path: root/dev-lang/zig
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lang/zig')
2 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/zig/Manifest b/dev-lang/zig/Manifest
index 41d1dbdb2322..d4103b678b8b 100644
--- a/dev-lang/zig/Manifest
+++ b/dev-lang/zig/Manifest
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ AUX zig-0.13.0-test-std-kernel-version.patch 1304 BLAKE2B a266cc8d41df8eabc44cc3
DIST zig-0.13.0-llvm-18.1.8-r6-fix.patch 45968 BLAKE2B a07c47b22b079d324b200fe84af5c89ffe51a1c81f50ca894a80f9f9db51a9d4119ae51c2e4e84a9b4f0111b2b809978b88adca42480ee800693afbd78f47387 SHA512 148b3f4807763dfb6a4d4e201890fa8204deaf73e620a8b592dfa03b997bc16ed01ea26e4d85f242473e91ccc45b1a06af22f786851f8e26cec1ac821b14efdc
DIST zig-0.13.0.tar.xz 17220728 BLAKE2B f4bbacc2012950c556bebc28fc322fc6424bf20fe118e8362373336b6460e514028978584087f6e7f25ed8b8e6991610edce625676a1dd80c1975c5f9ef48775 SHA512 6f5f31f4ba71a11d8b16c7a5a613e124095e503fa6b02d2b77e5b177674c739287e81d98d96dc261fed24bc836caf196f71c3fcc7a6518387df86ba9e03df4dd
DIST zig-0.13.0.tar.xz.minisig 312 BLAKE2B 2d061257c9c75f9c36b01cfb08dcd2040538a125b9ea2cae8617ae5496e685b165933ce8981494419522b7e19b51fc69a651ecaa4a8930753acf2e4ae3d6e00f SHA512 21c6139c06cba6c5e23a3305fed0c0f1b9b32d9140bd686c26365ce0279d5f53cd081894eaba29f0c1ed51b2e831edf7bd4ae6a7eaee5018a252e312e9b65507
+DIST zig-0.14.0.tar.xz 17772188 BLAKE2B 139a9d48c0a324f64633c71c7d572a60f817d11be9ea0c5cd837cdb78239969be581e51403b75790bbb95cc9c0111bd966134d4f2652863bb2a3f61d65afa531 SHA512 046462526ec16d56e8dcead8f8b680e99101090766c443f512f308c25860e8416f6fb2be15d4a387baa94f63a6fea6255374874c1ccf19144facbc02226a503b
+DIST zig-0.14.0.tar.xz.minisig 312 BLAKE2B aba72ba97a978a84e9a938d2641c089a2c5f577041b8a777b9d4b8f7ee2d0b13cd03ccafcd5b4e627ba5fdff6592ca4ead2afa111b4cb769b66ed584b6e085e2 SHA512 a5d0946f136b2a28efbfde77f6052cd8745147df64bb70ed30d1d79bad27a52af451631750d592134e1933763ebe5e24215459481864bec0a969c1730527dc2c
EBUILD zig-0.13.0-r2.ebuild 8186 BLAKE2B 558c46db758f2f258bd846b3b50de55a4f8654e821f7dd1f24f19f632add71494f77e6d2f2e4af3599fdac365285b92235fa983e2dbada9a3af1c2190618f53b SHA512 da9cc8617fcfea0c75afe02b0623cb989583ed1ce8a56cd16a409174ac469004e91dd1263d536e1ca13f37cd882646ab191fb1afeddba88d18ffb48ac1e30329
EBUILD zig-0.13.0-r3.ebuild 11137 BLAKE2B 3460d4e7686b1319fa4b45d07658a916dd000066f045b4536e6f861714782473c93c840b8f95d86e09fe5eec5988a2626958676f6b0c565164947131e6539665 SHA512 7b844a64eb620d868ad8e6699976999066da2770dabc9e36880567a796ef040c2c7a80d20863d436a02aa10b5198a4f8bc24267027d177055a811d7c43bfc790
+EBUILD zig-0.14.0.ebuild 11028 BLAKE2B 171b071e60de48ea2b54b3e63f86e9d1dc0a6d2f5aaee3b032882244f6b00d1a3ba29486a6c222aa0a5d38a24012b3ff57d9f2d6f191b4f723cc47ea9ea6b90c SHA512 084302ea5669e14530dabec2fe8bd62034391b7a77ac23560713a6dd2d078ee9be9be58088acdd997a902b23297d5e75bc6297fb5ef544c0172ea06eecbfb54e
EBUILD zig-9999.ebuild 11028 BLAKE2B 171b071e60de48ea2b54b3e63f86e9d1dc0a6d2f5aaee3b032882244f6b00d1a3ba29486a6c222aa0a5d38a24012b3ff57d9f2d6f191b4f723cc47ea9ea6b90c SHA512 084302ea5669e14530dabec2fe8bd62034391b7a77ac23560713a6dd2d078ee9be9be58088acdd997a902b23297d5e75bc6297fb5ef544c0172ea06eecbfb54e
