path: root/www-servers
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www-servers')
-rw-r--r--www-servers/Manifest.gzbin4698 -> 4701 bytes
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/www-servers/Manifest.gz b/www-servers/Manifest.gz
index 11b3c27c4f30..ebb63002b598 100644
--- a/www-servers/Manifest.gz
+++ b/www-servers/Manifest.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/www-servers/thin/Manifest b/www-servers/thin/Manifest
index a4935bb7d169..7f3490bbeddb 100644
--- a/www-servers/thin/Manifest
+++ b/www-servers/thin/Manifest
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ AUX thin.confd-2 1335 BLAKE2B c6821353bbf2dd35d7161394247c4c3d88237c94f976a693ef
AUX thin.initd-r4 1841 BLAKE2B 4cdf853cb536011d582c729d3c48d7335cd3fa508c5281139220d624c204fae1460d4d1c0252d42ff3d277eaaaedfe1259e895335fcf9c8b9134d3f288f2ba44 SHA512 08d06627bf61737837af40fc4253afbecf753e3c74edacb038e59e66b95ef6bb56d55065e7d02d393ba2df45b93c9882788debdd4965404a8088c0e52ec98c0a
DIST thin-1.8.1.tar.gz 181377 BLAKE2B 883a35d60d5845defa1f20a85b90269838a1b1ebeb4d4f32561af061cdac05b545c254fe65cca828ccfed033ad934ad3b72f1795407734d3b377a6022b57397f SHA512 221ef0c0369c449f2ca121c435ffebed318d6179a3b5d52e24d2bd80212df9cac35db39d156275c915c24550f6d8ded9f29616785d0a38e85cd13a1702e31298
DIST thin-1.8.2.tar.gz 181290 BLAKE2B 6c8d3be6dca6f9b9b549b863150de85efdd26700c27b28f1765e4d2212827d31f2aae9f586cfa485b62b3da3742c5205486c9c8fd5bd38ec32a2a896c5e0af93 SHA512 5f222b54a86156bc5c4b9623a225cd9a4e189f3d2744f8d11efc74e91167e201a554a191f19abb081a050a206f3b281bb7c627a3e72a5ba2b0a73e0e500dd0ed
-EBUILD thin-1.8.1-r2.ebuild 2696 BLAKE2B dd1c423708dd9bb07c4f10904963d8b24a52ee4ec25f26ebbc5ef3814584ada872641217ff85d740cf67e4ff24ec9ca68bc055b8cc8e01b2bb046f196e22501a SHA512 6ccee535a74e4a52a283d956a91528072e52f63ddd4783162c8401c95839df5e98efa063fd15ae1a6f8930411d3bc08151f5121957e43aee3c485f2a9e1bf7a6
EBUILD thin-1.8.1-r3.ebuild 2749 BLAKE2B 6502d97049631b6286a416d0068d74c6329e5156b5670d22c82c8fbc76eadaf72a27c0be5e67b4ed2c67e23d2b6a02d5bca1dd9a9e6691624b429d2debc3ff27 SHA512 66b937e191d57687e73c581fac199af5381aef8823fbf2f4165a0c285a3884ce943f2399f0127db95f712966a91cdc18dd4b19671d7389d49910f71d6b48b520
EBUILD thin-1.8.2.ebuild 2703 BLAKE2B a793c96e88d696c120e342b20bd21fd2d0a802c4e272ea70b8b2128633ccda32a79c1b7356d630ae0dc09788c0aac79fd8877f890a300cb930ac659d38df4a4d SHA512 bc40d49d4bd2b4cbe443b9012f1f163103482e8216ce26518b8c252a422e8834aa6b8b4eb68c631389367f4e81b67d3ddc670aed8e841b61feb8b1a8d06d6e9a
MISC metadata.xml 610 BLAKE2B 8b633db16d80bc055f9e599b176dda37a854c615fcbbd399bf09b9dc26c08d207a170487b429351370b4b7160b1c5a3ba3ed1e582b282d07e05870805866a9e6 SHA512 af5acf36ba40b97581f13ec3fbb6b5519a4be59f3649d665df884847f14fb925bbff2c1480ef5a4c7b771b302927eb8a10350c7cb54e1d0c3e27ce7c7a31041a
diff --git a/www-servers/thin/thin-1.8.1-r2.ebuild b/www-servers/thin/thin-1.8.1-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index e5383e716ea4..000000000000
--- a/www-servers/thin/thin-1.8.1-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-USE_RUBY="ruby27 ruby30 ruby31"
-inherit ruby-fakegem
-DESCRIPTION="A fast and very simple Ruby web server"
-SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc64 ~x86"
-IUSE="doc test"
- dev-util/ragel"
-# The runtime dependencies are used at build-time as well since the
-# Rakefile loads thin!
- >=dev-ruby/rack-1.0.0:* <dev-ruby/rack-3:*
- >=dev-ruby/eventmachine-1.0.4:0
- virtual/ruby-ssl"
-ruby_add_rdepend "${mydeps}"
-ruby_add_bdepend "${mydeps}
- dev-ruby/rake-compiler"
-all_ruby_prepare() {
- # Fix Ragel-based parser generation (uses a *very* old syntax that
- # is not supported in Gentoo)
- sed -i -e 's: | rlgen-cd::' Rakefile || die
- # Fix specs' dependencies so that the extension is not rebuilt
- # when running tests
- rm tasks/spec.rake || die
- # Fix rspec version to allow newer 2.x versions
- sed -i -e '/gem "rspec"/ s/1.2.9/3.0/ ; 2igem "rack", "<3"' spec/spec_helper.rb || die
- # Avoid CLEAN since it may not be available and we don't need it.
- sed -i -e '/CLEAN/ s:^:#:' tasks/*.rake || die
- # Disable a test that is known for freezing the testsuite,
- # reported upstream. In thin 1.5.1 this just fails.
- sed -i \
- -e '/should force kill process in pid file/,/^ end/ s:^:#:' \
- spec/daemonizing_spec.rb || die
- sed -i \
- -e '/tracing routines (with NO custom logger)/,/^ end/ s:^:#:'\
- spec/logging_spec.rb || die
- find spec/perf -name "*_spec.rb" -exec \
- sed -i '/be_faster_then/ i \ skip' {} \;
- sed -i -e "s/Spec::Runner/Rspec/" spec/spec_helper.rb || die
- # nasty but too complex to fix up for now :(
- use doc || rm tasks/rdoc.rake
-each_ruby_compile() {
- ${RUBY} -S rake compile || die "rake compile failed"
-all_ruby_install() {
- all_fakegem_install
- keepdir /etc/thin
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.initd-r4 ${PN}
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.confd-2 ${PN}
- einfo
- elog "Thin is now shipped with init scripts."
- elog "The default script (/etc/init.d/thin) will start all servers that have"
- elog "configuration files in /etc/thin/. You can symlink the init script to"
- elog "files of the format 'thin.SERVER' to be able to start individual servers."
- elog "See /etc/conf.d/thin for more configuration options."
- einfo
-each_ruby_install() {
- each_fakegem_install
- # Ensure that newer rubygems version see the extention as installed
- ruby_fakegem_extensions_installed