path: root/conf/intel/repo/kogaion-tight/
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <>2016-01-01 19:11:44 +0000
committerV3n3RiX <>2016-01-01 19:11:44 +0000
commit32d584a93ab25b57c834a6c16e21c8984f334841 (patch)
treec1fdeb4ac3579c9d2eabb5535bfe93da4ed91131 /conf/intel/repo/kogaion-tight/
parent53883c9ed024628a4ecf6af528b56ecbd7211fed (diff)
drop coreboot, drop entropy, drop entropy repos, add proper dracut
Diffstat (limited to 'conf/intel/repo/kogaion-tight/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/conf/intel/repo/kogaion-tight/ b/conf/intel/repo/kogaion-tight/
deleted file mode 100644
index b655687..0000000
--- a/conf/intel/repo/kogaion-tight/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-[ -z "$4" ] && echo "not enough parameters" && exit 1
-echo -e "
->> requirements for this branch:
- app-admin/eselect-python
- sys-devel/base-gcc:<latest>
->> Entropy post-upgrade migration script
->> Repository: "${REPO_ID}"
->> Root: "${ROOT}"
->> Old branch: "${OLD_BRANCH}"
->> New branch: "${NEW_BRANCH}"
->> - If you are upgrading from a previous branch (say, 4)
->> and you are a NetworkManager user, make sure to have
->> your users inside the "netdev" group.
->> - If you compile stuff manually, it is strongly
->> suggested to install "lafilefixer" and execute:
->> # lafilefixer --justfixit
-### CUT HERE ###
-fix_lib64_symlinks() {
- if [ -L ${ROOT}/lib64 ] ; then
- echo "removing /lib64 symlink and moving lib to lib64..."
- echo "dont hit ctrl-c until this is done"
- rm ${ROOT}/lib64
- # now that lib64 is gone, nothing will run without calling
- # directly. luckily the window of brokenness is almost non-existant
- /lib/ /bin/mv ${ROOT}/lib ${ROOT}/lib64
- # all better :)
- ldconfig
- ln -s lib64 ${ROOT}/lib
- echo "done! :-)"
- echo "fixed broken lib64/lib symlink in ${ROOT}"
- fi
- if [ -L ${ROOT}/usr/lib64 ] ; then
- rm ${ROOT}/usr/lib64
- mv ${ROOT}/usr/lib ${ROOT}/usr/lib64
- ln -s lib64 ${ROOT}/usr/lib
- echo "fixed broken lib64/lib symlink in ${ROOT}/usr"
- fi
- if [ -L ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib64 ] ; then
- rm ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib64
- mv ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib64
- ln -s lib64 ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib
- echo "fixed broken lib64/lib symlink in ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6"
- fi
-three_four_to_five() {
- local rc=0
- # switch Python to latest available, 2.7
- eselect python update --ignore 3.0 --ignore 3.1 --ignore 3.2 --ignore 3.3 --ignore 3.4
- [ "${?}" != "0" ] && echo "eselect-python not available" && rc=1
- # configure correct binutils
- # new profile needs to be configured
- binutils_dir="${ROOT}/etc/env.d/binutils"
- if [ -d "${binutils_dir}" ]; then
- binutils_profile=$(find "${binutils_dir}" -name "$(uname -m)*" | \
- sort | tail -n 1 | xargs basename)
- echo "trying to set binutils profile ${binutils_profile}"
- binutils-config ${binutils_profile}
- else
- echo "binutils directory ${binutils_dir} not found"
- echo "cannot properly set binutils profile"
- rc=1
- fi
- # set proper eselect esd engine
- if [ -f "${ROOT}/usr/bin/esdcompat" ]; then
- eselect esd list | grep PulseAudio | cut -d"[" -f 2 | \
- cut -d"]" -f 1 | xargs eselect esd set &> /dev/null
- fi
- # make sure working eselect boost is selected
- e_boost_mod="${ROOT}/usr/share/eselect/modules/boost.eselect"
- if [ -f "${e_boost_mod}" ]; then
- eselect boost update &> /dev/null
- fi
- # move alsa conf to new location
- [ -f "${ROOT}/etc/modprobe.d/alsa" ] && \
- mv "${ROOT}/etc/modprobe.d/alsa" "${ROOT}/etc/modprobe.d/alsa.conf"
- # try to mount /boot, ignore all the possible bullshit
- # [ "${ROOT}" = "/" ] && mount /boot &> /dev/null
- # setup grub.conf, if found
- [ -f "${ROOT}boot/grub/grub.conf" ] && \
- sed -i 's/CONSOLE=\/dev\/tty1/console=tty1/g' "${ROOT}/boot/grub/grub.conf"
- # setup grub.conf, if found, change nox into gentoo=nox
- [ -f "${ROOT}boot/grub/grub.conf" ] && \
- sed -i 's/ nox / gentoo=nox /g' "${ROOT}/boot/grub/grub.conf"
- # setup /etc/localtime correctly
- if [ -f "${ROOT}etc/timezone" ]; then
- tzdata=$(cat "${ROOT}etc/timezone")
- rm -f "${ROOT}etc/localtime" && ln -sf "/usr/share/zoneinfo/${tzdata}" "${ROOT}etc/localtime"
- fi
- # always add udev to sysinit
- rc-update add udev sysinit &> /dev/null
- exit ${rc}
-# run this in any case, it will fix symlinks setup
-if [ "$(uname -m)" = "x86_64" ]; then
- fix_lib64_symlinks
-# migration script from branch 4 to 5
-[ "${OLD_BRANCH}" = "4" ] && [ "${NEW_BRANCH}" = "5" ] && three_four_to_five
-# migration script from branch 3.5 to 5
-[ "${OLD_BRANCH}" = "3.5" ] && [ "${NEW_BRANCH}" = "5" ] && three_four_to_five
-echo "migration switch not found"
-exit 1