path: root/sys-boot/lilo
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <>2018-06-02 17:18:14 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <>2018-06-02 17:18:14 +0100
commit7b9f15840068dfaeea5684f8a1af1fe460dfa14c (patch)
tree112eea4497761c0227537330b58f9c7e0af3f9d8 /sys-boot/lilo
parent0bff53119f08d677db6c1a991bd30741682a8a08 (diff)
gentoo resync : 02.06.2018
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-boot/lilo')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 178 deletions
diff --git a/sys-boot/lilo/Manifest b/sys-boot/lilo/Manifest
index 36e9eae72ffc..bcbfbc000203 100644
--- a/sys-boot/lilo/Manifest
+++ b/sys-boot/lilo/Manifest
@@ -8,12 +8,10 @@ AUX lilo.conf 1613 BLAKE2B 746e05ed4a38f553d8534087d3889e3c136531752aa39f5de9404
DIST dolilo-0.5.tar.bz2 3777 BLAKE2B 4f168e678c771ba964f141a0af04d6dcb13e0e98f37283c799b5d127547fd511826f941fdba12857b8629e8e6324f2117c618f2c15ed3e49e9aa220be77f79ac SHA512 6bfd0181d922f01903c8c0cdc67fc087c74091d7ffec0ddfb263c18b3a2247fcfbd201995f1724f26f4eb21b91147f209fd7ed485a05c6b9e9f583ea2456baa9
DIST dolilo-0.6.tar.bz2 3817 BLAKE2B 35c41f5eac8e02d4381db517a9b230d037da184f9ae409bc76307e689ad6b82928ea3794db54c3137afe6c770db86ba0cde78c33d89e775ddea464905070bfd6 SHA512 1b59ea5f2e2ac52d62635c9f7d5fb5b2aff6757e6ea6c0950480d8a11832b872115907abe6d8fb3fa5436e2e8971d9a1dda103dc6a15db6fc310c8f4730ab936
DIST lilo-22.8.src.tar.gz 437555 BLAKE2B 319890a7760d8528192c9ba553295f9ba12b204a1512e8b8f62da146bc41ad2b453a853661d184dd31fc8d65f33523db63b9e1d3cf3f2391a64b05efa06c3bcb SHA512 b8a22c73b5f6a0c7ddde7c7af6511f9e85d43bae98603bfa0656dfa0685018b3ed713cfd9932bfac33017b83f807c66a3e25d78a16ea9a15bbfddd0e806714cc
-DIST lilo-23.2.tar.gz 580758 BLAKE2B ad932a78edd671d19a9eb5899ca35902cc1f8450c66abbd7d95c065a7f3bb7dd639343681230e9a2f6d906397b7bc5f549359ab101390df3f84d111accfe1312 SHA512 fe6789d3643751128afcb2c9761623329e84ab05ec84d75d6b13eff991d10a6671617b65f4ab5ef414a6ca4bc530bcf33b96ddeee3f5dce78bb69b8db740f9c5
DIST lilo-24.0.tar.gz 768631 BLAKE2B 09f6520e16a90eab5f44af440f1e2c2d05abb56e954dbb0237700d8e99f017bab279fa8a5c535114ec58be7416123ea51e91311255ed3036199f3565eec5a3f7 SHA512 4158a0f7ab085da063938df2bc77356f9536aa78208a902561f9e61ec478fb17f204f68407f6809638aea9d2e0c88ffc701548291c1635ab40f5b18a7be6bae7
DIST lilo-24.1.tar.gz 773223 BLAKE2B ceaeaf6696b7b15d95cc6c90c6de63ad731f4d0f6d9e42fea4a245219d446cbecdb7d372ef4cb31dce26c7e149723779244f0319939343edf971ac1a19ba5063 SHA512 d1375cac9654fcb3934e7e5e0533e126ff8700a48154eb5019cf62e4b89f14d2ce7a17b6324795d9b60b37ab7656bfb2c9467f6e9d3540095f5c294579e83883
DIST lilo-24.2.tar.gz 777400 BLAKE2B 71c74235d5df10eed65b67dc1ce2af21163651c752d799da419077025304abf9352535a70f3fb60d086609d8a1c25bf394e29453c338ab022cb2be3cb21af75f SHA512 4437cae21345f483194a5dc95f686f3f3cb2beec78faae3fba959db25eae29fe2c56732e055c05f1d101682c5d442cdc9561fae8074f61f5537dde0413204c54
EBUILD lilo-22.8-r2.ebuild 4287 BLAKE2B a115714e4f8aeb776a54de02c9dadc0161f5237a295bdec598bfb6c6bbb371e6f6a1e8e3155f5ef7cef9800a9d2a02af8fe97376b2fa4cfe9a391cf8b8e511a7 SHA512 87834bac950afeffc2ee51866506cec276a842defd1ff58eb7b5b2dc71451e77d2e94072541132304fda45432173ae204783019261f79f04da35adcbddabdd7a
-EBUILD lilo-23.2-r2.ebuild 4014 BLAKE2B 50adc64279dcb1205f89b45bd5e1a8082beb800064a099de888ed9320ea88ebfa0b8945c9cfacaadfc86451f36b66df02de3a387eecb08a524c095feb3d76880 SHA512 4aa8410b543ac98533ebe888900c439aa1ab4da5662f4bb003e63852d565020cb739e141ac6e2b324b2fdc2b109876acaf90d68932dca74d2debe1630c3c1d4f
EBUILD lilo-24.0-r1.ebuild 3963 BLAKE2B dd05b92cb8c8bf905fd0ed55690b643b457698d3da97a5c4d74f4474613b1dd137abeceb1857bc8d0062a00942aeaac0edc797c3825da909129b01ec3e671eb1 SHA512 238e9fa8b4efbed6c0c79603719956e06d5b010480932c2c22b0be806fd1385a238fa9d1b124dbe860aac0f814dd33dd0022f26c756b780635b6906b1d102391
EBUILD lilo-24.1.ebuild 4116 BLAKE2B 8f1203eb8461890847a0a5a9c490d9ef4e48b802fd4b2d9b2f33360243667378d102a0123a4853144f63e86985139a8c72549a58668d679a533c42cc49665ca6 SHA512 219fd641770b01170d0ff7bec6d8d6df60b7a9c1e5671368ea44aa80fb5c54f7a77d4ca1db4ba8787d02d4885f37ac8899cafa82e91f98ce6fb09f6f32cf47cf