MISC metadata.xml 698 BLAKE2B a87c750ce5bf5b4070d9bb175aa7241da124b6362db4fff9cc51f5508d15f16595f79d5018025ae837f48aa2168102dd923798c291ddb455ac7686deb2b74d03 SHA512 9e0109a58cfb1a14e9815951ef7b55d01ffd08ae3936d759bdbaf4ba0180f7720f489e57b3e1773285331da38cd1103176372262372ab6c6924b65daf5f4c1ec
diff --git a/dev-lang/zig/zig-0.14.0.ebuild b/dev-lang/zig/zig-0.14.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..af0fe7f8192b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/zig/zig-0.14.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+# Copyright 2019-2025 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+ZIG_SLOT="$(ver_cut 1-2)"
+inherit check-reqs cmake flag-o-matic edo llvm-r2 toolchain-funcs zig
+DESCRIPTION="A robust, optimal, and maintainable programming language"
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
+ inherit git-r3
+ VERIFY_SIG_OPENPGP_KEY_PATH=/usr/share/minisig-keys/
+ inherit verify-sig
+ verify-sig? (${PV}/${P}.tar.xz.minisig )
+ "
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64"
+ BDEPEND="verify-sig? ( sec-keys/minisig-keys-zig-software-foundation )"
+# project itself: MIT
+# There are bunch of projects under "lib/" folder that are needed for cross-compilation.
+# Files that are unnecessary for cross-compilation are removed by upstream
+# and therefore their licenses (if any special) are not included.
+# lib/libunwind: Apache-2.0-with-LLVM-exceptions || ( UoI-NCSA MIT )
+# lib/libcxxabi: Apache-2.0-with-LLVM-exceptions || ( UoI-NCSA MIT )
+# lib/libcxx: Apache-2.0-with-LLVM-exceptions || ( UoI-NCSA MIT )
+# lib/libc/wasi: || ( Apache-2.0-with-LLVM-exceptions Apache-2.0 MIT BSD-2 ) public-domain
+# lib/libc/musl: MIT BSD-2
+# lib/libc/mingw: ZPL public-domain BSD-2 ISC HPND
+# lib/libc/glibc: BSD HPND ISC inner-net LGPL-2.1+
+LICENSE="MIT Apache-2.0-with-LLVM-exceptions || ( UoI-NCSA MIT ) || ( Apache-2.0-with-LLVM-exceptions Apache-2.0 MIT BSD-2 ) public-domain BSD-2 ZPL ISC HPND BSD inner-net LGPL-2.1+"
+IUSE="debug doc +llvm"
+ !llvm? ( !doc )
+ llvm? ( ${LLVM_REQUIRED_USE} )
+RESTRICT="!llvm? ( test )"
+# Used by both "cmake" and "zig" eclasses.
+# Zig requires zstd and zlib compression support in LLVM, if using LLVM backend.
+# (non-LLVM backends don't require these)
+# They are not required "on their own", so please don't add them here.
+# You can check in future, to see
+# options that are passed to LLVM CMake building (excluding "static" ofc).
+LLVM_DEPEND="$(llvm_gen_dep '
+ llvm-core/clang:${LLVM_SLOT}
+ llvm-core/lld:${LLVM_SLOT}[zstd]
+ llvm-core/llvm:${LLVM_SLOT}[zstd]
+BDEPEND+=" llvm? ( ${LLVM_DEPEND} )"
+DEPEND="llvm? ( ${LLVM_DEPEND} )"
+DOCS=( "" "doc/" )
+# zig.eclass does not set this for us since we use ZIG_OPTIONAL=1
+# Since commit
+# Zig uses self-hosted compiler only
+pkg_setup() {
+ # Skip detecting zig executable.
+ declare -r -g ZIG_VER="${PV}"
+ ZIG_EXE="not-applicable" zig_pkg_setup
+ declare -r -g ZIG_SYS_INSTALL_DEST="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/zig/${PV}"
+ if use llvm; then
+ [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != binary ]] && llvm_cbuild_setup
+ fi
+ # Requires running stage3 which is built for cross-target.
