path: root/net-p2p/syncthing
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net-p2p/syncthing')
2 files changed, 163 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-p2p/syncthing/Manifest b/net-p2p/syncthing/Manifest
index 0cc3d7fe7087..3c541af31c8e 100644
--- a/net-p2p/syncthing/Manifest
+++ b/net-p2p/syncthing/Manifest
@@ -113,7 +113,9 @@ DIST 2397
DIST syncthing-1.1.4.tar.gz 4700261 BLAKE2B bf766d7d3701ac66d0d4ac266d9b4a9f02b2f97a6fa320b192f3e46fbe9055091ea5ae71bf405ccce4a9665efdf41477098af3b98562ea06bf0c4f828653bd51 SHA512 cb57cdf6bbab0147a700f72e800cddff0855835280a176883089e5e1dc06352e0dacf615569a35b16f98a857651f534c915f369c46bb592d416d7a01efe5b5ba
DIST syncthing-1.2.1.tar.gz 4740427 BLAKE2B 2f102100030f646f069a51c5af7c5ab448ea59fa0629d78b14432e32cbfbe90f1b95c49cc3d5812b8cd228ef0454ba5d95f9ddf5910492370018234bc1c66438 SHA512 226386af38c3e99434496f24aa571bd1edd3d1e0528dac06c08b4148b2c63b898b67261728cc6c92dbd0496c24b32f0b1189571d03f6ab5dd592e78f2a5beb3b
DIST syncthing-1.3.0.tar.gz 4753744 BLAKE2B 1fb731ca41fa2c703af7cc6cccdf7fabbee3972a6146f8f92cc8f5a2635083956134c46396f9b64e3b67d8377e4e74b59cfdde98cc4f92741f638f5b48e431c0 SHA512 aea1f979f3441e81c10dfbf0a5c22080814486a16999eabf7179928c6ea960c0f49d6684ea8626ffb2e2431777231e30c5de326fc500f17ee9c51e74cb1b3d5a
+DIST syncthing-1.3.1.tar.gz 4753853 BLAKE2B b0e4a3b435ba08718203b7009586f5c360dbeac110fc2a9755ac5202bc689c634fb0e31c861e16f401326ec7e99aa2fecb671943e5da27202173f6d70616bafa SHA512 a5f5de85d719379c6d312fa1051d6a0761e3ed73014c8e5b95b26bb0ab264a48f114d210a46f0e990b0535494873a5997284a6acaa0337d1f082bbcd847ab664
EBUILD syncthing-1.1.4.ebuild 5974 BLAKE2B 2115e3d26f93044b48cc361b0b65be68ba9624a24fc14e6c7272ecd675d02ce99bbf6cf978a9e7d806bb5b504edeae5ed1f8843e7cb21ceab03a65a4b66aa2f9 SHA512 d5feaccbca635da35adf513f98dcc2a12cdb94279c9befd1d98acfa81372e7f9ddada2acf93050e4e6c1eab1fda087c10502c7cefd4eda25fd12273e99f5e59e
EBUILD syncthing-1.2.1.ebuild 5574 BLAKE2B 7c4d6538463495a4953ac832eadb75912c5d52898956e3bea05d189f2238e212583a777b2c4f51d59236f80264af294b9dff3a71149daadf22dcb0f9845a08cd SHA512 90214fc183320a8037868b4d461239d62e1d87299f597c485551e89e5181ad06d83b148de4496af15851bae88f884c6b9601cdaa39d6bc14151476a0e4ade5a1
EBUILD syncthing-1.3.0.ebuild 5605 BLAKE2B ccbe4c2e84102da99b1a91a367b5377bbcbcd4c752b6edba257a420485da2d54cf6b0e867e40668384793d6840d3d9f6948981b634ce1224ca529ca98a140d40 SHA512 b6931ecb5fb6abd6710774773d9d46963bb15ca1baaa9a2406429b7edb6ef8c29181c42dcaad6795c6f284f700afc827819bf73b42d5b35ff1a2c8b94b7854e7
+EBUILD syncthing-1.3.1.ebuild 5627 BLAKE2B f36fb0b8d92ec5bc448ed96123b414ff27820e2a5f2b11dd3d6476b31ade267918be27896aee576115bff52941e6794e639e18172eaecfca530f1d1ba61f1693 SHA512 049ce757f54a1786fac4758ea108471ba49218d45f9d7900c460d4c6041a2f7abd15c0a66c29ca9ef2a180e9397a5f970a5bfda9a8af427315e3f5b765c34ee8
MISC metadata.xml 869 BLAKE2B e59a433fd94dda05e06eca9017cf4f35aa4d9897adcc76d5dc503d5ae90e90bf5c23b859c4b7abe9af86cd7f327dad99a7a1a095015330a105debeb1a428052c SHA512 f58ce3a33241a316a81ba94318cd8fa1ea8a9954cd3721ae6f78f96df08b38a6ee5ea214483dc92aa4301a2252bc712a65c196da4c871962d76d17d5ba2b7238
diff --git a/net-p2p/syncthing/syncthing-1.3.1.ebuild b/net-p2p/syncthing/syncthing-1.3.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7fb9fed47386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-p2p/syncthing/syncthing-1.3.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+ " 452c97607362b2ab5a7839b8d1704f0396b640ca"
+ " 0.0.5"
+ " v0.0.5"
+ " 7224d8d8f27ef618c0a95f1ae69dbb0488abc33a"
+ " v1.1.0"
+ " be486d185f3d"
+ " a5e0173ced67"
+ " v1.0.0"
+ " a60f8e7142b536ea61bb5d84014171189eeaaa81"
+ " v1.2.1"
+ " v1.1.1"
+ " 3f9db97f856818214da2e1057f8ad84803971cff"
