path: root/sys-devel/distcc
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2022-06-29 12:04:12 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2022-06-29 12:04:12 +0100
commit0f558761aa2dee1017b4751e4017205e015a9560 (patch)
tree037df795519468a25d9362b4e95cdaeb84eb1cf9 /sys-devel/distcc
parent752d6256e5204b958b0ef7905675a940b5e9172f (diff)
gentoo resync : 29.12.2022
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-devel/distcc')
4 files changed, 337 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/Manifest b/sys-devel/distcc/Manifest
index a5cdbfb195de..241f0f7034b8 100644
--- a/sys-devel/distcc/Manifest
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/Manifest
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ AUX distcc-3.3.2-freedesktop.patch 4210 BLAKE2B 7c1500df8cd8568d68c51a3d14eb7240
AUX distcc-3.3.3-gcc-10-fix.patch 1378 BLAKE2B 4c91ceddba6ed1745ab564a505e354e8b54b59cc73077ac74367e7dbac53aa0953c58a6fd4550253beb183081d739f0b52cdb9f89e376ee425d9d9d34e5ea72d SHA512 cf2ba6b3a840bde6acb4d389e5f8aec6413cc2608d4c9786f4bc6ea746966cbde7653cdfb92b21050f938c36fee2e43722f6b65204878fca1d72ffb6c07ba1e0
AUX distcc-3.3.3-no-rewrite-chost.patch 895 BLAKE2B 6c8faa72b297403c493cf4ff35455344690e612afe3151d1ac30cc085b947c37eec5d95de8dec948f0f6912b5274306df1192098b54702750e02a4d1dbcf5a72 SHA512 42bc8067911da35c1b35ac03f9ad863201c20289ae3ee36f5d1bcde1ccf3e0190f7f2d089b3f1b076f2a901b806b59b982736f6fd3e10edbadd345364a08d354
AUX distcc-3.3.3-py38.patch 2129 BLAKE2B a81c190d73ddf8c679640696be9aa66bd0f3095c03af431864cc8e5cba2cf74d2525065c4bd53fc7258dcaeba5a7ed20995b11fe08c8b02164e3cfa520c83819 SHA512 958c099906be21d094bdda04445dbc5471d519e198d7f9c0d619f819978e57dee3ca664a2df048398e551a31cb107ffa7bdcd003ec0c979441440f8dcfb33dc1
+AUX distcc-3.4-pump-tests.patch 5922 BLAKE2B 17e755c3a6c04465a6c0be1e2657eb92d3a25e871eb62750d4a379290c01c6939ad55feb76a76b35b66d366aedaa64e4b7d63143be412a93a22448d33c819271 SHA512 8d2a6e5a5ac219fad327919344d68274243337fabd6361ee6355be658e2503d6d3657d8adb285dc40105b0916096bb9b21e93f544fb7342dcf9ac03c70c6a4fc
AUX distcc-config 5218 BLAKE2B 41d483481e483217ed6313b4f82ed66c4f006070c269bc5ee1283db9c000d12ab29a90d1813df2a590f87c02520e312c35901a7d3f1364480b68bb02d668d51d SHA512 fe3dee7a89ec16e103b52d3555d483b42e4cbe716e3e77f792c543fb2c82eca5f6b8e0d2809f16c805d55263471108ff2dea1f4a5d55826f67f8b94239aca946
AUX distcc-hardened.patch 1084 BLAKE2B 4b78fce2ab19b3832006a8b0092d3d38df07ce8225eb367c90256a158a41121e09269cd4bf59a1fc450db58eafe09e757f6e3ca4ae074a4567676701228c8289 SHA512 d1150dc83bf89c332f8c0bd01e15f52f95d71868733bd2e5430a5377f1a4aaa2b5b6e0cd488d33d9b94ce18b0eeeadf4af719db536b001b50e4d482b35c7e057
AUX distccd.confd 1328 BLAKE2B d6a4756afbe7813733227091028e1db570371750bd22dedbfb66e4d86e995138cdc3a63c853b5674c8678bf0475d7276c45f74b40ac916d060760f06ac3fdf73 SHA512 e6ff0547892b9e7a255afeb56eb07516e4b328d86d5d987872f1bf24a973132544e9f17195e5f8827305218429adb1c5290cde3ef1c094efd035592cbdde7eec
@@ -13,5 +14,6 @@ AUX distccd.service.conf 186 BLAKE2B b3776e30ded7777be2610f07acec0f70a3cfb7718be
DIST distcc-3.3.3.tar.gz 1195666 BLAKE2B b393fdb20eb555dec794bf55c1287dd804a576e0a5db9f2fa84c3924a40185a193231aea807353918430297c9c83c7592aaaafd521cf73c92a72bf30b8a69caa SHA512 d5e7fc67f49ee640cef753038b5c0ebcbbac61c6ac29f20ee4736b045a89979ced765717c46383a4fadc50a4fe34e94e58e307509144414a9ca19eb4cc68a135