EBUILD lilo-24.2.ebuild 4122 BLAKE2B 6d364333c69550b1a5742f7d7fd00e5bbee1e2599f68bced4ea6e87bdd52b4aef3a366fadb9f90d94c063a3dbfc1b9bcd1f728c2188de94d4895e4e93ae87a03 SHA512 8f4e182e938628780799206ec30474d70e421d1479f377d8a6977f8e5aa4a6280b6b078808af5a68b28457a4dd5e62e27cc85cd121cbdfc35ac0cf30c2dd98cd
diff --git a/sys-boot/lilo/lilo-23.2-r2.ebuild b/sys-boot/lilo/lilo-23.2-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 2be5f25cd507..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/lilo/lilo-23.2-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs
-IUSE="static minimal pxeserial device-mapper"
-DESCRIPTION="Standard Linux boot loader"
- mirror://gentoo/${DOLILO_TAR}
-KEYWORDS="-* amd64 x86"
-RDEPEND="device-mapper? ( >=sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.45 )"
-src_prepare() {
- # this patch is needed when booting PXE and the device you're using
- # emulates vga console via serial console.
- # IE.. B.B.o.o.o.o.t.t.i.i.n.n.g.g....l.l.i.i.n.n.u.u.x.x and stair stepping.
- use pxeserial && epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-22.8-novga.patch"
- # Do not strip and have parallel make
- # FIXME: images/Makefile does weird stuff
- sed -i Makefile src/Makefile \
- -e '/strip/d;s|^ make| $(MAKE)|g' \
- -e '/images install/d' \
- -e '/images all/d' \
- || die "sed strip failed"
-src_configure() {
- if ! use device-mapper; then
- sed -i make.vars -e 's|-DDEVMAPPER||g' || die
- fi
-src_compile() {
- # lilo needs this. bug #140209
- export LC_ALL=C
- # we explicitly prevent the custom CFLAGS for stability reasons
- if use static; then
- local target=alles
- else
- local target=all
- fi
- emake CC="$(tc-getCC) ${LDFLAGS}" ${target} || die
-src_install() {
- keepdir /boot
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
- if use !minimal; then
- into /
- dosbin "${WORKDIR}"/dolilo/dolilo || die
- into /usr
- dosbin || die
- insinto /etc
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/lilo.conf lilo.conf.example || die
- newconfd "${WORKDIR}"/dolilo/dolilo.conf.d dolilo.example || die
- docinto samples ; dodoc sample/*
- fi
-# Check whether LILO is installed
-# This function is from /usr/sbin/mkboot from debianutils, with copyright:
-# Debian GNU/Linux
-# Copyright 1996-1997 Guy Maor <>
-# Modified for Gentoo for use with the lilo ebuild by:
-# Martin Schlemmer <> (16 Mar 2003)
-lilocheck() {
- local bootpart=
- local rootpart="$(mount | grep -v "tmpfs" | grep -v "rootfs" | grep "on / " | cut -f1 -d " ")"
- echo
- einfon "Checking for LILO ..."
- if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]
- then
- echo; echo
- eerror "Only root can check for LILO!"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ -z "${rootpart}" ]
- then
- echo; echo
- eerror "Could not determine root partition!"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ ! -f /etc/lilo.conf -o ! -x /sbin/lilo ]
- then
- echo " No"
- return 1
- fi
- bootpart="$(sed -n "s:^boot[ ]*=[ ]*\(.*\)[ ]*:\1:p" /etc/lilo.conf)"
- if [ -z "${bootpart}" ]
- then
- # lilo defaults to current root when 'boot=' is not present
- bootpart="${rootpart}"
- fi
- if ! dd if=${bootpart} ibs=16 count=1 2>&- | grep -q 'LILO'
- then
- echo; echo
- ewarn "Yes, but I couldn't find a LILO signature on ${bootpart}"
- ewarn "Check your /etc/lilo.conf, or run /sbin/lilo by hand."
- return 1
- fi
- echo " Yes, on ${bootpart}"
- return 0
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [ ! -e "${ROOT}/boot/boot.b" -a ! -L "${ROOT}/boot/boot.b" ]
- then
- [ -f "${ROOT}/boot/boot-menu.b" ] && \
- ln -snf boot-menu.b "${ROOT}/boot/boot.b"
- fi
- if [ "${ROOT}" = "/" ] && use !minimal;
- then
- if lilocheck
- then
- einfo "Running DOLILO to complete the install ..."
- # do not redirect to /dev/null because it may display some input
- # prompt
- /sbin/dolilo
- if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
- then
- echo
- ewarn "Running /sbin/dolilo failed! Please check what the problem is"
- ewarn "before your next reboot."
- ebeep 5
- epause 5
- fi
- fi
- echo
- fi
- if use !minimal; then
- echo
- einfo "Issue 'dolilo' instead of 'lilo' to have a friendly wrapper that"
- einfo "handles mounting and unmounting /boot for you. It can do more then"
- einfo "that when asked, edit /etc/conf.d/dolilo to harness it's full potential."
- ebeep 5
- epause 3
- echo
- fi