+ " v0.2.0"
+ " v0.2.3"
+ " v1.3.0"
+ " 869f871628b6"
+ " v0.0.1"
+ " v1.0.5"
+ " 95032a82bc51"
+ " v0.1.0"
+ " v1.2.0"
+ " v0.12.0"
+ " v0.3.2"
+ " v1.3.0"
+ " v0.0.9"
+ " v0.1.0"
+ " v1.9.0"
+ " v1.6.0"
+ " v1.3.0"
+ " v1.4.0"
+ " b0b1615b78e5"
+ " v0.8.1"
+ " v1.0.0"
+ " v1.1.0"
+ " cac0b30c2563"
+ " 47ef3260b6bf"
+ " v0.2.0"
+ " v1.3.0"
+ " 69c7a957d3e2"
+ " c3a204f8e965"
+ " v3.0.2"
+ " v1.21.0"
+ " bf64b92db6b05651d6c25a3dabf2d543b360c0aa"
+ " 9756ffdc2472"
+ " ba9fcec4b297"
+ " 749cb33beabd"
+ " v0.3.2"
+ " 9d24e82272b4"
+ " v1.2"
+ " 788fd78401277ebd861206a03c884797c6ec5541"
+ " v2.5.1"
+ " v2.2.2"
+ # These are only used by the test suite but conditional vendoring is messy
+ " v1.0.1"
+ " v1.3.2"
+ " v1.0.1"
+ " 14fe0d1b01d4"
+ " v0.6.0"
+ " v0.0.4"
+inherit go-module systemd xdg-utils
+DESCRIPTION="Open Source Continuous File Synchronization"
+SRC_URI="${PN}/${PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz
+ $(go-module_vendor_uris)"
+LICENSE="Apache-2.0 BSD BSD-2 ISC MIT MPL-2.0 Unlicense"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~x86"
+IUSE="selinux tools"
+# For some reason the switch to go-module.eclass has resulted in the test suite
+# failing when USE=tools is set. Temporarily disable testing under such circumstances
+# so that there is a a working go1.13-compatible version out there already, will
+# continue to look into this.
+RESTRICT="tools? ( test )"
+ acct-user/syncthing
+ tools? ( acct-group/stdiscosrv
+ acct-group/strelaysrv
+ acct-user/stdiscosrv
+ acct-user/strelaysrv )
+ selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-syncthing )"
+src_prepare() {
+ # Bug #679280
+ xdg_environment_reset
+ default
+ sed -i \
+ 's|^ExecStart=.*|ExecStart=/usr/libexec/syncthing/strelaysrv|' \
+ cmd/strelaysrv/etc/linux-systemd/strelaysrv.service \
+ || die
+ # As of 1.3.1, stupgrades fails to compile. This command was not present
+ # in releases older than 1.3.0, is not compiled in by default (USE=tools
+ # must be set) an in any case we do not really need this, therefore just
+ # get rid of the offending code until upstream has fixed it.
+ rm -rf cmd/stupgrades
+src_compile() {
+ go run build.go -version "v${PV}" -no-upgrade install \
+ $(usex tools "all" "") || die "build failed"
+src_test() {
+ go run build.go test || die "test failed"
+src_install() {
+ doman man/*.[157]
+ einstalldocs
+ dobin bin/syncthing
+ if use tools ; then
+ exeinto /usr/libexec/syncthing
+ local exe
+ for exe in bin/* ; do
+ [[ "${exe}" == "bin/syncthing" ]] || doexe "${exe}"
+ done
+ fi
+ # openrc and systemd service files
+ systemd_dounit etc/linux-systemd/system/${PN}{@,-resume}.service
+ systemd_douserunit etc/linux-systemd/user/${PN}.service
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd" ${PN}
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.initd" ${PN}
+ keepdir /var/{lib,log}/${PN}
+ fowners ${PN}:${PN} /var/{lib,log}/${PN}
+ insinto /etc/logrotate.d
+ newins "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.logrotate" ${PN}
+ if use tools ; then
+ # openrc and systemd service files
+ systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}/stdiscosrv.service"
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/stdiscosrv.confd" stdiscosrv
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/stdiscosrv.initd" stdiscosrv
+ systemd_dounit cmd/strelaysrv/etc/linux-systemd/strelaysrv.service
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/strelaysrv.confd" strelaysrv
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/strelaysrv.initd" strelaysrv
+ insinto /etc/logrotate.d
+ newins "${FILESDIR}/stdiscosrv.logrotate" strelaysrv
+ newins "${FILESDIR}/strelaysrv.logrotate" strelaysrv
+ fi