path: root/sys-kernel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-kernel')
-rw-r--r--sys-kernel/Manifest.gzbin4583 -> 4582 bytes
6 files changed, 454 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/sys-kernel/Manifest.gz b/sys-kernel/Manifest.gz
index 2218cd689d99..114ef0e8823b 100644
--- a/sys-kernel/Manifest.gz
+++ b/sys-kernel/Manifest.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/Manifest b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/Manifest
index d7f86c443439..416c03b3a781 100644
--- a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/Manifest
+++ b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+AUX linux-firmware-remove-rdfind-dep-and-use.patch 1279 BLAKE2B 620ebc93ecf8e411525f59844ae475077decfe441cc3ef12b5db338b0606c7dcc232cdf4d9f14c2790dd8c9c3cab94d7ef41980dfe857b4af489b37068a3c549 SHA512 7d717ab95dc31ee93de992eb4da02f1feb03e5c5eaae669f0c4105d8eb0985b42689b9b7f94b19b5d4d890619e3d54a75d59bcf6c418c78f96bab42ac774564d
DIST linux-firmware-20230804.tar.xz 295170972 BLAKE2B 48eca78ab97ef5ac335dd2bfd043cf3e67c52c68cb8b3eb152725e04838a7662dafa9745add6fc786bf87d275809b51a07496fbdaf4607a89e2787388fe1d1cd SHA512 b7fdffd49530223394a0896608a746395cbe9d1a3ca7e4e744bc8381e937845e085f08e2b56854a233426164072f4c365b281db2f0dbb47192a97a94ada8fae6
DIST linux-firmware-20230919.tar.xz 314110436 BLAKE2B 053142b7b534905e53b59149c20ff88ce52373dc56dd6d283ea8dc93a96891efe74a64b3a5e5b69f6e0fba90c20a03fe1a5d8450e73650201fbc26eeb52fa5e8 SHA512 e91dc432affd55f3b1337cd46eaf6c83054c3a700996e2324399ee160ec91fd0cdfcee3be35c4456c35f0b54d1d22d326d2f62d53b17d8bfa5495b7dcd73a332
DIST linux-firmware-20231030.tar.xz 317290700 BLAKE2B 3f2f7cd177adabba683d98f048d0fb24f6872168e0a7a43b4521fd43970428af881e54093cc247cf394f714a845db2c0d85387d93305dd1b2c08b359c1f0abb8 SHA512 0a747df0ac6fe1577578021d394b94a5db517b368b17d14a3a580bb361f5112b293ee2f9c56f51b0471118fcc3983c037afea702028370b95715bc9d06672191
@@ -5,6 +6,7 @@ DIST linux-firmware-20231111.tar.xz 356057052 BLAKE2B f594a14e9d7d824f2d7b3c85dd
EBUILD linux-firmware-20230804.ebuild 11196 BLAKE2B 2ba77bdaba0758932889c2fbc04df410f10a7535f482490779545445e1af06448a467b40ca6c32f36bba870bd482685facfb0d4d2bfcebfba6b043a1167c053e SHA512 8c51e94c77cb3500fbf02adf5472e40702e09bf93ba5f1cc78b02f984bbcedba393a12c55ba11c2acdbc5b270c0ce5f7c07ca8dd6fb4a058f782ebed504cf88a
EBUILD linux-firmware-20230919.ebuild 11196 BLAKE2B 2ba77bdaba0758932889c2fbc04df410f10a7535f482490779545445e1af06448a467b40ca6c32f36bba870bd482685facfb0d4d2bfcebfba6b043a1167c053e SHA512 8c51e94c77cb3500fbf02adf5472e40702e09bf93ba5f1cc78b02f984bbcedba393a12c55ba11c2acdbc5b270c0ce5f7c07ca8dd6fb4a058f782ebed504cf88a
EBUILD linux-firmware-20231030.ebuild 11196 BLAKE2B 2ba77bdaba0758932889c2fbc04df410f10a7535f482490779545445e1af06448a467b40ca6c32f36bba870bd482685facfb0d4d2bfcebfba6b043a1167c053e SHA512 8c51e94c77cb3500fbf02adf5472e40702e09bf93ba5f1cc78b02f984bbcedba393a12c55ba11c2acdbc5b270c0ce5f7c07ca8dd6fb4a058f782ebed504cf88a
+EBUILD linux-firmware-20231111-r1.ebuild 11344 BLAKE2B 045979ad7a030a74dfc5f85b613666f8aa691f44051aba61355a4ae758748c4092f080b3dc4a2cf1f672b73164c9696382e99b186f462cb02d227a05d4b9533b SHA512 28f9dd49cffcec6b6f4e66763b47e0d6bfca8760f505cc9454a8683e59086a8ecd34271713fa4c1ccf7a03d80572b2522e45b081d0b9c8e404c7d0da0bacaedd
EBUILD linux-firmware-20231111.ebuild 11165 BLAKE2B fa34d1b351bfc96f2208b1c261e33b8f56ec320494ca56f2d986ba942a2916dc581cd2414f13efe0ecc957d40a201a860dcf90baecb8a10f02efffffc2c06eb2 SHA512 62b3f6033da0e3454f0cb121acd1aa7affd22df332030e68b802de757f8dbab2a5e9b843f56e7cc4c6ef80bec11f3b8c589f8f4caa56c0edf437083e86c690b1
