.txt
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${word}) )
+ echo "Suggestion: ${COMPREPLY}" >> ~/Downloads/debug-ipfs.txt
+ [[ $COMPREPLY = */ ]] && compopt -o nospace -o filenames # Removing whitespace after output & handle output as filenames. (Only printing the latest folder of files.)
+ return 0
+ local lastDir=${word%/*}/
+ local OLDIFS="$IFS" ; local IFS=$'\n' # Change divider for iterator one line below
+ opts=$(for x in `ipfs files ls ${lastDir}`; do echo ${lastDir}${x}/ ; done) # TODO: Implement "ipfs files ls -F" to get rid of frontslash after files. This does currently throw "Error: /cats/foo/ is not a directory"
+ IFS="$OLDIFS" # Reset divider to space, ' '
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${word}) )
+ [[ $COMPREPLY = */ ]] && compopt -o nospace -o filenames
+ return 0
+ local lastDir=${word%/*}/
+ # Special case
+ if [[ ${word} == */"ipcidr"* ]] ; then # TODO: Broken, fix it.
+ opts="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32" # TODO: IPv6?
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${word}) )
+ # "Loop"
+ elif [[ ${word} == /*/ ]] || [[ ${word} == /*/* ]] ; then
+ if [[ ${word} == /*/*/*/*/*/ ]] ; then
+ elif [[ ${word} == /*/*/*/*/ ]] ; then
+ word=${word##*/}
+ opts="ipfs/ "
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${word}) )
+ elif [[ ${word} == /*/*/*/ ]] ; then
+ word=${word##*/}
+ opts="4001/ "
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${word}) )
+ elif [[ ${word} == /*/*/ ]] ; then
+ word=${word##*/}
+ opts="udp/ tcp/ ipcidr/"
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${word}) )
+ elif [[ ${word} == /*/ ]] ; then
+ COMPREPLY=() # TODO: This need to return something to NOT break the function. Maybe a "/" in the end as well due to -o filename option.
+ fi
+ else # start case
+ opts="/ip4/ /ip6/"
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${word}) )
+ fi
+ [[ $COMPREPLY = */ ]] && compopt -o nospace -o filenames
+ return 0
+ local OLDIFS="$IFS" ; local IFS=$'\n'
+ local pinned=$(ipfs pin ls)
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${pinned}" -- ${word}) )
+ if [[ ${#COMPREPLY[*]} -eq 1 ]]; then # Only one completion, remove pretty output
+ COMPREPLY=( ${COMPREPLY[0]/ *//} ) #Remove ' ' and everything after
+ [[ $COMPREPLY = */ ]] && compopt -o nospace # Removing whitespace after output
+ fi
+ compopt -o default # Re-enable default file read
+ compopt +o default # Disable default to not deny completion, see:
+ local word="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+ local prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}"
+ case "${COMP_CWORD}" in
+ 1)
+ local opts="add bitswap block bootstrap cat commands config daemon dag dht \
+ diag dns file files get id init log ls mount name object pin ping pubsub \
+ refs repo resolve stats swarm tar update version"
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${word}) );;
+ 2)
+ local command="${COMP_WORDS[1]}"
+ eval "_ipfs_$command" 2> /dev/null ;;
+ *)
+ local command="${COMP_WORDS[1]}"
+ local subcommand="${COMP_WORDS[2]}"
+ eval "_ipfs_${command}_${subcommand}" 2> /dev/null && return
+ eval "_ipfs_$command" 2> /dev/null ;;
+ esac
+complete -F _ipfs ipfs
diff --git a/net-p2p/go-ipfs-bin/go-ipfs-bin-0.4.13-r1.ebuild b/net-p2p/go-ipfs-bin/go-ipfs-bin-0.4.13-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5771da30b8d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-p2p/go-ipfs-bin/go-ipfs-bin-0.4.13-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit bash-completion-r1
+DESCRIPTION="go-ipfs is the main implementation of IPFS."
+SRC_URI="amd64? (${PV}/go-ipfs_v${PV}_linux-amd64.tar.gz )
+ x86? (${PV}/go-ipfs_v${PV}_linux-386.tar.gz )
+ arm? (${PV}/go-ipfs_v${PV}_linux-arm.tar.gz )"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~arm ~x86"
+RDEPEND="fuse? ( sys-fs/fuse )"
+src_install() {
+ dobin ipfs
+ newbashcomp "${FILESDIR}/ipfs-completion.bash" "${PN}"