path: root/sys-apps/dbus
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2025-02-10 00:12:21 +0000
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2025-02-10 00:12:21 +0000
commit3a81cede4783e464b7485722b2eaac0280dbc570 (patch)
tree261618bfbe562244c237d48a7960d4952bc6b318 /sys-apps/dbus
parentb95a6fd4a7b591baa7cfc689f8ce5643592d07be (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 10:02:2025 - 00:12:20
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-apps/dbus')
3 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/dbus/Manifest b/sys-apps/dbus/Manifest
index 732cc76effe4..981f2f5636a1 100644
--- a/sys-apps/dbus/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/dbus/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
AUX 80-dbus-r1 346 BLAKE2B 96688534aa424e7683603f2ea9afb7a762fadcc62f7af13a6be315e3467c0ea29e628547242c8e1c76c4afbf14134eeaae021ce22e7d287c4add7b7acb2306dc SHA512 a7b1ede42fc1a544568b9d663ca4068fbf9a021c728d03f81b28c7ab66df958dc5f679996d37c1cc24225dd81df445b969d83ad34c4eb6cfadfac6e6a5735084
AUX dbus-1.15.8-enable-elogind.patch 1651 BLAKE2B 8a79e9324e7122e9ccbb9ea1a4a315184f4a2625e539bca0f9aeddafcd4c8a9f6601116bcbced54ad7f3aba2e06ef5591617153c3799da8f59b5c488ab03343a SHA512 d3d28df951a29070c90a49e09c7cd39e40fcaf776351ff3d0cc1d6ee393e67a04ec0613ed91a3b322ecc1a82d0f38b46683d53606bc50454cba8f155684298a8
+AUX dbus-1.16.0-enable-elogind.patch 2974 BLAKE2B ffc330e12f315f399f0c0b16e2b128ddf843ba1a4774c66f6e72130a66430d3e168c17ffa6f99da86efb7e78a84190948d1a6d3444c2fbd6e23419bc2b92d11f SHA512 352b85e08b30fdb64808ed6d239c4d414da6d9b7f0ef0284ebf3deaaa3461b5aba1081cd3d998f0e43c807dc694f86b83ecc5fffbe275559f3418a6478b84ec6
AUX 841 BLAKE2B 7df68814224e066e6356ec30215cf76507c4c1d0b0fed7e97339cba680f7a6f4628b71ca5660f9bc2c0efde75b9a083c08b121d186fd7900b3dea0443a7c0760 SHA512 6bc5bf619369448a221e4eb7c5af421b7610d9488f0409cf1847539b94bc2554238a8e53a60432d7ef60f9b812a3efb0b2ae2ca2544b6ed77b845ec0f5ba1a21
DIST dbus-1.15.8.tar.xz 1149088 BLAKE2B 7c1962dfccc6a1b6250e80b0706d7f44536fabeff009013865ec4b1edaec6d4b47dcbe8f78caa61ef7aef4bac6b79f0e2027dd16bbb2baae328429e648bf8b8c SHA512 84b8ac194ede3bf300f4501395b7253538469a4f9d59ea4adaf800282e359ef43494d81941b338081d3704317d39f0aba14906c6490419f04f946eb9d815f46c
+DIST dbus-1.16.0.tar.xz 1114680 BLAKE2B a5a3ebe777c1c0296ba7240f9ed29ad329a6578a05baf10a469ce8c7d243791d35aca42a70d04cdd88feea238d081c3c8b0db444df24abcf7ce5ffe9187a0440 SHA512 9206bf4e41575f379e4c615212d137600967311f3c8feac94692aadf4dca9df9169ae52c404ec8ed31a9b2bc718792be920ac0130f1159f082e4b6c66f3f233e
EBUILD dbus-1.15.8.ebuild 6519 BLAKE2B cebf3404aa78ad3297aaeadc79696e77d023e36fa136fe4009fd5413ce35ea0126ca675662176f90d1df21645972317608a295c26ce78ad228bfbe653d90727f SHA512 1eebfe7c7073f0e84aca536a611ab90db6506f4b47cc356612a51dc212e5ec8715443c7eebc987e121b4ff48900f655ee9ba08446e033e83ccf64f2abbfe559e
+EBUILD dbus-1.16.0.ebuild 6477 BLAKE2B 5bea7ce249ad7206f808326e04078f429931f840b0c296d2a1743f2ee9f8328a59b56256d8b2a19e1d9041390ed8a8994345d46590f2fdb3817dfa62b0224777 SHA512 2598ff881f25f2385bb9725ceb75952f6072c844059fcd7f7befeed15a9de735112e1aae94cfe991800fe7dfee8d2ef8b0a8265fecf7e96228cdba052eb6ec49
MISC metadata.xml 562 BLAKE2B 5ffb7f5e162d8aae0b6db26fae2c3fa5be300110f57e46d0829c184fc564e766f86ffff5acea3097f9bb260d4f21793f0673d1545a03b25d0283b0e29e6f9460 SHA512 e5f21ed99b2678c60477623984d3609ce9b38120f327ac462d0741164473375d4808984b3405bf0dab0918d8d481ed5768380c0085cfbe70d9f5a055eb6ddba8
diff --git a/sys-apps/dbus/dbus-1.16.0.ebuild b/sys-apps/dbus/dbus-1.16.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ce3cee9230e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/dbus/dbus-1.16.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Be careful with packaging odd-version-number branches!