-EBUILD linux-firmware-99999999.ebuild 11134 BLAKE2B a3f9bbee06f7d0ee87f3f982e32acd53fd1bbe6dfd7a5976224f0f455dbab1971852c3d6c3bb1a64d885e29879b7400b75b525a2ced30ad2070ecbc7c66ccbe2 SHA512 f87d9f4d5f714f89220072a62e1c1890e561ddfa141cb7833dd6a082392eb692db092292a55bd739b7611966e8c9b5487b2154bce83868216c5c4b48005e3445
-MISC metadata.xml 1192 BLAKE2B 52efc1e40ffdac04c33fd2c50a1b7a03f775e16c6aaac19f1a7c9c54f853f7f3dd37fd52e4cf7fcc05bf17d45e4d7956deff7b552b1b568005feca60d967fa23 SHA512 e1214670c10573aee4e272b45bb9c21c85b15d520e77f57fa1decf8c7bb1dd765bdf6b878b6c52a8455f9569735b806caf053dc7934ce74c7088b991ebb705a2
+EBUILD linux-firmware-99999999.ebuild 11312 BLAKE2B 0cd8ca71974abe2524318af046f73ab2beff5cf1e6c0ab6f89759ef30eeb53cefbd8aeee19cfaa6c311a5965d790257284c58094345dc22d95a5bc59aa988375 SHA512 cdb435d94ececbdd758168c772f52899b854e05ad64766f01ba5417f766e5a539cba50d13d192fe874004ed453ff96afcf096469578f3cd1cef4b9f536562b42
+MISC metadata.xml 1289 BLAKE2B 109336d30e5ec5fb5e679cff9b31e6f69c0b4f629e2aaf4d0d7b6c0db78c1ddcbbb0b283f724f2758207324b622c2af9dfe15874ab34b34876e3e4f58cb5ced6 SHA512 9b925b26bb58a39360ab5ff3cdd7d88bd489645e73f101209f0813a0b926b15dae34f28db05ff6419a0a62fab2ac84ae0546b5007ce17ad3611188bf7aeda3e5
diff --git a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/files/linux-firmware-remove-rdfind-dep-and-use.patch b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/files/linux-firmware-remove-rdfind-dep-and-use.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..83646a073224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/files/linux-firmware-remove-rdfind-dep-and-use.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+--- a/ 2023-11-25 18:07:49.362441380 -0500
++++ b/ 2023-11-25 18:19:03.612907595 -0500
+@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ if [ -z "$destdir" ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+-if ! which rdfind 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then
++if [ -n "$LINUX_FIRMWARE_DO_DEDUPE" ] && ! which rdfind 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then
+ echo "ERROR: rdfind is not installed"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+@@ -87,13 +87,15 @@ grep -E '^(RawFile|File):' WHENCE | sed
+ fi
+ done
+-$verbose "Finding duplicate files"
+-rdfind -makesymlinks true -makeresultsfile false "$destdir" >/dev/null
+-find "$destdir" -type l | while read -r l; do
+- target="$(realpath "$l")"
+- $verbose "Correcting path for $l"
+- ln -fs "$(realpath --relative-to="$(dirname "$(realpath -s "$l")")" "$target")" "$l"
++if [ -n "$LINUX_FIRMWARE_DO_DEDUPE" ]; then
++ $verbose "Finding duplicate files"
++ rdfind -makesymlinks true -makeresultsfile false "$destdir" >/dev/null
++ find "$destdir" -type l | while read -r l; do
++ target="$(realpath "$l")"
++ $verbose "Correcting path for $l"
++ ln -fs "$(realpath --relative-to="$(dirname "$(realpath -s "$l")")" "$target")" "$l"
++ done
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2162 # file/folder name can include escaped symbols
+ grep -E '^Link:' WHENCE | sed -e 's/^Link: *//g;s/-> //g' | while read f d; do
diff --git a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20231111-r1.ebuild b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20231111-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c938d07c0ddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20231111-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit linux-info mount-boot savedconfig multiprocessing
+# In case this is a real snapshot, fill in commit below.
