path: root/games-emulation/pcsx2/pcsx2-2.0.2-r1.ebuild
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'games-emulation/pcsx2/pcsx2-2.0.2-r1.ebuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/games-emulation/pcsx2/pcsx2-2.0.2-r1.ebuild b/games-emulation/pcsx2/pcsx2-2.0.2-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index c4b0100a1622..000000000000
--- a/games-emulation/pcsx2/pcsx2-2.0.2-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit cmake desktop fcaps flag-o-matic optfeature toolchain-funcs
-if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
- inherit git-r3
- -> ${P}.tar.gz
- "
- KEYWORDS="-* amd64"
-DESCRIPTION="PlayStation 2 emulator"
- GPL-3+ Apache-2.0 BSD BSD-2 BSD-4 Boost-1.0 CC0-1.0 GPL-2+
- ISC LGPL-2.1+ LGPL-3+ MIT OFL-1.1 ZLIB public-domain
-IUSE="alsa cpu_flags_x86_sse4_1 +clang jack pulseaudio sndio test vulkan wayland"
-REQUIRED_USE="cpu_flags_x86_sse4_1" # dies at runtime if no support
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-# dlopen: libglvnd, qtsvg, shaderc, vulkan-loader, wayland
- app-arch/lz4:=
- app-arch/zstd:=
- dev-qt/qtbase:6[concurrent,gui,widgets]
- dev-qt/qtsvg:6
- media-libs/freetype
- media-libs/libglvnd[X]
- media-libs/libjpeg-turbo:=
- media-libs/libpng:=
- media-libs/libsdl2[haptic,joystick]
- media-libs/libwebp:=
- media-video/ffmpeg:=
- net-libs/libpcap
- net-misc/curl
- sys-apps/dbus
- sys-libs/zlib:=
- virtual/libudev:=
- x11-libs/libXrandr
- alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib )
- jack? ( virtual/jack )
- pulseaudio? ( media-libs/libpulse )
- sndio? ( media-sound/sndio:= )
- vulkan? (
- media-libs/shaderc
- media-libs/vulkan-loader
- )
- wayland? ( dev-libs/wayland )
-# patches is a optfeature but always pull given PCSX2 complaints if it
-# is missing and it is fairly small (installs a ~1.5MB
- <games-emulation/pcsx2_patches-0_p20241020
- x11-base/xorg-proto
- dev-qt/qttools:6[linguist]
- clang? ( llvm-core/clang:* )
- wayland? (
- dev-util/wayland-scanner
- kde-frameworks/extra-cmake-modules
- )
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.7.4667-flags.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.7.5232-cubeb-automagic.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.7.5835-vanilla-shaderc.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.7.5855-no-libbacktrace.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.7.5835-musl-header.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.7.5913-musl-cache.patch
-src_prepare() {
- cmake_src_prepare
- if [[ ${PV} != 9999 ]]; then
- sed -e '/set(PCSX2_GIT_TAG "")/s/""/"v'${PV}'"/' \
- -i cmake/Pcsx2Utils.cmake || die
- fi
- # relax Qt6 and SDL2 version requirements which often get restricted
- # without a specific need, please report a bug to Gentoo (not upstream)
- # if a still-available older version is really causing issues
- sed -e '/find_package(\(Qt6\|SDL2\)/s/ [0-9.]*//' \
- -i cmake/SearchForStuff.cmake || die
-src_configure() {
- # note that upstream only supports clang and ignores gcc issues, e.g.
- #
- # (CMakeLists.txt also gives a big warning if compiler is not clang)
- if use clang && ! tc-is-clang; then
- local -x CC=${CHOST}-clang CXX=${CHOST}-clang++
- strip-unsupported-flags
- fi
- # pthread_attr_setaffinity_np is not supported on musl, may be possible
- # to remove if bundled lzma code is updated like 7zip did (bug #935298)
- use elibc_musl && append-cppflags -DZ7_AFFINITY_DISABLE
- local mycmakeargs=(
- -DENABLE_TESTS=$(usex test)
- -DUSE_VTUNE=no # not packaged
- -DUSE_VULKAN=$(usex vulkan)
- -DWAYLAND_API=$(usex wayland)
- # not optional given libX11 is hard-required either way and upstream
- # seemingly has no intention to drop the requirement at the moment
- #
- -DX11_API=yes
- # bundled cubeb flags, see media-libs/cubeb and cubeb-automagic.patch
- -DCHECK_ALSA=$(usex alsa)
- -DCHECK_JACK=$(usex jack)
- -DCHECK_PULSE=$(usex pulseaudio)
- -DCHECK_SNDIO=$(usex sndio)
- )
- cmake_src_configure
-src_test() {
- cmake_build unittests
-src_install() {
- insinto /usr/lib/${PN}
- doins -r "${BUILD_DIR}"/bin/.
- fperms +x /usr/lib/${PN}/pcsx2-qt
- dosym -r /usr/lib/${PN}/pcsx2-qt /usr/bin/${PN}
- newicon bin/resources/icons/AppIconLarge.png ${PN}.png
- make_desktop_entry ${PN} ${PN^^}
- dodoc bin/docs/{Debugger.pdf,GameIndex.pdf,debugger.txt}
- use !test || rm "${ED}"/usr/lib/${PN}/*_test || die
-pkg_postinst() {
- fcaps -m 0755 cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw=eip usr/lib/${PN}/pcsx2-qt
- # calls aplay or gst-play/launch-1.0 as fallback
- #
- optfeature "UI sound effects support" \
- media-sound/alsa-utils \
- media-libs/gst-plugins-base:1.0