Age | Commit message (Expand) | Author |
2016-03-12 | [linux-kogaion] removed patch for config on kogaion kernel | BlackNoxis |
2016-03-12 | we need to call this in here, since we're patching configs | V3n3RiX |
2016-03-12 | patch our kernel configs with latest fixes | V3n3RiX |
2016-02-12 | Upgraded support in kernels for full versioning, with the exception of revisi... | BlackNoxis |
2015-10-04 | Revert "use full version in kernel" | V3n3RiX |
2015-10-04 | use full version in kernel | V3n3RiX |
2015-09-05 | fix firmware version | V3n3RiX |
2015-09-01 | [linux-kogaion] demascam noua versiune de kernel | BlackNoxis |
2015-08-31 | [linux-kogaion] remanifestat linux-kogaion 3.14.50. urmeaza sa il introduc in... | BlackNoxis |