+# For normal, tagged releases, leave blank
+if [[ ${PV} == 99999999* ]]; then
+ inherit git-r3
+ EGIT_REPO_URI="${PN}.git"
+ if [[ -n "${MY_COMMIT}" ]]; then
+ SRC_URI="${MY_COMMIT}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
+ else
+ SRC_URI="${P}.tar.xz"
+ fi
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~riscv ~sparc ~x86"
+DESCRIPTION="Linux firmware files"
+LICENSE="GPL-2 GPL-2+ GPL-3 BSD MIT || ( MPL-1.1 GPL-2 )
+ redistributable? ( linux-fw-redistributable BSD-2 BSD BSD-4 ISC MIT )
+ unknown-license? ( all-rights-reserved )"
+IUSE="compress-xz compress-zstd deduplicate initramfs +redistributable savedconfig unknown-license"
+REQUIRED_USE="initramfs? ( redistributable )
+ ?? ( compress-xz compress-zstd )
+ savedconfig? ( !deduplicate )"
+RESTRICT="binchecks strip test
+ unknown-license? ( bindist )"
+BDEPEND="initramfs? ( app-arch/cpio )
+ compress-xz? ( app-arch/xz-utils )
+ compress-zstd? ( app-arch/zstd )
+ deduplicate? ( app-misc/rdfind )"
+#add anything else that collides to this
+RDEPEND="!savedconfig? (
+ redistributable? (
+ !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_ca0132]
+ !sys-block/qla-fc-firmware
+ !sys-firmware/iwl1000-ucode
+ !sys-firmware/iwl6005-ucode
+ !sys-firmware/iwl6030-ucode
+ !sys-firmware/iwl3160-ucode
+ !sys-firmware/iwl7260-ucode
+ !sys-firmware/iwl3160-7260-bt-ucode
+ !sys-firmware/raspberrypi-wifi-ucode
+ )
+ unknown-license? (
+ !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_korg1212]
+ !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_maestro3]
+ !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_sb16]
+ !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_ymfpci]
+ )
+ )"
+PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-remove-rdfind-dep-and-use.patch" )
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use compress-xz || use compress-zstd ; then
+ if kernel_is -ge 5 19; then
+ use compress-xz && CONFIG_CHECK="~FW_LOADER_COMPRESS_XZ"
+ use compress-zstd && CONFIG_CHECK="~FW_LOADER_COMPRESS_ZSTD"
+ else
+ use compress-xz && CONFIG_CHECK="~FW_LOADER_COMPRESS"
+ if use compress-zstd; then
+ eerror "Kernels <5.19 do not support ZSTD-compressed firmware files"
+ fi
+ fi
+ linux-info_pkg_setup
+ fi
+pkg_pretend() {
+ use initramfs && mount-boot_pkg_pretend
+src_unpack() {
+ if [[ ${PV} == 99999999* ]]; then
+ git-r3_src_unpack
+ else
+ default
+ # rename directory from git snapshot tarball
+ if [[ ${#GIT_COMMIT} -gt 8 ]]; then
+ mv ${PN}-*/ ${P} || die
+ fi
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ use deduplicate && export LINUX_FIRMWARE_DO_DEDUPE=1
+ default
+ find . -type f -not -perm 0644 -print0 \
+ | xargs --null --no-run-if-empty chmod 0644 \
+ || die
+ chmod +x || die
+ if use initramfs; then
+ if [[ -d "${S}/amd-ucode" ]]; then
+ local UCODETMP="${T}/ucode_tmp"
+ local UCODEDIR="${UCODETMP}/kernel/x86/microcode"
+ mkdir -p "${UCODEDIR}" || die
+ echo 1 > "${UCODETMP}/early_cpio"
+ local amd_ucode_file="${UCODEDIR}/AuthenticAMD.bin"
+ cat "${S}"/amd-ucode/*.bin > "${amd_ucode_file}" || die "Failed to concat amd cpu ucode"
+ if [[ ! -s "${amd_ucode_file}" ]]; then
+ die "Sanity check failed: '${amd_ucode_file}' is empty!"