+# We should at the very least keep stable as an upstream stable branch,
+# possibly even ~arch too, given the note about security releases on their website.
+# See
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..13} )
+inherit linux-info meson-multilib python-any-r1 readme.gentoo-r1 systemd tmpfiles virtualx
+DESCRIPTION="A message bus system, a simple way for applications to talk to each other"
+LICENSE="|| ( AFL-2.1 GPL-2 )"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
+# TODO: USE=daemon
+IUSE="debug doc elogind selinux static-libs systemd test valgrind X"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+ acct-user/messagebus
+ app-text/xmlto
+ app-text/docbook-xml-dtd:4.4
+ dev-build/autoconf-archive
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ doc? ( app-text/doxygen )
+ >=dev-libs/expat-2.1.0
+ elogind? ( sys-auth/elogind )
+ selinux? (
+ sys-process/audit
+ sys-libs/libselinux
+ )
+ systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd:= )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ )
+ dev-libs/expat
+ test? ( >=dev-libs/glib-2.40:2[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+ valgrind? ( >=dev-debug/valgrind-3.6 )
+ X? ( x11-base/xorg-proto )
+ acct-user/messagebus
+ selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-dbus )
+ systemd? ( virtual/tmpfiles )
+ Some applications require a session bus in addition to the system
+ bus. Please see \`man dbus-launch\` for more information.
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.16.0-enable-elogind.patch # bug #599494
+pkg_setup() {
+ # Python interpeter required unconditionally (bug #932517)
+ python-any-r1_pkg_setup
+ if use kernel_linux; then
+ linux-info_pkg_setup
+ fi
+src_configure() {
+ local rundir=$(usex kernel_linux /run /var/run)
+ sed -e "s;@rundir@;${EPREFIX}${rundir};g" "${FILESDIR}"/ \
+ > "${T}"/dbus.initd || die
+ meson-multilib_src_configure
+multilib_src_configure() {
+ local emesonargs=(
+ --localstatedir="${EPREFIX}/var"
+ -Druntime_dir="${EPREFIX}${rundir}"
+ -Ddefault_library=$(multilib_native_usex static-libs both shared)
+ -Dapparmor=disabled
+ -Dasserts=false # TODO
+ -Dchecks=false # TODO
+ $(meson_use debug stats)
+ $(meson_use debug verbose_mode)
+ -Ddbus_user=messagebus
+ -Dkqueue=disabled
+ $(meson_feature kernel_linux inotify)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature doc doxygen_docs)
+ $(meson_native_enabled xml_docs) # Controls man pages
+ -Dinstalled_tests=false
+ $(meson_native_true message_bus) # TODO: USE=daemon?
+ $(meson_feature test modular_tests)
+ -Dqt_help=disabled
+ $(meson_native_true tools)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature elogind)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature systemd)
+ $(meson_use systemd user_session)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature X x11_autolaunch)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature valgrind)
+ # libaudit is *only* used in DBus wrt SELinux support, so disable it if
+ # not on an SELinux profile.
+ $(meson_native_use_feature selinux)
+ $(meson_native_use_feature selinux libaudit)
+ -Dsession_socket_dir="${EPREFIX}"/tmp
+ -Dsystem_pid_file="${EPREFIX}${rundir}"/
+ -Dsystem_socket="${EPREFIX}${rundir}"/dbus/system_bus_socket
+ -Dsystemd_system_unitdir="$(systemd_get_systemunitdir)"
+ -Dsystemd_user_unitdir="$(systemd_get_userunitdir)"
+ )
+ if [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]] ; then
+ emesonargs+=(
+ -Dlaunchd=enabled
+ -Dlaunchd_agent_dir="${EPREFIX}"/Library/LaunchAgents
+ )
+ fi
+ meson_src_configure
+multilib_src_compile() {
+ # After the compile, it uses a selinuxfs interface to
+ # check if the SELinux policy has the right support
+ use selinux && addwrite /selinux/access
+ meson_src_compile
+multilib_src_test() {
+ # DBUS_TEST_MALLOC_FAILURES=0 to avoid huge test logs
+ #
+multilib_src_install_all() {
+ newinitd "${T}"/dbus.initd dbus
+ if use X; then
+ # dbus X session script (bug #77504)
+ # turns out to only work for GDM (and startx). has been merged into
+ # other desktop (kdm and such scripts)
+ exeinto /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d
+ newexe "${FILESDIR}"/80-dbus-r1 80-dbus
+ fi
+ # Needs to exist for dbus sessions to launch
+ keepdir /usr/share/dbus-1/services
+ keepdir /etc/dbus-1/{session,system}.d
+ # machine-id symlink from pkg_postinst()
+ keepdir /var/lib/dbus
+ # Let the init script create the /var/run/dbus directory
+ rm -rf "${ED}"/{,var/}run
+ # bug #761763
+ rm -rf "${ED}"/usr/lib/sysusers.d
+ readme.gentoo_create_doc
+ mv "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/dbus/* "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/ || die
+ rm -rf "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/dbus || die
+pkg_postinst() {
+ readme.gentoo_print_elog
+ if use systemd; then
+ tmpfiles_process dbus.conf
+ fi
+ # Ensure unique id is generated and put it in /etc wrt bug #370451 but symlink
+ # for DBUS_MACHINE_UUID_FILE (see tools/dbus-launch.c) and reverse
+ # dependencies with hardcoded paths (although the known ones got fixed already)
+ # TODO: should be safe to remove at least the ln because of the above tmpfiles_process?
