path: root/sys-boot/refind
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2024-12-29 06:30:44 +0000
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2024-12-29 06:30:44 +0000
commit0e12f8e53cdddba84b0eb27dca59153e2cf52309 (patch)
tree8dec970370295a71970b82457ae1db36dbbbd07c /sys-boot/refind
parent72fd2b48b7154274a1d2009cdaab54e7f49fb3aa (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 29:12:2024 - 06:30:44
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-boot/refind')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 169 deletions
diff --git a/sys-boot/refind/Manifest b/sys-boot/refind/Manifest
index cd508d1e0216..b08b3b8d9be7 100644
--- a/sys-boot/refind/Manifest
+++ b/sys-boot/refind/Manifest
@@ -7,6 +7,5 @@ AUX refind-sbat-gentoo-0.14.2.csv 246 BLAKE2B 75623624efe360288ef14bb09f9f024b0b
DIST refind-src- 4648958 BLAKE2B 02019ddb872ce44d2a2119902edebd633f925d49634e3bcc6bfb2c9dedb8ce213166909395a333d3a37e95c67720e31b1f5fcf25083801c17d645372aa54a06a SHA512 41c120c1afec37c508aa5c0ec09a6563c3047ef84932308c91701795b950431dfad17d25cf664039b490a302d475add98441b75f90ff71cadce41febedc68a9e
DIST refind-src-0.14.2.tar.gz 4628173 BLAKE2B 987acb29d4d81c01db245cd8e1c9761072e34cf3dfaa3e4fa77e549ee2c1dc4c3f8cbd9218f42e4eb77478df3453095dba8b36324c289c6a10b81f1ecb202743 SHA512 76a52ed422ab3d431e6530fae4d13a51e8ed100568d4290207aaee87a84700b077bb79c4f4917027f5286de422954e1872fca288252ec756072d6c075b102e1e
EBUILD refind- 4199 BLAKE2B c9a33311b52c77032c3dbdbcb97a012345e5620071e1bb43766580699e3e680fdc0d627c379873a6ebdfd28ba3d6fd783c0916090dbd35890004881ea7b4a538 SHA512 51bf8fbd6973446c3ac4a307b9e0b0df55bd41f3f62cd5bd663a5d5c3d6db701bba439b82e1f539c62e851a598a01e369c196ccbe6a1f9c3bee6d833938855b8
-EBUILD refind-0.14.2-r2.ebuild 4657 BLAKE2B 3096fbbc4e6395594e0df3c9bcae29cc62900dba667fb3b28864116aa47b09b229f987127d2fdb0ca236f66f9667aad88618f382fd7e40d81b4a8ebeb27c5d15 SHA512 1ba09b0af3601c1b0a444ccfa6b82cca9abf4425da8273aafb73a9a270e6811b20732239dc0767ddea11f994ef19ed53a0a200fdc12f0a420c99f9e6217e90a0
EBUILD refind-0.14.2-r3.ebuild 4701 BLAKE2B 8c464dc8d5c4c736f6477d54305c115e4d72eaf62f898c8b6e76c575201df2c30e9bf7d8b525ca2f5607ee6910bc27ecfd34e33c386bd29209a7015f2e44e8fc SHA512 5c9d6764b93c8cce94eac728e9320c602c1ec686ee34a081590b4d60cddfddbeb3fe5d306a28ab5d2cedd3f70b415d78edc32c38e00c30645b6eb5b0202d8d63
MISC metadata.xml 3809 BLAKE2B a2cf074c3c572fff3bdb1679b505cf3a9de4489acacdbc2b015fed91e7f37157fa7e3124438ad8af0788cc90f464b217c4fe05294c2c69ef637648cc68825885 SHA512 4b289982bbfda2697dd13b4c1fc020842a0fa06672e5d7f4b48cd39ef4348b1a17989686c55c96d220f682c8c95a340901fb3968d051aef8c8e5cf944bbcb4e4
diff --git a/sys-boot/refind/refind-0.14.2-r2.ebuild b/sys-boot/refind/refind-0.14.2-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 85984c41cc6d..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/refind/refind-0.14.2-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit optfeature secureboot toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="The UEFI Boot Manager by Rod Smith"
-LICENSE="BSD CC-BY-SA-3.0 CC-BY-SA-4.0 FDL-1.3 GPL-2+ GPL-3+ LGPL-3+"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
-FS_USE="btrfs +ext2 +ext4 hfs +iso9660 ntfs reiserfs"
-IUSE="${FS_USE} doc"
-# for ld.bfd and objcopy
-DOCS=( README.txt NEWS.txt )
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-
- "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-fix-gnu-efi-3.0.18.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-fix-freestanding-on-musl.patch
-checktools() {
- if [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != "binary" ]]; then
- # bug #832018
- tc-export LD
- tc-ld-force-bfd
- # the makefile calls LD directly, so try to fix LD too
- LD="${LD/.lld/.bfd}"
- tc-ld-is-lld "${LD}" && die "Linking with lld produces broken executables and may lead to unbootable system"
- # bug #732256
- # llvm-objcopy does not support EFI target, try to use binutils objcopy or fail