+ fi
+ pushd "${UCODETMP}" &>/dev/null || die
+ find . -print0 | cpio --quiet --null -o -H newc -R 0:0 > "${S}"/amd-uc.img
+ popd &>/dev/null || die
+ if [[ ! -s "${S}/amd-uc.img" ]]; then
+ die "Failed to create '${S}/amd-uc.img'!"
+ fi
+ else
+ # If this will ever happen something has changed which
+ # must be reviewed
+ die "'${S}/amd-ucode' not found!"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # whitelist of misc files
+ local misc_files=(
+ )
+ # whitelist of images with a free software license
+ local free_software=(
+ # keyspan_pda (GPL-2+)
+ keyspan_pda/keyspan_pda.fw
+ keyspan_pda/xircom_pgs.fw
+ # dsp56k (GPL-2+)
+ dsp56k/bootstrap.bin
+ # ath9k_htc (BSD GPL-2+ MIT)
+ ath9k_htc/htc_7010-1.4.0.fw
+ ath9k_htc/htc_9271-1.4.0.fw
+ # pcnet_cs, 3c589_cs, 3c574_cs, serial_cs (dual GPL-2/MPL-1.1)
+ cis/LA-PCM.cis
+ cis/PCMLM28.cis
+ cis/DP83903.cis
+ cis/NE2K.cis
+ cis/tamarack.cis
+ cis/PE-200.cis
+ cis/PE520.cis
+ cis/3CXEM556.cis
+ cis/3CCFEM556.cis
+ cis/MT5634ZLX.cis
+ cis/RS-COM-2P.cis
+ cis/COMpad2.cis
+ cis/COMpad4.cis
+ # serial_cs (GPL-3)
+ cis/SW_555_SER.cis
+ cis/SW_7xx_SER.cis
+ cis/SW_8xx_SER.cis
+ # dvb-ttpci (GPL-2+)
+ av7110/bootcode.bin
+ # usbdux, usbduxfast, usbduxsigma (GPL-2+)
+ usbdux_firmware.bin
+ usbduxfast_firmware.bin
+ usbduxsigma_firmware.bin
+ # brcmfmac (GPL-2+)
+ brcm/brcmfmac4330-sdio.Prowise-PT301.txt
+ brcm/brcmfmac43340-sdio.meegopad-t08.txt
+ brcm/brcmfmac43362-sdio.cubietech,cubietruck.txt
+ brcm/brcmfmac43362-sdio.lemaker,bananapro.txt
+ brcm/brcmfmac43430a0-sdio.jumper-ezpad-mini3.txt
+ "brcm/brcmfmac43430a0-sdio.ONDA-V80 PLUS.txt"
+ brcm/brcmfmac43430-sdio.AP6212.txt
+ brcm/brcmfmac43430-sdio.Hampoo-D2D3_Vi8A1.txt
+ brcm/brcmfmac43430-sdio.MUR1DX.txt
+ brcm/brcmfmac43430-sdio.raspberrypi,3-model-b.txt
+ brcm/brcmfmac43455-sdio.raspberrypi,3-model-b-plus.txt
+ brcm/brcmfmac4356-pcie.gpd-win-pocket.txt
+ # isci (GPL-2)
+ isci/isci_firmware.bin
+ # carl9170 (GPL-2+)
+ carl9170-1.fw
+ # atusb (GPL-2+)
+ atusb/atusb-0.2.dfu
+ atusb/atusb-0.3.dfu
+ atusb/rzusb-0.3.bin
+ # mlxsw_spectrum (dual BSD/GPL-2)
+ mellanox/mlxsw_spectrum-13.1420.122.mfa2
+ mellanox/mlxsw_spectrum-13.1530.152.mfa2
+ mellanox/mlxsw_spectrum-13.1620.192.mfa2
+ mellanox/mlxsw_spectrum-13.1702.6.mfa2
+ mellanox/mlxsw_spectrum-13.1703.4.mfa2
+ mellanox/mlxsw_spectrum-13.1910.622.mfa2
+ mellanox/mlxsw_spectrum-13.2000.1122.mfa2
+ )
+ # blacklist of images with unknown license
+ local unknown_license=(
+ korg/k1212.dsp
+ ess/maestro3_assp_kernel.fw
+ ess/maestro3_assp_minisrc.fw
+ yamaha/ds1_ctrl.fw
+ yamaha/ds1_dsp.fw
+ yamaha/ds1e_ctrl.fw
+ ttusb-budget/dspbootcode.bin
+ emi62/bitstream.fw
+ emi62/loader.fw
+ emi62/midi.fw
+ emi62/spdif.fw
+ ti_3410.fw
+ ti_5052.fw
+ mts_mt9234mu.fw
+ mts_mt9234zba.fw
+ whiteheat.fw
+ whiteheat_loader.fw
+ cpia2/stv0672_vp4.bin
+ vicam/firmware.fw
+ edgeport/boot.fw
+ edgeport/boot2.fw
+ edgeport/down.fw
+ edgeport/down2.fw
+ edgeport/down3.bin
+ sb16/mulaw_main.csp
+ sb16/alaw_main.csp
+ sb16/ima_adpcm_init.csp
+ sb16/ima_adpcm_playback.csp
+ sb16/ima_adpcm_capture.csp
+ sun/cassini.bin
+ acenic/tg1.bin
+ acenic/tg2.bin
+ adaptec/starfire_rx.bin
+ adaptec/starfire_tx.bin
+ yam/1200.bin
+ yam/9600.bin
+ ositech/Xilinx7OD.bin
+ qlogic/isp1000.bin
+ myricom/lanai.bin
+ yamaha/yss225_registers.bin
+ lgs8g75.fw
+ )
+ if use !unknown-license; then
+ einfo "Removing files with unknown license ..."