+ dbus-uuidgen --ensure="${EROOT}"/etc/machine-id
+ ln -sf "${EPREFIX}"/etc/machine-id "${EROOT}"/var/lib/dbus/machine-id
+ if [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]]; then
+ local plist="org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist"
+ elog
+ elog "For MacOS/Darwin we now ship launchd support for dbus."
+ elog "This enables autolaunch of dbus at session login and makes"
+ elog "dbus usable under MacOS/Darwin."
+ elog
+ elog "The launchd plist file ${plist} has been"
+ elog "installed in ${EPREFIX}/Library/LaunchAgents."
+ elog "For it to be used, you will have to do all of the following:"
+ elog " + cd ~/Library/LaunchAgents"
+ elog " + ln -s ${EPREFIX}/Library/LaunchAgents/${plist}"
+ elog " + logout and log back in"
+ elog
+ elog "If your application needs a proper DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS"
+ elog "specified and refused to start otherwise, then export the"
+ elog "the following to your environment:"
+ fi
diff --git a/sys-apps/dbus/files/dbus-1.16.0-enable-elogind.patch b/sys-apps/dbus/files/dbus-1.16.0-enable-elogind.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6403c03d4418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/dbus/files/dbus-1.16.0-enable-elogind.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+From a10cfc2ed95b04063826911111819fff5e837d6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Dudemanguy <>
+Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 10:53:28 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH] build: add elogind support
+Checking the uid of the user seat also works if elogind is used. Add
+this as an option to the build and make it mutually exclusive with
+enabling systemd.
+ dbus/dbus-userdb-util.c | 6 +++++-
+ dbus/ | 1 +
+ | 12 ++++++++++++
+ meson_options.txt | 7 +++++++
+ 4 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/dbus/dbus-userdb-util.c b/dbus/dbus-userdb-util.c
+index 736244955..a7b611309 100644
+--- a/dbus/dbus-userdb-util.c
++++ b/dbus/dbus-userdb-util.c
+@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@
+ #include <systemd/sd-login.h>
+ #endif
++#include <elogind/sd-login.h>
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup DBusInternalsUtils
+ * @{
+@@ -67,7 +71,7 @@ dbus_bool_t
+ _dbus_is_console_user (dbus_uid_t uid,
+ DBusError *error)
+ {
++#if defined(HAVE_SYSTEMD) || defined(HAVE_ELOGIND)
+ /* check if we have logind */
+ if (access ("/run/systemd/seats/", F_OK) >= 0)
+ {
+diff --git a/dbus/ b/dbus/
+index d2acd0594..0e543069e 100644
+--- a/dbus/
++++ b/dbus/
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ dbus_dependencies = [
+ adt_libs,
+ network_libs,
+ systemd,
++ elogind,
+ valgrind.partial_dependency(compile_args: true),
+ ]
+diff --git a/ b/
+index 97d14593f..5f24ba3af 100644
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -519,6 +519,17 @@ else
+ endif
+ data_config.set('SYSTEMCTL', systemctl)
++elogind_opt = get_option('elogind')
++if use_systemd
++ if elogind_opt.enabled()
++ error('-Dsystemd and -Delogind are mutually exclusive')
++ endif
++ elogind = dependency('', required: false)
++ elogind = dependency('libelogind', version: '>=209', required: elogind_opt)
++use_elogind = elogind.found()
++config.set('HAVE_ELOGIND', use_elogind)
+ use_traditional_activation = message_bus and get_option('traditional_activation')
+@@ -1361,6 +1372,7 @@ summary_dict += {
+ 'Building inotify support': use_inotify,
+ 'Building kqueue support': use_kqueue,
+ 'Building systemd support': use_systemd,
++ 'Building elogind support': use_elogind,
+ 'Traditional activation': use_traditional_activation,
+ 'Building X11 code': config.get('DBUS_BUILD_X11'),
+ 'Building Doxygen docs': doxygen.found(),
+diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt
+index 1bd00579f..9a56fb825 100644
+--- a/meson_options.txt
++++ b/meson_options.txt
+@@ -95,6 +95,13 @@ option(
+ description: 'Enable tests that require insecure extra code in the library and binaries'
+ )
++ 'elogind',
++ type: 'feature',
++ value: 'disabled',
++ description: 'Use elogind for detecting user sessions'
+ option(
+ 'epoll',
+ type: 'feature',