- tc-export OBJCOPY
- OBJCOPY="${OBJCOPY/llvm-/}"
- LC_ALL=C "${OBJCOPY}" --help | grep -q '\<pei-' || die "${OBJCOPY} (objcopy) does not support EFI target"
- tc-is-gcc || tc-is-clang || die "Unsupported compiler"
- fi
-pkg_setup() {
- if use x86; then
- export EFIARCH=ia32
- export BUILDARCH=ia32
- elif use amd64; then
- export EFIARCH=x64
- export BUILDARCH=x86_64
- fi
- secureboot_pkg_setup
- # this does not only check, but also exports LD and OBJCOPY
- checktools
-src_prepare() {
- default
- # bug #598647 - PIE not supported
- sed -e '/^CFLAGS/s/$/ -fno-PIE/' -i Make.common || die
- sed -e '1 i\.NOTPARALLEL:' -i filesystems/Makefile || die
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/refind-sbat-gentoo-${PV}.csv refind-sbat-gentoo.csv || die
-src_compile() {
- # Update fs targets depending on uses
- local fs fs_names=()
- for fs in ${FS_USE}; do
- fs=${fs#+}
- if use "${fs}"; then
- fs_names+=( ${fs} )
- fi
- done
- fs_names=( "${fs_names[@]/%/_gnuefi}" )
- # Prepare flags
- local make_flags=(
- CC="$(tc-getCC)"
- AS="$(tc-getAS)"
- LD="${LD}"
- AR="$(tc-getAR)"
- RANLIB="$(tc-getRANLIB)"
- GNUEFILIB="${ESYSROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)"
- EFILIB="${ESYSROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)"
- EFICRT0="${ESYSROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)"
- FILESYSTEMS="${fs_names[*]}"
- FILESYSTEMS_GNUEFI="${fs_names[*]}"
- REFIND_SBAT_CSV=refind-sbat-gentoo.csv
- )
- # see the comments in "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-fix-freestanding-on-musl.patch
- tc-export CC
- if tc-is-gcc; then
- local -x CPPINCLUDEDIR=$(LC_ALL=C ${CC} -print-search-dirs 2> /dev/null | grep ^install: | cut -f2 -d' ')/include
- elif tc-is-clang; then
- local -x CPPINCLUDEDIR=$(LC_ALL=C ${CC} -print-resource-dir 2> /dev/null)/include
- local -x EXTRACFLAGS=-D__DEFINED_wchar_t
- fi
- emake "${make_flags[@]}" all_gnuefi
-src_install() {
- exeinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}"
- doexe refind-install
- dosym -r "/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/refind-install" "/usr/sbin/refind-install"
- doman "docs/man/"*
- use doc && DOCS+=( docs/refind docs/Styles )
- einstalldocs
- insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/refind"
- doins "refind/refind_${EFIARCH}.efi"
- doins "refind.conf-sample"
- doins -r images icons fonts banners
- if [[ -d "drivers_${EFIARCH}" ]]; then
- doins -r "drivers_${EFIARCH}"
- fi
- insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/refind/tools_${EFIARCH}"
- doins "gptsync/gptsync_${EFIARCH}.efi"
- insinto "/etc/refind.d"
- doins -r "keys"
- dosbin "mkrlconf"
- dosbin "mvrefind"
- dosbin "refind-mkdefault"
- secureboot_auto_sign --in-place
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "rEFInd has been built and installed into ${EROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}"
- elog "You will need to use the command 'refind-install' to install"
- elog "the binaries into your EFI System Partition"
- optfeature_header "refind-install requires additional packages to be fully functional:"
- optfeature "binary signing for use with SecureBoot" app-crypt/sbsigntools
- optfeature "writing to NVRAM" sys-boot/efibootmgr
- optfeature "ESP management" sys-apps/gptfdisk
- elog ""
- if [[ -z "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" ]]; then
- elog "A sample configuration can be found at"
- elog "${EROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/refind/refind.conf-sample"
- else
- if ver_test "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" -lt "0.12.0"; then
- ewarn "This new version uses sys-apps/gptfdisk instead of sys-block/parted"
- ewarn "to manage ESP"
- ewarn ""
- fi
- ewarn "Note that this installation will not update any EFI binaries"
- ewarn "on your EFI System Partition - this needs to be done manually"
- fi