+ rm -v "${unknown_license[@]}" || die
+ fi
+ if use !redistributable; then
+ # remove files _not_ in the free_software or unknown_license lists
+ # everything else is confirmed (or assumed) to be redistributable
+ # based on upstream acceptance policy
+ einfo "Removing non-redistributable files ..."
+ local OLDIFS="${IFS}"
+ local IFS=$'\n'
+ set -o pipefail
+ find ! -type d -printf "%P\n" \
+ | grep -Fvx -e "${misc_files[*]}" -e "${free_software[*]}" -e "${unknown_license[*]}" \
+ | xargs -d '\n' --no-run-if-empty rm -v
+ [[ ${?} -ne 0 ]] && die "Failed to remove non-redistributable files"
+ fi
+ restore_config ${PN}.conf
+src_install() {
+ ./ -v "${ED}/lib/firmware" || die
+ pushd "${ED}/lib/firmware" &>/dev/null || die
+ # especially use !redistributable will cause some broken symlinks
+ einfo "Removing broken symlinks ..."
+ find * -xtype l -print -delete || die
+ if use savedconfig; then
+ if [[ -s "${S}/${PN}.conf" ]]; then
+ local files_to_keep="${T}/files_to_keep.lst"
+ grep -v '^#' "${S}/${PN}.conf" 2>/dev/null > "${files_to_keep}" || die
+ [[ -s "${files_to_keep}" ]] || die "grep failed, empty config file?"
+ einfo "Applying USE=savedconfig; Removing all files not listed in config ..."
+ find ! -type d -printf "%P\n" \
+ | grep -Fvx -f "${files_to_keep}" \
+ | xargs -d '\n' --no-run-if-empty rm -v
+ if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]]; then
+ die "Find failed to print installed files"
+ elif [[ ${PIPESTATUS[1]} -eq 2 ]]; then
+ # grep returns exit status 1 if no lines were selected
+ # which is the case when we want to keep all files
+ die "Grep failed to select files to keep"
+ elif [[ ${PIPESTATUS[2]} -ne 0 ]]; then
+ die "Failed to remove files not listed in config"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ # remove empty directories, bug #396073
+ find -type d -empty -delete || die
+ # sanity check
+ if ! ( shopt -s failglob; : * ) 2>/dev/null; then
+ eerror "No files to install. Check your USE flag settings"
+ eerror "and the list of files in your saved configuration."
+ die "Refusing to install an empty package"
+ fi
+ # create config file
+ echo "# Remove files that shall not be installed from this list." > "${S}"/${PN}.conf || die
+ find * ! -type d >> "${S}"/${PN}.conf || die
+ save_config "${S}"/${PN}.conf
+ if use compress-xz || use compress-zstd; then
+ einfo "Compressing firmware ..."
