path: root/net-proxy/squid
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2024-11-24 03:02:55 +0000
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2024-11-24 03:02:55 +0000
commit530a5a826feeb71085fb8a01927f4d775a0b131b (patch)
treeb7669c45ea3f2a3a37b2437817a370226bb1c819 /net-proxy/squid
parent71dd9d29cdaf7cc0ecdb9ea37d128726a941c630 (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 24:11:2024 - 03:02:54
Diffstat (limited to 'net-proxy/squid')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/net-proxy/squid/Manifest b/net-proxy/squid/Manifest
index 6e15d802bc6e..a2e92cb37e24 100644
--- a/net-proxy/squid/Manifest
+++ b/net-proxy/squid/Manifest
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ AUX squid-6.2-gentoo.patch 2494 BLAKE2B 8115a9ad312c6dd639ab92b8673532e61341acf9
AUX squid.confd-r2 707 BLAKE2B 9fce12f6c6d395448b1e70c95ef75418d1844e7409738df60bee7c1adab786ca7e504070eacdd2b6e30a35df8a7322cccdfb950e60bcde352d35d090d55c6be9 SHA512 37435f808b1dab1ca3ceecafd6cd9007c44e10d257f135ba6baf1a51b1e3408f2a76b71d85a08ce6dcb7f86b9841b7bfcd870b0d312a2365699290e28f72314a
AUX squid.cron 143 BLAKE2B 17b1bccea20771a481a5b4745c9832a4b762132a500eaeb091349a59b870c14b680d8ea97e03bb7a0b2d67e1ca1d4ee1db31dc43b9dbf02be8953d15f214b033 SHA512 cec563c20799ffea8b4fb418d5015d6dc437bd38c35e7150ed01bc298dab5214132e10f4e7b8176da1966e16a7f53f423c36e8419642cb16716f5c346c30d749
AUX squid.cron-r1 594 BLAKE2B 8c00bbfeb31428f3952f9af255f921cc652dd617a8ad4e3e319d0412f470eacaeab552df9f1b78adaa33172e0ba6220195633901770425e44e6453ca17399ced SHA512 93bfcb31db378bfcf1e38e9d6208334962e0fedc99b1b8586626650186d4815c48bcc4f1197123652130b277634d2dce8590358a9797c9eba36e867fc83a3696
-AUX squid.initd-r6 4513 BLAKE2B 46406790dcc86048cdf4d98e648d266733ebf671ccf4f5b7c23d2fd25d97b161d00e05ff0d749af810cc9d1ad1300efef5a43caf62ac534e026b75c099dfc1b4 SHA512 4205350ace938f7eda0b62c4aedc8af3f5a14b011fad76a8e6ad6138358f835592453ac168e58ff3dcb3fb0bbcffd9b97acf4ce2060e34a47c2b92946f86164e
AUX squid.initd-r7 4473 BLAKE2B e5fd96a8bb6492c31c452791dce185fc4d6fa655f0c05d0b752ab83d7bfcbacd3df6dc26912d94489c691f43811d68362b2532ecf1d68128629f636c609942e0 SHA512 183d48913458d382665a2412f4065bcd7ed3c585a6bfe3e8cfe019899104c9c1184ca814891bfdf414f765bd903d9bb3f849b01ea46c015f499fdd9d6456689b
AUX squid.logrotate 103 BLAKE2B f6d190d1914b76b08d90a2c3b3b07ff9cd332cdb2e595f4849537d1f1d32d8be1386fcdfffb40d073bcdd715a62c1c44727f1e10b75cfaff69c0d042c2a7e904 SHA512 d75a667c3ffa32fdd938ef40df8813a467d9f10b2363107bf915cb0c99834fbe8d0eb502a18a816875b67b0db1b27806ed3caf620c38516040cb644b225f5a55
AUX squid.logrotate-r1 166 BLAKE2B 62bd821aabd7394e4644e19d2d243775154fca1c09776373d62bd56d1bbfbc3f4ec440ac17d44a29afbe0692e3b4ccb311ad5cd5790b18737ce15f2bfca5de31 SHA512 e26f661d07029c86a82e635c741252f1c5861764e5a695ab980750a238047d9fe74f80f63552f47d0a32960c74b5435d458f2f88d267c7b5950a27e62f0ecb19
diff --git a/net-proxy/squid/files/squid.initd-r6 b/net-proxy/squid/files/squid.initd-r6
deleted file mode 100644
index 775ccbaddbb1..000000000000
--- a/net-proxy/squid/files/squid.initd-r6
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-SQUID_SVCNAME=$( echo "${RC_SVCNAME}" | tr -cd '[a-zA-Z0-9]' )
-extra_started_commands="reload rotate"
-depend() {
- use dns net
-checkconfig() {
- local CONFFILES="/etc/squid/${RC_SVCNAME}.conf /etc/squid/${RC_SVCNAME}.include /etc/squid/${RC_SVCNAME}.include.*"
- if [ ! -f /etc/squid/${RC_SVCNAME}.conf ]; then
- eerror "You need to create /etc/squid/${RC_SVCNAME}.conf first."
