path: root/www-apps
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2023-04-05 17:25:42 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2023-04-05 17:25:42 +0100
commit4274bed0c1f1fd06a654f5816e30d82059f4cc39 (patch)
treecc4ccd86e6f201e537ac75afd01fd7d620b4085d /www-apps
parentad77dc19e91d2c023f80e11e8974536d80e3a743 (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 05:04:2023 - 17:25:42
Diffstat (limited to 'www-apps')
-rw-r--r--www-apps/Manifest.gzbin12962 -> 12963 bytes
3 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www-apps/Manifest.gz b/www-apps/Manifest.gz
index ef671d88c85a..413be25fbb87 100644
--- a/www-apps/Manifest.gz
+++ b/www-apps/Manifest.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/www-apps/jekyll/Manifest b/www-apps/jekyll/Manifest
index bbf70f323910..3c9fe5133d0a 100644
--- a/www-apps/jekyll/Manifest
+++ b/www-apps/jekyll/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
AUX jekyll-3.6.0-test-helper.patch 657 BLAKE2B 8e9d9bb57efa2370976d459dac772f7f41c0bf02c2fc0c71f19d4b78714e06f96d8a800a45f7c3eca80f766639036a624df24e681a9258e4bdc76bfb563498ad SHA512 7b53cd03a988cc5c949d15be8de91ffd37d4f228822cc3bec64c961c163ba60946df1d314bdf746a33a42df091f06f481f945a712515cca04539e111393246d0
+AUX jekyll-4.3.2-sass.patch 4212 BLAKE2B 32c9764cf97e0c925eeee64ce10c6e6af8858199f588149dc33010814882b27a0886bb46d53ab9c82ae9639f9dc3cac63711240046723b42d39f0902837d7a90 SHA512 b7444d33cc0e98d1f53c0fd17a33a9a411621122e29793f1efdaf3f41bdcaf188ba8e0308b77d941250bd3183b8306e410f0b1ea959b927be2d214ff9db480b9
DIST jekyll-4.3.2.tar.gz 1447970 BLAKE2B 8f722c363483d937198f5ac1abbca3aa59f754f66106d4355c59da541cce218704ee3976af2842e6b2f58d367eb80caa376612f73c84032ac5a2aa3076f6d007 SHA512 865bffe97683a4765a16b6eb9ec1bbbb5d2567699ad343360e101d3cae81187ea0f218b67d13a1121213fc49269475935fe0322d8b0f052c868536d5aaa0f7ab
EBUILD jekyll-4.3.2.ebuild 3065 BLAKE2B 689c5129933cb35a8713e358ba4fb77e7f845d8360cce574304867e9b98a3d808abccef6a0222dfc23b8babcb408ef5a285c7a9aa73e367df6ab9b483eb9c56a SHA512 b978add621395c5f3283164a73fec1ba28d4633fe11223516074e3973c244192ecb0c3abecc70a0c22901cd58828577684cd5b97e655b928cb249392b2960232
MISC metadata.xml 246 BLAKE2B a1eee8b457925c68b280d73349fa5bfff1639a1b7c1763bb38f9c43680a0cedfaf583b776820211cf3992ea83e983c237e00be9340b4d64a72775f0c4014ff54 SHA512 7ccb92985f1a956a36f408671063aac1ef02e2e8284cba45ae636dd23dd085087f452b9a96c3bbbcff5d809e4559fc8ba653b3198eb995baf1f217f20e893303
diff --git a/www-apps/jekyll/files/jekyll-4.3.2-sass.patch b/www-apps/jekyll/files/jekyll-4.3.2-sass.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3529ba4dbf3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/jekyll/files/jekyll-4.3.2-sass.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+From 572c86ec130f62722332f85051a8eef5f15deb7b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?=E3=81=AA=E3=81=A4=E3=81=8D?= <>
+Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2022 06:51:02 -0800
+Subject: [PATCH] Update sass related tests for jekyll-sass-converter 3.x
+ (#9223)
+Merge pull request 9223
+ features/rendering.feature | 2 +-
+ features/theme.feature | 4 ++--
+ test/test_filters.rb | 4 ++--
+ test/test_sass.rb | 4 +++-
+ test/test_theme_assets_reader.rb | 2 +-
+ 5 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/features/rendering.feature b/features/rendering.feature
+index 2b504a07555..c06e06524f5 100644