+ local target
+ local ext
+ local compressor
+ if use compress-xz; then
+ ext=xz
+ compressor="xz -T1 -C crc32"
+ elif use compress-zstd; then
+ ext=zst
+ compressor="zstd -15 -T1 -C -q --rm"
+ fi
+ # rename symlinks
+ while IFS= read -r -d '' f; do
+ # skip symlinks pointing to directories
+ [[ -d ${f} ]] && continue
+ target=$(readlink "${f}")
+ [[ $? -eq 0 ]] || die
+ ln -sf "${target}".${ext} "${f}" || die
+ mv -T "${f}" "${f}".${ext} || die
+ done < <(find . -type l -print0) || die
+ find . -type f ! -path "./amd-ucode/*" -print0 | \
+ xargs -0 -P $(makeopts_jobs) -I'{}' ${compressor} '{}' || die
+ fi
+ popd &>/dev/null || die
+ if use initramfs ; then
+ insinto /boot
+ doins "${S}"/amd-uc.img
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ if use savedconfig; then
+ ewarn "USE=savedconfig is active. You must handle file collisions manually."
+ fi
+ # Fix 'symlink is blocked by a directory' Bug #871315
+ if has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-20220913-r2" ; then
+ rm -rf "${EROOT}"/lib/firmware/qcom/LENOVO/21BX
+ fi
+ # Make sure /boot is available if needed.
+ use initramfs && mount-boot_pkg_preinst
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "If you are only interested in particular firmware files, edit the saved"
+ elog "configfile and remove those that you do not want."
+ local ver
+ for ver in ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}; do
+ if ver_test ${ver} -lt 20190514; then
+ elog
+ elog 'Starting with version 20190514, installation of many firmware'
+ elog 'files is controlled by USE flags. Please review your USE flag'
+ elog 'and package.license settings if you are missing some files.'
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # Don't forget to umount /boot if it was previously mounted by us.
+ use initramfs && mount-boot_pkg_postinst
+pkg_prerm() {
+ # Make sure /boot is mounted so that we can remove /boot/amd-uc.img!
+ use initramfs && mount-boot_pkg_prerm
+pkg_postrm() {
+ # Don't forget to umount /boot if it was previously mounted by us.
+ use initramfs && mount-boot_pkg_postrm
diff --git a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-99999999.ebuild b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-99999999.ebuild
index ccaa3a11c7ef..01fe7c79c96d 100644
--- a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-99999999.ebuild
+++ b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-99999999.ebuild
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
inherit linux-info mount-boot savedconfig multiprocessing
# In case this is a real snapshot, fill in commit below.
@@ -29,9 +29,10 @@ LICENSE="GPL-2 GPL-2+ GPL-3 BSD MIT || ( MPL-1.1 GPL-2 )
redistributable? ( linux-fw-redistributable BSD-2 BSD BSD-4 ISC MIT )
unknown-license? ( all-rights-reserved )"
-IUSE="compress-xz compress-zstd initramfs +redistributable savedconfig unknown-license"
+IUSE="compress-xz compress-zstd deduplicate initramfs +redistributable savedconfig unknown-license"
REQUIRED_USE="initramfs? ( redistributable )
- ?? ( compress-xz compress-zstd )"
+ ?? ( compress-xz compress-zstd )
+ savedconfig? ( !deduplicate )"
RESTRICT="binchecks strip test
unknown-license? ( bindist )"
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ RESTRICT="binchecks strip test
BDEPEND="initramfs? ( app-arch/cpio )
compress-xz? ( app-arch/xz-utils )
compress-zstd? ( app-arch/zstd )
- app-misc/rdfind"
+ deduplicate? ( app-misc/rdfind )"
#add anything else that collides to this
RDEPEND="!savedconfig? (
@@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ RDEPEND="!savedconfig? (
+PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-remove-rdfind-dep-and-use.patch" )
pkg_setup() {
if use compress-xz || use compress-zstd ; then
@@ -98,6 +100,7 @@ src_unpack() {
src_prepare() {
+ use deduplicate && export LINUX_FIRMWARE_DO_DEDUPE=1
find . -type f -not -perm 0644 -print0 \
diff --git a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/metadata.xml b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/metadata.xml
index 9b0f0b62ea04..ac0d48943ce9 100644
--- a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/metadata.xml
+++ b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/metadata.xml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
<flag name="compress-xz">Compress firmware using xz (<pkg>app-arch/xz-utils</pkg>) before installation</flag>
<flag name="compress-zstd">Compress firmware using zstd (<pkg>app-arch/zstd</pkg>) before installation</flag>
+ <flag name="deduplicate">Create symlinks for all firmware that is duplicate using rdfind</flag>
<flag name="initramfs">Create and install initramfs for early microcode loading in /boot (only AMD for now)</flag>
<flag name="redistributable">Install also non-free (but redistributable) firmware files</flag>
<flag name="savedconfig">Allows individual selection of firmware files</flag>