- eerror "The main configuration file and all included file names should have the following format:"
- eerror "${CONFFILES}"
- eerror "An example can be found in /etc/squid/squid.conf.default"
- return 1
- fi
- local PIDFILE=$(cat ${CONFFILES} 2>/dev/null 3>/dev/null | awk '/^[ \t]*pid_filename[ \t]+/ { print $2 }')
- [ -z ${PIDFILE} ] && PIDFILE=/run/
- if [ /run/${RC_SVCNAME}.pid != ${PIDFILE} ]; then
- eerror "/etc/squid/${RC_SVCNAME}.conf must set pid_filename to"
- eerror " /run/${RC_SVCNAME}.pid"
- eerror "CAUTION: http_port, cache_dir and *_log parameters must be different than"
- eerror " in any other instance of squid."
- eerror "Make sure the main configuration file and all included file names have the following format:"
- eerror "${CONFFILES}"
- return 1
- fi
- # Maximum file descriptors squid can open is determined by:
- # a basic default of N=1024
- # ... altered by ./configure --with-filedescriptors=N
- # ... overridden on production by squid.conf max_filedescriptors (if,
- # and only if, setrlimit() RLIMIT_NOFILE is able to be built+used).
- # Since we do not configure hard coded # of filedescriptors anymore,
- # there is no need for ulimit calls in the init script.
- # Use max_filedescriptors in squid.conf instead.
- local CACHE_SWAP=$(cat ${CONFFILES} 2>/dev/null 3>/dev/null | awk '/^[ \t]*cache_dir[ \t]+/ { if ( $2 == "rock" ) printf "%s/rock ", $3; else if ( $2 == "coss" ) printf "%s/stripe ", $3; else printf "%s/00 ", $3; }')
- [ -z "$CACHE_SWAP" ] && CACHE_SWAP="/var/cache/squid/00"
- local x
- for x in $CACHE_SWAP ; do
- if [ ! -e $x ] ; then
- ebegin "Initializing cache directory ${x%/*}"
- local ORIG_UMASK=$(umask)
- umask 027
- if ! (mkdir -p ${x%/*} && chown squid ${x%/*}) ; then
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- local INIT_CACHE_RESPONSE="$(/usr/sbin/squid -z -N -f /etc/squid/${RC_SVCNAME}.conf -n ${SQUID_SVCNAME} 2>&1)"
- if [ $? != 0 ] || echo "$INIT_CACHE_RESPONSE" | grep -q "erminated abnormally" ; then
- umask $ORIG_UMASK
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- umask $ORIG_UMASK
- eend 0
- break
- fi
- done
- return 0
-start() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- checkpath -d -q -m 0750 -o squid:squid /run/${RC_SVCNAME}
- # see
- ebegin "Starting ${RC_SVCNAME} (service name ${SQUID_SVCNAME}) with KRB5_KTNAME=\"${SQUID_KEYTAB}\" /usr/sbin/squid ${SQUID_OPTS} -f /etc/squid/${RC_SVCNAME}.conf -n ${SQUID_SVCNAME}"
- KRB5_KTNAME="${SQUID_KEYTAB}" /usr/sbin/squid ${SQUID_OPTS} -f /etc/squid/${RC_SVCNAME}.conf -n ${SQUID_SVCNAME}
- eend $? && sleep 1
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping ${RC_SVCNAME} with /usr/sbin/squid -k shutdown -f /etc/squid/${RC_SVCNAME}.conf -n ${SQUID_SVCNAME}"
- if /usr/sbin/squid -k shutdown -f /etc/squid/${RC_SVCNAME}.conf -n ${SQUID_SVCNAME} ; then
- if [ "x${SQUID_FAST_SHUTDOWN}" = "xyes" ]; then
- einfo "Attempting fast shutdown."
- /usr/sbin/squid -k shutdown -f /etc/squid/${RC_SVCNAME}.conf -n ${SQUID_SVCNAME}
- fi
- # Now we have to wait until squid has _really_ stopped.
- sleep 1
- if [ -f /run/${RC_SVCNAME}.pid ] ; then
- einfon "Waiting for squid to shutdown ."
- cnt=0
- while [ -f /run/${RC_SVCNAME}.pid ] ; do
- cnt=$(expr $cnt + 1)
- if [ $cnt -gt 60 ] ; then
- # Waited 120 seconds now. Fail.
- echo
- eend 1 "Failed."
- break
- fi
- sleep 2
- printf "."
- done
- echo
- fi
- else
- eerror "Squid shutdown failed, probably service is already down."
- fi
- eend 0
-reload() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- ebegin "Reloading ${RC_SVCNAME} with /usr/sbin/squid -k reconfigure -f /etc/squid/${RC_SVCNAME}.conf -n ${SQUID_SVCNAME}"
- /usr/sbin/squid -k reconfigure -f /etc/squid/${RC_SVCNAME}.conf -n ${SQUID_SVCNAME}
- eend $?
-rotate() {
- service_started ${RC_SVCNAME} || return 1
- ebegin "Rotating ${RC_SVCNAME} logs with /usr/sbin/squid -k rotate -f /etc/squid/${RC_SVCNAME}.conf -n ${SQUID_SVCNAME}"
- /usr/sbin/squid -k rotate -f /etc/squid/${RC_SVCNAME}.conf -n ${SQUID_SVCNAME}
- eend $?