DIST distcc-3.4.tar.gz 1239519 BLAKE2B 8dc9baa6b1f65f2bb3621e4e643d7d15d55e2338de4d6a7f20a572d9ec280925b4421a294f40c9fcfba8d4193a6bd1871eb8caf13dd2c2a8a81834671f6bc8bc SHA512 de09329fdfa25e08a9b9529190ddaa9ceccb34c8655692edb86f367a8db4a71b750c6e928cb8e5a670f51fbbc02fd1c8524f72e01b3ebaacc1106dc676d18eef
EBUILD distcc-3.3.3-r3.ebuild 5402 BLAKE2B c4a34731c92f579bd15102a7741b17025cb39b678ed5f55e08eead12c8d9bc97d6ee9f16d49ce33a41b4f0b8e73f189acbb4e731d4948a6a61c003afc88c42f2 SHA512 35f93a143892c10695b74ac72a51345ee8b29baef2a8571db0661c4cb5179dfb27af2483d98f4aa9705424fb99e52608b66dc81d85a341436ceba5b9c27eeb79
+EBUILD distcc-3.4-r1.ebuild 5224 BLAKE2B ac97e36e8fc3acf764fda6fd148499ce0c188db29d097d4f75f173886b44e4b6617b5cb683bf85b8943d23532e3e9b1149d877f3ba01a38107b57f91cf2e7a40 SHA512 534c0d4cce5525f32552cdb22ff0e7e797b5f8f0898135ecf87e478afa70519d704e84c896df58501599571504d41de1bb66259a7d93f361fb4176b17f57503f
EBUILD distcc-3.4.ebuild 5120 BLAKE2B 421af254ea49603fff28fbd850df4fd8d3c69db90b9b3a2d47a19dea6bb4f7a61855917cb0088619a49eb26969177e560102bacfcd03c0901cc95d4b87771285 SHA512 778ad10d31c8cb7db42758b4d27b9aa27c85dc0f0ccb03010a5894182d69b2130abd7fc377098274cf18812386c335cd5d337ec855e0b2d42eac687bab06cadb
-MISC metadata.xml 460 BLAKE2B 132c1d9dbdf5ce59bc5566c0566a83ead8a6c008bf491a94584889c31e14b6b653e48e34a24432aa447ee4036bba7e985a29d0651ff4baea8ddeef706d529816 SHA512 6656aa3bb7e204c03a369c52392656af5eae36d2aabc189342d21d9f1891b8ef6a3a4303235df732171e2d4898f773cdff23deced346a89dcd8b477cfcd91b6b
+MISC metadata.xml 352 BLAKE2B 0fd64221801cd6b1b6a4a9cc0f6ddd0060928bfe270345cbf96b8a1fe6ee546b387652771f086844923a21c6ac7fe8f0aeb76580e6f3983b7fa28863364d0830 SHA512 fc3c1d1c159a607d7caefdd7360797411fa95c280012507acb99de47f1b312dbc78cd8e8cd93e8cfee9d92ad50810e644ce0f3d818785a30bcb760569246c618
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-3.4-r1.ebuild b/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-3.4-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1bee4f2f6420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/distcc-3.4-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8..10} )
+inherit autotools flag-o-matic prefix python-single-r1 systemd
+DESCRIPTION="Distribute compilation of C code across several machines on a network"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86"
+IUSE="gssapi gtk hardened ipv6 selinux xinetd zeroconf"
+ dev-libs/popt
+ gssapi? ( net-libs/libgssglue )
+ gtk? ( x11-libs/gtk+:3 )
+ zeroconf? ( >=net-dns/avahi-0.6[dbus] )
+ sys-libs/binutils-libs"
+ sys-devel/autoconf-archive
+ virtual/pkgconfig"
+ acct-user/distcc
+ dev-util/shadowman
+ >=sys-devel/gcc-config-1.4.1
+ selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-distcc )
+ xinetd? ( sys-apps/xinetd )"
+src_prepare() {
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.0-xinetd.patch"
+ # SOCKSv5 support needed for Portage, bug #537616
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.2_rc1-socks5.patch"
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.4-pump-tests.patch"
+ eapply_user
+ # Bugs #120001, #167844 and probably more. See patch for description.
