path: root/games-board/stockfish
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'games-board/stockfish')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/games-board/stockfish/Manifest b/games-board/stockfish/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 554a746b8ece..000000000000
--- a/games-board/stockfish/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-DIST 159017 BLAKE2B 01f2bf017a3e822e9a1cc35b3fd3a05a1e25e3acbc51b4b8ad9d9447eb5e35a8f8e313f72b4353e5ce1937ceb0aeb581a35d393e593fd0dd9851f149ea658b73 SHA512 4dcc8c6e975367e96d5b4e76c241094e1bade53fd19fa29320a5df10177ff5ae04844ca7ae9f9cfe929aa1341d898aabbbe523bbdab4c5beef75ca8332ce50c1
-DIST 171925 BLAKE2B dacfe02525e2d78bf91a41bf2d22077ecb808566f87317382515aa14baade2c03c150ecd62ae026c5883321642330cd9beab50df35db3f1c7de18c8b84922ae0 SHA512 47b5dfea9e015dd68e33c8b1a131ed83710e4e5d67abe0c278a423f2940b07c7a5d661ce27915257ae3dad83fc2bb8e50d3d28bfa11a7c4cdf396d0378cd80f8
-EBUILD stockfish-8.ebuild 1780 BLAKE2B 7675de0d70d2570b9824c1c3c4a3a79610af479bb7447def360fc2ec91a6fbbc7f37463c1ba2cf45907d39c8bf34bde08aa8b24f6f990e9315a94e3a987d75ae SHA512 7a42f43fb26d2e01ad68f16e17daa55961b0559ee1b7b5639057d4d9814c8200d20109d3cd7a96068bbfcb03fa4541e0bf5f53ea8a9bf2abb4d7a637c0887b59
-EBUILD stockfish-9.ebuild 1773 BLAKE2B 8af8d85313f39361c455d2a4d16756bad28319dc40d50a540f34a51223cce4a3157c7da44edd2be3f6787f8f9dbc36a9ce9c3ea17020164058acaa7f0adb0610 SHA512 d80fe10b7c9e355a2f23cda9ff0f71e2042111edc9cfcfc0e407dcee9dcf8c17c248c3e2ed7d82c3c151ba4b6bfb643a86aeb42dd18b38e58766ec8b630f0857
-MISC metadata.xml 536 BLAKE2B 52bc05dae5efd0030acb6caf71fb8c42c556a3f96ab0feab4677400cfcc38094014289f56e59188320af9d527b511854b6a9f3c69cff74849e69d1be1f069433 SHA512 c428df576f969e62b0231dcaf77791ff5a8e2c5bf081f390e3df2fcf3ec9067c1cfed7d9e47f3e98359c5b206c28c5454b7385b3d6697e302c0a671bb8ef8d48
diff --git a/games-board/stockfish/metadata.xml b/games-board/stockfish/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 38f3f419b3a3..000000000000
--- a/games-board/stockfish/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <maintainer type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Matthias Maier</name>
- </maintainer>
- <use>
- <flag name="armv7">Build for armv7; enables PIE</flag>
- <flag name="general-32">Generic unoptimized 32-bits build</flag>
- <flag name="general-64">Generic unoptimized 64-bits build</flag>
- <flag name="optimize">Enable upstream -O3 optimizations (default enabled)</flag>
- </use>
diff --git a/games-board/stockfish/stockfish-8.ebuild b/games-board/stockfish/stockfish-8.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index c908d406a8cd..000000000000
--- a/games-board/stockfish/stockfish-8.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Free UCI chess engine, claimed to be the strongest in the world"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
-IUSE="armv7 cpu_flags_x86_avx2 cpu_flags_x86_popcnt cpu_flags_x86_sse debug
- general-32 general-64 +optimize"
-DEPEND="|| ( app-arch/unzip app-arch/zip )"
-src_prepare() {
- default
- # prevent pre-stripping
- sed -e 's:-strip $(BINDIR)/$(EXE)::' -i Makefile \
- || die 'failed to disable stripping in the Makefile'
-src_compile() {
- local my_arch
- # generic unoptimized first
- use general-32 && my_arch=general-32
- use general-64 && my_arch=general-64
- # x86
- use x86 && my_arch=x86-32-old
- use cpu_flags_x86_sse && my_arch=x86-32
- # amd64
- use amd64 && my_arch=x86-64
- use cpu_flags_x86_popcnt && my_arch=x86-64-modern
- # both bmi2 and avx2 are part of hni (haswell new instructions)
- use cpu_flags_x86_avx2 && my_arch=x86-64-bmi2
- # other architectures
- use armv7 && my_arch=armv7
- use ppc && my_arch=ppc
- use ppc64 && my_arch=ppc64
- # Skip the "build" target and use "all" instead to avoid the config
- # sanity check (which would throw a fit about our compiler). There's
- # a nice hack in the Makefile that overrides the value of CXX with
- # COMPILER to support Travis CI and we abuse it to make sure that we
- # build with our compiler of choice.
- emake all ARCH="${my_arch}" \
- COMP=$(tc-getCXX) \
- COMPILER=$(tc-getCXX) \
- debug=$(usex debug "yes" "no") \
- optimize=$(usex optimize "yes" "no")
-src_install() {
- dobin "${PN}"
- dodoc ../AUTHORS ../
diff --git a/games-board/stockfish/stockfish-9.ebuild b/games-board/stockfish/stockfish-9.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index dc5c8779f356..000000000000
--- a/games-board/stockfish/stockfish-9.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Free UCI chess engine, claimed to be the strongest in the world"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="armv7 cpu_flags_x86_avx2 cpu_flags_x86_popcnt cpu_flags_x86_sse debug
- general-32 general-64 +optimize"
-DEPEND="|| ( app-arch/unzip app-arch/zip )"
-src_prepare() {
- default
- # prevent pre-stripping
- sed -e 's:-strip $(BINDIR)/$(EXE)::' -i Makefile \
- || die 'failed to disable stripping in the Makefile'
-src_compile() {
- local my_arch
- # generic unoptimized first
- use general-32 && my_arch=general-32
- use general-64 && my_arch=general-64
- # x86
- use x86 && my_arch=x86-32-old
- use cpu_flags_x86_sse && my_arch=x86-32
- # amd64
- use amd64 && my_arch=x86-64
- use cpu_flags_x86_popcnt && my_arch=x86-64-modern
- # both bmi2 and avx2 are part of hni (haswell new instructions)
- use cpu_flags_x86_avx2 && my_arch=x86-64-bmi2
- # other architectures
- use armv7 && my_arch=armv7
- use ppc && my_arch=ppc
- use ppc64 && my_arch=ppc64
- # Skip the "build" target and use "all" instead to avoid the config
- # sanity check (which would throw a fit about our compiler). There's
- # a nice hack in the Makefile that overrides the value of CXX with
- # COMPILER to support Travis CI and we abuse it to make sure that we
- # build with our compiler of choice.
- emake all ARCH="${my_arch}" \
- COMP=$(tc-getCXX) \
- COMPILER=$(tc-getCXX) \
- debug=$(usex debug "yes" "no") \
- optimize=$(usex optimize "yes" "no")
-src_install() {
- dobin "${PN}"
- dodoc ../AUTHORS ../