+ if use doc && tc-is-cross-compiler; then
+ die "USE=doc is not yet supported when cross-compiling"
+ fi
+ check-reqs_pkg_setup
+src_unpack() {
+ if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
+ git-r3_src_unpack
+ else
+ if use verify-sig; then
+ verify-sig_verify_detached "${DISTDIR}"/${P}.tar.xz{,.minisig}
+ fi
+ fi
+ zig_src_unpack
+src_prepare() {
+ if use llvm; then
+ cmake_src_prepare
+ else
+ # Sync with zig_src_prepare
+ default_src_prepare
+ mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}" || die
+ einfo "BUILD_DIR: \"${BUILD_DIR}\""
+ # "--system" mode is not used during bootstrap.
+ fi
+ # Remove "limit memory usage" flags, it's already verified by
+ # CHECKREQS_MEMORY and causes unneccessary errors. Upstream set them
+ # according to CI OOM failures, which are not applicable to normal Gentoo build.
+ sed -i -e '/\.max_rss = .*,/d' build.zig || die
+src_configure() {
+ # Has no effect on final binary and only causes failures during bootstrapping.
+ filter-lto
+ # Used during bootstrapping. stage1/stage2 have limited functionality
+ # and can't resolve native target, so we pass target in exact form.
+ declare -r -g ZIG_HOST_AS_TARGET="$(zig-utils_c_env_to_zig_target "${CBUILD:-${CHOST}}" "${CFLAGS}"})"
+ # Note that if we are building with CMake, "my_zbs_args"
+ # are used only after compiling zig2.
+ local my_zbs_args=(
+ --zig-lib-dir "${S}/lib/"
+ --prefix "${ZIG_SYS_INSTALL_DEST}/"
+ --prefix-lib-dir lib/
+ # These are built separately
+ -Dno-langref=true
+ -Dstd-docs=false
+ # More commands and options if "debug" is enabled.
+ -Ddebug-extensions=$(usex debug true false)
+ # More asserts and so on by default if "debug" is enabled.
+ --release=$(usex debug safe fast)
+ )
+ # Scenarios of compilation:
+ # With LLVM, native:
+ # CMake:
+ # * generate "config.h" for LLVM libraries and build "zigcpp"
+ # * build "zig2" using common "config.h" and "zigcpp"
+ # build.zig:
+ # * build "stage3" using common "config.h" and "zigcpp"
+ # With LLVM, cross-compiled:
+ # CMake:
+ # * generate cross-target "config.h" for LLVM libraries from ESYSROOT
+ # and build cross-target "zigcpp", and stash them away
+ # * generate native "config.h" for LLVM libraries from BROOT and
+ # build native "zigcpp"
+ # * build native "zig2" using native "config.h" and "zigcpp"
+ # build.zig:
+ # * build cross-target "stage3" using stashed "config.h" and "zigcpp"
+ # Without LLVM:
+ # bootstrap.c:
+ # * build native "zig2"
+ # build.zig:
+ # * build (cross-)target "stage3"
+ if use llvm; then
+ my_zbs_args+=(
+ -Denable-llvm=true
+ -Dstatic-llvm=false
+ -Dconfig_h="${BUILD_DIR}/config.h"
+ )
+ else
+ my_zbs_args+=(
+ -Denable-llvm=false
+ )
+ fi
+ zig_src_configure
+ if use llvm; then
+ local mycmakeargs=(
+ # CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX because we build up to zig2 max,
+ # after that "zig build" is used to compile stage3.
+ # Don't set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH because "llvm_chost_setup"
+ # and "llvm_cbuild_setup" already set PATH in such way
+ # that suitable llvm-config is found and used in
+ # "cmake/Findllvm.cmake", and "cmake.eclass" help with
+ # cross-compilation pathes for "Findclang" and "Findlld".
+ # CMP0144, Zig has own packages with these names, so ignore
+ # LLVM_ROOT, Clang_ROOT, LLD_ROOT from "llvm_chost_setup".
+ )
+ if tc-is-cross-compiler; then
+ # Enable cross-compilation for CMake when filling "config.h"
+ # and building "zigcpp". They would be used for stage3 build.
+ # Here we are using LLVM from ESYSROOT/DEPEND.
+ # Uses script llvm-config.
+ # Isolate PATH changes in subshell so that it would not
+ # affect next `cmake_src_configure` with BROOT/BDEPEND.
+ (
+ llvm_chost_setup
+ cmake_src_configure
+ cmake_build zigcpp
+ )
+ mv "${BUILD_DIR}/config.h" "${T}/target_config.h" || die
+ mv "${BUILD_DIR}/zigcpp/" "${T}/target_zigcpp/" || die
+ rm -rf "${BUILD_DIR}" || die
+ fi
+ # Force disable cross-compilation for CMake when building "zig2".