+ use hardened && eapply "${FILESDIR}/distcc-hardened.patch"
+ sed -i \
+ -e "/PATH/s:\$distcc_location:${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/distcc/bin:" \
+ -e "s:@PYTHON@:${EPYTHON}:" \
+ || die "sed failed"
+ sed \
+ -e "s:@EPREFIX@:${EPREFIX:-/}:" \
+ -e "s:@libdir@:/usr/lib:" \
+ "${FILESDIR}/distcc-config" > "${T}/distcc-config" || die
+ # TODO: gdb tests fail due to gdb failing to find .c file
+ sed -i -e '/Gdb.*Case,/d' test/ || die
+ hprefixify src/{serve,daemon}.c
+ python_fix_shebang "${T}/distcc-config"
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ #
+ append-cppflags -DPY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN
+ local myconf=(
+ --disable-Werror
+ --libdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/lib
+ $(use_enable ipv6 rfc2553)
+ $(use_with gtk)
+ --without-gnome
+ $(use_with gssapi auth)
+ $(use_with zeroconf avahi)
+ )
+ econf "${myconf[@]}"
+src_test() {
+ # sandbox breaks some tests, and hangs some too
+ # retest once #590084 is fixed
+ local -x SANDBOX_ON=0
+ emake -j1 check
+src_install() {
+ # override GZIP_BIN to stop it from compressing manpages
+ emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" GZIP_BIN=false install
+ python_optimize
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/distccd.initd" distccd
+ systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}/distccd.service-1" distccd.service
+ systemd_install_serviced "${FILESDIR}/distccd.service.conf"
+ cp "${FILESDIR}/distccd.confd" "${T}/distccd" || die
+ if use zeroconf; then
+ cat >> "${T}/distccd" <<-EOF || die
+ # Enable zeroconf support in distccd
+ DISTCCD_OPTS="\${DISTCCD_OPTS} --zeroconf"
+ sed -i '/ExecStart/ s|$| --zeroconf|' "${D}$(systemd_get_systemunitdir)"/distccd.service || die
+ fi
+ doconfd "${T}/distccd"
+ newenvd - 02distcc <<-EOF || die
+ # This file is managed by distcc-config; use it to change these settings.
+ # DISTCC_LOG and DISTCC_DIR should not be set.