+--- a/features/rendering.feature
++++ b/features/rendering.feature
+@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ Feature: Rendering
+ When I run jekyll build
+ Then I should get a zero exit status
+ And the _site directory should exist
+- And I should see ".foo-bar { color: red; }\n\n\/\*# \*\/" in "_site/index.css"
++ And I should see ".foo-bar {\n color: red;\n}\n\n\/\*# \*\/" in "_site/index.css"
+ Scenario: Not render liquid in CoffeeScript without explicitly including jekyll-coffeescript
+ Given I have an "" page with animal "cicada" that contains "hey='for {{page.animal}}'"
+diff --git a/features/theme.feature b/features/theme.feature
+index 75ff5c69cb3..ec63b21271d 100644
+--- a/features/theme.feature
++++ b/features/theme.feature
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Feature: Writing themes
+ When I run jekyll build
+ Then I should get a zero exit status
+ And the _site directory should exist
+- And I should see ".sample { color: red; }\n\n\/\*# \*\/" in "_site/assets/style.css"
++ And I should see ".sample {\n color: red;\n}\n\n\/\*# \*\/" in "_site/assets/style.css"
+ Scenario: Overriding a theme with SCSS
+ Given I have a configuration file with "theme" set to "test-theme"
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Feature: Writing themes
+ When I run jekyll build
+ Then I should get a zero exit status
+ And the _site directory should exist
+- And I should see ".sample { color: black; }\n\n\/\*# \*\/" in "_site/assets/style.css"
++ And I should see ".sample {\n color: black;\n}\n\n\/\*# \*\/" in "_site/assets/style.css"
+ Scenario: A theme with an include
+ Given I have a configuration file with "theme" set to "test-theme"
+diff --git a/test/test_filters.rb b/test/test_filters.rb
+index 176e5ed6d49..ea82fc5b5e3 100644
+--- a/test/test_filters.rb
++++ b/test/test_filters.rb
+@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ def select; end
+ should "sassify with simple string" do
+ assert_equal(
+- "p { color: #123456; }\n",
++ "p {\n color: #123456;\n}",
+ @filter.sassify(<<~SASS)
+ $blue: #123456
+ p
+@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ def select; end
+ should "scssify with simple string" do
+ assert_equal(
+- "p { color: #123456; }\n",
++ "p {\n color: #123456;\n}",
+ @filter.scssify("$blue:#123456; p{color: $blue}")
+ )
+ end
+diff --git a/test/test_sass.rb b/test/test_sass.rb
+index 372cdedbbf8..3d930d00ad7 100644
+--- a/test/test_sass.rb
++++ b/test/test_sass.rb
+@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ class TestSass < JekyllUnitTest
+ should "import SCSS partial" do
+ result = <<~CSS
+- .half { width: 50%; }
++ .half {
++ width: 50%;
++ }
+ /*# */
+diff --git a/test/test_theme_assets_reader.rb b/test/test_theme_assets_reader.rb
+index f45503e7dbb..635cec35618 100644
+--- a/test/test_theme_assets_reader.rb
++++ b/test/test_theme_assets_reader.rb
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def refute_file_with_relative_path(haystack, relative_path)
+ file = @site.pages.find { |f| f.relative_path == "assets/style.scss" }
+ refute_nil file
+ assert_equal @site.in_dest_dir("assets/style.css"), file.destination(@site.dest)
+- assert_includes file.output, ".sample { color: black; }"
++ assert_includes file.output, ".sample {\n color: black;\n}"
+ end
+ should "not overwrite site content with the same relative path" do