+ # Here we are using LLVM from BROOT/BDEPEND.
+ # Uses native llvm-config.
+ # Isolate environment changes in subshell so that it would not
+ # affect next phases.
+ (
+ tc-env_build
+ unset SYSROOT
+ export CHOST="${CBUILD:-${CHOST}}"
+ strip-unsupported-flags
+ cmake_src_configure
+ )
+ fi
+src_compile() {
+ if use llvm; then
+ cmake_build zig2
+ if tc-is-cross-compiler; then
+ rm -rf "${BUILD_DIR}/zigcpp/" || die
+ rm -f "${BUILD_DIR}/config.h" || die
+ mv "${T}/target_zigcpp/" "${BUILD_DIR}/zigcpp/" || die
+ mv "${T}/target_config.h" "${BUILD_DIR}/config.h" || die
+ fi
+ else
+ cd "${BUILD_DIR}" || die
+ ln -s "${S}/stage1/" . || die
+ ln -s "${S}/src/" . || die
+ ln -s "${S}/lib/" . || die
+ local native_cc="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)"
+ "${native_cc}" -o bootstrap "${S}/bootstrap.c" || die "Zig's bootstrap.c compilation failed"
+ ZIG_HOST_TARGET_TRIPLE="${ZIG_HOST_AS_TARGET}" CC="${native_cc}" edo ./bootstrap
+ fi
+ cd "${BUILD_DIR}" || die
+ ZIG_EXE="./zig2" zig_src_compile --prefix stage3/
+ # Requires running stage3 which is built for cross-target.
+ if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then
+ ./stage3/bin/zig env || die "Zig compilation failed"
+ if use doc; then
+ ZIG_EXE="./stage3/bin/zig" zig_src_compile langref --prefix docgen/
+ fi
+ fi
+src_test() {
+ if has_version -b app-emulation/qemu; then
+ ewarn "QEMU executable was found on your building system."
+ ewarn "If you have qemu-binfmt (binfmt_misc) hooks enabled for"
+ ewarn "foreign architectures, Zig tests might fail."
+ ewarn "In this case, please disable qemu-binfmt and try again."
+ fi
+ cd "${BUILD_DIR}" || die
+ # XXX: When we pass a libc installation to Zig, it will fail to find
+ # the bundled libraries for targets like aarch64-macos and
+ # *-linux-musl. Zig doesn't run binaries for these targets when
+ # -Dskip-non-native is passed, but they are still compiled, so
+ # the test will fail. There's no way to disable --libc once passed,
+ # so we need to strip it from ZBS_ARGS.
+ # See:
+ local args_backup=("${ZBS_ARGS[@]}")
+ for ((i = 0; i < ${#ZBS_ARGS[@]}; i++)); do
+ if [[ "${ZBS_ARGS[i]}" == "--libc" ]]; then
+ unset ZBS_ARGS[i]
+ unset ZBS_ARGS[i+1]
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # Run tests with Debug mode by default, like upstream does in CI,
+ # full test suite with other modes is in a sad state right now...
+ ZIG_EXE="./stage3/bin/zig" zig_src_test -Dskip-non-native --release=debug
+ ZBS_ARGS=("${args_backup[@]}")
+src_install() {
+ use doc && local HTML_DOCS=( "${BUILD_DIR}/docgen/doc/langref.html" )
+ ZIG_EXE="./zig2" zig_src_install
+ cd "${D}/${ZIG_SYS_INSTALL_DEST}" || die
+ mv lib/zig/ lib2/ || die
+ rm -rf lib/ || die
+ mv lib2/ lib/ || die
+ dosym -r "${ZIG_SYS_INSTALL_DEST}/bin/zig" /usr/bin/zig-${PV}
+pkg_postinst() {
+ eselect zig update ifunset || die
+ elog "Starting from 0.12.0, Zig no longer installs"
+ elog "precompiled standard library documentation."
+ elog "Instead, you can call \`zig std\` to compile it on-the-fly."
+ elog "It reflects all edits in standard library automatically."
+ elog "See \`zig std --help\` for more information."
+ elog "More details here:"
+ if ! use llvm; then
+ elog "Currently, Zig built without LLVM support lacks some"
+ elog "important features such as most optimizations, @cImport, etc."
+ elog "They are listed under \"Building from Source without LLVM\""
+ elog "section of the README file from \"/usr/share/doc/${PF}\" ."
+ fi
+pkg_postrm() {
+ eselect zig update ifunset