+ keepdir /usr/lib/distcc
+ dobin "${T}/distcc-config"
+ if use gtk; then
+ einfo "Renaming /usr/bin/distccmon-gnome to /usr/bin/distccmon-gui"
+ einfo "This is to have a little sensability in naming schemes between distccmon programs"
+ mv "${ED}/usr/bin/distccmon-gnome" "${ED}/usr/bin/distccmon-gui" || die
+ dosym distccmon-gui /usr/bin/distccmon-gnome
+ fi
+ if use xinetd; then
+ insinto /etc/xinetd.d
+ newins "doc/example/xinetd" distcc
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/share/shadowman/tools
+ newins - distcc <<<"${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/distcc/bin"
+ newins - distccd <<<"${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/distcc"
+ rm -r "${ED}/etc/default" || die
+ rm "${ED}/etc/distcc/clients.allow" || die
+ rm "${ED}/etc/distcc/" || die
+pkg_postinst() {
+ # remove the old paths when switching from libXX to lib
+ if [[ $(get_libdir) != lib && ${SYMLINK_LIB} != yes && \
+ -d ${EROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/distcc ]]; then
+ rm -r -f "${EROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/distcc" || die
+ fi
+ if [[ -z ${ROOT} ]]; then
+ eselect compiler-shadow update distcc
+ eselect compiler-shadow update distccd
+ fi
+ elog
+ elog "Tips on using distcc with Gentoo can be found at"
+ elog ""
+ elog
+ elog "distcc-pump is known to cause breakage with multiple packages."
+ elog "Do NOT enable it globally."
+ elog
+ elog "To use the distccmon programs with Gentoo you should use this command:"
+ elog "# DISTCC_DIR=\"${DISTCC_DIR:-${BUILD_PREFIX}/.distcc}\" distccmon-text 5"
+ if use gtk; then
+ elog "Or:"
+ elog "# DISTCC_DIR=\"${DISTCC_DIR:-${BUILD_PREFIX}/.distcc}\" distccmon-gnome"
+ fi
+pkg_prerm() {
+ if [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} && -z ${ROOT} ]]; then
+ eselect compiler-shadow remove distcc
+ fi
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.4-pump-tests.patch b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.4-pump-tests.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..db392b7f3632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/files/distcc-3.4-pump-tests.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+From 45d9c4a1ef66451ed45a6afdec7098ed02082390 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Rosen Matev <>
+Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2022 15:42:28 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix tests in pump mode
+`make check` is also running tests for the pump mode
+(`pump-maintainer-check` target) but they were all falling back to
+the usual preprocessor mode as the include server was not started.
+This is solved by prepending `pump` to the distcc invocations and
+also some trivially failing tests are fixed or disabled when they
+make no sense in pump mode.
+ | 2 +-
+ | 13 +++++++++++--
+ test/ | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----
+ 3 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ b/
+index f240ca6f..79e28380 100644
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ distccmon-gnome@EXEEXT@: $(mon_obj) $(gnome_obj)
+ # the distcc version, the source location, the CPP flags (for location of the
+ # includes), and the build location.
+ include-server:
+- if test -z "$(PYTHON)"; then \
++ @if test -z "$(PYTHON)"; then \
+ echo "Not building $@: No suitable python found"; \
+ else \
+ mkdir -p "$(include_server_builddir)" && \
+diff --git a/ b/
+index 8e46f458..08a32c0e 100755
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -218,7 +218,9 @@ PrintIncludeServerStatusMessage() {
+ }
+ Announce() {
+- echo "__________Using distcc-pump from $DISTCC_LOCATION"
++ if [ "$verbose" = 1 ]; then
++ echo "__________Using distcc-pump from $DISTCC_LOCATION"
++ fi
+ }
+ # Starts up the include server. Sets $socket, $socket_dir, and
+@@ -359,7 +361,9 @@ ShutDown() {
+ # Always -- at exit -- shut down include_server and remove $socket_dir
+ if [ -n "$include_server_pid" ] && \
+ ps -p "$include_server_pid" > /dev/null; then
+- echo '__________Shutting down distcc-pump include server'
++ if [ "$verbose" = 1 ]; then
++ echo '__________Shutting down distcc-pump include server'
++ fi
+ kill $include_server_pid
+ # Wait until it's really dead. We need to do this because the
+ # include server may produce output after receiving SIGTERM.
