path: root/licenses/phrap
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'licenses/phrap')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/licenses/phrap b/licenses/phrap
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e1df110ade2..000000000000
--- a/licenses/phrap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-Please read the entire agreement, fill in the information in the
-indicated positions (such as "NAME:"), and return the entire document
-to the indicated people. Please send the document as the message--not
-as an attachment.
-Phrap: A program for assembling DNA sequence data.
-Swat: A program for searching one or more DNA or protein query sequences
-against a sequence database, using (an efficient implementation of) the
-Smith-Waterman-Gotoh algorithm.
-Cross_Match: A general-purpose utility based on Swat for comparing any
-two sets of (long or short) DNA sequences.
-Phred: A program that reads DNA sequencer trace data, calls bases,
-assigns quality values to the bases, and writes the base calls and quality
-values to output files.
-Consed: A program for viewing and editing Phrap assemblies.
-To receive any of these programs you will need to agree to the following
-conditions. They should be taken seriously!
-1) You agree to read the documentation. We welcome feedback on any
-2) You agree to report any bugs to us. (To fix bugs, we will need
-from you a dataset and a procedure that reproduces the problem; but do
-not send datasets without first emailing us to describe the nature of
-the bug.)
-3) You agree not to make the programs (including source code,
-executables, or any part thereof, in modified or unmodified form)
-available to anyone outside your group, and not to put them where they
-may be accessible to outside individuals without your direct knowledge
-(e.g. on a computer to which people outside your group have login
-privileges). The documentation however may be freely distributed.
-Refer any requests for the programs to the authors. If you are
-operating a computer facility which provides access to several
-independent investigators, you agree to set the permissions on the
-executables and source code to allow execute but not read access, so
-that the programs may not be copied. Investigators who want copies of
-the software for their own use must return a separate copy of this
-4) You agree not to use the programs for any commercial purpose,
-including but not limited to commercially restricted sequencing
-(defined as sequencing for which a company retains patenting or
-licensing rights regarding the sequence, or the right to restrict or
-delay dissemination of the sequence; with the sole exception that
-sequencing is not considered to be commercially restricted if it is
-federally funded and the investigators adopt the data release policies
-endorsed at the Wellcome Trust-sponsored Bermuda meeting,
-i.e. immediate release of data as it is generated).
- [If you wish to obtain the software for commercially restricted
-sequencing or any other commercial purposes, you will need to execute
-a separate licensing agreement with the University of Washington and
-pay a fee. In that case please contact:
-Lisa Heinz
-University of Washington TechTransfer, Digital Ventures
-Box 354990
-4311-11th Avenue NE, Suite 500
-Seattle, WA 98105-4608
-206-616-3451 FAX: 206-616-3322
-Do not contact her if the academic license applies.]
-5) You acknowledge that the software is experimental in nature and is
-supplied "AS IS", without obligation by the authors or the University
-of Washington to provide accompanying services or support. The entire
-risk as to the quality and performance of the Software is with you.
-6) All members of your group with access to the software agree to the
-same conditions.
-Having read the above, if you are still interested in obtaining the
-programs, please return a copy of this entire message (which MUST be
-included so that it is clear what you are agreeing to) by email
-together with the following information:
-NAME: Your name in first name/last name order.
-NAME: John Dracula
-(Please do not use all capitals such as John DRACULA)
-ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: An acknowledgement that you and the members of your
-group agree to these conditions.
-ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: I agree to the license.
-PROGRAMS: Which programs you want (phrap,cross_match, and swat are
-distributed together). You must cc the message to each appropriate
-individual (Brent Ewing, David Gordon, and/or Phil Green) at the email
-addresses below so that they will know to send you the appropriate
-PROGRAMS: phred, phrap, consed
-INSTITUTION: Your academic or government institution (give full name,
-not abbreviation)
-INSTITUTION: University of Lower Transylvania
-DEPARTMENT: Your department
-DEPARTMENT: Department of Hematology
-EMAIL: Your email address for all future correspondence. Ideally this
-should be a Unix computer running a generic mail program, since
-several of the programs are sent as uuencoded files which may be
-corrupted by some mail programs.
- If this address is not at the institution & department listed above,
-please explain the discrepancy.
-OS: (Consed requestors only) Which platform(s) you want Consed for:
-solaris 2.5.1, solaris 2.6, solaris 2.7 (solaris 7), solaris 8,
-solaris 9, digital unix 4.0 (or better), hp-ux 11.x, sgi irix 6.2,
-6.3, 6.4, or 6.5, linux (normal 32 bit) (Redhat 7.1-1 or better),
-linux (Itanium), linux (AMD64), ibm aix 5.2 (or better), macosx 10.2
-(Darwin kernel 6.0) (or better), or solaris-intel (2.8 or better).
-OS: hpux
-Note: Consed is not available for PC's running Windows, XP, NT, or
-IP: (Consed requestors only) The ip address of the computer on which
-you will be running a web browser to download consed. This does not
-have to be the same computer as the one on which you will run consed.
-Please view page
-which will tell you what my computer thinks is your ip address.
-(Even if you think you know your ip address, firewalls and proxies can
-cause your browser to transmit a different ip address, and thus my
-webserver would deny you access to consed. So it would be a good idea
-to view the page above and send me the ip address it shows, even if
-this isn't your real ip address.)
-If you want Consed/Autofinish, you must include OS and IP (above).
-Consed cannot be obtained without them.
-Please return this entire agreement so it is clear what you are
-agreeing to.
-Please send all of this, including the agreement, as part of the
-email message--not as an attachment.
-Send it to each of the relevant individuals below:
-Contacts for obtaining the programs and for questions, bug reports,
- Phrap/cross_match/swat: Phil Green, phg (at)
- Phred: Brent Ewing, bge (at)
- Consed: David Gordon, gordon (at)
-where the " (at) " is replaced by "@".
-It can take up to 2 weeks for a license application to be processed,
-so please be patient.