+@@ -508,6 +512,11 @@ Main() {
+ Initialize
++ # Do not write on stdout if we're testing pump mode
++ if [ "0$DISTCC_TESTING_INCLUDE_SERVER" -ne "0" ]; then
++ verbose=0
++ fi
+ case "$*" in
+ --startup)
+ # Don't put ordinary progress messages on stdout,
+diff --git a/test/ b/test/
+index dfdf2f13..6377d0b6 100755
+--- a/test/
++++ b/test/
+@@ -258,7 +258,11 @@ def valgrind(self):
+ return _valgrind_command;
+ def distcc(self):
+- return self.valgrind() + "distcc "
++ if "cpp" not in _server_options:
++ return self.valgrind() + "distcc "
++ else:
++ return "DISTCC_TESTING_INCLUDE_SERVER=1 " + self.valgrind() + "pump distcc "
+ def distccd(self):
+ return self.valgrind() + "distccd "
+@@ -422,6 +426,11 @@ class BogusOption_Case(SimpleDistCC_Case):
+ Now that we support implicit compilers, this is passed to gcc,
+ which returns a non-zero status."""
+ def runtest(self):
++ # Disable the test in pump mode since the pump wrapper fails
++ # before we can run distcc.
++ if "cpp" in _server_options:
++ raise comfychair.NotRunError('pump wrapper expects DISTCC_HOSTS')
+ error_rc, _, _ = self.runcmd_unchecked(self._cc + " --bogus-option")
+ assert error_rc != 0
+ self.runcmd(self.distcc() + self._cc + " --bogus-option", error_rc)
+@@ -432,7 +441,7 @@ def runtest(self):
+ class CompilerOptionsPassed_Case(SimpleDistCC_Case):
+ """Test that options following the compiler name are passed to the compiler."""
+ def runtest(self):
+- out, err = self.runcmd("DISTCC_HOSTS=localhost "
++ out, err = self.runcmd("DISTCC_HOSTS=localhost%s " % _server_options
+ + self.distcc()
+ + self._cc + " --help")
+ if'distcc', out):
+@@ -1422,7 +1431,8 @@ def source(self):
+ def setupEnv(self):
+ Compilation_Case.setupEnv(self)
+- os.environ['DISTCC_HOSTS'] = ',lzo' % self.server_port
++ os.environ['DISTCC_HOSTS'] = (
++ ',lzo' % self.server_port + _server_options)
+ class DashONoSpace_Case(CompileHello_Case):
+ def compileCmd(self):
+@@ -1525,6 +1535,11 @@ def source(self):
+ """
+ def runtest(self):
++ # Disable the test in pump mode since the pump wrapper fails
++ # before we can run distcc.
++ if "cpp" in _server_options:
++ raise comfychair.NotRunError('pump wrapper expects DISTCC_HOSTS')
+ # -P means not to emit linemarkers
+ self.runcmd(self.distcc()
+ + self._cc + " -E testtmp.c -o testtmp.out")
+@@ -1828,7 +1843,7 @@ class NoServer_Case(CompileHello_Case):
+ """Invalid server name"""
+ def setup(self):
+ self.stripEnvironment()
+- os.environ['DISTCC_HOSTS'] = ''
++ os.environ['DISTCC_HOSTS'] = '' + _server_options
+ self.distcc_log = 'distcc.log'
+ os.environ['DISTCC_LOG'] = self.distcc_log
+ self.createSource()
+@@ -1874,6 +1889,11 @@ class NoHosts_Case(CompileHello_Case):
+ We expect compilation to succeed, but with a warning that it was
+ run locally."""
+ def runtest(self):
++ # Disable the test in pump mode since the pump wrapper fails
++ # before we can run distcc.
++ if "cpp" in _server_options:
++ raise comfychair.NotRunError('pump wrapper expects DISTCC_HOSTS')
+ # WithDaemon_Case sets this to point to the local host, but we
+ # don't want that. Note that you cannot delete environment
+ # keys in Python1.5, so we need to just set them to the empty
diff --git a/sys-devel/distcc/metadata.xml b/sys-devel/distcc/metadata.xml
index 949da1a6e8db..b39e2f4ab899 100644
--- a/sys-devel/distcc/metadata.xml
+++ b/sys-devel/distcc/metadata.xml
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <maintainer type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Michał Górny</name>
- </maintainer>
<maintainer type="project">
<name>Gentoo Cluster Project</name>